Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 858: The beacon of Houtang Bay

When An Rong was sent downstairs to An's house, she ran into An Dingguo getting out of the car.

Although it was past noon on New Year's Eve, An Dingguo said that he would not let Wu Tao go, so he dragged him upstairs.

A new couplet has been affixed to the lintel of Anjia, and the room has also been renewed, quite a bit of a new year's atmosphere.

Back home, An Dingguo let go of his official guards, and his whole person suddenly looked extremely tired.

He fell on the sofa with his thick eyebrows furrowed, holding a cup of strong tea and drinking as he said: "Did you meet someone from the Xiao family?"

Wu Tao was surprised. He looked at An Rong who was with him. The other party was also dumbfounded and innocent, saying that she hadn't revealed the matter.

Sure enough, the next moment, An Dingguo explained: "Okay, you don't need to look at her. On this three-acre area of ​​Beijiang, what amazing characters have come, I don't know?"

What Wu Tao wanted to say was right.

After several crackdowns in the 1980s, the magistrates have become extremely sensitive to this kind of thing.

Speaking of it, this should be regarded as a kind of political sensitivity.

In front of him, Wu Tao suddenly felt that the dry goods in his stomach were not enough. As for An Rong, her pretty face was even more serious, and she always felt like she was exposed to extraordinary events.

An Dingguo continued: "In fact, since you re-used the daughter of the Xiao family, my boss and I have thought of this day."

The boss here refers to Liang Yancheng, which is a popular name in the system. Wu Tao has been dealing with them for so long, so he knows a little bit.

"...But having said that, doing business in Huaxia, especially for your sake, is always unavoidable to deal with them. In contrast, it is a blessing in misfortune to have a relationship with the Xiao family. But the Xiao family is a double-edged sword. It is hopeless and unprofitable to use it well; it will inevitably hurt yourself if it is not used well, so you must think twice before doing everything."

When leaving Anjia, Wu Tao's mind was a little confused, even with a trace of trepidation that he was about to touch the ceiling.

What is the world above the ceiling and what rules should be applied are all unknown.

Until he returned home with great anxiety, handed the document into the hands of the old man, and watched the old man open the file bag tremblingly, and then read the words one by one. My heart suddenly became bright and bright.

He has never put his eggs in a basket.

In that case, there is nothing to worry about.

Soothing the old man, let him not get too excited about it, so as not to hurt his body, Wu Tao just came out of the old man's room.

Wu Binghua was leading Xiao Jiang, busy pasting couplets upstairs and downstairs, in and out of the courtyard.

The thick noodle paste is applied to both sides of the doorway, and it still exudes the fragrance of rice noodles.

Coupled with a strong ink fragrance and brand new red paper, it is full of festive energy.

Shi Qianxue saw that this was probably the only thing she could do to help, and insisted on two couplets to post in person.

As a result, the last post was crooked, and the upper and lower Lian was back upside down.

At any rate, it is a top student of Taipei University who can do such a stupid thing. For this reason, Wu Tao caught him and was buried for a while.

Zhao's house in Houtang Bay.

In the morning, Zhao Dafu had already rode out the newly bought Qianjiang 125 motorcycle for five laps. The Shiliba Villages around Qiantang Bay and Houtang Bay had been visited by him a long time ago, and the only area that he dared not set foot in was Liyuan Village.

Zhao Li rolled up her sleeves, holding a brush, helping Peng Xiaojuan wash the carrots.

The smell of meat wafted from the stove, so that Zhao Fu, who was sitting on the back seat of the motorcycle, shouted to eat as soon as he entered the house.

Zhao Dafu was happy to obey the request of the younger daughter. In case this younger daughter, like the eldest daughter, meets a noble person in the future, it might take the life of the Zhao family to a higher level.

Zhao Li washed and washed, dropped the brush, and said, "Mom, my arms are sore from washing, I go into the house and have a rest."

As a result, I turned around and returned to the house, and took out a large stack of sketchbooks to design the game characters of League of Legends there.

