Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 886: It's cheap and can't just pick it up

The summer in Los Angeles, relying on the soft sea breeze on the west coast, is really much more comfortable than the inland areas of China.

Although the scorching sun is still dazzling and the light is still strong, the blue sky and sea blue environment make people feel like living in a dream all day.

For a while, people were a little bit reluctant to think about it.

At least Fang Yuan is like that, all day long in accordance with the diet and fitness plan formulated by Reese, to carry out without compromise.

Really feel so cruel to myself.

Over the past few days, the curve of the figure really looks a little bit like, and the whole person's self-confidence has also increased by 200%.

When the evening comes, in the nearly 1,000-square-meter yard of the Mid-Levels Villa, a group of women blatantly wear bikinis and walk along the flowing clouds with colorful drinks. It looks like they are partying.

In fact, after Ivanka, Panis, and Molly succeeded in bringing Zhao Li and Fang Yuan to the ground, Wu Tao, the master, looked strange.

It is impossible to cross the flowers, and it is impossible to cross the flowers in this life.

At least two lives, the prodigal character and frivolous temperament, he has not learned so far.

In desperation, I had to go back to the study room, face the computer, and have a sincere exchange with the people of the motherland far away.

Now, the network chat plug-in function of the school intranet is becoming more and more abundant.

Not only is daily communication not a problem, but also the embedded group function, coupled with the seamless connection with the personal blog homepage, makes the school intranet even easier to use.

Therefore, the original communication position between Wu Tao and Ding Lei was officially transferred from the traditional BBS to the instant chat tool.

Since joining this group, Wu Tao will log in every day to check it out.

Although it is difficult to meet other people because of the jet lag, this does not prevent Wu Tao from understanding the dynamics of the three of them.

Recently, Ding Lei has become more down-to-earth. The theme of the blog has been changed to the eight characters of “content is king, innovation is the way”. He even updates the blog post every day below, writing down his understanding of these eight characters and some other things. chicken soup.

It can be seen that there is quite a courage of ‘the big deal starts all over again’.

Compared with Ding Lei's blog theme, Yang Ge's theme is much brighter, "broad world, great accomplishment". It can be seen that after he devoted himself to production management, he was quite complacent.

As for Xiao Zixia, that was a lot more arrogant,'vowing to put the red flag all over Yidi'. It finally revealed the nature of being the third generation of the Red, but others have the confidence to say so.

At least with the merger and integration of Ericsson's mobile phone division, the international market share of Lotus mobile phones has soared in the past six months, and it has entered the same echelon with Motorola and Nokia.

And Yuanqi Technology also took this opportunity to steadily enter the club of multinational companies with annual revenues exceeding US$10 billion.

After reading the blogs of the three people, Wu Tao was about to quit, when a message popped out of the group.

It's from Ding Lei: "Boss, the cover character of Barron Weekly, cow!"

Xiao Zixia even more simply: "Boss, I decided to start subscribing to Barron Weekly!"

Immediately afterwards, Yang Ge also bubbled up, "Boss, this is nothing but a blockbuster."

Wu Tao looked up at the clock on the wall. It was just after nine o'clock in the morning in China time, which was the time for work, no wonder the three people were online.

After chatting with the three people, I learned that since Barron’s Weekly used him as the cover of this issue and the interview was published as the cover article, the domestic media has exploded.

This is the first time that Chinese people have landed on a world-class financial weekly as a cover character.

All kinds of reports about Wu Tao have been overwhelming, and even the companies under his control have been hot for a while, and it has skyrocketed.

While he was full of self-interest, a strong coffee smell came.

Wu Tao raised his head and took a look. Facing Panis who came with money and money, he was very surprised: "Why are you here?"

With the blood of the Morgan family, Panis's eyebrows are quite graceful of a Middle Eastern beauty, and his skin is full of healthy wheat color, full of charm, and a touch of wildness.

Panis, who only wears a bikini, puts down his coffee, propped his desk with both hands, and showed his bulging upper body in front of Wu Tao, saying: "I want to represent the Morgan family and invite you to New York as a guest. I hope you can agree."

"This..." Wu Tao couldn't help but hesitate, his schedule was very tight, and there were only two days left in Los Angeles. In these two days, he will also visit Palm, and by the way, visit Zhiyuan Yang from Yahoo.

These are all pre-determined plans, and it is not easy to change them.

Only recently because of the payment system test of Tianjing Company, I asked Panis for help. As a result, they agreed without saying anything and ordered the banks under the Morgan Consortium to cooperate with Tianjing to conduct the test.

This is a favor at any rate.

Seeing Wu Tao hesitate, Panis, who had always been proud, subconsciously placed a slim finger on the tie of the bikini, "Please, as long as you promise me, you can tell me anything."

Doing so is not a bribe, and it is true that Panis doesn't mind what happens to such a genius.

Wu Tao thought, "Is it because of your brother Figo Morgan?"


"Okay, I promise you." After Wu Tao finished speaking, he directly stopped Panis from planning to untie the bikini. "It doesn't have to be that way. After all, we are friends."

The next morning, when Wu Tao's motorcade had just arrived at Palm's door, the mobile phone in front of him rang.

He picked it up and saw that it was Wu Yingying's call.

Early in the morning, there seems to be something urgent. After the connection, Wu Yingying's voice could not wait to hear: "Boss, Motorola has just released the news that it intends to sell the Iridium plan. It is said that the asking price is very low ~ ~ only 25 million US dollars."

"Project Iridium?" Wu Tao suddenly felt strange when he heard this word. But when I think about it, I subconsciously feel that I have heard of it.

After thinking about it for a while, she didn't reply to Wu Yingying.

Until Wu Yingying asked again: "Should we participate in this matter?"

The reason why Wu Yingying is so caring is that Wu Tao has left a message before. Although the Internet winter is terrible, it is a good time for Tianqi Investment to find out.

Being so urged by the other party, Wu Tao had a flash of light in his mind, and finally remembered some clues about the Iridium plan.

Now decisively ordered: "This plan is a sinkhole, we must not touch it."

"Huh?" Wu Yingying was also very surprised, "Why?"

Wu Tao talked eloquently: "This is a communications engineering plan intended to replace the cellular system and expand signal coverage. It looks very good, but it is not practical at all. When it is really implemented, even local tyrant users cannot afford the cost of communications. Motorola wants It's not because of too much investment in this plan, I am afraid that today's achievements are far more than that."

Therefore, you can't just pick it up if you are cheap!

After hanging up Wu Yingying's phone, Wu Tao felt faintly excited underneath her calm surface.

Because he remembered that the sale of the Iridium plan was the beginning of Motorola's decline. In fact, in the current environment where the Internet bubble has collapsed, Motorola should have encountered difficulties, otherwise it will not sell the Iridium plan so cheaply.

And now, it is a great opportunity for Yuanqi Technology to surpass Motorola!

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