Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 844: Take advantage of hard work and draw a s

There are many things, when the strength reaches that level, everything will be a matter of course.

In the case of Ericsson’s mobile phone business unit looking for her natal family, Yuanqi Technology was able to unexpectedly turn to customers. On the surface, it was because Wu Tao and Rena Fujiwara had a close personal relationship, but the deeper reason lies in the strength of Yuanqi Technology. Reach the level sufficient to acquire the other party.

At least in this year's annual report summary, the global sales of Lotus mobile phones have steadily entered the first sequence, replacing Ericsson and becoming the third largest brand after Nokia and Motorola.

Only in terms of the scale of sales, there is still a gap with the first two established foreign companies; coupled with the fact that the big smartphones of the future Samsung and Apple have not yet risen, so that this result does not mean that you can have the last laugh, but at least the strength is already there. The final qualification!

What's more, the previous generation of Ericsson mobile phones found Sony's maiden family. Although it kept its own brand, the final outcome was not ideal. At least in terms of benefits, it was a big wrong restructuring choice for the Ericsson Group.

The New Year’s Day is approaching day by day.

Wu Tao took the negotiation team of Yuanqi Technology, and finally ushered in the contact team sent by Ericsson's headquarters.

Yuan Qi sent a capable team headed by Xiao Zixia and Tan Xiaofei. A bunch of strange foreigners came to Ericsson's headquarters, and the only one I knew was Peter, the former head of Ericsson Mobile's China District.

Pete, who had just shaved his short hair, saw Wu Tao again and his former subordinate Tao Changxuan again. An old face didn't know where to put it, holding the hands of the two for a long time.

However, the other guys sent by Ericsson headquarters did not feel this way. Not only that, they still carry the qualifications and posture of an established telecom manufacturer, immersed in a condescending sense of self, and cannot extricate themselves.

Therefore, the negotiation contact in the first two days was not smooth.

Although it didn't go well, Wu Tao didn't shoot the table, and Xiao Zixia was still able to calm down, slowly consuming them.

But Ericsson can't sit still. How have they been treated so harshly as foreign investors? So in the afternoon of the next day, the two sides had just sat together, and Piru Anderson, the top decision-maker sent by Ericsson's headquarters, immediately announced the termination of the negotiations, and the two parties broke up unhappy.

Pete was dumbfounded.

As the person in the team who knows Yuanqi Technology best, he actually feels that the conditions given by Wu Tao are quite good. The purchase price is much higher than Sony’s offer. Although the mobile phone brand Ericsson will be completely erased, Pete feels that there is nothing unacceptable.

Ten birds in the forest are not as good as one bird in hand, and the benefits of getting it are real.

What's more, Pete himself feels that the Lotus mobile phone brand is doing a good job. Why do you have to put your banner in the name and become Lotus~Ericsson. What are the benefits for others? I really don't know what the headquarter's Mr. Pirou thought.

But soon, Pete knew what Pirou thought.

As soon as Ericsson’s contact team returned to the hotel, Pitt was found by Piru.

"Pete, I don't understand. Why is this Huaxia Wu's attitude toward us so arrogant? As far as I know, don't their Huaxia people have special respect and special treatment for foreigners?"

When Peter heard this, he laughed at the time, "Anderson, I want to remind you that the other party is a famous entrepreneur who founded Yuanqi Technology. Their products defeated Ericsson mobile phones, so I think they have arrogant capital. Isn't it?"

This was obviously not the answer Pirou wanted, so he almost didn't listen to it after hearing it, so he said his own thoughts: "Reveal this news to the media. I guess Huaxia officials will help us put pressure on the other party."

Pete was speechless at once, this method didn't really work, so he looked at Piru who was determined to win, he opened his mouth, and finally said nothing.

Early the next morning, a blockbuster news appeared on the headlines of major newspapers: Yuanqi Technology intends to acquire the mobile phone division of the established telecom giant Ericsson!

This is getting angry in the calming years, and it's definitely no less than a blockbuster! The response from all walks of life is absolutely strong. After all, this is the battle clarion call of Huaxia Enterprise to the established foreign-funded enterprises. If it can be successfully won, it will definitely be included in the annals of history!

Early in the morning, when Wu Tao was on his way to work, he received a call from Tan Xiaofei asking him to turn on the car radio to answer it. As expected, this was being reported in the news broadcast.

Wu Tao only ordered one sentence: "Immediately hold a meeting of the negotiating team when you go to work!"

After arriving at the company, everyone quickly met to discuss who had leaked the incident.

After everyone expressed their opinions, the meeting fell into silence. No one has admitted to revealing the news, this matter is strange.

Wu Tao was silent, but Xiao Zixia knocked on the table to emphasize the bad effects of this incident, reminding everyone to seek proactive recognition and not to hide it.

Xiao Zixia's tone was very tough, and the atmosphere in the meeting room was very depressed and tense for a time, and even Tan Xiaofei let go of her small movements.

At this moment, Wu Tao suddenly came up with a round of speculation: "Perhaps this news was not disclosed by us, but by Ericsson on the initiative..."

Before she finished speaking, Xiao Zixia asked: "Ericsson was acquired by us. After all, it is not a glorious thing for multinational groups. What are the benefits of doing this?"

Wu Tao stretched out a finger and said with a smile: "Zixia, you made a mistake, that is, to use China's humanistic habits to speculate on the psychology of foreign friends. At least Ericsson Group is willing to package and sell mobile phones. The business department itself doesn't care about face and the like. They only value profit and operation."

After Wu Tao mentioned this point, Xiao Zixia is still thinking about it, but Tan Xiaofei has already used inferences about it and said: “According to the boss’s thinking, the Ericsson contact group has all the motives of deliberately leaking the news. They want to use China’s official or even public opinion power We pressured us to submit!"

With this stroke, everything becomes clear.

"If this is the case, then these foreigners are too sophisticated, they actually know Chinese culture so much, they know how to use their strength to fight..." Xiao Zixia murmured.

Wu Tao spread his hands: "This may not be because they know more about it, but because many local governments in China have become notorious for their political achievements and for foreign investment."

After figuring out the general ins and outs, Wu Tao's face suddenly became relaxed, in fact, he didn't worry much at the beginning of the fight.

However, Xiao Zixia remembered to go round and round. Thanks to the contacts in the circle, she particularly understood the embarrassment of betraying her teammates made by China's officialdom in many foreign trade and negotiations.

"Then what should we do, boss?" As he said, he threw his hands and said, "If this matter is not handled properly, it may really cause a commotion."

Wu Tao was no longer selling off the hook, and smiled casually: "Since they have given us a chance to take advantage of our strength, then we will give them a trick to draw their salaries!"

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