Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 739: This time it’s a bit big

() The auditorium with red brick and white corridor is one of the four early buildings of Tsinghua University.

Wu Tao and his party came to the school and found that the entrance ceremony of the 98th freshman was actually held here.

The lawn at the entrance of the auditorium, extending to the gate of the second school, was already bustling with parents.

Obviously, during this welcome ceremony, parents can't get in and can only wait outside.

Wu Tao and An Rong, as freshmen, walked directly into the auditorium with their new badges. And Zhao Li, who did not have a badge, took Ding Tiantian and smiled at the college student guarding the gate. Taking advantage of the other's dazed effort, she swaggered in.

The auditorium was bustling with excitement and inexplicable faces.

After all, being able to enter this top university in China Mainland means that many years of long-cherished wish have been tasted.

To be happy in life is probably a portrayal of their arbitrary mood at the moment.

But it didn't take long for everyone to laugh.

As the seats on the rostrum began to take place one after another, the freshmen under the stage obviously felt a sudden pressure coming.

The principals and high-ranking party officials are naturally coming, but what is even worse is that some of the faces that have been seen on TV are actually appearing here.

For example, the mayor of the capital, a minister of the Ministry of Education, and even in the end a deputy prime minister in charge of education, science, culture and health came directly.

This is a bit big to play.

It's just a mere entrance ceremony, why is it such a big battle?

A strong sense of pride sprouts on the suppressed excited faces of the freshmen in the audience.

Thanks to years of hard work and unremitting efforts, I finally entered such a highly valued and watched top university.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to change to another school and have an entrance ceremony of such a high standard?

While the other freshmen were excited, the pressure on Wu Tao's shoulders suddenly increased.

An Rong whispered with an annoyed look: "I asked you to prepare your speech, what should I do now?"

On the side, Zhao Li gloated unabashedly: "Let him improvise. If the mayor of the capital and the *** **** are snatched away, let's see how he is still in Tsinghua? "

This big breasted fairy, gloating, is always so strange.

On the contrary, Ding Tiantian has always been calm as before, looking at Wu Tao's beautiful eyes gleaming with a stronger confidence than herself.

Lin Xue, who was in charge of coordinating in the background, walked off the rostrum and scanned Wu Tao's place at a glance.

There is no way, the treatment surrounded by three beauties, in the entire auditorium, there is no second such beautiful scenery.

Seeing Lin Xuexing walked over and waved at him, Wu Tao got up early and greeted him.

As soon as the two met, Lin Xuexing stretched out his hand and said, "Whether your speech draft is entered into the computer in advance. You can read it later in case you forget the words."

In fact, Lin Xuexing wanted to take this opportunity to teach some skills in advance, such as the control of the time of the speech, the streamlining and tailoring of the speech manuscript, just to sell it well.

As a result, there was no chance!

Wu Tao noticed that there was indeed a black IBM computer on the stage. At that time, he only considered Tsinghua University to be rich and powerful, and could be worthy of a computer anywhere.

Now that I think about it, I realize that it is so useful.

However, Wu Tao said, "I'm sorry, Senior Lin, I haven't prepared a speech."

Lin Xuexing looked at him like a monster for three full seconds, and said in a difficult tone: "Are you going to improvise?"

Wu Tao nodded, "Almost."

"Remember, you only have ten minutes. In this time, think about what you want to talk about and straighten out the relationship. The most important thing is that in the final time, you must retract the topic of your speech as soon as possible!"

Lin Xuexing still taught some skills.

But such a simple explanation is too utterly insignificant, and the space is full.

The content involved is really a test of a person's eloquence, literary literacy, and adaptability.

It can be said that people who do not have a certain foundation basically listen to it for nothing.

Lin Xuexing also couldn't care about whether it was useful or not. Anyway, if he confessed to him as much as possible, it was considered to be doing his part.

Lin Xuexing, who returned to the conference affairs group, said to himself with a dazed expression: "I have a hunch that today's orientation party will either become the biggest laughing stock or the most influential one."

The student secretary next to him was baffled: "Senior, what do you mean? What happened?"

Lin Xuexing shook his head, "It's nothing, I have tried my best."

Soon, the welcome meeting officially began, and the president of Tsinghua University Wang Dazhong presided over the meeting.

As a representative of the academy, today's Wang Dazhong, even though he has taken care of it carefully, still reveals the eclectic style of the old scholarship.

The gray and white hair, casually thrown to one side, just illustrates this point.

At the beginning of the meeting, Wang Dazhong solemnly introduced the guests sitting on the rostrum.

With the introduction of each guest, the applause from the bottom was wave after wave, with excitement and enthusiasm that is proud of Qinghua.

Immediately after the head of the State Council delivered a speech in person, he is the biggest one here, and he can only be taught to do such an honorable job.

However, the leader read the speech with the manuscript, every word, very serious.

After all, there are so many proud people in the audience, it is inevitable that there will be pressure if you are any person.

The speech ended smoothly, skipping a certain minister of the Ministry of Education and the mayor of the capital. Wang Dazhong acted as the chairperson and spoke in person, introducing the history of Tsinghua University to the freshmen of this year and at the same time reporting their enrollment status. .

Finally, I ended my speech with a solemn word of encouragement, "I hope that everyone here will be proud of Tsinghua University today! And four years later, Tsinghua University will be even more proud of you!"

The applause sounded, and it lasted for a long time. This sentence is really too inciting.

Immediately afterwards, enter the speech session of the student representative.

Wu Tao clenched his fist and stepped onto the stage unhurriedly. Immediately below, a freshman from the School of Economics and Management recognized him.

These future classmates both admire Wu Tao and can't help implying a hint of fortune.

After all, this scene today is a bit too grand, and speaking on stage is not easy at all.

However, for students outside the School of Economics and Management, there is not so much emotion towards Wu Tao. They only have one thought at the moment, in front of so many I hope this guy will not embarrass himself, it is better than anything else.

Wu Tao stepped onto the rostrum, first nodded to Wang Dazhong, and then stood on the speaking stage. He looked around the entire auditorium and began to speak as if it were commonplace.

"The last words of encouragement from President Wang just now made my heart surging, and I couldn't calm down for a long time. Today I will be proud of Tsinghua University, and Tsinghua University will be proud of me tomorrow!"

"...I believe that everyone, like me, has already experienced the benefits of the first half sentence, bathed in the blessings of hometown fathers and elders, and reaped the envy and admiration of the friends, etc., all of which are built on the aura of Tsinghua University. . But what I want to say today is not these, but the next sentence: Tomorrow Tsinghua University will be proud of me!"

"... Maybe someone would think, what's the point of this sentence? Study hard and be aggressive! However, I don't think these are enough. According to an incomplete statistics, more than 70% of Tsinghua University's previous undergraduate graduates After completing the country, about 20% went to graduate school, and the remaining 10% went to society to contribute to the country’s construction."

"...So sadly, among the previous seniors, there are only a handful of people who have achieved'Tomorrow Tsinghua will be proud of me', very few..."