Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 760: Open source is the long-term development

Lots of people are easy to handle.

Since Yang Ge and Leng Ning brought the team over, the myriad things in Los Angeles have been sorted out.

The next morning, under the leadership of Molly, Wu Tao led a few people from Leng Ning's team to Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.

The company visited as scheduled and the negotiation was held as scheduled.

It's just that the results are somewhat different from what we imagined, and the talks were not ideal.

Wu Tao did not expect that even though the BlackBerry company now has the BlackBerry OS, it has not yet been specifically applied to mobile phones.

In other words, the BlackBerry smartphone that supports push email, mobile phone, text messaging, Internet fax, and web browsing has not yet come out.

Looking at the staring eyes of the BlackBerry executives at the time, Wu Tao knew that they had plans.

But I came here as a mobile phone manufacturer and proposed a license for the BlackBerry OS, and it was strange that the result could be ideal.

The attitude of BlackBerry's senior executives is obvious. They want to use BlackBerry OS as a unique advantage of their own smartphones and cherish them.

Once Yuanqi Technology is given to you, if it is promoted and their own mobile phones are not made, wouldn't it be too embarrassing?

So this result is destined to be a hot face with a cold ass, no play.

As a result, the expected two-day schedule of cooperation talks ended in a hurry in just half a day.

At the airport on the return journey, everyone's morale was somewhat low, which seemed to be quite a blow.

On the contrary, Wu Tao was the first to be relieved. He looked back at the people and said, "All of them cheered me up. Didn't you see that this incident was an enlightenment from God?"

As soon as he said this, not only did Leng Ning's subordinates look dumbfounded, but even Molly couldn't get him.

Wu Tao said solemnly: "Everyone imagine, where is BlackBerry?"

"Canada..." someone said.

"Ontario..." someone muttered more concretely.

"Wrong!" Wu Tao all denied: "In Waterloo! This name is frustrating. The Lotus mobile phone cannot use the BlackBerry OS, which means that the sales of our Lotus mobile phones will never encounter Waterloo!"

As soon as they heard this, everyone immediately felt lifted up.

Even Molly was also explained by Leng Ning's translation, with a look of huh.

Unexpectedly, when this boss was a boss, he used a whole set of cold jokes.

However, Wu Tao quickly turned to the topic and said: "Director Leng, after returning, we must mention almOS as the company’s strategic goal. The mobile phone era in the future is bound to be the era of smartphones, and the precipitation of a mobile version of OS is ours. It is an indispensable process for Yuanqi Technology to fight the battle of future smartphones!"

If you don’t say that the boss is the boss, it’s not only eloquent and meaningful, but it’s also very encouraging.

So Leng Ning took the lead and applauded first.

Molly was confused and bit her ears with Leng Ning for a long time before she understood what Wu Tao meant.

Then he smiled and asked a sharp question: "Wu, if your company succeeds in acquiring almOS as your own, will you provide almOS authorization for other companies or competitors?"

This question is a little bit about which pot is not opened and which pot should be mentioned.

If he was someone else, he hadn't had a good face for a long time.

However, Wu Tao did not. Instead, he replied generously: "Yes, of course! Not only will it be authorized, but it will even be free. If almOS is in the hands of Yuanqi Technology, we will sort out the entire system and standardize the development platform. However, it is made public, and other manufacturers are invited and welcome to participate and develop it together!"

"Why?" Not only Molly was confused, but even Leng Ning, Yuanqi Technology's subordinates were inexplicable.

But only Molly dared to ask.

Since it is open source and free to use, isn't the painstaking cost of Yuanqi Technology's acquisition of almOS in vain?

What is the picture?

Wu Tao did not answer directly, but revisited the old BlackBerry mobile phone. "From the current situation of the BlackBerry executives, I am sure that the future development of the BlackBerry mobile phone will definitely not go too far. Even its OS And intelligentization has some of its own characteristics and advantages, but with such a cherished attitude, BlackBerry phones are destined to only become a niche, not a popular one!"

"...Speaking of which, the same principle is the same when it comes to almOS. Therefore, when almOS is in our hands, only by taking the road of open source is the way of long-term development and can be truly carried forward."

Molly asked, "But if you do, can Jeff agree?"

This is the only problem left.

However, Wu Tao felt that it would be easier to convince Jeff Hawkins than to independently acquire alm from the three companies.

It was already evening when I returned to the villa in Irvine that day.

Qin Xiaoxiao and Wu Yingying didn't dare to ask more, leaving Wu Tao alone in the study for a long time.

Others thought he was in a bad mood.

In fact, Wu Tao went surfing the Internet in the study.

First, I took a look at S of Shuimu Tsinghua University, and found that the military training of his alma mater was still going on in full swing. Of course, there is a steady stream of posts running on him.

Although this person is not in the arena, his legend has always been circulating in the arena.

Wu Tao teased himself with this reason, but still didn't take it to heart.

Using the station letter to reply to An Rong, he sent a few recent photos taken in Canada. Seeing that there was no response in time, he decisively went offline.

Then he logged in to the private S that Ding Lei did. This guy has been busy with the listing recently and obviously has no time to maintain this private corner.

After scanning, there was no one. Wu Tao only exited triumphantly and opened the mailbox habitually.

I don't know it. I just noticed that in addition to the unimportant official emails that I exchanged every day, there was a guy named Bill who sent me emails.

Isn't it called Bill Gates?

Wu Tao opened it hurriedly, and it turned out to be Bill Babbitt. This person comes from Netscape. As an executive, he wants to lead his team of programmers to find the way in advance.

And his mailbox was given by Yang Zhiyuan.

Although Netscape is about to be acquired, as a senior executive, it is also very risky to meet with the new owner.

So this Bill chose to send an email first and make some tentative contacts, which can be said to be very cautious.

In the mailbox, this Bill sent a resume of himself, which looked pretty good.

But for more and more in-depth information, Wu Tao does not have the ability to discern. And even if it can be distinguished, I don't know if he is suitable for developing eb sites like school intranet and blog.

So I don’t want to say anything, I listed my simple needs for the school intranet and blog applications, and let the other party develop a demo as the content of the interview.

It's a mule or a horse, let's pull it out for a stroll!


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