Peng Xiaojuan took the brush and brushed it bitterly, and still did not forget to mutter, "Usually I pick up the pen and paint for a whole day, and I don't feel tired from my arms. Only then did I wash eight carrots and shouted tired. , Hey, I really have a hard life..."

Even though it was muttering, Peng Xiaojuan only dared to mumble quietly.

Who makes this eldest daughter more promising than her husband?

Peng Xiaojuan brushed a few times, then turned around and shouted at a pair of sneakers in the kitchen: "Zhao Dafu, get out and help, my old lady is almost exhausted!"

When Zhao Dafu heard it, he came out with half a piece of steamed meat in his mouth.

At this moment, the village party secretary Zhao Chunxi walked in with his fat son who was longer horizontally than vertically, with a pot of steaming steamed buns in his hand.

Peng Xiaojuan suddenly got up with a smiley face and said: "Oh, Secretary Zhao, talented, what happened to your father? Is it because our family's withdrawal and retention funds have not been paid, or..."

Zhao Chunxi shook the jacket draped on his shoulders, and waved his hands again and again: "Li Liniang, what's the matter! Even if I owe it, I dare not come to collect it on New Year's Eve!"

Peng Xiaojuan smiled more, but muttered in her heart, ‘as if you haven’t done this before. ’

As a result, Zhao Chunxi pointed to the white-faced steamed buns in his son's hand and said: "This is a talented lady who has made more steamed buns this year. I brought some over here to see if your family can help share the burden?"

Peng Xiaojuan shook the water in her hand, grabbed a piece of steamed bread, broke it for a little bit, and stuffed it into her mouth.

In fact, the Zhao family has long been able to eat these. Even the steamed buns with crab roe filling have prepared a big pot, not to mention this kind of white noodle buns.

But the steamed buns made by the branch secretary's wife this time are really good.

Coupled with the inconvenience of rejecting this matter, he simply accepted it with a smile, and by the way gave the two of them to the hall.

Zhao Chunxi went into the hall of Zhao Li's house while sending out Double Happiness cigarettes with Zhao Dafu. When I entered the door and saw that the ancestor's altar was on the table, there were six meat and six elements, twelve plates, and immediately couldn't help but his eyelids twitched.

Immediately after Zhao Dafu received the Double Happiness cigarettes, he changed hands and sprinkled him with a soft Chinese root, "Secretary Zhao, you also **** silly cigarettes!"

Zhao Chunxi took a look at It seems that this trip shouldn't be here.

But for the future of her only son, You Cai Niang specially steamed several pots of steamed buns for many years, so she picked the best pot and delivered it. The purpose is to ask him to ask the eldest daughter of the Zhao family about his son's future college entrance examination.

After all, I hope my son will become a dragon!

Thinking of this, Zhao Chunxi smiled and took the Zhonghua Cigarette, not to the auricle, and did not smoke it.

Looking at the eldest daughter of the Zhao family, who was sitting next to her, she looked like an incomparable sign, and said with a sneer: "Lili, New Year's Eve, why are you still so busy?"

"If you have something to do, you will naturally be busy." Zhao Li said without looking back.

Zhao Youcai looked at Zhao Li baffledly, his eyes couldn't help but light everywhere, so excited that the buns in his hands were shaking.

Zhao Chunxi lighted the Double Happiness cigarette and spit out the smoke ring and continued: "Lili, your aunt came to ask me to ask you something today. You can see if talented can pass the drawing and take a college entrance examination. ?"

"No time."

A word suddenly choked Zhao Chunxi there.

In fact, since Zhao Li came back, villagers and neighbors brought their children to find her every day, making her look like a guiding light in Houtang Bay. The relationship that can't be beaten by eight can be regarded as brothers and sisters, so affectionate, and I have long been bored.

Zhao Dafu looked at the secretary's face and couldn't hold it. What kind of business, he immediately slapped his daughter with a strong tone: "Lili, you have a snack, you are not an outsider!"

In front of outsiders, my own Lao Tzu's face has to be given. So Zhao Li turned around and handed the pen in her hand to Zhao Youcai and said, "You can draw the best one and show me..."

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