Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 872: Go your own way, leaving others with now

After reading the overseas plan of this music website, Hu Ning's first feeling was exciting.

But as a successful plan, this is a matter of course.

After being excited, Hu Ning immediately thought, is there an Internet bubble in foreign countries now? Will this plan be executed by the desperate US? Will it be a dead end?

Wu Tao was surprised that she actually thought of this question.

This shows that the other party has learned to think about problems from the perspective of a strategist, and not just a general on the move.

So he leaned against the back of the chair, put his hands together, and put them on his knees and said: "Then tell me about your understanding of the Internet bubble."

Suddenly being admitted to the school, Juning suddenly became a little nervous. He subconsciously tucked up the hair on his forehead, thinking and saying: "I feel that the Internet bubble is the overheating of investment in the Internet field. There are two reasons for this, one is A lot of capital has entered this industry; the other is a pseudo-Internet company that is purely ignoring the Internet fever."

"Yeah!" Wu Tao said affirmatively: "Then do you think our plan is a pseudo-Internet company selling dog meat? Is its Internet selling point valuable?"

Hu Ning's heart moved, and a smile on his face spread, "I see, what you mean is that as long as the project is good, you are not afraid of being buried."

However, Hu Ning never thought that Wu Tao was actually playing a combination boxing.

In fact, along with this plan, there is a new generation of MP3 design sketches.

The combination of the two is the previous Apple's iTunes+iPod plan. Wu Tao remembers very clearly that Apple used this to get out of the stock market crash and return its stock price to its peak level before the Internet stock market crash.

Before giving the plan to Hu Ning, Wu Tao had already faxed the draft design of this new generation of MP3 to the headquarters of Yuanqi Technology.

It is precisely because of this that he can safely throw away all Apple's stock in his hands.

Because even if the repurchase doesn't come back in the future, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, let's go our own way, leaving Apple with nowhere to go.

Although the Fed’s first interest rate hike made Molly a few people awakened from a dream, most people in the financial world are still like ostriches buried in the sand, ignorant of the coming danger.

Of course, there are also some bold adventurers who are willing to take the risk of taking over in order to maximize their profits.

Therefore, the cost of Wu Yingying shorting the Nasdaq index at this moment is still relatively low.

Add three times the leverage and calculate it together. If the Nasdaq index is successful this time, the return will be at least 10 times the investment, or even more.

After doing all this, Tianqi Investment's Los Angeles branch will not make any major moves in a short period of time.

Wu Yingying was idle, but the tension in her heart did not abate at all.

Thinking of this short-selling plan lasting six months to one year, she suddenly felt a sense of darkness. When is this kind of suffering?

After Molly and Panis went back separately, they hurriedly dealt with the stocks in their hands. Looking back, I just breathed a sigh of relief, only to find that Apocalypse Investment has been shorting the Nasdaq index.

Molly, a genius girl who has always been known for her ghostly style in the financial world, has to admire Wu Tao's vision and courage at this moment.

Yes, now is indeed a good time to short the Nasdaq Index.

But do you want to be so crazy, so desperate?

At this point, Molly couldn't understand. In fact, any normal person without prophetic skills is incomprehensible.

So in the end, Molly only invested 1 billion, and took a small bet. The short Nasdaq index will fall to 2500 points in the future.

It's just that such short-selling options, because the risk is not big, the return is very limited.

Rough calculations, full play is two or three times the income.

A week later, Tsinghua Park entered the end of another school year. Wu Tao and An Rong temporarily put aside their work and squeezed out all their energy to deal with the dazzling array of examination methods in the school.

At the same time, the Fed announced the second rate hike by 25 basis points...

This is already a very obvious periodic signal of interest rate hikes, which means that there will be a third and fourth time to see the adjustment effect in the future.

Sure enough, just when Wu Tao and others finished their final exams, the Fed announced the third rate hike, once it was 50 basis points!

This intensity can be said to be quite large.

In these days, resolutely embarked on the IPO road after completing the divestiture of IPC state-owned assets.

As a result, the domestic media was dumbfounded by the nightmare that the listing would break.

The major media had already prepared articles praising the ethics of officials, but they had to withdraw it in a hurry and rewrite the manuscript.

More media simply gave up reporting on this incident.

Zhongguancun, NetEase Company.

Ding Lei sat in his office, watching the latest financial news, silently.

Interest rate hikes, stock prices fell, and the IPO broke. This pile of piles, one by one, is as he expected!

Accepting Wu Tao's point of view in his heart, Ding Lei suddenly found that the continuous decline in NetEase's stock price was not so tormenting for him.

No matter how miserable he is, at least he is better than Sina's Wang Zhidong.

For the present plan, I can only put it to death and live afterwards. It's useless to blame the sky and others, and self-pity.

Thinking of this Ding Lei squeezed to his feet, grabbed the car key on the table, and hurried out.

Half an hour later, when Ding Lei arrived at the Tianjing company in the congested traffic flow in the evening rush hour, the inside was already off work.

The R&D team member who worked overtime told him that his boss was not there.

Wu Tao was indeed not in Tianjing Company, because as soon as the exam was over, he went back to the courtyard house in Houhai.

If you don't go back, the huge Prince's Mansion will probably lose its place.

In the evening of June, there was a hint of coolness in the hot air. Wu Tao, who returned to the courtyard, returned from the heat of the reinforced concrete to the quiet place of this small courtyard. His frantic heart suddenly settled down.

As soon as she entered the gate, she heard Fang Yuan's wanton singing.

After taking the college entrance examination, this Nizi clamored to come to the capital, but she was stopped by my sister Wu Shuhua.

So Wu Tao had to arrange someone to pick him up.

This is not as soon as I took it back today, and I regard this courtyard as my own home.

The source of the sound is not in the main hall, but from the other courtyard. Wu Tao followed the sound without angrily, An Rong followed with a smile.

Finally I saw Fang Yuan wearing a golden T-shirt in the flower room of the other courtyard to the west.

Don't say it, the small glass flower house, hidden under the antique eaves, is a good place to enjoy the coolness and enjoy the moon.

It's a pity that the night sky of the capital is gray and can't see anything clearly. It's nothing but let down the good mood of this summer night in vain.

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