Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 754: The Internet must ultimately be people-o

Wu Tao has read a lot of such materials recently, and he is even a little tired of aesthetics.

After all, in the complicated entrepreneurial intentions, there are not many truly valuable ideas. Most of them are old wine in new bottles, which is nothing more than cheating investment in the name of the Internet.

From this perspective, the media advocating that the Internet industry has become a bubble is not groundless.

But since Qiu Xiaotian had brought this information, he would at least take a look, or he would have an explanation when he asked about it in the future.

It's just that it doesn't matter if he looks at it, it really made him discover a bright idea.

Web log project-ebLog.

At first glance, this project sounds like there is nothing surprising about writing logs on the Internet.

But Wu Tao saw that the last four letters of it are connected together as blog, blog.

A network communication method that will be very popular in the next few years is the fourth popular trend after MSN, S and ICQ.

The popularity was once extremely high, even surpassing the limelight of instant messaging such as MSN, ICQ and QQ, and gradually replacing the original form of communication like S.

And more importantly, the technology behind this blog is actually the same as Wu Tao's social methods on the school network that Wu Tao has been trying to figure out these days.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao suddenly slapped his thigh and stood up.

Qin Xiaoxiao was cooking dinner in the kitchen, while Wu Yingying was fighting next to him.

So Wu Tao took the letter of intent directly to the restaurant, beckoned to call out the two of them: "This intention, why did you drop the ASS?"

"Oh, this." Wu Yingying frowned and recalled: "The web log sounds like a function only used by professional programmers. I feel that the audience is not wide enough, so the potential should be very limited."

Wu Tao asked: "If the other party can provide a form of editing that allows ordinary people to write their own web pages and content like professional programmers, and then publish them, then the audience will have no problems."

"But the web log sounds like a private diary. Who would want to publish the contents of the diary publicly? I'm afraid that not many people will use this function..." Wu Yingying's thinking is still stuck in the corner and can't get out.

But Qin Xiaoxiao next to him thought: "Boss, what do you mean is that once this kind of web log is not limited to professional programmers, ordinary people can use it to write what they like on it, not limited to diaries, but also possible It’s a record of life, work, and study, and even some technology sharing, isn’t it?"

At last there is an opening.

Wu Tao quite applauded: "Yes, the richer the content covered in this kind of blog, the more valuable its social attributes. So in the future, it can even support the editing and publishing of photos, music, and even videos. The role of blog will be more extensive, and even become an important part of social media network!"

"...And this form can be used as a supplement to traditional search engines and become part of the network sharing platform!"

The three of them discussed this way, and their thinking suddenly became clear.

So Wu Tao connected his own ideas about the school intranet to the blog in front of him, and the framework of a new Internet social networking site stood up vividly and vividly.

As a result, the three people became more and more engaged in the discussion, until a strong burnt smell came from the kitchen, and then they came back to their senses.

"Oops, my braised pork..."

In the end, the three of them lost a lot of food for dinner, leaving only a few pieces of surviving braised pork.

However, after intense discussions and sparks, the entrepreneurial ideas for the school intranet and blog sites became richer and more three-dimensional.

After dinner, Wu Tao decisively called Qiu Xiaotian and asked him to bring Jon Bagel, who proposed the eblog idea, to the company tomorrow to meet him.

In this regard, Qiu Xiaotian is also particularly excited.

At least it shows that his recommendation is quite valued by Wu Tao.

The next morning, when Wu Tao and Qin Xiaoxiao were going out, they happened to see Molly coming back from outside exhaustedly.

He seemed listless even to say hello.

Saying goodbye to Molly, everyone drove straight to the Los Angeles branch invested by Tianqi.

After leaving the gate of the villa, Wu Yingying guessed and said: "It looks like Molly has been in the nightclub HI all night again..."

"How do you know?" Qin Xiaoxiao didn't see it.

"The nightclub scent of that person can be smelled far away."

Wu Tao didn't say a word, but he wondered, a woman who can spend a whole night in a nightclub really can't afford it, can't afford it.

The Los Angeles branch invested by Tianqi is hidden in the CD area of ​​the steel jungle in Los Angeles.

The company is small, with more than 30 employees, 80% of them are foreigners, and the rest are Chinese and Chinese trainees.

Although Wu Tao came here for the first time, she did not let Wu Yingying reveal her identity.

Anyway, I'm just here to talk about things, there is no need to be so fanciful and too high-profile.

And now, he doesn't need to look for presence in this way.

At ten o'clock exactly, Qiu Xiaotian arrived with a brown-haired man of medium build as scheduled.

The two parties were introduced to meet, and Qiu Xiaotian hid at the front desk to tease the blonde Yangma. As for whether the people he brought could pass Wu Tao's level, he didn't care at all.

Business reception room.

Wu Tao really doesn't dare to compliment the image of Jon Bagel.

Although as a programmer or IT person, you are not the kind of person who pays special attention to image, but you have a big beard and a medium body, and you wear this hat. You don't know which cave you thought it was a primitive man who ran out of it. .

The big beard on his face is really irritating. Even a cup of coffee will inevitably get on the beard, and it won't be wiped clean.

Wu Tao is still like this, let alone Qin Xiaoxiao and Wu Yingying's dislike of this guy.

But the three people just exchanged glances, and no one showed it.

When the topic focused on Jon's eblog, Wu Tao found that this guy was dancing and talking about it all about the content "Robotisdom" promoted on his eblog, which is the topic of intelligent robots.

Instead, he is not focused on eblog itself and the technical implementation behind it.

Going back, Wu Tao turned over the project book that this guy handed over. The focus was indeed on promoting his own eblog, rather than building an eblog platform, promoting and developing it.

It seems that the wrong person was found this time.

Let this guy talk for half an Tao decisively ended the interview.

But now that eblog technology has emerged, it means that blogs and school intranets, a human-oriented Internet technology trend, have already taken shape.

Otherwise, Google, the rising star of the search engine, will not come from behind to surpass the search engines of so many portals, and eventually become the leader in the Internet industry.

After sending Jon away, Wu Yingying turned around and asked, "Boss, what do you do now? Do you want to openly recruit talents in this area and form your own team to do it?"

Wu Tao waved his hand and said, "Don't make a big fuss about this matter for the time being. I will talk to Mr. Yang from Yahoo first."


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