Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 887: Carrying it down is the only way out

Walking into the Palm company, Wu Tao realized that this trip was unnecessary.

Now his reputation in the United States has risen to fame, and he is being sought after by authoritative financial weekly magazines and various media. As a subsidiary of Palm, the morale of Palm employees has long been extremely high, and there is no hidden worry at all.

Jeff Hawkins, the acting CEO of the company, greeted him with joy. The tone of the conversation was completely different from when he first negotiated cooperation.

Although Jeff and his partner Donna Dubinsky's smartphones are already being made, the outlook is not so clear.

In addition, the Lotus mobile phone has decided to try to introduce the Palm system in a new generation of products, so they have lost the opportunity to fill the gap in the market.

PalmOS, which has fallen into the hands of Yuanqi Technology, has been widely sought after after it has been proposed for global free authorization and promotion, and the corresponding development platform SDK is gradually improving.

All of these are prerequisites for PalmOS internationalization.

But since Wu Tao is here, we still need to know the specific situation. He is most concerned about the progress of the development of multi-threading technology in PalmOS.

This is, after all, a key factor related to whether PalmOS can compete with the Android system derived from the Linux platform in the future, and it has to be taken seriously.

Jeff gave a detailed report in this regard.

Wu Tao also understands, according to the project plan, this technology can be implemented in the new version of PalmOS as soon as next year.

After he knew what he knew, Wu Tao no longer cared about Palm's other businesses.

In terms of specific financial matters, there is an authoritative review by Tianqi Investment's Los Angeles branch. I believe that nothing will go wrong in this regard.

Leaving Palm, Wu Tao went directly to the Yahoo headquarters not far away.

Unlike Wu Tao's high spirits, Yang Zhiyuan's whole figure seemed to be ten years old suddenly, which really shocked Wu Tao.

I originally thought that novices in the Internet industry like Ding Lei would be confused and decadent when they encountered the Great Depression, but I didn't expect that old dough sticks like Yang Zhiyuan would do the same.

Yahoo was originally one of the iconic companies that started the Internet boom.

"Lao Yang, what's the matter with you? What's the matter, just tell me." Asked this, Wu Tao was ready to help.

In the current cold winter of the Internet, no Internet company has a hard time, except for the companies under Wu Tao's name that are backed by their own investment companies.

Yang Zhiyuan was so sad that he called himself over, either because he encountered capital problems or encountered development difficulties.

"Brother Wu, since you came to California, I wanted to visit and talk to you." Yang Zhiyuan opened his mouth and said a few words of politeness first, which is to correct his position, "I'll tell you, Yahoo just After landing in the branch of Dongying, the business is now in a mess, which makes me lose confidence in Yahoo China."

"...Now we are facing the dilemma of the depression of the entire Internet industry, Yahoo's stock is now declining, and the board of directors has put a lot of pressure on me. The hardship is really not enough for outsiders."

"I understand." Wu Tao nodded suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Zhiyuan began to clasp his fists, "Could it be that the Internet industry has really entered the Great Depression, please give me some tips."

"I don't dare to be it." Wu Tao waved his hand and said, "But for the current industrial depression, I think that carrying it down is the only way out."

"...The Internet industry has been endowed with too many legends since its development, and it is time to settle down and start again. This process is the process of survival of the fittest. Although Yahoo feels bad, it is sadder than your Yahoo! More companies!"

"How easy is it to carry it?" Yang Zhiyuan sighed on his knees, "No one knows how long this depression will last. According to the previous economic cycle, a depression for ten or eight years is nothing."

"Hey~" Wu Tao interrupted immediately: "That won't be enough. If you believe me, Brother Yang, this depression will be at most one or two years, at least three years!"

Yang Zhiyuan's face suddenly eased a lot, and he touched the coffee and took a big sip: "If so, then it's acceptable. But even if it's three years, the life is not easy. You don't know the board of directors. Come and stare. If you don’t see the benefits of money spent, you will be tried, and if you don’t spend money, you will be tried for nothing if you lie on the bill..."

It turns out that Yahoo is not short of money, only the strategy to survive this period of time.

After all, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. Wu Tao heard that in order to raise funds for transformation and development, Ding Lei even sold the villa he had just bought in the capital.

Obviously this is not the case on Yahoo's side.

But when it comes to the direction and actions of industrial transformation, Wu Tao cannot give Yang Zhiyuan too specific suggestions in this regard.

In fact, in the past few years of the Internet Depression, Yahoo basically didn't make any major moves, and it has been settled down and developed.

In the current conversation, Wu Tao can also feel that Yang Zhiyuan's thinking has always been limited to the field of portals.

Then the rationalization proposal he put forward to Ding Lei is not appropriate if it is moved to Yang Zhiyuan.

So Wu Tao pondered for a long time, and then said: "Or Brother Yang, would you try to acquire some high-quality assets and expand the group's business?"

Yang Zhiyuan moved in his heart, and then said: "By the way, I heard that Motorola intends to sell the Iridium plan. Can I buy it and take the opportunity to penetrate the communications industry?"

Wu Tao waved his hand again and again, you can pull it down, what is not good looking at, but he just stared at such a sinkhole ~ ~ finally met at Yahoo, and did not talk about any specific things. But fortunately, after listening to Wu Tao's judgment on the depression cycle, Yang Zhiyuan's hidden worries disappeared a lot.

Don't you just carry it? Gritting our teeth, let's carry it without saying a word.

Back at the half-mountain villa in Irvine, Panis had already sent someone to wait at home.

A line of luxury motorcades lined up in front of Wu Tao's villa, and big men in suits and leather shoes stood beside the car.

This is the bottom line of the Morgan Consortium.

This scene shows that Song Zhuang gave the security team underneath a deadly order. In any case, you can't shame the boss, and you can't shame the Chinese soldiers!

To this end, Wu Tao's security team all dispatched and flew to New York together to meet the Morgan family.

In terms of value and assets, we are not as good as such an established consortium, but we must not be weak in momentum.

Otherwise, it is not only a shame to the boss, but also a hindrance to the boss.

In the room, Molly played the role of stylist again. It's just that the cloakroom this time made her especially enjoy this role.

"Wu, Panis has an average status in the family, you must be careful this time."

Feeling the other person's concern, Wu Tao couldn't help feeling warm. Although this trip to the Morgan family was not Long Tan Tiger Den, but I am afraid it will not be easy.

But the greater the risk, the greater the return.

Wu Tao is actually full of expectations for this trip to New York.

"Don't worry, Molly. There are a lot of expensive clothes in this room. I haven't had time to wear them. For this reason, I have to come back safely too!"

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