Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 736: A new era is coming

For China Land, 1998 is a year destined to be recorded in the annals of history.

The once-in-a-hundred-year flood, before the whole nation's flood-fighting and disaster relief operations, successfully turned the danger to a breeze.

As for the international situation, the smooth passing of the financial crisis not only demonstrated the strength and will of the country, but also took the first step towards full opening up!

A new era is coming!

And Wu Tao's companies began to radiate to the capital economic circle or the China Overseas Economic Circle, which is actually the inevitable result of conforming to this trend.

On August 22, a group of convoys set off from Beijiang, via the expressway in the province, to the Beijing-Shanghai Expressway all the way north, and headed straight for the capital.

Originally, I went to Tsinghua University to report, but for Wu Tao, it was just a common occurrence.

But after the adult's tossing like this, it was so grandiose.

Wu Tao and An Rong were both admitted by Tsinghua University, and the report naturally wanted to go together.

As for Wu Binghua and Zhang Huilan, they finally followed their son to get back to life. They could go to the capital to see the elegance of domestic institutions of higher learning. Naturally, they would not miss this opportunity.

If it wasn't for the old man's body not suitable for long journeys, I'm afraid even he would have to come with him.

On An Rong's side, Gu Jin naturally wanted to follow to the school. But An Dingguo, as the leader of Beijiang, couldn't get away temporarily. As a result, Gu Jin froze and dragged her brother Gu Fei with him.

Coupled with Zhao Li's family who went to the Central Academy of Fine Arts to report at the same time, as well as so many luggage and belongings brought by the three people when they entered school, Wu Tao's motorcade almost couldn't fit.

Unfortunately, Gu Fei drove a Big Ben by himself and joined the team, which was barely enough.

Song Zhuang and Song Guanghui are all old comrades for the entire distance of more than a thousand kilometers.

Along the way, the three parents got together, and the eastern parent, Li's family, always had endless topics to talk about.

In this way, Wu Tao, An Rong, and Zhao Li have the opportunity to get together, sit on the Rolls Royce together, and drag Gu Fei, who has come by forcibly, to play two decks of cards to upgrade the game.

It's just that Gu Fei's mind is not on the card.

Even if Jin didn't pull him over by this review, he would try to get in forcibly.

Because he had just left Wu Tao and only flew solo for a year, his assets have shrunk by more than half. Had it not been for the stock of Yuankang Shuiyin, it would be possible to return to the pre-liberation period after losing overnight.

"Tao, I heard that your investment company has not only made no losses in the Xiangjiang market this time, but also made a lot of money?"

Before Wu Tao could respond, An Rong couldn't stand it anymore. "Uncle, if you don't fight, you can go to another car if you don't fight..."

"Hey, you girl, my uncle, have I hurt you for so many years?" Gu Fei made a one-on-two, heartbroken.

Zhao Li helped the flat mirror on the bridge of her nose, and said, as always, "It's mainly called Tao, which is a bit disgusting."

"That's it!" An Rong couldn't wait to agree.

Gu Fei's eyes widened, and he said awe-inspiringly: "If you don't call it that way, how can we reflect the strong friendship between our brothers?"

Seeing Gu Fei so raw to keep up with him, Wu Tao didn't want to be too far away from others. After all, he was An Rong's brother-in-law, not an outsider.

"Brother Fei, Apocalypse Investment did make some money this time. So if you don’t have a particularly good investment channel for the assets under your name, I suggest you leave it to Mr. Qin to take care of it. The income will definitely be more than yours. A stick is good."

"Haha!" Gu Fei slapped his thigh and said, "I'm just waiting for your words! But the relationship between our brothers, isn't it profitable?"

Seeing her little uncle's cheap bargaining look, An Rong looked disgusted.

However, Zhao Li's eyes lit up, as if inspiration flashed.

Wu Tao pondered for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay, I am the master of this matter and agreed to it!"

The convoy stayed in the high-speed service area for half an hour, and everyone ate some food they had brought from their homes and set off on the road again.

It was not until three o'clock in the afternoon that the convoy arrived at North Street in Zhongguancun.

Seeing Tsinghua University is watching, the team has stalled. After watching for half an hour, he didn't move much.

Sure enough, it is a big city, and even the wealthy get together like this.

The three parents simply got out of the car and walked all the way with interest.

Reluctantly, Wu Tao and the others had to get out of the car, lightly and simply took the admission notice, and walked over to report.

The hot air from outside the car rushed forward. Although it had already entered the autumn, the autumn tiger was still raging fiercely.

But this did not affect Wu Binghua's hurried back-hands.

After walking a few steps along the North Street, seeing the Northwest Gate watching from a distance, the admission notice said that the freshman reception desk of the School of Economics and Management was actually in the Economic Management Building near the South Gate.

Some ran away now.

However, compared to the students from other cities who are carrying luggage on the road, Wu Tao and these people are already very happy.

Walking along the northwest gate into the Tsinghua campus, An Rong and Zhao Li beside Wu Tao immediately attracted the attention of many pedestrians.

In fact, this is no wonder.

An Rong, who has experienced a month of work baptism, now has a stronger aura, adding a bit of a goddess.

Coupled with the original outstanding temperament, coupled with the appropriate outfit, it is extraordinarily radiant and eye-catching.

As for Zhao Li, she has a completely different style, plain glasses, exaggerated chest curve, small eyes with flowing eyes, and casual and casual dressing. Walking on the road, she is a walking goblin.

What is the difference between these two beauties when they enter the Tsinghua Park, where the quality of girls is not high, and follow up in the livestock pen?

But for these eyes, An Rong has long been used to it.

On the contrary, Zhao Li was relished by people around him: “People never thought that one day they would be noticed by so many Tsinghua students.”

An Rong smiled and but Wu Tao said in an angry manner: "Student Lili, as a special enrollment student of the Central Academy of Fine Arts and the leading cartoonist in China, can we be a little reserved?"

Zhao Li thought for two seconds, then shook her head firmly, "No! They are all the pride of heaven, and the future pillars."

In this regard, Wu Tao can only give up treatment.

As a green leaf next to two flowers, walking on the Tsinghua campus is destined to be ignored.

For this, Wu Tao had long been mentally prepared.

But I didn't expect that when the three people just walked to the side of the central main building, there was a man with glasses blatantly coming over to dig the foot of the wall!

I have long heard that Tsinghua has a large number of livestock, but I have never heard of Tsinghua’s livestock being so hungry and thirsty! It's too much.

Without waiting for An Rong's answer, Wu Tao stepped forward and decisively took An Rong's incense shoulders and said: "Sorry, the famous flower is in charge!"

The man with glasses looked at Wu Tao without any shame, and left without losing his grace. Before leaving, there was a little confusion in his eyes, and even a bit unwilling.

An Rong couldn't see through, but Zhao Li was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, and said: "Haha, that guy must have treated you like cow dung!"

Wu Tao simply ignored her, put An Rong in his arms without letting go, and went all the way to the check-in desk in front of the Jingguan Building.

The check-in area was originally crowded with many people, and it was a hustle and bustle of chaos.

But as soon as An Rong and Zhao Li appeared, they were cleared immediately before the check-in office. The students from all over the world who had been huddled together spontaneously stepped out of the formation so that the two girls could drive straight in.

After An Rong and Zhao Li walked in, the surroundings quickly closed, as if they had never changed.

As for Wu Tao, who had been holding An Rong, the crowd who had been besieged up for a long time squeezed out of the circle, holding up the admission notice and no one cared about it!

Oh my god, it's crazy!