Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 725: Before the product is released, the chan

() Xiao Zixia was a little uncertain about the intention of revealing the spy photos of the new Lotus machine in advance.

In the past, new Lotus machines were solemnly announced at the top of the conference, and in hindsight, the publicity effect was very good.

But why do you want to release spy photos in advance this year? Wouldn't it be unreasonable to weaken the momentum of the press conference?

So Wu Tao was blocked in the office by Xiao Zixia as soon as he returned from the hospital.

"Boss, isn't it a little ill-considered to do this?"

"Why do you say that?" Wu Tao raised his brows and glanced at Xiao Zixia.

When asked this way, Xiao Zixia couldn't help but startled. Could it be that there shouldn't be a mistake to stick to the old ways?

But the boss in front of him is the most adept at innovating, and I am afraid that I really owe it a lot of consideration on this matter.

So Xiao Zixia did not answer her boss's rhetorical question, but interrupted: "Wait, it's a bit messy, let me reason..."

As an MBA, Xiao Zixia is not stupid at all, and after so many years of experience under Wu Tao's hands, her head itself is much more versatile than ordinary people.

After thinking about it in this way, I gradually remembered, "Boss, is it taking advantage of the current wave of public opinion to warm up the new Lotus machine?"

Wu Tao nodded, "It's interesting, keep talking."

Xiao Zixia hit the railroad while it was hot: "If this is the case, when we release the spy photos, we will not mention a word about the new features and new highlights of the new Lotus machine, except for the appearance. In this way, public opinion will continue to be detrimental. Our direction is fermented. Waiting until the day of the press conference, and then solemnly announced, it will definitely push the popularity of the new Lotus machine to a new high!"

"Interstin!" Wu Tao said with his coffee leisurely, "Anything else?"

Xiao Zixia gushed: "I think we must not only publish spy photos on paper media, but also use the Internet to spread spy photos to stimulate this kind of public opinion to the greatest extent. The public opinion that will eventually be formed will be more one-sided, in the future. The reversal formed is stronger!"

"Anything else?" Wu Tao continued drinking coffee with interest.

"Also?" Xiao Zixia's face suddenly became bitter, "Boss, I really don't have any. No wonder Leng Ning fainted after the meeting. Under your leadership, the pressure is too great. Just a little bit of carelessness. Can't keep up with your thoughts."

Wu Tao put down the coffee cup and Shi Shiran said: "Okay, then I tell you, the real purpose of revealing the spy photos in advance is actually to open up channels for the international market."

"...As for how to open international channels, the method is the same as what you just said. The key point of the difference is that the Ericsson mobile phone must be pulled off the market!"

Xiao Zixia couldn't help but ask: "The situation of Ericsson mobile phones is quite unfavorable this year, what if they dare not take it?"

Wu Tao opened his hand and said, "As long as you are standing in the official perspective of Ericsson, you just have to drop the spy photos of the new Lotus machine and drive your hatred desperately. Even if Ericsson wants to clear it, you can't tell it. Isn't it?"

"Shall we direct and perform by ourselves?" Xiao Zixia said in amazement, "This routine is really new and bizarre, but if you think about it carefully, the feasibility is very high!"

It is precisely because most people can't think of it that such an unexpected effect can be achieved.

Once it is opposed to Ericsson mobile phones, it will naturally attract attention in the international market. At that time, in conjunction with the press conference, the influence of the new Lotus machine can be directly radiated to the international market through this matter.

Looking back, Xiao Zixia said in disbelief, "Boss, how did you come up with such a trick?"

In this regard, Wu Tao did not answer, but rather worried and authentic: "However, this tricky method will not have a strong effect on opening up channels. In this regard, we still have to think of other ways."

Opening up international markets and international channels is not an easy task in itself. The boss's ability to recognize this shows that he is still sane.

It's just that Xiao Zixia has no better way to do this, "Boss, it's okay, I'll go back to work first."

Wu Tao came back to his senses: "Wait, how are you preparing for the advertisement? Should you contact Ding Tiantian to shoot?"

"Yes, we signed her endorsement contract for three years. And just contacted, she will be back tomorrow, we work overtime, we should be able to catch up with the press conference after the precise release." Xiao Zixia explained.

"That's OK!" Wu Tao nodded, "There are two other things to follow up. First, as a spokesperson, put Ding Tiantian's endorsement photo as a standby picture on the Lotus phone; second, it will be available on the market. Some of the popular songs of China are compiled into polyphonic ringtones and burned into their mobile phones so that users can customize their mobile phone ringtones."

When Xiao Zixia's mind turned around, she understood Wu Tao's intentions, and even incorporated the needs of star chasing and popular elements into the new Lotus machine. In this way, after the public sale in the future, the new Lotus machine will have another group of target customers.

After sending Xiao Zixia away, Wu Tao didn't feel relieved.

In fact, before the launch of the new Lotus machine, the pace of opening up and developing international channels was not ideal.

At least for the time being, it is no different from before, at best it is a little trouble.

Therefore, opening up international channels is a long way to go, and we must continue to work hard to find a way.

Two days later, the release of spy photos of the new Lotus machine caused a new wave of heated discussions.

Many reports have compared the new Lotus machine with the new machines of the three major foreign companies, and made various irresponsible conjectures.

Among them, there are many positive comments on the new Lotus machine, but more people feel that the new Lotus machine is not so outstanding compared with the new machines of the three major foreign companies in terms of appearance design.

In other words, it did not meet people's expectations for the new Lotus machine.

After all, your new phone came out after a lot of calls, but it turned out to be a net red face, which is not to be disappointed.

This leads to the conclusion that Yuanqi Technology wants to acquire Ericsson mobile phones and this kind of thing is really wishful thinking.

While the paper media and Internet public opinion were overwhelmed by the new Lotus machine, Wu Tao was immersed in the problem of channel opening and had no clue.

Until the phone on the desk rang, and when I answered it, Pei Ying's voice said: "Boss, it is the director of the telecommunications company Cheng who wants to invite you to have a meal together at noon."

"Which Chief Cheng?" Wu Tao said without knowing it.

Pei Ying said: "Chief Cheng Li, formerly the head of the office."

"Oh, it's him!" Wu Tao's eyes suddenly lit up, "Okay, if you go back to him, just say I will pass."

After hanging up the phone, Wu Tao couldn't help being excited. With the return of Xiangjiang, the telecommunications company has opened up the business of Xiangjiang branch. If you can use this platform to launch new Lotus machines, it will undoubtedly be a way to open up international channels.

Because Xiangjiang, as an international financial port, is equivalent to a window for China Xia’s foreign exchanges. If the Lotus mobile phone can be welcomed there, it will be greatly beneficial to the subsequent opening of international channels.