Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 877: A joint invitation from the two big brot

From the traditional courtyard house in the capital to the luxurious Irvine Mid-levels villa, Fang Yuan's performance followed Grand View Garden's Grandma Liu.

The modern design style, the interesting room layout, and the complete configuration of various functional rooms make the whole villa like a three-dimensional holiday villa.

And when Fang Yuan stood on the terrace on the second floor and looked at the amber-blue swimming pool in the backyard, she suddenly understood why the beauties she had seen before always used bikinis to swagger through the market.

After the tour, when Fang Yuan returned downstairs, Wu Tao was sitting in front of the kitchen bar making coffee.

"Why are there traces of women in the room upstairs?" Fang Yuan said with a look of complacency when she found the little secret: "Do you do this, worthy of my cousin Rongrong?"

"I don't see that you care about her!" Wu Tao didn't even lift his eyelids. He took a cup of coffee and took a sip and pointed to the second-hand Honda who slowly entered the front yard of the villa and said: "Hey, here she is..."

Fang Yuan did not move, but patted Wu Tao on the shoulder regardless of size, and said in a particularly enlightened tone: "Actually, cousin, you are so good, and a few girls like it. I can understand. Really! It's not that I can't help you keep secrets, as long as you can..."

Just as he was talking, the figures on the Honda car had already opened the door and walked into the stairs.

Fang Yuan glanced intently, she was immediately stunned, "Sister Lili? Why are you here?"

Zhao Li's professional suit was the first time Wu Tao saw him. Apart from being stunning, there is no lack of **** elements, especially the curve that is convex and curled, which is even better than the Ocean Horse.

"Knowing that you are here today, I'm sorry for not being able to pick you up." Zhao Li walked over, apologizing to the other side.

I don't know if it's because of the bonus of comic works, or what other reasons. Fang Yuan obviously has an intimacy beyond An Rong to Zhao Li. Hearing this, she greeted her and shook Zhao Li's arm and said, "It's okay, it's great to have you here."

Wu Tao could see the tiredness on Zhao Liqiao's face, so he made another cup of coffee and pushed it over and said, "Can I get used to the intensity of work?"

Zhao Li took the coffee and drank it. "Tired is a little bit tired, but full of energy."

Fang Yuan couldn't understand, "Sister Lili, what are you doing?"

"Game planning." Zhao Li answered simple and clear, then put down the cup and said: "I went upstairs to change clothes."

When Zhao Li left, Fang Yuan had the opportunity to ask Wu Tao: "Cousin, Sister Lili also works for you?"

Wu Tao nodded.

"You are such a wicked capitalist!"


"In that case, cousin, what do you think of me?"

Wu Tao shook his head, "I am a wicked capitalist, I dare not use a proletarian like you!"

Fang Yuan crossed Xiao Man's waist and said, "Huh, you can even use the person whose surname is Qiu, and let her be the person in charge of the company. Why don't you use me? I don't understand. Why do you fall for her? NS?"

"Personality, the same personality as you." Wu Tao's words were concise and concise, causing Fang Yuan to make a big red face, her tone was softened, and he took his arm and said coquettishly: "Cousin~"

After shaking it for a long time, she realized that Wu Tao didn't respond. Following his gaze, Fang Yuan was also stunned.

Wow, so beautiful and sexy!

Zhao Li returned to the house and changed into a hot three-point bikini. On the slender waist that was gripped, he casually tied a bright veil, full of romantic flavor.

"Sister Lili, you, you, you are..."

This battle shocked Wu Tao, but it shocked Fang Yuan, who had just graduated from high school and had never seen the world.

Is it true that people are so unrestrained in the United States?

Instead, Zhao Li stepped on Ping Ting's pace, doing various stretching movements, and explained: "After work every day, after get off work, I will swim for half an hour, which is especially relieved!"

"Oh~" Fang Yuan let out a cry, and followed Zhao Li's body, walked out of the terrace to the swimming pool in the backyard, and jumped in like a mermaid. The original rejection of bikinis has long since disappeared, replaced by envy and anticipation.

Fang Yuan looked at the backyard with her chin hunched.

Wu Tao couldn't accompany her in a daze. It happened that the strong uncle in the front yard brought in a large batch of ingredients that he had just purchased. Wu Tao helped put them in the refrigerator together, and at the same time, he figured out what to do to fill his stomach tonight.

Dinner for three people is easy to make and fast to eat.

When the sunset outside covered the west coast line, the three people had finished eating and finishing work, each holding a cup of coffee, went to the backyard to enjoy the cool under the umbrella.

The two girls got together and chatted endlessly. Wu Tao simply moved the recliner so that he could see the bright night sky.

Maybe the fatigue of jet lag came up, and I fell asleep unknowingly.

I don't know when, I was awakened by the laughter beside me, and opened my eyes dimly, how did I become four people?

Sitting up, rubbing his eyes again, and looking intently, there are still four people.

The two extras are Molly, who is always known as Scarlett, and the young and tall Ivanka.

"Are you awake?" Molly was the first to notice him, raised her eyes and said: "I made a special trip to send you an invitation letter today."

"What invitation letter?" Wu Tao said without knowing it, "Are you going to celebrate your birthday again?"

Molly turned around and said, "Don't you know? There are more people in the upper class in the United States who want to invite you to dinner. They all want to see, what kind of genius you, Huaxia Wu, are you? ."

Wu Tao waved her hand indifferently: "I'm a businessman, don't put a high hat on me, okay? I don't want to eat sugar-coated" Molly returned to the topic. "The invitation letter belongs to my grandfather, but this time, Howard's grandfather, Mr. Buffett, will be eating together!"

The two old men invite themselves to dinner? After figuring it out, Wu Tao didn't feel much joy in his heart.

But Molly was a little bit authentic: "You know, this kind of dinner is specially prepared for you, and even Howard and I have no chance to attend."

What is the purpose of such a big battle? Investigate yourself, or draw yourself in?

No matter what kind, Wu Tao is not very interested. In his heart, cooperation must also pay attention to equality and distance. Such invitations on the basis of their worth and generations will not be beautiful when they are more frequent.

However, refusal at the moment has a somewhat antagonistic meaning, which is obviously more inappropriate.

"So, I am disrespectful?" Wu Tao questioned, Molly did not speak, but the answer was self-explanatory.

So he shrugged and agreed, "Well, I hope I'll be full this time."

When Ivanka heard it, she chuckled, because she remembered the experience of having dinner with Soros that Wu Tao once mentioned.

After talking about the business, Wu Tao greeted Zhao Li and Fang Yuan and rested early.

After all, one needs to go to work and the other needs jet lag.

In fact, it is tantamount to throwing people off in disguise, but Molly has long been accustomed to getting up, curled up and took a look at him without a trace, and said: "The dinner is scheduled for tomorrow night at 7 o'clock, and I will pick you up at that time."


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