Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 860: The ultimate voice of the strong

The long conversation with his daughter did not resolve Anping's hardship for Beijiang, but instead aggravated his intention to go to Wu Su to find a job.

Wusu is located in the Yangtze River Delta, close to Zhonghai, an international metropolis, and its total GDP is far from comparable to that of Beijiang, the last in the province.

Only in charge of Wu Su can it truly be possible to set the GDP of a city to surpass the revenue of the high-tech company Yuanqi Technology.

Of course, from a rational point of view, the stability country knows that there is really no comparison between the two.

But now my daughter and wife have been raised their horizons by Wu Tao's career and structure, and they simply look down on his professional progress.

This is somewhat depressing and aggrieved.

After the New Year's Eve dinner.

The living room of the Wu's Xiaolou was crowded.

Even the old man, who has always gone to bed early, is among the children, happy and blushing.

At this time, the program of the Spring Festival Gala suddenly sparked a wave of small climaxes. With the praise of the fight against Hong’s rescue, it earned enough tears from the enthusiastic audience.

On the basis of highlighting the theme of national unity, the performances of several artists from Hong Kong and Taiwan also wrote about the achievements of Hong Kong's return.

Wu Tao occupies a single sofa alone, with a pen in his hand, writing and drawing casually.

Whenever the thinking in his mind is relatively developed, he always likes to write and draw aimlessly, in anticipation of the collision of inspiration or the flash of sparks.

Today's various companies have formed an industrial giant ship.

And with the advent of the new century, this huge ship will gradually approach the deep water area, opening a real voyage.

Entrepreneurship is not a matter of breaking a stick, and it will be done after breaking.

The bigger the stalls spread out, the more clues, the more effort and energy involved.

The mobile phone next to it keeps lighting up the screen, which is one after another and endless stream of New Year calls.

Wu Tao didn't have time to pay attention to it. If there were really important things, he would make another private call.

Until Tang Yan exclaimed, "Look, Tiantian is on stage, Tiantian is on stage!"

Originally Ding Tiantian's solo "For Who" was changed to a chorus with Tong Tiexin in the Spring Evening. Wearing a long red evening dress, the silly white and sweet figure is perfect.

Afterwards, the audience hummed unconsciously. The influence and feedback are even stronger than the previous song "Go Home and See".

When the song was over, Wu Tao put away the pen and paper, went upstairs and returned to his room.

I was about to turn on the computer to look at the feedback on the Internet, but I didn't want Shi Qianxue to have taken the lead and occupied his computer.

Seeing him coming in, Shi Qianxue immediately pointed to the computer screen happily and said: "Look, Ding Tiantian's photo of the Spring Festival Gala performance has been refreshed!"

On the school's intranet, several photos of Ding Tiantian's performance taken on TV were quickly posted to the homepage.

The messages in the back are endless and endless.

Wu Tao leaned in front of the computer, followed by a glance, and then put the pen and paper on the table, and put his head on the bed, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

Shi Qianxue browsed the computer for a while, dropped the mouse, turned around, and put the jade feet wrapped in cotton socks on Wu Tao's lap, "How did I find that you always have a lot of thoughts during the Chinese New Year? The girl robbed your computer, feeling dissatisfied?"

Wu Tao stretched out his hand and scratched the other's feet, and said with a laugh: "Don't make trouble! I'm thinking about big things, how can I be dissatisfied with you?"

Shi Qianxueqiong snorted, "What's the big thing, you can't help but wonder about the New Year's Eve?"

Wu Tao sighed and said that even Shi Qianxue’s feet returned to his legs. Organizations are dealing with each other."

These words are not unfamiliar to Shi Qianxue, who was born in a shipbuilding family.

"...Now I have to deal with Morgan and Quantum Fund in addition to the solid relationship that the Mitsui Consortium has gradually established. In addition, the domestic red relationship cannot be bypassed."

"...The spokespersons of these institutions and families are not simple roles. At the same time, dealing with them at the same time, I can not help but feel a lot of pressure. After all, what I am best at is not dealing with people, but doing projects and industries. "

This idea is no problem.

It is true that the industry has grown bigger, and the people contacted have become more and more high-end and more elite.

Pressure is inevitable.

No wonder some large companies, even state-owned enterprises, have dedicated public relations divisions.

Do you have to follow this route? Wu Tao thought of this and shook his head involuntarily. Once this start is opened, it is impossible to guarantee that there is no such thing as smoky things inside.

A good situation may be messed up and out of control.

Shi Qianxue pondered for a while and said, "This is your shortcoming, and it's normal for you to be worried. But in my opinion, why don't you use your strengths to exploit your strengths and avoid weaknesses?"

"...For example, if you are good at doing projects and industries, then you should start from the projects and industries to develop and maintain these relationships. Moreover, the relationship between you and these high-end people, in the final analysis, must be implemented in specific cooperation projects and The industry comes up, that is, interest..."

The so-called word awakens the dreamer.

Wu Tao sat up from the bed, hugged Shi Qianxue's pretty face in excitement, and violently kissed his forehead: "Second cousin, what you said is so right, so good!"

After Shi Qianxue's brief bewilderment pushed Wu Tao away, stood up fiercely and said: "It's dangerous, my first kiss is almost gone!"

"Too excited." Wu Tao pulled Shi Qianxue's slender hand and said sincerely, "I definitely didn't mean it."

"...You are really right. It inspired me a lot."

Shi Qianxue wiped the saliva on her forehead: "I also got inspiration from my own work experience. For example, when Counter-Strike and StarCraft games are promoted abroad, it is inevitable to deal with those ghostly foreigners. One At the beginning, I was also worried about whether to open up some joints, maintain what kind of relationship and so on? In the end, I realized that everything was speaking for profit."

"...When the benefits are in place, the relationship will naturally be better. And the maintenance of the relationship you mentioned is at best the icing on the cake."

Wu Tao sighed: "Yes, the relationship itself is the way for the weak to seek the right to speak. As a strong person, as long as he grasps the right to distribute interests, he naturally has the ultimate right to speak."

Looking back on the accumulation of the relationship with Rena Fujiwara, this is exactly confirmed.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao loosened his whole body, stood up, and said vigorously: "Second cousin, you just wait to be famous in the world with me!"

Shi Qianxue clapped her hands and said realistically: "Then I don't dare to hope, as long as you send me more red envelopes tomorrow!"

"Huh, no pursuit!" Wu Tao turned his head and walked out of the room.


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