Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 8: Home has 1 always has 1 treasure

   Before he finished speaking, Wu Binghua immediately turned his face and said: "Wu Tao, how do you speak? Can't you hope your brother will be good?"

Unexpectedly, as soon as the voice fell, the old man threw his chopsticks: "You are not bad at saying this? It is also your son. How strict Xiao Tao was controlled by you when he was a child, how much hardship he suffered, and how tired he suffered? How come Xiaojiang's turn , Just another set of standards?"

   They are so spoiled that they can't stand the old man anymore.

"...Take a step back, even if different people have different lives. If Xiao Jiang is spoiled by you like this, he will be a puddle of mud in the future, and he will not be able to support the wall! At that time, what face do you have to ask Xiaotao to help you clean up the mess? Even if Xiaotao can help, can he help for a while, can he help for a lifetime?"

   When the old man spoke, Wu Binghua stopped speaking.

   Zhang Huilan was still not convinced: "Dad, the eldest brother is like a father, then when we are old, shouldn't Xiaotao take care of his younger brother?"


The old man patted the table so loudly, "You still know that the eldest brother is like a father! Now Xiao Tao teaches Xiao Jiang a few words, why do you always stop? It's fine to stop, when Xiao Tao is away, Xiao Jiang will be killed. Spoiled, used to it!"

   This time even Zhang Huilan was speechless.

   Not only her, but Wu Tao herself was shocked.

   This madness of the old man is totally unexpected!

   This is obviously a stealing show!

   But looking at the guilt and silent expressions of both parents, this effect is really much better than that of going out on their own.

   Thank you Grandpa! Seeing that the fire was almost over, Wu Tao put some vegetables in the bowls of the frightened two children, and then took a deep breath: "Grandpa, Dad, Mom, I plan to abandon secondary school and go directly to high school and college!"

   "What, isn't it a good negotiation? Why give up secondary school?" Wu Binghua looked puzzled.

   "Because I want to go to a prestigious university."

   "It's okay to go to high school, but how much does it cost to go to college!" Zhang Huilan hesitated.

  Wu Tao was waiting to explain, but the old man preemptively retorted: "Willing to offer Xiao Jiang to college, reluctant to offer Xiao Tao to go to college?"

   Wu Binghua lit a cigarette and frowned.

This is not a question of reluctance. To provide for the elder son to go to college, they can only rely on their husband and wife to contribute money, tens of thousands of yuan a year is not a small amount; but it is not the same for Xiaojiang to go to college, when the elder son will share some of it. , Their burden is much lighter.

   Of course, he didn't dare to mention these words again, otherwise the old man would be so angry that he would not just slap the table, he would probably lift the table directly.

The old man continued: "A person will face countless choices throughout his life. No one can guarantee that every choice is correct, but as long as one principle is followed, there will be no big mistakes, that is, there must be a big pattern! All big choices are It can’t be wrong. If it’s because of fear of this and that, if the structure is small and narrow-minded, even if you work hard in the future, it will be difficult to become a big weapon!"

   "...So Xiaotao wants to take high school entrance exams and go to college. There is nothing wrong with it! It must be better than the junior high school! I agree!"

   Wu Binghua took a few puffs of cigarettes, threw them on the ground and crushed them hard, and made a lot of determination: "Okay, for you, for you, for you to sell iron, for you too!"

   Zhang Huilan still wanted to talk, but was stopped by her husband's eyes.

As soon as there was such a fuss today, they realized that they did owe the boss; secondly, the boss was exactly 7 years older than the second, and the boss graduated with a bachelor's degree. He can still help the family train the second. This does not conflict with their previous ideas. .

   Seeing his father agree to come down, Wu Tao was quite surprised. This is much smoother than expected, all thanks to grandpa this **** assist!

   As expected, there is an old family, like a treasure.

  Rao is so, Wu Tao still decided to state his reasons.

  According to his plan, the purpose of this time is not only to make parents support their choices, but also to convince them.

   "Grandpa, Dad, Mom, I have a reason to give up secondary school."

  While talking, Wu Tao walked to the twenty-eighth bar, took off his schoolbag, took out the newspaper, rummaged through some news and handed it to the three elders: "Look at these reports..."

   The old man took the newspaper and shook him, and he saw the eye-catching question lined up:

  【The Ministry of Education is planning the reform of the higher education system and the promotion is expected to be completed within three to five years】

   [The secondary school education system has frequent malpractices, and the contradiction of the work package distribution system is highlighted]

   [China has a significant gap between its education level and developed countries, and undergraduate talents are shortcomings]

   [Beijing, Tianjin, and Shanghai take the lead in completing the pilot education reform...]

   Zhang Huilan was illiterate, and leaned in front of her husband's newspaper anxiously, "What did it say in the newspaper?"

   Wu Binghua was staring at him, but he didn't respond.

   Wu Tao replied: "Mom, this is the newspaper that my head teacher specifically found for me. The reports above have only one meaning. The secondary school students are no longer popular, and the talents that the society needs in the future are undergraduates!"

"Don’t eat it anymore? I can’t say it. The old Gao’s daughter from the 7th team in the village is admitted to the police school. The job is not well assigned? The son of the 6th team is admitted to the accounting school, and the salary is also very good. High!"

"Mom, they are in the past. Now the country is already brewing reforms. When I graduate from technical secondary school in three years, no one will want to find a job. At that time, let alone help Xiaojiang, I have been a mud bodhisattva. The river itself is hard to protect."

   The old man closed the newspaper, his face becoming more solemn.

"Xiao Tao is right. Times is changing. You can't always look at the present and the future with the eyes of the In the past, there were still three thousand hectares of fertile fields in the old Wu's house. There are more than a dozen guns. Baba, it’s not much better than the previous tenant farmers!"

  "...Now that the newspapers have begun to build momentum, wait until Xiaotao graduates three years later, if he catches up with the reforms and fails to hold the iron rice bowl, then it is equivalent to more than ten years of study in vain. This is a risk!"

After that, Wu Binghua also put down the newspaper. He, who has always been cautious and cautious, said firmly and firmly: "Yes, you can't get a good job after studying for more than ten years. You can't take this risk! The family resolutely provides for you, takes the high school entrance examination, and goes to school. University!"

   Looking at his father's thick eyebrows, they stretched more than before, and Wu Tao's breath finally went smoothly.

   If it is said that Wu Binghua agreed for the first time just now, it was Wu Binghua's choice made by the situation; then this time, it is he who seeks advantages and avoids disadvantages, recognizes the reality, and fundamentally agrees with his son's decision. "

   "Since we have reached an agreement," Wu Tao put away the newspaper and said happily, "Then I will announce the second decision!"

   The first decision made a mess, and almost didn't lift the table; now that the second decision was mentioned, everyone's heart just let go of it, and suddenly they slipped up again.

   Wu Tao laughed, "Grandpa, Dad, Mom, I decided to take high school and college entrance exams without spending a penny from you! I want to be self-reliant and support myself for school."

   Zhang Huilan stagnated first, and then tears shed. In order to reduce the burden on the family, my eldest son even said this. Thinking about the previous preference and **** of the younger son, she increasingly felt that she owed the elder son too much.

"Tao, you said this, Mom is really happy. This shows that you can understand our hard work, that's enough. Don't worry, since your dad has promised to provide you, we will have to eat no matter how hard we are and how tired we are. For you to go to college!"