Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 843: Anti-customer entrants

Although Wu Tao's words were a bit aggressive, Yang Ge still did not agree on the spot, but said that he needed to go back and think before making a decision.

But after that, the faint worries on Yang Ge's face disappeared, and the former refreshing nature was restored between gestures.

Wu Tao didn't feel unhappy about it. Yang Ge didn't immediately agree, at least it means that although he had new ideas before, he didn't think much.

This shows that the other party's heart is still with Yuanqi Technology, which is probably a bit of comfort.

The three talked and laughed. From the ignorant chat in the chat room era to the opening of the school intranet era, they were filled with the recognition and resonance of being the first generation of Internet people.

But when it comes to Tianjing’s school intranet, Wu Tao suddenly remembered what he had been thinking about before going to the United States, and had a cup with Xiao Zixia and said: “Waiting for the opportunity in the New Year, I have to entrust you to recommend it and take me to the capital. Characters on the earth, such as the big yard son, the son of the capital gang, and the like."

"No problem!" Xiao Zixia agreed in one gulp, and then changed the conversation: "However, the sound of the waves is still the same. You made such a request, but only drank a glass of wine. It is hard to guarantee that I will not be good at recommending you. Yo……"

Wu Tao turned his wine glass and said one word at a time: "Sister Zixia, in fact, when I gave you a chance just now, I was also giving you a chance. Isn't this enough?"

The three people present here are all smart people, so you don't need to speak too thoroughly to understand them.

So Xiao Zixia was overjoyed and said: "No, boss? Do you trust me so much?"

Wu Tao raised his eyebrows, the meaning was self-explanatory: ‘what did you say...’

Xiao Zixia pleaded guilty again and again, and immediately punished herself for a cup: "Sorry, boss, it's me who is narrow-minded! I thought Miss An was coming..."

Before she finished speaking, Xiao Zixia's mobile phone suddenly rang. She wanted to pinch it off and continue talking, but it turned out to be an important number, so she had to sue the two of them and walked to the side to answer the phone.

Taking this opportunity, Wu Tao raised a glass to Yang Ge: "yond, to say something from the bottom of my heart, your success is my success! Let me encourage you!"

Speaking, drank it immediately.

Yang Ge was also moved, and he also raised his glass above his forehead and drank it.

It didn't take long for Xiao Zixia to come back, her face full of beauty, and a mysterious smile on her face. It made Wu Tao and Yang Ge look at each other, and they both followed inexplicably.

"Boss, there is good news!"

When Xiao Zixia's name changed, Wu Tao knew that it was about Yuanqi Technology. As for the specific matter, he really couldn't guess at this point.

Is the sales volume of Lotus mobile phones in the international market hitting a new high? Or is the shipment volume in the domestic market breaking a new record? Or does LotusMP3 become popular in China?

In short, there are too many possibilities to guess.

Fortunately, Xiao Zixia didn’t sell for too long, so she moistened her lips and said, “Ericsson’s mobile phone division has always rejected our acquisition, and even turned a deaf ear to our contact. Now they finally let go and invite us to negotiate. In any case, this is a good start."

This is indeed good news, but Wu Tao pondered it over and over again, and found it strange.

It doesn't make sense to change the wind direction suddenly!

Wu Tao thought to ask: "Who has Ericsson been in contact with during this period, or where are they looking for buyers?"

"It seems to be in Asia, what company it is, because there has been no news to disclose, so I don't know." When she said this, Xiao Zixia was really blushing.

Wu Tao immediately took out his cell phone and said, "Ericsson's big goal should not be difficult to ask, let me ask."

Xiao Zixia suddenly felt a bit weird. After all, such a big telecommunications giant has engaged in small actions with other multinational companies in private, and Yuanqi Technology's influence may not be able to inquire.

Unexpectedly, Wu Tao touched the phone and called Rena Fujiwara. Three times later, Rena Fujiwara's surprised voice immediately came out: "Oh Sang, don't come without a problem, I'm glad to receive your call."

Xiao Zixia was relieved at once, she had just gotten into the corner of this question. Although Yuanqi Technology's influence is not comparable to that of similar multinational companies, it can't hold up its own boss's supernatural powers!

Wu Tao didn't have the time to take care of Rena Fujiwara's surprise, but asked straightforwardly: "Ericsson is looking for a buyer for the mobile phone division recently. Can you help me ask specific partners who are interested in it?"

"This matter, Wu Sang, please wait a moment, I will ask."

After hanging up Fujiwara Rena's phone, Wu Tao hesitated and dialed Molly's phone.

Although I feel that Ericsson's intentions should be in Dongying, but it is always right to inquire about the European and American sides.

Here Xiao Zixia was completely convinced. My eyes were numb for so long and I hadn't figured out the situation for so long, so when I switched to the boss, the two phone calls were done.

Otherwise, people are the boss, this way is wild! Have to serve!

After the two phone calls were completed, Wu Tao soon received their call back, but the result made him fall into deep thinking.

A moment later, in Xiao Zixia's undecided gaze, Wu Tao said in deep thought: "This time Ericsson is looking for us on the initiative. I'm afraid it's just to find someone to accompany you."

Obviously, Yang Ge had thought of this too, and nodded with approval.

This time, Xiao Zixia was messed up, and even a little angry, "It's too damn, we are so sincere, and actually only treat us as soy sauce! It's absolutely horrible!"

Xiao Zixia's mood is not difficult to understand. There is no result in business negotiations, although it is normal. But no one is happy to be able to negotiate excitedly even knowing that there is no result.

This is not toss people!

Use your own side as a bargaining chip to negotiate a good price with others. Have we agreed?

Thinking of this, even if Xiao Zixia was going to call Ericsson to refuse, my old lady won't play with you!

In the end, Wu Tao stopped him.

After talking, the three of them had just chatted for a while when Xiao Zixia's cell phone rang again.

A moment later, when Xiao Zixia went back and returned, she was stunned, "Boss, Ericsson called and said that now we have become the main buyers of their mobile phone business unit. If we want, we can open the details tomorrow. Negotiation matters."

It's actually anti-customer!

This transition is indeed a bit fast, and it is so fast that it is a bit inexplicable.

Bewildered, Wu Tao's cell phone rang, and when he opened it, it was Fujiwara Rena's phone.

"Wu Sang, I'm sorry. Rena did not know that Yuanqi Technology was also involved in the acquisition of Ericsson's mobile phone business unit, so Sony did not stop Sony from participating in this matter. Now, I have ordered Sony to withdraw from this acquisition. Please forgive me. !"

It turned out that the crux of the matter was here, and Wu Tao suddenly realized.

After Xiao Zixia heard this, she was even more surprised, "Boss, you haven't said anything yet. President Fujiwara will take care of this for you. Your face is too big..."

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