Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 782: 1 all the best

Wu Tao gave her a blank glance at Qin Xiaoxiao's explanation, and it is only blame for you to believe.

But this can't blindly blame Qin Xiaoxiao, after all, she is now the boss of a large investment company. There are 800 projects without a thousand.

It can be said that she sees more people who earn money, those who don't earn money, those who have prospects, and those whose prospects are uncertain.

It can be said that for the case of Tianjing's domestic branch, if Wu Tao hadn't been watching it personally, she wouldn't have come in person at all.

It is enough to send an ordinary project contact person at most.

But now with Wu Tao's reminder, Qin Xiaoxiao didn't talk about it on the surface, but in his heart he brought this project to the forefront.

In addition, she has always been a little weak in the case of the Internet, so her judgment on this case is less subjective and arbitrary.

Seeing that Qin Xiaoxiao had reached this point, Wu Tao stopped pursuing it.

They are all the old subordinates under their own hands, and it is enough to click them all. At the moment the topic changed: "You can contact Ding Lei. I am going to wait for the recruitment to be over, and I will take everyone to him for a tour, familiarize with the atmosphere of the Internet company, and cultivate my sentiment."

"Yes, I understand."

At this moment, Li Jing was carrying a backpack and ran to the company out of breath. As soon as she entered the door, she took over the work of counting records in Tan Xing's hands, helping him and Tan Xing to receive the remaining computers, routers, and network cables. some type of.

Look, the one who is the furthest from the company is the first one to come.

As for Tan Xing, that can't be counted. He is already a junior and there are not many courses.

So Wu Tao walked out of the office and said, "Li Jing, you skipped class this first day. Wouldn't it be bad?"

Li Jing smiled back and smiled, "It doesn't matter, boss, I have asked my classmates to help me take notes, so I can make up the notes when I go back tonight."

"Your school is the furthest away from here. Would you like a car?"

Li Jing shook her head without raising her head and said, "No, boss, I have already bought a bicycle, otherwise I can't come so fast today."

Upon hearing this, Wu Tao couldn't help but gasp.

The distance of foreign trade and economic cooperation is more than ten kilometers here, and only a person with athletic talent like Li Jing can do the job. If you are someone else, you will have to rest for a long time if you ride here alone. How can you still have any energy to work?

So Wu Tao waved his hand and said: "From now on, if you should take the subway, you will take the subway. If you need a taxi, the company will report to you. When it is urgent, you can directly call Uncle Zhuang and ask him to arrange a car!"

"No need, I ride a road car, not tired!"

In this case, Wu Tao has nothing to say. Then he asked Xiang Tan Xing: "Tan Xuechang, how about these computers and servers, are they enough?"

Tan Xing felt like stroking his beloved toy, "Boss, it's very nice. It's more advanced than the computer in our school's computer room!"

When the computer and server hardware were almost received, Qiu Wuyan and Yang Zili came slowly.

The office partitions in the company have been simply completed, and everything is clean and tidy, and the atmosphere of a new company has begun to take shape.

Qin Xiaoxiao gave Qiu Wuyan the precious and important documents of the new company he just opened, and the domestic branch of Tianjing Company had officially landed.

At noon, everyone ordered a box lunch in the company.

As a result, Wu Tao was dissatisfied with the five yuan box lunch and raised the food standard to 20 in one fell swoop!

According to his words, if you don't eat well, how can you work hard?

Fortunately, the drinking fountains and bottled water of Yuankang Water have been delivered. After the computer after-sales service in Zhongguancun and the telecommunications company, they can set up the computer, telephone and network, and then they can be put into use.

Of course, there is still a shortage of people.

So this afternoon was the first interview of Tianjing Company.

Since posting recruitment notices in nearby universities and posting posts on BBS, Li Jing soon received more than 40 resumes in her mailbox.

But for the first time working on a human resource job, Li Jing saw that all of them were from Peking University or Tsinghua University on her resume. She didn't dare to mess up her mind, so she called and notified her to come for an interview.

There will be Wu Tao check on the reverse test, and with the experience of senior people like Qin Xiaoxiao, there will be no problems.

But she just didn't expect that if the resume is not well screened, the workload of the subsequent interview will be heavy.

Fortunately, due to the inconvenience of contact these years, after more than an hour of phone calls, Li Jing only notified about 20 people.

The rest of the people are either not in the dormitory or they can't go away during the interview time.

In this case, you can only leave the opportunity to those who are prepared.

Maybe it's a good lunch, and I can't use it up. After lunch, Tan Xing took advantage of the stall where the computer after-sales staff had not yet arrived, and took Yang Zili to assemble it first.

It’s just that it’s easy to tinker with computers these days, and it’s not easy to install the system. In an hour’s work, the two of them have only finished two computers. One was placed in Wu Tao's office, and the other was temporarily placed in the office for interviews in the afternoon.

At least it looks like it will give the interviewees a good first impression of Tianjing.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the small meeting room was formally cleaned up.

Although the air is still full of a faint smell of furniture, it works anyway.

The interviewers, in addition to Wu Tao and Qin Xiaoxiao, Qiu Wuyan, Yang Zili and Tan Xing were all present. Only Li Jing was outside, responsible for the settlement and sorting of all Seeing these curious faces, Li Jing tried her best to keep her voice from trembling and encouraged her to make a perfect smile. Said: "Welcome everyone to interview at Tianjing Internet Technology Company. You can see that the company is in its infancy and various tasks are still in preparation."

"But what I can tell you is that our various conditions are considered the best among Internet innovative companies!"

"First of all, we have the most wise founder, Wu Tao, and I believe everyone is familiar with him!"

"Secondly, we have strong capital investment from Tianqi Investment!"

"Again, our hardware facilities are first-rate, and lunches and subsidies are generous."

"Finally, I wish you all a smooth interview today! Let's start calling names, one by one."

Although Li Jing said a lot, but she said it in an orderly manner. With the addition of her own image of a female volleyball player, everyone who came to participate in the interview listened patiently.

In the small meeting room, Qiu Wuyan squeezed Xiu's fist, his palms were sweaty, obviously a little nervous. Yang Zili was just as nervous as her. After all, they both had the first time, and they didn't even know what to say in the face of the interviewer.

Fortunately, Tan Xing is older and has participated in various social practices during the summer vacation. He is no stranger to this scene.

As for Qin Xiaoxiao and Wu Tao, they were able to control this scene even more easily.

Immediately the door of the small conference room opened, and the first interviewer walked in, kicking off the prelude to the interview...

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