Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 836: Steal the chicken and eat the rice

Hearing this, Paniston felt deafened.

To be honest, looking at the unanimous advocacy of many media today, she even has the illusion that the US Internet industry under the bubble has found a way out for sustainable development.

So for the first sentence of Wu Tao's "exaggeration" just now, she subconsciously thought it was a kind of modest remarks.

After all, Chinese people always like to be humble, and Panis still knows this cultural habit.

But when Wu Tao came up with the conclusion that the US Internet industry bubble was about to collapse sooner or later, she finally remembered.

"Why, I can't understand." Panis spread his slender hands and stared exaggeratedly.

Wu Tao put down his knife and fork, and explained without surprise: "There is an old saying in China that if you want to destroy it, you must first let it go crazy. Today's American Internet industry is in an increasingly crazy situation, isn't it?"

"...Moreover, the arrival of China NetEase has not changed, or is not enough to change the Internet industry's single structure and limited development. Therefore, this result will only increase the Internet bubble and even accelerate the Internet. The day the industry collapses!"

After listening to Panis, Qiao's face was shocked and speechless, not even the delicious caviar on the plate.

Wu Tao's analysis is not so clever at all, and it can even be said to be an extremely ordinary judgment.

However, she didn't realize it herself, but the final judgment was influenced by public opinion and inner tendencies.

After returning to his senses, Panis deeply admired the Chinese man in front of him from the bottom of his heart.

The so-called everyone is drunk and I am alone, this kind of mind and state, really, very Man!

Thinking about it this way, Paniston felt a lot of joy in his heart, and even the look in Wu Tao's eyes was a little hot and undisguised.

Of course, such a gaffe is only a few seconds.

Panis quickly recovered and asked: "In your opinion, is there no room for salvation in the current Internet industry?"

"No." Wu Tao shook his head and added, "In fact, there is no need to save."

"Because for any industry, this is an inevitable stage. The survival of the fittest and the scourge of the sand will ultimately leave what is needed by the future society and future mankind."

Seeing Wu Tao talking freely, Paniston was a little drunk.

But staring at people like this is very impolite. Panis was fascinated for a while, and soon returned to normal: "Wu, in fact, I am looking for you today. I want to tell you that the short capital of China NetEase has the shadow of the Morgan Consortium, but it has nothing to do with me. Everything is caused by my brother Figo! Sao Rui!"

It turned out to be so.

Naturally, Wu Tao wouldn't be so stupid to stand up and criticize or curse, so he just nodded calmly.

After all, Panis could take the initiative to find her and reveal the news to herself, which has already explained her attitude.

What she can say, even if she doesn't ask, she will say it.

So Panis’s voice continued: “However, Figo has not used a lot of funds, only 10 million. Moreover, judging from the enthusiasm of many capitals for China NetEase now, his funds can't make any waves anymore. "

The conversation at the Hilton Hotel restaurant is not well known.

But the follow-up development really did not exceed the two's expectations.

In the face of China NetEase, an Internet company from a foreign country, the various capitals that are ready to move are like hungry wolves who choose people to eat. After NetEase has just established a foothold on the Nasdaq, it rushes forward.

As a result, Xue Jiaqian hastily declared the end of the subsequent short-term battle before he could make a big move.

Subsequently, NetEase's stock price was unimpeded and entered a period of rising momentum...

When Panis saw Figo again, the other party was scolding his subordinates, his expression unhappy.

Not only that, Panis also knew that Figo's mood has been very bad these days. In contrast, Panis couldn't be happier himself.

Since the talk with Wu Tao, Panis has not only cleared away his suspicion of participating in short NetEase, but also has a better relationship with Wu Tao.

At least Panis thinks so.

Perhaps it is precisely because of the further development of the relationship with Huaxia Wu that Panis feels more confident and confident when facing Figo.

So today, when I finally caught this opportunity, Panis would not let it go.

"Figo, I heard that your 10 million worth of money is lost? Oh, I am very sorry that I couldn't completely stop you that day!"

Figo's face was blue and white.

This sounded like an expression of apology, but it was actually meant to ridicule him.

Figo had done this to this sister before. Now the situation is stronger than that of people. He didn't expect that he would have such a day!

"Panis, don't be so mean!" Figo gritted his teeth bitterly: "As far as I know, the new Internet project you are participating in is also very risky!"

"Oh, isn't it?" Panis raised his eyebrows. "Although I disagree with you, I still thank you for your kindness. If in the future I am the same as you are now, you are welcome to express your meanness to me. !"

In fact, Howard, who is far away in Los Angeles, is more depressed than Figo.

This stock of China NetEase really made him go to hell. Survived in such a sensitive Internet investment environment, and went all the way up.

It's just a standout!

And the 10 million he invested was at best, and he couldn't even make a splash, and then he was swallowed up by all kinds of capital scrambling.

It's really stealing chickens and losing rice!

In early February, the fourth trading day after NetEase went Wu Tao took Zhao Li from Los Angeles Airport on the return journey to Jinling.

In fact, in the afternoon after talking with Panis, Ding Lei was persuaded by everyone to get on a direct flight to the capital of China.

But Wu Tao did not choose to return to China directly, but flew to California first.

On the one hand, this can get rid of Ding Lei’s ‘sorrowful woman’; on the other hand, he is going to fly directly to Zhonghai or Jinling, which is not the same way as Ding Lei. But flying directly from the east coast to Zhonghai will be a very long journey, and it is not as good as dividing it into two parts.

Taking this opportunity, Xue Jiaqian and Wu Yingying launched a short attack on NetEase stocks in Los Angeles.

Although the thunder was loud and the rain was small, it was finally prepared.

On Zhao Li's side, using Wu Tao's absence for a week, together with Qiu Xiaotian, he perfected the setting and planning of this new game.

There are things you don’t know if you don’t do it. Only when you do it, you find that it is no different from creating a comic book, and it’s even more tiring!

But tiredness is not terrible, this kind of experience can make people grow.

On the plane, Zhao Li took out the game data and handed it to Wu Tao, "You give me a name?"

Wu Tao glanced at Zhao Li, who had changed a lot, and took a look at the information seriously.

Under Zhao Li's original background and settings, some systems and systems proposed by her have been integrated. Today's game is completely different from the League of Legends in memory.

But in terms of commerciality and playability, there is actually not much difference.

More than ten minutes later, Wu Tao returned the information to Zhao Li and said, "Let’s call it League of Legends!"

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