Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 815: The only chance of overtaking in the fir

Compared to silly talk, Cai Wenxiu would be Wu Tao's opponent for a long time.

At the moment, Xiao Bai’s face is red and white, regardless of Zheng Mingming’s persuasion, he gritted his teeth and said, "LinkTech turns to the field of DVD players to survive! As long as it can survive, LinkTech will return to the IT field sooner or later and become a giant in the ic design direction. ."

Wu Tao nodded in a playful manner, "Well, it's not a small tone."

Originally speaking, Wu Tao would not continue to confront Cai Wenxiu.

After all, for some people, some things have been done, but they will lose their wealth.

However, what I never expected was that when Cai Wenxiu was about to turn around and leave, Liu Chuanzhi walked over with a complacent look and said, "It is also a manufacturer engaged in chip design and application. I am more optimistic about the future of Lianke. So Cai Son, you don’t have to feel that the hero is short of breath. After all, this is not a struggle of will, but a long-term contest and competition."

Wu Tao smiled on his face at this time, and couldn't help it.

No wonder that in the future 5g game, Lenovo Group voted against Huawei, but voted for Qualcomm.

If you dare to speak for outsiders and be outsiders' lackeys, Lenovo has this tradition based on the foundation.

Of course, these words can't be taken out to fight back against Liu Chuanzhi.

That's the case, Wu Tao wouldn't have nothing to say, letting others show their power in vain.

So he patted his hands and drums twice and said, "President Liu, in fact, Yuanqi Technology, from himself to Academician Ni Guangnan, particularly appreciate Mr. Liu’s present method of expressing his attitude in a clear-cut manner! No matter what you say, we have the next step. Belly volume and air volume."

"...On the contrary, there are some unconventional guys. It is really disgusting to spread rumors in the newspapers and media to tell the truth."

As soon as he said this, Liu Chuanzhi suddenly suffered a dumb loss.

Wu Tao's remarks clearly scolded him, but he couldn't refute the explanation.

Then Wu Tao changed his words, "As for the success of the chip autonomy project led by Academician Ni, I have confidence in Academician Ni! In the past, there has been, and there will be in the future. On the contrary, you, Mr. Liu, are so anxious. If you jump out and express your attitude, are you not afraid of others saying that you are slandering your former colleagues and lacking tolerance for others?"

"You!" Liu Chuanzhi was stern, but couldn't say anything with his mouth open, so he had to grunt heavily and walk away.

Ding Lei stared at both eyes dumbly and said, "Boss, you really dare to dare anyone!"

Wu Tao shrugged his shoulders, as if doing a trivial thing and said, "I'm just asking for some interest for Academician Ni first."

After the brief turmoil passed, Wu Tao remembered the materials related to science exhibitions on his desk.

Secretly, it seems that ClusterTech's current thinking on optical disc storage technology and DVD decoding chips is not wrong. At least the idea of ​​not only chips, but also packaged software solutions is very meaningful.

While Wu Tao was pondering secretly, a woman with a beautiful figure came over and said, "Mr. Wu, I heard that the backbone of the Tianjing company you founded is the talents of our Peking University. I have to count this. You are very discerning!"

Seeing this woman of extraordinary origin, Wu Tao looked around, and there was no one at all, so he had to smile bitterly and ask, "You take the liberty to ask, are you?"

"Jiang Yuting, the representative of Founder of Peking University!" As he said, he stretched out Qianqianyu's hand.

Wu Taoxu shook his hand and explained, "Ms. Jiang, you have misunderstood. I used your Peking University talents as the backbone, not because they came from Peking University, but because they are more worthy of my trust."

"I don't think there is any difference between this statement," Jiang Yuting smiled, and then said to another middle-aged man who came by, "Mr. Guo, what do you think?"

"Uh~ this is?" Wu Tao is a little confused. It seems that there are dragons and crouching tigers in this world, and the faces of people he knows are a bit too narrow after all.

In the future, I will have to find opportunities to come out and get insights.

"My fellow Guo Yuanlin, I am the deputy general manager of Tsinghua Unisplendour." Guo Yuanlin stretched out his hand and proactively introduced.

When Wu Tao heard this introduction, he suddenly felt that the situation was a bit subtle.

Tsinghua University, Peking University, as the two largest universities in China, is actually not convinced by anyone secretly.

As for the industrialization of education and scientific research, the two sides are naturally fighting openly and secretly.

However, it seems that Peking University Founder Technology is obviously better than Tsinghua Unisplendour's exhibition situation.

Coupled with the appointment of Qiu Wuyan and Yang Zili as the team members of Tianjing Company, the beautiful woman in front of her was even more proud.

Therefore, Wu Tao can only let Guo Yuanlin's next preaching go without refuting it.

Soon, the dinner party officially began.

As a buffet-style Western-style dinner, the participants were eating and chatting. At the same time, the organizer of the meeting arranged for some representatives to speak on stage to talk about their views and opinions on the Internet and it industry, and they could use it for communication.

First, Liu Chuanzhi represented Lenovo and expressed his outlook and expectations for the computer industry in the next ten years.

I have to admit that the blueprint drawn is very vivid and attractive, but in the final analysis, it is only an exhibition plan for the assembly and packaging industry.

Without the autonomy of core components, there would be no technical content. At best, it would be a wedding dress for giant companies that master core technologies like Intel.

But Lao Liu, who was thinking about making money, was at this level. It is really hard for him to want him to talk about something more profound.

The second person who took the stage to give a report was Jiang Yuting, who Wu Tao never expected.

This woman looks more like a vase.

Unexpectedly, when Jiang Yuting said this, Wu Tao realized that he was very A woman who can climb to a high position in Peking University Founder Technology, who is the easy one? After all, the volume of Founder Technology is many times that of Tsinghua Unisplendour, which has the same academic and technical background.

Jiang Yuting is talking about the derivative chain of the computer industry. Although it is not so profound, it has a breadth, and it also has some merits in addition to finding other ways.

Immediately after the speech, it was Ding Lei who presided over the meeting.

As the CEO of a company that is about to be listed on NASDAQ, Ding Lei is very energetic at the moment. No matter what he said, everyone had to listen to it.

After all, you have the final say.

Ding Lei talked about the rise of China's Internet industry from the rise of portals. This idea is naturally good, but in Wu Tao's ears, the estimation of the prospects is too optimistic, and it means that the expectations of risks are obviously insufficient.

Seeing Ding Lei finished speaking, Wu Tao was almost full.

I was about to lift my foot and leave. After all, the party was no longer interesting to hear. Unexpectedly, Ding Lei immediately announced the next person to speak on stage...

Dare to become the finale!

This guy didn't even notify him in advance, he even made a surprise attack!

Fortunately, I am not surprised by this kind of scene. I now trimmed my clothes, walked to the front of the stage, and took over Ding Lei's microphone, saying, "Now China is deepening reforms, expanding opening up, catching up with the country economically, and achieving full integration with the international community."

"...Under such a background, domestic manufacturing, industry, transportation and electricity are all catching up to the country."

"...But only in the Internet industry, we have the slightest chance for a cornering car. But after listening to everyone's speech just now, I now see that the last chance is gone..."


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