Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 750: Enlightenment from Berkshire

After standing up, Wu Tao suddenly found that his heart was not tired, and his mind was clear.

Even Molly's seductive look appeared in her mind from time to time, and she was able to stay upright.

So simply turn on the computer, log in to Shuimu Tsinghua University, and see if you can have an encounter with An Rong online.

As a result, I sent an internal letter to An Rong, but I waited for a long time but didn't wait for a reply.

It seems that it is impossible to have a chance encounter today, but suddenly I want to see An Rong's appearance, that pretty appearance happily in military training clothes.

At least it was much more harmonious than always thinking of Molly, Ivanka, or even the Paris sisters.

Always big breasts, unrestrained and so on, and soon get tired of it, and no one can stand it.

As a result, when he thought he couldn't see An Rong's photos today, and planned to quit S, he was suddenly attracted by S Top Ten.

Because these top ten are so strange today, they are actually the original post and repost of the same post: besides the nickname, I found the most beautiful goddess since the establishment of Tsinghua University!

This is the title party. Wu Tao, who has long been accustomed to various online eye-catching title routines for later generations, is very disapproving of this.

However, the top ten posts are all reposts of the same post, which has never happened since the establishment of Tsinghua S.

Oops, how beautiful this is!

With this curiosity, Wu Tao clicked on the post. In the next second, he was stunned immediately.

Isn't this a picture of An Rong? Who secretly photographed it? And more than one!

This is obviously planned for a long time, **** it, it is too damn!

Suddenly, Wu Tao suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis. At the orientation meeting, An Rong should be announced publicly as his girlfriend.

Although a bit out of the ordinary, it's better than the sense of crisis everywhere.

With a sudden change in his mind, Wu Tao suddenly felt that participating in military training was not too difficult. At least you can share the joys and sorrows with An Rong, and by the way, show off your love or something, so that the group of animals who plan to dig a wall with a **** will completely give up.

Realizing this, Wu Tao almost wished to put on his wings now and fly back to Tsinghua University.

So I didn't sleep soundly until I was resting at noon, Capital Time, and I made a phone call with An Rong, and then I fell into a deep sleep.

Waking up early in the morning, it was three poles in the sun.

When Wu Tao came downstairs, she yelled Wu Yingying and wanted her to arrange a flight ticket to go back.

As a result, Qin Xiaoxiao and Wu Yingying were both absent, and she shouted for a long time for nothing, but was heard by Molly who had just arrived by appointment.

"While leaving in such a hurry, it seems that the people who plan to even BlackBerry and Treo are gone?"

"The people from BlackBerry and Treo, have you made an appointment?" Wu Tao couldn't wait to follow up when he heard it. The unexpected and eager mood even directly ignored Molly's very casual dress at the moment.

More and more presumptuous.

Wrapped in a shirt, I came here, my chest exposed a lot, not to mention, and the edges and corners were sharp, and I didn't wear it at first sight.

As for the bottom, it was completely covered by the hem of the shirt, and if you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't be able to see the clothes.

Seeing that she still had little effect in this way, Molly couldn't help but exclaimed: "Of course, you helped me so much last night. What I promised you will definitely do my best."

"Thank you so much!" Wu Tao said this from the heart.

Molly was even more annoyed, and she threw the information she had brought in Wu Tao's hand and went out.

Wu Tao glanced at the information in hand, Berkshire!

It wasn't even BlackBerry and Treo's information, so he hurriedly asked, "When will I meet with them?"

"Wait for my news!" Molly dropped these words and left without looking back.

This must be angry.

Even if he ignores the other person's feelings, he can still feel it at this moment.

Looking back at the information in hand, I suddenly felt that the name Berkshire was familiar.

So I couldn’t wait to look through it and found that this company turned out to be the one that Warren Buffett founded from scratch.

Since its establishment 56 years ago, it has accumulated countless wealth, with hundreds of wholly-owned subsidiaries.

The assets of such a giant are so huge that it is heinous.

In contrast, Tianqi Investment's current asset allocation structure and investment return model are too single and too weak.

It's simply incomparable.

But Molly solemnly gave such a thick material to herself, it seemed that she was really worthy of herself.

That being the case, for the sake of this matter, the willful behavior that just slammed the door away, I don't care about you.

Opening the thick document, Wu Tao became very interested in everything about Berkshire. After reading it silently from front to back, I suddenly realized something in my heart.

For Tianqi Investment, it is necessary to rely on his own ‘learned and knowledgeable’ to conduct opportunistic venture capital and quickly complete the primitive accumulation of capital.

However, when an investment company has grown to its current scale, it should also consider stabilizing and improving its asset allocation plan to ensure the safety of most of its capital.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao does what he says. Immediately, a phone call came to Tianqi Investment branch, and Wu Yingying answered the call in person.

"Boss, what's the matter?"

"What is the current asset allocation of Tianqi Investment Overseas Department? What are the asset ratios on the stock market?" Wu Tao asked straightforwardly.

"Why do you care about this suddenly?" Wu Yingying was a little confused, but these contents are very confidential. Naturally, she would not easily say on the phone or send it by fax, "If you are particularly anxious to read it, I will give it to you right away. send over."

Regarding Wu Yingying's caution, Wu Tao secretly approved, "Oh, then, you can bring it back at night."

Since he would not be able to understand the asset allocation situation of Tianqi Investment's overseas branches for a while, Wu Tao simply referred to Berkshire's allocation structure and asset ratio and applied it to Tianqi Investment.

From this, he came up with a two-point list.

One is the next step that Tianqi Investment must carry out to achieve the goal of diversified asset allocation.

The other is a list of holding intentions for stock assets, in which he elected many blue-chip stocks that had a deep impression in his mind.

After all this, I felt a little groaning in my stomach.

Went into the and made a sandwich and swallowed it in two bites. While eating, he flipped through Berkshire's materials with love.

In that way, I am afraid of missing any details and enlightenment.

Three people, there must be my teacher Yan. What's more, the ace company that the stock **** has controlled for many years is an important vane for the entire Wall Street.

Know yourself and the enemy, and a hundred battles will never end. Only by thoroughly comprehending the other party's routines and supplemented by one's own unique means can it truly be possible to surpass.

In this matter, since Molly had hoped of herself, don't let her down.

Work hard, and wait until one day, give her a surprise, or a scare...


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