Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 839: 1 family who loves each other

Leaving Ninghai Building, crossing Ninghai Road, and walking a few steps, you will be the main entrance of Splendid Garden.

In winter, around Ninghai Road, there is no obvious change in urban construction. The road is still so wide, the phoenix tree is still so thick, but there are a little more cars on the road, so that it takes longer to wait for the red light to cross the street.

Just after crossing the street, I walked to the door of Fairview Court, and a surprise sound rang in my ears unconsciously.

"Oh, isn't this Mr. Wu?"

Wu Tao looked back and thought about it carefully before remembering: "Dr. Sun, what a coincidence?"

Liu Ruoxi's family also lives in this community, and now that she just came back, she ran into her mother Sun Liping.

"Isn't it?" Compared with the snobbery of the first meeting, Sun Liping is now more restrained, and she is more amiable when she chats. "I haven't seen you for a long time, where did you come from?"

"...By the way, my family Xixi didn't come back with you?"

Wu Tao was also taken aback when he heard this, "Ruoxi hasn't come back yet? By the way, Director Sun, I have just returned from the United States. Ruoxi has her own job and needs to stay in the capital."

As he explained, he took out a large box of chocolates from the suitcase and stuffed it into Sun Liping's hand, saying: "I brought this back from Los Angeles. It's a trivial meaning, no respect."

Sun Liping's attention was quickly diverted by this exquisitely packaged chocolate, "It looks very high-end, I thank you for my family Xixi, Mr. Wu."

After Sun Liping was sent away, Wu Tao only relaxed.

When Zhao Li saw it, she felt distressed and said, "Why would you give her such a good chocolate?" She obviously still remembers the snobbery of this Director Sun, so she was a little uncomfortable in her attitude and felt it was not worth it.

Wu Tao said helplessly, "What else can I do? This is already the worst and least valuable gift I have brought back."

In fact, Zhao Li is not to blame, Wu Tao and this kind of snobbery woman are also nothing to say.

Just because the other party is Liu Ruoxi's mother, it is not easy to offend her.

Since he can use a little gift to make everyone friendly and live up to the face, he is happy to do so easily.

Going back to the long-lost home, nothing seems to have changed much.

The spacious four-room suite is still so clean, but the room is filled with a strong fragrance of women, Wu Tao then realized that this place has not had its own breath for a long time.

Abandoning his luggage, he lay down on the sofa, Wu Tao felt a sense of comfort all over his body, and finally got home!

It's just that Zhao Li entered the door, wandered around and looked around several rooms, and finally returned to the living room, dragged his luggage and walked out.

Wu Tao hurriedly called out, confused: "Hey, where are you going to go?"

Zhao Li put her hands in her pockets, shrugged her shoulders and said, "You have no place in your house. I can't find a hotel to settle myself down?"

"Wait first!" Wu Tao got up with a vigor, and walked to each room to take a look.

That's right, the Shi family sisters did not move away, and even the layout remained the same.

Some time ago, I heard that both of them had bought a house in Jinling. Wu Tao thought they were planning to move out.

However, even so, Zhao Li could not be allowed to go out to sleep in the hotel alone, because that would not only see the outside world, but also make people feel uneasy.

"Okay, don't leave. Just like last time, you and Rongrong sleep in the master bedroom, and I'll sleep in the study room."

Zhao Li's heart was overjoyed, and while Wu Tao was not paying attention, she spit out her fragrant tongue with joy.

Wu Tao ignored her careful thoughts and dragged his exhausted body directly into the study, sleeping on the simple single bed with his clothes.

The sleep was exceptionally sweet.

Only after waking up did I find that I was covered with a quilt and even my shoes had been taken off.

He raised his head and looked out the window, it was already dark, but it was dark early in winter, and he was not sure when it was now.

However, the laughter and laughter faintly coming in from outside the door, Wu Tao is not difficult to guess, it should not be too late, at least it is not time to go to bed.

After waking up, his stomach groaned suddenly.

In this way, I can afford it. You can't keep going to sleep hungry.

As soon as the study door opened, the laughter in the living room stopped abruptly.

Wu Tao glanced intently. These four women, with different styles, sitting or lying on the sofa, are simply beautiful pictures of natural beauty.

"Are you awake?" An Rong moved subconsciously.

Shi Qianxue stretched out, and her slender legs crossed over and changed her posture and said, "It's almost twelve o'clock. If he doesn't wake up, he will really become a pig!"

Hey, actually attacked the boss personally.

Wu Tao, who was planning to walk to An Rong, sat down next to Shi Qianxue decisively, slapped her soft calf and said, "I didn’t hear that someone bought a new house and planned to move out? Now, are you still here?"

This was originally intended to ridicule Shi Qianxue, but Shi Qianmei, who had also bought the house, explained first: "Cousin, the house has been bought and it is being renovated, plus it has been too busy these days, so..."

This explanation immediately made Wu Tao embarrassed.

However, Shi Qianxue took the opportunity to say in a weird manner: "I heard that the villa in the Royal Garden will be renovated soon. Are you afraid that we will live in your villa, so you specifically chase us away?"

"Where did I have?" Wu Tao slapped on the face of his unprepared thigh, shocked Shi Qianxue, and then gritted his teeth and said: "Second~ cousin, when the villa is decorated, I You are welcome to stay together."

Shi Qianmei was a little embarrassed and did not speak.

On the contrary, Shi Qianxue was very carefree, and naturally said: "For your sincerity, this lady reluctantly agreed."

"Don't don't don't, don't make it difficult for you..."

Shi Qianmei knew that the two were fighting, and she stood up and said, "I'm I will leave you rice in the pot, and the old duck pot, I'll heat it up for you."

Wu Tao glanced at Shi Qianxue with disgust, turned his head and held Shi Qianmei's skillful hands, and said sincerely: "My beautiful sister is the most intimate!" After saying that, he sighed and sighed: "The same is my cousin, why is the gap so big? pinch!"

"Cut, I'm going to throw up!" Shi Qianxue vomited, stretched her waist and stood up and said: "Finally I have a chance to colonel the intranet. I have to go and check it out. The handsome guys on the Internet are waiting for me. ..."

Shi Qianxue walked on the front foot, and Zhao Li got up on the back foot and said: "Then what, you talk, I will wash and sleep first."

Seeing everyone leaving with excuses, creating opportunities for the two to be alone, Wu Tao suddenly felt that it seemed good to live together like this after moving to the Royal Garden Villa.

A family that loves each other!

Young people are happy when they are together.

What's more, when I'm not here, the family won't be so deserted that it loses popularity.

That's great!

After returning to his senses, Wu Tao looked at An Rong's slightly thin face: "You are thinner."

An Rong shook her head desperately, "Compared to you, this is nothing at all. The more I get in touch with your career, the more I can understand you and understand you."

This is a bit sensational.

So Wu Tao was a little uncomfortable, so he said solemnly: "For you, no matter how tired and hard you are, you will treat yourself as two hundred and five, and no matter how hard you are, you will treat yourself as a dumb face!"

With a puff, An Rong smiled suddenly, Xiaoxiu punched him on the shoulder and said, "What is this all about..."

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