Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 730: Back to the consortium to enjoy the cool

The dinner with Rena Fujiwara has been more than once or twice, so when Wu Tao went to the appointment, his mentality was ordinary. .

   It's just that I haven't seen this strong woman from the consortium that I cultivated for a while, and I really miss it when I think about it.

Entering the Japanese food specialty store hidden in the high-end commercial building at Xinjiekou, the Dongying hostess in kimono ran forward with small steps. Hearing that Wu Tao was looking for Fujiwara from the Mitsui Consortium, her attitude immediately became disagreeable. It's the same.

   Under the respectful guidance of the young waitress, Wu Tao strode to a spacious private room.

   Knocked on the sliding door politely, Wu Tao raised his eyes and saw, oh, there were three men besides Fujiwara Rena and Alyssa.

   But these three men are not others, it is Fujiwara Goro, Ito Hirogen and Mitsui Masao whom Wu Tao has met several times.

   These are the three most important senior directors on the board of directors of the consortium. Why are they here?

   In Wu Tao's "confusion" room, the three men in the private room all followed behind Fujiwara Rena and Alyssa, and stood up straight, in a respectful gesture of welcoming Wu Tao to enter the door.

   Could it be something big?

  While Wu Tao raised his foot to enter the door, he glanced at Rena Fujiwara deeply.

   This shrewd woman, now more and more wise, her well-dressed pretty face can't see any anxiety or embarrassment.

   Looking at the look of the three consortium directors bowing their heads to their ears, Wu Tao's heart moved and he understood.

Sure enough, the next moment, Fujiwara Rena’s introduction confirmed his guess, “Wu Sang, in view of the great help you provided to the Mitsui Consortium during the Asian financial turmoil in the past, Rena specifically led the three directors and representatives to express the most solemnity to you. Thanks!"

   After finishing speaking, there were five people in the opposite party, kneeling all together, with their foreheads on the ground: Thanks a lot, Wu Sang!

   The courtesy is a bit big.

   But for the Mitsui Consortium, this polite gift is really nothing compared to the losses that the entire consortium avoided during this financial turmoil.

   Wu Tao hurriedly stretched out his hand and raised it falsely: "Please don't give me the gift! Miss Fujiwara and I are very good friends. We have a solid foundation for cooperation. This little effort is actually nothing."

Masao Mitsui took the remarks with a sigh of authenticity: "The reason why the Mitsui Consortium was able to survive the Asian financial crisis and avoid losses is due to the wise leadership of Chairman Fujiwara; on the other hand, it benefits from Wu Sang. Selfless advice!"

   Ito Hiromoto and Fujiwara Goro nodded again and again: "Hayihai!"

   In the compliments of the three director representatives, Rena Fujiwara always stared at Wu Tao with a smile.

   Wu Tao understands that for this Dongying lady, thanking myself for this meal today is second, and the more important purpose is to tell myself that after the test of this financial crisis, she has now gained a firm foothold in the Mitsui Consortium.

   No wonder Fujiwara Rena looked triumphant when he entered the door, and even followed Alyssa with high spirits.

   This is undoubtedly a good thing for myself. Backed by such a large consortium, the development path of my own company will only get wider and wider.

   So, the three director representatives praised Wu Tao for a while, and Wu Tao praised Fujiwara Rena for a while.

   Until the praise everyone is a little full, Fujiwara Rena gave a look, and the three consortium directors got up and left wittily.

   Finally, Wu Tao, Fujiwara Rena and Alyssa were left in the private room.

   Fujiwara Rena's serious and unsmiling expression finally relaxed, and replaced it with a relaxed and comfortable voice: "Oh Sang, Rena is in your heart, is it really as good as what you just said?"

   The eyes of this woman are really ecstatic, the power of the hands is greater, and the charm seems to have increased a lot.

   No wonder some people like to conquer strong women.

   Wu Tao said lightly: "At least you are very obedient, know how to advance and retreat, and luck is also good, so it's okay!"

  Although Wu Tao's tone was a bit condescending, Rena Fujiwara was still full of joy after hearing it, and even drank all the sake.

   You need to be happy in life.

   At this time, Wu Tao will naturally not stop it.

   But before she gets drunk, we have to talk about business first. After all, this market opportunity is fleeting and cannot be delayed.

   As a result, Rena Fujiwara heard it and said, "This matter, Wu Sang, just tell Alyssa. I can ask her for the affairs of Mitsukoshi Department Store and the agency of lotus mobile phone Toyo."

   This woman is really swollen.

   Fortunately, Alyssa was very responsible and talked about a lot of details with Wu Tao. It seemed very reassuring, but Wu Tao didn't say much.

   When I finished talking about the details of cooperation with Alyssa here, Rena Fujiwara was already overwhelmed with alcohol and was drunk.

   This woman... Wu Tao looked at the boundless look of Fujiwara Rena's drunk spring, and shook his head secretly.

Alyssa hurriedly helped her guild leader maintain his dignity. Seeing Wu Tao's disgusting eyes with the guild leader, she quietly explained: "In fact, the guild leader will not be so ghoulish in front of other people. It is really this. For a while, she was so stressed that she even had to rely on "medicine" to force her to sleep."

   It's not easy for anyone.

   When the chairman of the Mitsui Consortium, it looks glamorous, and Rena Fujiwara’s efforts are not less than others.

   It hurts to think about it.

Seeing Alyssa struggling to lift up Fujiwara Rena’s delicate body, Wu Tao simply walked over and said: "Leave it to Alyssa nodded and thanked, Wu Tao gave Fujiwara Rena a hug. It's really a bit heavier before taking advantage of it.

   It seems that in this plump body, there is indeed a lot of material.

   Sending the master and servant of Rena Fujiwara back to the hotel, Wu Tao left without stopping.

   Alyssa looked at the sleeping guildmaster, feeling a little bitter in her heart. No wonder the president insisted on coming to Jinling for a long vacation after going through the crisis.

   After all, one of the holy places suitable for vacation, there are too many excellent places in Jinling.

   It turned out that only in front of Wu Sang, the president can truly relax and get a complete rest.

   The next day, the radiant Fujiwara Rena brought the uneven Alyssa and her own capable team to visit Yuanqi Technology.

   The two parties signed an agency agreement for lotus mobile phones and a cooperation agreement for lotus mobile phones to enter the Mitsukoshi Department Store counter.

   Mitsukoshi Department Store is a high-end luxury department store chain under the name of the Mitsui Consortium. The stores cover the mainland of Dongying, as well as all parts of Southeast Asia, and even have branches in the sea.

   Because the big guys from both sides attended the signing ceremony in person, this matter caused quite a stir in the industry.

   Even so, the weight of the two agreements is not too serious for the chairman to take the initiative in person. Therefore, after signing the agreement, the two parties discussed the progress of cooperation in the fab and formed a preliminary agreement framework for subsequent cooperation.

   At the same time that Wu Tao took the Dongying market, Xiao Zixia, who went to the United States, also received good news. He successfully signed the cooperation memo of att, which opened the way for lotus' new machine to enter the American market.