Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 868: Bubble collapse is the only way

On May 12, Sohu officially landed on Nasdaq with an issue price of US$16.

The price is similar to that of NetEase, which shows that Comrade Chaoyang has no less ambition and confidence in his company than Ding Lei.

At the same moment, the Nasdaq index broke through the 5000-point mark in one fell swoop, only one step away from the crash point in Wu Tao's memory.

Sohu's share price broke through $20 in one fell swoop, but soon fell back to around $18.

As of the local close in New York, it was still fluctuating around this price.

Wu Tao looked at the fax document sent by Wu Yingying, and determined that although the situation was not in line with his own estimation, it was not far from it.

In addition, the trading volume of Sohu's stock on the first day was obviously not as active as that of NetEase at the beginning. It can be said that the situation is already very clear.

This also shows that the financial elites and bankers on Wall Street in the United States are not all fools.

Such obvious overheating, they obviously had expected it a long time ago.

However, even if Sohu's performance on NASDAQ was not ideal, Comrade Chaoyang and his team, as the founders and senior management of Sohu, still made a lot of money and completed their personal gorgeous turn.

Therefore, the domestic media remains optimistic about this.

Constantly published articles and hyped publicity with special headlines such as "Internet industry equals black gold industry" and "Internet creates billionaires in the new century".

Wu Tao really couldn't stand it anymore, so he published an analysis article on his blog entitled "Who is swimming naked when the tide is gone", sharply pointing out that there is a bubble in the global Internet and even the Internet industry in China. The date of the crash is in the near future.

However, no one likes to listen to faithful words.

This kind of article was posted on the Internet, and it didn't make a lot of waves, and it was quickly submerged in a flourish of singing and dancing.

But it doesn't matter, he didn't plan to do anything with this article, not to mention that this article was just excerpted from a small essay he used as a course in economics and management.

Towards the end of May, Ding Lei still came. It has been half a month since Sohu logged onto the Nasdaq.

But unfortunately, Wu Tao was receiving Rena Fujiwara this day and had no time to respond to him.

Rena Fujiwara, who hadn't seen her for more than half a year, is now even more charming.

In the position of the president of the Mitsui Consortium, under the unsmiling expression, the whole person became much colder.

Until he walked into Wu Tao's courtyard, Rena Fujiwara suddenly lost her outer shell and became relaxed.

After nearly a year of decoration, this courtyard house in Houhai finally looks a little bit.

Although it has not reproduced the original glory of a certain prince’s mansion, at least it looks completely new, antique, quiet and elegant, and there is no lack of the convenience and enjoyment of high-end residences.

The weather at the end of May is already a bit hot.

Wu Tao greeted Rena Fujiwara to sit down in the pavilion in the other courtyard. The four pillars around the pavilion were all lit with soft incense, the smell was refreshing but not pungent, and it could repel mosquitoes.

Rena Fujiwara glanced around, then sat down gracefully on the solid wood stool, looking at Wu Tao's face, full of scorching heat.

"Wu Sang, why do you always feel that you are so different from before?" When she said this, Rena Fujiwara's beautiful eyes were erratic. It is said that she is also the helm of the four major consortiums of Dongying now, but when she meets Wu Tao again, she always Feel a bit inferior.

Wu Tao smiled, and took the tea from Xiao Zhang, the maid in the courtyard, and said casually: "It may be that the environment of this house affects your perception, taste this tea."

Rena Fujiwara glanced again, feeling that he could not grasp the different point, and simply gave up, picked up the tea cup, opened the lid of the cup, and suddenly felt a scent of fragrance.

"Good tea!"

Wu Tao smiled. This is the best Longjing searched from Liang Yancheng, of course it won't be bad.

The two smiled tacitly, and then they filled the teacup, so that Alyssa next to them couldn't help but want to have a drink.

Fortunately, in the next moment, the two stopped talking about tea and began to turn to the topic.

"Wu Sang, it is true that I am following your blog post this time, so I made a special trip to visit."

Wu Tao raised his eyebrows. Not many people in the country paid attention to the article he wrote, but it gave this Dongying woman an idea.

Fujiwara Rena’s voice continued, “There were rumors that the Internet industry revolution will be the fourth technological revolution, so the Mitsui Consortium has a lot of layout and investment in this industry. If Wu Sang thinks that the industry is overheated now, does it? Means that all venture capital for the Internet industry should be stopped and stop losses in time?"

Wu Tao smiled and waved his hand and said: "The overheating of the global Internet industry does not mean that this industry is about to die. In fact, truly valuable Internet companies are still emerging, but they are not easy to find."

"...What's more, the future Internet industry is still a pillar industry. The collapse of the Internet bubble this time is just the only way for the Internet industry to transform from barbaric growth to healthy development."

"...In Huaxia's words, this is a process of scouring the sand and removing the waste. It is cruel, but wonderful."

When Fujiwara Rena heard the words, her beautiful eyes lit up, and then he nodded and bowed and said, "Rena has been taught, Wu Sang!"

Wu Tao waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "If you can listen to this, it will be valuable. Otherwise, it will be meaningless. What's more, I haven't thanked you for the acquisition of Ericsson's mobile phone division. Let’s clean up, okay?"

"Hayi!" Rena Fujiwara took off her and revealed the braided camisole: "However, during the China execution, Alyssa and I have just contributed to the settlement of two foundry projects in Wu. In Suzhou City, Secretary An spoke highly of us."

After that, Rena Fujiwara looked at Wu Tao with scorching eyes. The meaning was self-explanatory. How are you going to thank me?

Wu Tao looked embarrassed, then smiled and concealed it: "How about I invite you to have a full dinner here tonight?"

Without waiting for Rena Fujiwara to express her opinion, Alyssa couldn't wait to say: "If we can, we would love to stay here for one night today."

Wu Tao glanced at Alyssa, then returned to Fujiwara Rena's pretty face and said; "No problem, if you still feel unsatisfied, I will give you another suggestion for free."

"Oh?" Rena Fujiwara leaned forward slightly, and a large swath of the whiteness under the sling suddenly appeared.

Wu Tao confidently said: "If what I expected is not bad, now Dongying's alkman, CD player and other businesses should decline? I suggest that you transform as soon as possible, or cooperate with the LotusMP3 product department to create a new era. Walkman products!"

"Nani?" Rena Fujiwara suddenly felt dumb. "Sang Wu, do you mean that the decline in the business of Sony and Panasonic's Walkman is due to the impact of new MP3 products? But how does the sound quality of MP3 compare to that of Walkman? It's incredible!"

Wu Tao didn't say much, he said, "So, this is just a suggestion."

The implication is that if you don't believe it, don't regret it in the future.

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