Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 850: Gossip about 23 things in the coming yea

The next day, the sky cleared, and the remaining snow on the treetops on the roadside suddenly couldn't keep it.

Because he was thinking about the agreement with Liang Yancheng, Wu Tao woke up very early. This has become a habit, and I can't sleep even if I want to sleep late.

I just finished washing and I was about to go out when my old lady Zhang Huilan called.

Wu Tao can pick up such calls every other day, and the content is nothing new. It is nothing more than hoping for his son to go home early for the New Year.

It’s just that Zhang Huilan’s grievances are obviously deeper today, "Tao, when are you going to come back? This is because your dad hasn’t come back until now, saying that it’s difficult to get the salary, and I don’t know if it’s true or not. At home. The first man doesn’t have one, and I don’t have any staff to buy the New Year’s goods..."

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Jiang's voice changed to say: "Mom, am I not a man?"

The black egg is not to be outdone and said: "Auntie, I'm one of them too."

Wu Tao smiled. In fact, the old lady disliked the manpower who hadn't called her. This was obviously just an excuse.

In the past, she handled all the New Year's goods during the annual festivals, and she did not ask others to help.

So Wu Tao simply pretended to be confused: "What, you said that Dad hasn't come home yet? Mom, I know, I will solve Dad's problem and let him go home as soon as possible, okay?"

Zhang Huilan's thoughts were suddenly misled by her son, "Your father seems to be troublesome, can you do it, son?"

Wu Tao laughed and patted his chest and said, "Mom, as long as you are on the boundary of Jiangdong Province, there is nothing wrong. Don't worry, this matter is on my body."

After finally dismissing the old lady, Wu Tao was also relieved.

During this call, everyone else left, leaving him alone and the soy milk fritters still on the table.

After eating breakfast in a hurry, and sending the plate to the kitchen, Wu Tao turned around and went out.

After getting in the car, Song Zhuang turned around and asked, "Boss, where are you going today?"

Wu Tao pondered that it was too early to the appointed time, so there was no need to go ahead. As for several of his own companies, there is no need to run anymore, and they simply waved: "Go to Friendship Apparel Group."

As the car left Ninghai Road, Wu Tao remembered the promise he had just made with his old lady.

In any case, it’s hard to get money for construction projects now, and **** is horrible. My father didn’t go back early because of this. This should be true.

If this is the case, the son must not stand idly by.

Taking out his cell phone, Wu Tao dialed Zhao Jinhuai's phone. I didn't call my own Lao Tzu directly, because I was afraid that being a Lao Tzu would lose face and not speak truthfully.

Before long, the call was connected. Zhao Jinhuai didn't know who he was at all, so the loud voice came over and said, "Hey, who?"

"Uncle Zhao, it's me, Wu Tao."

Zhao Jinhuai was taken aback, and then overjoyed and said: "Oh, Xiaotao, that's great, I'm just looking for you."

"The company's project payment is seriously owed?" Wu Tao asked bluntly.

"Isn't it!" Zhao Jinhuai slapped his thigh and said, "Ten of millions of dollars for the project, and no one has been seen until now. Master is almost graying out of his hair! I wanted to call you a long time ago, but Master kept stopping me. NS……"

Wu Tao immediately understood the seriousness of the matter, "Which company owes the money?"

"There are government agencies and general contracting companies..."

After hanging up Zhao Jinhuai's call, Wu Tao almost knew it. This question will only be a matter of one sentence when I see Comrade Lao Liang later.

I can’t go back and let Comrade Lao Liang send himself away with a box or two of tea.

Not long after, the car arrived at Friendship Clothing Group.

It's been a while, and now the Friendship Apparel Group can be said to be completely new. There is a busy scene in the factory, and in the open space not far away, a new building has been erected, and currently seven or eight floors have been built.

After turning around and chatting with Shi Qianmei for a while, Wu Tao decisively left.

Right now is the busiest time for the company, so naturally he won't stay here without insight.

However, through the understanding of this meeting, Wu Tao probably also knows the development of Friendship Apparel Group. Although girls' clothing and ladies' clothing brands have not yet been recognized by the market, Qianhuimei's down jacket brand has at least established itself.

The winter in Jinling is cold and cold everywhere.

To be honest, in this season, coming out to drink tea is actually not a particularly good experience.

So this time when we arrived at the ancient tea village in the southern suburbs, the place for the old and the young to drink tea was not in the pavilion or outside the house, but moved to the antique house.

Liang Yancheng, who became the chief official in Xinjiang, has not only not been old enough for more than a year, but has become more and more old and strong.

This may also be regarded as "a daughter-in-law who has become a mother-in-law for many years."

As soon as Wu Tao sat down, Liang Yancheng fiddled with the small stove on the table, and said, "I have been to the capital for half a year, but when I come back, I don't want to pay attention to my old man, right?"

"Hey, Secretary Liang, what are you talking about!" Wu Tao pretended to be ashamed: "Isn't I waiting for your call all the time? But during this period, I did encounter some troubles and I haven't smoked. Open your body..."

Before he finished speaking, Liang Yancheng smiled, "Is there any trouble you can't solve?"

"That's not it!" Wu Tao slapped his thigh, and said, "I have heard that migrant workers' wages are hard to get, but this year I have seen it. From the owner to the general contracting company, everyone is an uncle. One drink, two, three dances, it’s absolutely impossible to take it off without peeling off a layer of skin."

"...Of course, sometimes even if a layer of skin is peeled off, it may not be able to take it off."

Liang Yancheng suddenly stopped laughing. As an old fellow in officialdom, how could he not understand the meaning of Wu Tao's words.

"It's okay, just tell me what company and project it is."

"Huayao Construction Company has done two projects this year, and the project funds have not been paid A large number of migrant workers are waiting to be paid for the New Year, and they are still stranded in Jinling. This continues. It’s really noisy, I’m afraid the consequences would be disastrous."

Liang Yancheng turned his head and coughed heavily, and Secretary Sun, who had been waiting outside, walked in immediately.

"Go and summarize all the problems that Jinling owes the construction company's project payments this year, and make it clear that they must be resolved within two days! Otherwise, it will develop into a mass incident and the relevant leaders at the district and city levels will be held accountable."

Secretary Sun went hurriedly.

When the two were talking, Wu Tao took over the tea-making work early, and after Liang Yancheng calmed down, Wu Tao had already made a tea.

Liang Yancheng's expression returned to normal only after drinking two bubbles in one breath.

"Actually, it's no big deal to come to you today. The country may have to move after the new year. You'd better have a response to the investment plan in Jiangdong Province."

As soon as Wu Tao heard this, his brain turned around and said: "Which city is estimated to be transferred to Uncle An? The three cities in the Yangtze River Delta, or the direct provincial capital Jinling?"

"Wu Su."

It turned out to be Wusu City, which is close to Zhonghai. Wu Tao completely relaxed and said: "Secretary Liang, don't worry, I have a count." Then he asked again: "Who will be the leader of Beijiang City?"

Liang Yancheng was not happy to reveal it, so the two stared at him: "Just relax, don't care who he is, and dare not make your own business."

Wu Tao smiled, this was the truth, so he stopped asking more questions.


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