Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 779: A large-scale military training standard

As a result, the chubby Minister Sun did not go to see Wu Tao's student ID on the table, and said to himself: "I recognize you, the standard bearer of military training, from the School of Economics and Management!"

Wu Tao couldn't help but feel complacent when he was recognized at a glance.

Dude, you can brush your face now.

Unexpectedly, Minister Sun's tone turned sharply, pointing at Qiu Wuyan and said: "But where is she from? At first glance, she doesn't look like our Tsinghua people!"

Qiu Wuyan's pretty face was originally black, but now it is even more black when he hears this.

Had it not been for Wu Tao, she would have waited to tear the fat minister in front of him in half on the spot.

Of course, besides that, she also wanted to see what exactly Wu Tao could do to pry open the mouth of this fat minister who didn't get in.

Wu Tao glanced at her with a smile, then turned around and clapped his hands and said: "Minister Sun, you are so piercing! She is indeed not from Tsinghua University, but from Peking University."

Hearing this handsome standard-bearer who has swept Tsinghua within a short period of time, he can talk so much that Minister Fatty's belly can not help but rise higher. He lifted the enamel jar and took a sip of the tea. "Of course, I did it in Tsinghua." For more than ten years, the qi in Tsinghua students is different from other schools."

"Yes, yes!" Wu Tao nodded repeatedly. As for what kind of anger it was, he didn't ask much.

The fat minister got enough of it and started to recycle, his tone became serious and honest: "As for the thing she just said, I'm afraid it's not easy."

Hearing this, Qiu Wuyan suddenly snorted, but Wu Tao didn't speak.

So Minister Fat continued: "Yes, Tsinghua’s computer room and bandwidth resources are the most abundant in the entire education backbone network. But there are countless projects applied every year, many of which are national fund projects of the School of Computer Science, and others. The school leaders will comprehensively consider and make overall arrangements for major special projects of the college."

"...What is a comprehensive consideration? It is nothing more than the background, practical significance, etc. of the project. As for your project, I am afraid it is not dominant."

Looking at the appearance of the other party’s expert arrogance, Wu Tao said that he was as dissatisfied as Qiu Wuyan, but on the surface he still followed the other party’s words and said: "The Minister Sun pointed out that it seems that we are not well prepared and a little impulsive. NS."

When the Fat Minister heard this, he glanced at Qiu Wuyan with approval and said: "Yes, yes, it is indeed impulse! Impulse is the devil, I said you young people must remember this..."

As soon as he said this, the fat minister suddenly became a little out of control.

Not only took Wu Tao to sit down on the sofa next to him, he even turned his head and ordered Qiu Wuyan: "Who, you get a glass of water for Student Wu!"

Qiu Wuyan didn't want to talk to him, but when he saw that he was fetching water for Wu Tao to drink, he reluctantly went.

Just after he came over with the water, he watched the fat minister's eloquent and spitting star flying around, and quickly blocked the mouth of the cup with his hand, for fear that the other party's spit star would splash into Wu Tao's cup.

Obviously, Minister Fat had given up treatment to Qiu Wuyan, and Wu Tao took the water glass and held it in his hand naturally without blocking it, which immediately made him feel much more comfortable.

So that when Wu Tao interrupted him later, he didn't feel much displeasure.

"Minister Sun, you are right. She must have been too impulsive just now, so she didn't have time to tell you the specific situation of our Tianjing Internet Technology Company."

"Well, then you say it." The fat minister put on a listening posture, and it was considered a reward.

Wu Tao grabbed his finger and said: "First, Tianjing Company was run by me, and it is also an entrepreneurial project of Tsinghua students. I remember the dean of our School of Economics and Management always said that we encourage students of the School of Economics and Management to go out and move. Only by combining practical actions with study and advanced studies can we truly raise the banner of the School of Economics and Management!"

This time it was Minister Fat's turn to nod hurriedly. He didn't know if the Dean of the School of Economics and Management had said this, but he knew very well that the Dean of the School of Economics and Management was the one from the State Council!

This is enough! No matter what he said or not, he can only nod in agreement.

"...The second point, Minister Sun, Tianjing Company actually has a US-funded background, and the Silicon Valley branch of others has already been established and operated, and the first target is our local university market in China."

"...You also know that the current group of college students has limited spending power. Therefore, Tianjing's actions are not for profit, but an attempt and challenge for the development of the Internet industry."

"...Because of this, the cooperation between Tianjing Company and the school is actually a kind of resource sharing and exchanging what is needed. The school provides us with a platform so that we can use the money originally to invest in computer room resources as a matter of course. We will provide our computer room for upgrading, maintenance and operation funds."

When he talked about this, Minister Sun suddenly felt gloomy, and his eyes narrowed.

This student is really interesting. It is no wonder that he can become the vanguard of the new class of Tsinghua students.

I didn’t shirk anymore and took out a form from the drawer and said: “Okay, Student Wu, I know the meaning of your project. It is of exploratory and practical significance. Go back and fill in this form. Give it to me. I think the issue of approval should not be big."

Wu Tao took the form and handed it directly to Qiu Wuyan. After changing his hand, he shook Minister Sun’s fat hand and said: "Minister Sun, thank you for your teaching and guidance today. We have benefited a lot. Today we will not bother you much. Come and listen to your teachings another day."

Minister Sun kept going to the door, saying, "Come often when you have time!"

The two walked out of the computing center one after the other. While Wu Tao was refreshed, he realized that many passing classmates smiled at, it was so refreshing.

After walking for a while, I realized that Qiu Wuyan was still silent behind him, and only then deliberately slowed down and asked, "Have you learned anything today?"

Qiu Wuyan grumbled his mouth: "Isn't that just flattering and boasting!"

Wu Tao spread his hands together, "If you only think of this, then I'm really busy today."

Qiu Wuyan's tone softened, "Okay, okay, I know I was wrong, I must change it when I go back, can't it?"

Looking at the beauty of Qiu, who has always been rebellious, Wu Tao stopped training too much if she could say this tone. Instead, she said in a seductive tone: "Entrepreneurship is not that simple. The factors that determine the success or failure of entrepreneurship are too great. That’s too much. The quality of management staff is even more important."

"...And the other qualities of managers are not to be discussed. The first thing to do is to learn how to deal with people. Regardless of the three teachings, the most basic thing is that you can get the information you want from the other person's mouth."

"...As long as it's not a matter of principle, you can't let your own temperament be stubborn. Not only will it not be able to solve the problem, it will bring endless trouble to the back."

"... Especially with such a beautiful image of you, the more tough it is, the greater the contrast will be."

Speaking of this, Qiu Wuyan couldn't help but lower his eyebrows and listened: "I know, I will think about it when I go back, and try to apply for resources from other universities as soon as possible."

Wu Tao said: "By the way, when the company recruits, we will reserve 1 or 2 places in the Department of Computer Science of Tsinghua University."

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