Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 792: Ordinary life, not ordinary

Facing Wu Tao's unwavering determination, Shi Qianxue couldn't help but feel a little frustrated.

Could it be that the rumors of other companies are true, and every time the boss makes a new start, it is a premeditated big move?

But my cousin doesn't like to lie on the merit book and enjoy the happiness, and he doesn't like to cook a cold stove, it's true.

However, immediately after Wu Tao's next sentence disrupted all these thoughts, "Second cousin, I know that the reason why you are fighting with me is because you miss me."

Shi Qianxue immediately made an exaggerated expression of vomiting, then patted the table and said: "Rongrong, I want to see her! Also, I want to eat roast duck, I want to..."

This unlucky boy has so many demands, far less cute than when talking about business.

Fortunately, he was about to get off work, so Wu Tao put down the papers on the table for the time being, and stood up and said, "Let's go, take you to the first university in China to get insights!"

"Who is rare!" Although she said so, Shi Qianxue still followed Wu Tao honestly.

After leaving the office, Wu Tao introduced Shi Qianxue to everyone in the office.

Except for Li Jing, who hosted Shi Qianxue, everyone heard that Shi Qianxue was from Tianxing Game Company, the leading rookie game company in China. The guy was enthusiastic and kept applauding.

They are all thumping people in the Internet industry. This time I finally met the seniors in the industry.

And it is quite successful.

Shi Qianxue was a little surprised by this enthusiasm, but he had seen it a lot on various occasions, and he was able to cope with it.

Saying goodbye to the enthusiastic Tianjing employees, Shi Qianxue seemed to be a little weaker in the competition with Tianjing.

Followed Wu Tao downstairs, and when Wu Tao finally launched a mountain racing car, he was a little surprised.

Although this mountain racing car costs nearly 1,000 yuan, no matter how expensive it is, it is also a bicycle.

When I was in Jinling, my cousin used to pass in and out of Rolls-Royce. Now in the capital, he is reduced to riding a bicycle. I really don’t know why he is suffering?

Wu Tao stepped into the car habitually. After waiting for a long time, she didn't feel Shi Qianxue getting in the car. When she looked back, she was still flustered.

"Get in the car! It's not far, it's coming soon."

Shi Qianxue grabbed his pocket-sized Xiaokun bag tightly, and stepped up to the back seat of the mountain bike.

The mountain bike rushed out of the car as soon as he touched the car. I was caught off guard, so I grabbed Wu Tao's bear waist, and slapped him on the back with an anguish: "You slow down!"

However, as the speed of the car increased steadily, Shi Qianxue gradually got used to this feeling, and his mood also rose.

Not long after, the mountain bike swept into the lush campus, and the unique purity and ease of the ivory tower rushed over.

Suddenly, Shi Qianxue returned to his college days.

I miss it so much.

It's been more than a year without knowing it. If it weren't for her mood and growth at this moment, she would have thought that she had graduated and worked for ten or eight years.

All this was forced by the cousin in front of him.

Now that I think about it, I should really thank him for his hard work.

"Cousin, otherwise I will eat in the school cafeteria tonight, okay?"

Wu Tao didn't think much, nodded and said: "Okay, I know the roast duck in Yushuyuan is good, although not as good as Quanjude, it is also very authentic."

Listening to Wu Tao still remembering his request to eat roast duck, Shi Qianxue was moved, but on the surface he slapped him arrogantly and said: "Okay, it's up to you!"

This is normal play between cousins.

However, in the eyes of passers-by on campus, it is another interpretation.

"Hey, isn't that Wu Tao?"

"Yes, I think so. But it's not a schoolboy in the back seat. Could it be that he cheated?"

"It's also possible that two boats are pedaling..."

"No, I want to post it on BBS so that others can see his ugly face!"

This is an outrageous discussion among several boys.

The mountain bike arrived downstairs in the library and stopped abruptly. An Rong had already waited in front of the door happily, holding the book of economics principles in his arms.

Shi Qianxue jumped out of the car and hurriedly hugged An Rong and said, "Wow, Rong Rong, people want you to death."

Listening to Shi Qianxue's greasy voice, An Rong silently struck a spirit, and then responded sweetly: "I heard that you are coming, I miss you too, Sister Xue."

The two girls jumped and cheered, which really attracted the attention of many people.

So Wu Tao urged: "Hurry up, let's have a meal. Otherwise, there will be no place in the East Second Canteen..."

"Okay, okay!" Shi Qianxue agreed and occupied the back seat of the car, leaving An Rong staring at each other: "Should I go to Jinyue to borrow a car?"

Wu Tao waved his hand and pointed to the front bar and said, "No, you sit in the front."


"It's not that you haven't sat before, come up soon."

So in five minutes, when several boys who were originally filled with outrage were discussing how to post on the BBS, Wu Tao rode a mountain bike and floated past them again.

Only this time, not only was the unusually intimate beauty still sitting on the back seat, but also the sweetly smiling school flower goddess An Rong was sitting on the front seat.

This is the situation of Shenma?

In fact, everyone understands it in their hearts, but they just don't want to say it.

Only a simple-faced guy asked, "Then, can we post our post?"


Wu Tao took two tall girls in Yushu Garden, which has a slightly higher consumption level, and it also attracted the attention of many This time it is not the murderous eyes of the envy, jealous and hate boys. NS.

But many girls who took the initiative to come forward to say hello, although many people do not know Wu Tao, it does not prevent both parties from politely greeting each other.

Until a girl with an 80-point appearance finished her greeting, she still reluctantly asked: "You don't even remember who I am, do you?"

"Uh..." This is really embarrassing.

Wu Tao really couldn't think of it anymore, so he could only focus on the other party's clothing, intending to find some clues.

Department of Computer Science, level 96.

Still no clue.

Fortunately, at this time, the other party took the initiative to introduce himself: "My name is Hu Ning, and I asked you questions at the Shuimu Lunjian seminar."

"Oh, it turned out to be you!" Wu Tao finished saying this sentence, without the following, so he was cold again.

Hu Ning flicked her hair, feeling extremely frustrated in her heart. She consciously had an excellent appearance in the computer department, and she had never been so distracted.

"Still never remembered, right?"

"Uh..." Wu Tao was really speechless, he really couldn't remember it, because there were so many people asking him questions at the seminar, how can I remember them all?

"It's said that the nobles forget more things, it's because they have to reply to my email." Hu Ning was a little annoyed.

Wu Tao wanted to let it go, but An Rong couldn't stand it, and casually invited: "Senior Hu, would you like to have a meal together? I'll take it as a plea for you."

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