Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 828: Race against time, time does not wait

Originally, this scene was perfect, until Zhao Li sneezed abruptly!

The painting style of the whole person suddenly changed.

Yun temples are chaotic and his expressions are misplaced. As for the Qianqian demeanor, there is no need to mention it.

Wu Tao really shook his head unhappily, and pulled up a blanket on the sofa to wrap Yi Renjiao's body and said, "After all, it is winter, even in California, it is winter. Before, you were swimming outdoors, and now you wear it again, so you won’t be afraid of catching a cold. ?"

Zhao Lihun didn't care about a touch of her Qiong nose, and straightened out her messy hairs and said: "Impossible, I am in good health!"

Before he finished speaking, he made another call after another.

This time Wu Tao didn’t persuade him at all. He pulled a bottle of soda from the refrigerator and walked to the top of the stairs and said, “That’s OK, you’re healthy, and you continue to play. I’ll take a rest first, and there’s still a lot to do tomorrow. ."

Early the next morning, Wu Tao woke up early.

Before the sun was fully up, he finished washing and went straight to the gym downstairs to run and exercise.

After a hot sweat, the whole person was refreshed a lot.

Drying his body, walking to the small courtyard, seeing Uncle Zhuang sitting on the beach chair outside the courtyard, he was extraordinarily leisurely and comfortable.

Wu Tao walked over, and Song Zhuang hurriedly pinched the cigarette out of his hand when he saw this, smiled and said hello: "Hey, boss, get up so early?"

"I woke up early, so I got up. By the way, did you see Lili get up?"

"I haven't seen it."

Needless to say, this must be lying in bed. Wu Tao didn't say much, but just changed the subject and said: "Uncle Zhuang, this is approaching the end of the year, so please come here with me and explain it to my aunt. I'm sorry."

Song Zhuang waved his hand again and again, "Boss, what are you talking about? This is where we are responsible, and everyone at home understands and understands!"

Since I followed Wu Tao, the family care has been a little less, but life has really improved.

Now in the village, relying on this relationship with the old Wu family, no one dares to drop the old Song family. Coupled with Song Qiao, a talented girl, her life is getting more and more comfortable.

Wu Tao stood up and said, "That trip, I'll arrange it later, I'm going to Yingying's side today."

"Go, boss, please, please!"

After talking with Song Zhuang, when she got up and went back to the house, she met Molly next door running out of the house, trotting in circles in the small courtyard.


Molly nodded, pointed to the yard and drew a circle, meaning she was running and exercising.

Wu Tao didn't say much, and went back to the house.

Until the breakfast was over, Zhao Li didn't get up, Wu Tao was slightly surprised, but didn't make a fuss.

Maybe it's jet lag.

I went to the study and packed up some materials that I had thought about last night, and walked out the door. Anyway, there are people guarding the villa, and Zhao Li is at home alone, so there will be no security problems.

However, when the convoy was halfway, Wu Tao's cell phone rang suddenly.

After opening it, it was Qiu Xiaotian's call.

As soon as the call was connected, it was Cheng Xiaoman’s enthusiastic voice, accompanied by Xiao Xiaotian’s babbling, “Mr. Wu, Xiaotian is driving, I’ll tell you something. I heard that this time Lili came with you too. Xiaotian and I bought something and are now on the way to your house. Wouldn't it be inconvenient?"

Wu Tao pondered for a while, he should have thought of it long ago.

The Chinese people come to the door and never make an appointment in advance.

It's just that I'm not at home today, and I have worked a lot today, and I won't be able to come back very late. Such a reckless talk really made him feel sorry.

But he thought about it in a blink of an eye, anyway, Zhao Li was at home and greeted Qiu Xiaotian's family of three, she would be enough.

So he told Cheng Xiaoman the truth and expressed apologies by the way.

After hanging up the phone, Cheng Xiaoman couldn't help but sighed, "Will it be too abrupt when we come here like this? After all, Lao Mei is here to visit someone else's house, but you have to make an appointment in advance and get permission to go."

Qiu Xiaotian smiled and waved his hand and said, "Haha, don't worry, the boss won't see things like this. Besides, isn't Lili at home? I haven't seen Lili for so long, and I don't know the kid's painting. I have not regressed, I have to take a good exam to test her..."

Tianqi invests in the Los Angeles branch.

Before the clock was nine o'clock, Wu Tao had already arrived at the company.

Although most of the employees have not yet arrived, Wu Yingying is already busy in her office.

As a financial practitioner, in addition to focusing on their own work, they also have a good grasp of the various trends and situations in the financial field.

Therefore, Wu Yingying arrives one hour early every day to browse various financial newspapers and magazines.

Seeing Wu Tao's arrival, Wu Yingying quickly put down the newspaper in her hand, handed Wu Tao to the office next to her, and began to report on the branch's current situation by the way.

As an important business development division of Tianqi Investment, Tianqi Investment Los Angeles Branch has been working hard to adjust the company's capital structure for more than six months.

For some potential companies, they began to increase their holdings in a planned way, such as those of Apple and Microsoft.

On the other hand, venture capital businesses are also developing in an orderly manner. Innovative Internet companies such as Google have invested in nearly ten companies, large and small.

Although not every company has the same potential as Google, as long as it has the potential to get listed on the market, it is considered a successful investment.

For these business contents, Wu Tao had already read the report submitted by Wu Yingying when he was in China.

So let her make a long story short, and then the two talked about the establishment of Facebook.

Nowadays, Molly, Panis and Ivanka’s three foreign girls have invested a lot in this company, but they don’t have any particularly clear ideas about how to prepare and In the final analysis, Wu Tao still has to come up with a charter.

Wu Yingying's own thoughts on this matter are quite satisfactory, just following the routines of ordinary Internet companies.

This is naturally not enough.

Wu Tao took a picture of his brain on the table and said, "Take this to perfect, and form a complete project as soon as possible."

Wu Yingying saw that the dense brainstorming diagrams were all-encompassing and extremely rich in content.

"Boss, you have this baby, why don't you give it to me earlier, so I can prepare early..."

Wu Tao said casually: "This was just done last night, there may be some imperfections. You do it first, and I will ponder it."

"Oh, MyGod! Boss, you are such a prolific and talented entrepreneur!" Wu Yingying praised sincerely, "I have never seen anyone as powerful as you!"

Wu Tao grinned irritably: "Okay, don't flatter. You won't increase your wages if you shoot. It's okay, so go ahead!"

"Okay!" Wu Yingying nodded and said, "What about meeting with Molly and others in the afternoon?"

"You first organize this mind map out of an outline, and discuss this matter at the afternoon meeting." Wu Tao ordered: "You will preside over the meeting, but I will attend."

The time is obviously a bit tight, but Wu Yingying thought that her boss didn't even take a break last night, and she drew her brain pictures overnight. What reason does she have for complaining about being tired?

Entrepreneurship is always a race against time, time is not for me!

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