Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 892: 3-party investment strategic alliance

The interview with the two financial predators made everyone know that the meeting between Wu Tao and the Morgan family was not well known.

As for the Morgan family who gave Pannis a new opportunity for such an "abandoned son", it is not a news point.

So this trip to New York was just in time for that sentence, and it came and went in a hurry.

But it also gave Wu Tao a new feeling, that is, in the face of families and consortia that have accumulated assets for generations, personal power is really small.

Those achievements that have been hyped up by various media such as TV newspapers are just a stepping stone to the Morgan family.

After entering the door, no one will talk to you about this. Because in these families, the most indispensable is this kind of amazing talent.

The plane passed steadily above the clouds. Wu Tao took a shower and faded away the messy perfume smell on his body. Then Shi Shiran sat on the opposite side of Panis, through the porthole, looking at the night outside the window, and toasting Bright moon.

Although it has been busy all afternoon, Panis's pretty face is not only not tired at the moment, but on the contrary, she even has more words: "I have arranged the procedures for the consignment of your cars."

"Thank you so much." Wu Tao picked up the decanter and refilled it like a gentleman.

Panis’s beautiful eyes were blurred, and he held up his wine glass and said, “Actually, I should thank you. Without Uncle Jason’s admiration for you, I can only be Figo’s laughingstock today.”

"We are friends." Wu Tao said lightly.

"By the way, where did you and Uncle Jason go just now?" Panis really didn't regard himself as an outsider, and even started to ask such privacy questions.

Since the question was out of the question, Wu Tao was not good at answering. But that kind of place really made him a little hard to tell.

Seeing Wu Tao a little embarrassed, Panis quickly straightened his posture and said, "Perhaps I shouldn't ask, Sao Rui."

She retreated like this, but it made Wu Tao feel that she was ugly, so she had to bite the bullet and said, "Jason took me to see Stripper."

I thought it was a shame, but I didn't expect Panis to laugh after hearing it.

"Oh, my goodness, Uncle Jason actually took you to the place where he fought?" This sounded a little awkward, and even made Wu Tao wonder if it was sarcastic? But Panis dispelled his doubts immediately after the next sentence, "You know that Figo begged Uncle Jason many times, and Uncle Jason didn't take him there."

Wu Tao's atmosphere was relaxed, but it was definitely a wonderful thing to be able to see that kind of place as an honor.

Due to the jet lag, when the plane arrived in California, the sky was still dark.

At the airport, I said goodbye to Panis and returned to the Irvine Villa. Wu Tao opened his eyes from a nap, got out of the car and stretched his waist. He looked at the security team members who were running around with him, and said generously to Song Zhuang: "I will give everyone a bonus."

This is a common occurrence.

What's more, this trip to the Morgan family can be regarded as a trip to Longtan Tiger's Den. The big guys are all very careful, and they didn't close their eyes much during the whole process.

After explaining, Wu Tao walked into the villa. When approaching the door, suddenly saw the window on the second floor next door open, and Molly appeared wrapped in a silk scarf, "Wu, are you back?"

"Hi, good morning." It always feels very good to be missed like this. So Wu Tao greeted him very enthusiastically.

As a result, Molly clapped her hands and yawned in response: "Finally, I can sleep peacefully."

Immediately people retracted into the room, closed the window, and really went to bed.

Today is my last day in California.

Back to the villa, the circulation of cold wind blows, immediately refreshed. Look at the wall clock on the wall. It's almost five o'clock. It's impossible to sleep at this point.

He went upstairs and went back to the house to change into sportswear, and then went to the gym downstairs for a run.

The accumulated mileage on the treadmill has exceeded 100 miles. It seems that Fang Yuan's girl is really cruel to herself this time. In just ten days, she actually ran so many miles.

After running for 5 miles in a row, Wu Tao was not only exhausted, but more and more energetic.

Even so, he didn't run much. After all, there is no habit of exercising, which is the case at first sight. You must know how to stop.

While wiping the sweat, while returning to the house, Song Zhuang was taking Song Guanghui, carrying boxes of red wine that Panis had given him to the basement.

Now this villa finally smells of home.

After breakfast, Wu Tao arranged a driver for his cousin Fang Yuan, and gave her two stacks of dollar bills so that she could buy and play on the last day, so he went directly to Tianqi to invest in the car.

Recently, as Huaxia Wu's reputation has risen, the Los Angeles branch of Tianqi Investment has benefited the most.

As the spokesperson of the branch, Wu Yingying has received invitation letters from many large institutions and organizations. This is a direct recognition and a treatment she has never had in the past.

In addition, various start-up companies also have an additional investment channel choice, so that the business of Tianqi Investment that should have been idle has increased.

When he came to the company, Wu Tao saw that the investment teams had resumed their former tense busyness, and after careful questioning, he realized this situation.

As soon as she entered the office and sat down, Wu Yingying walked in with a document, "Boss, good news! The three authoritative organizations headed by Moody's have just upgraded the credit rating of Tianqi Investment's Los Angeles branch to AAA!"

"Very good." Wu Tao nodded, took the document and glanced at it: "Prepare, join me in the afternoon to visit Morgan AsiaInfo. The person in charge there will become Panis Morgan today."

"Yes, boss." Wu Yingying agreed: "So, this time the boss's New York trip was very successful?"

"It's okay." Wu Tao smiled and didn't say much.

Morgan AsiaInfo is an Asia-oriented trust investment fund under the ****. The current fund size is not large, almost tens of billions of dollars, which is basically the same size as the current Apocalypse Investment Los Angeles branch.

Of course, after the NASDAQ short order of Apocalypse Investment is, it will not be comparable to Morgan AsiaInfo.

But having said that, an investment company of this size is just right as an opportunity to be thrown to ‘abandoned son’ like Panis.

The reason why Wu Tao rushed to Panis as soon as he took office was to support Panis on the platform.

It turned out to be a coincidence that when Wu Tao arrived with Wu Yingying, Molly had just arrived with her assistant.

At this moment, Panis's waist in the company suddenly became stronger.

In the new office that he just took over, Panis looked at Wu Tao at a loss after he hugged Molly.

But Wu Tao opened his arms generously, "Congratulations, Panis."

Embracing this Chinese man's embrace, Panis suddenly felt a little intoxicated. As a result, Molly asked nonchalantly next to him: "So have you two already slept?"

This was a very relaxed ridicule, but Panis didn't know if it was because of vanity or some inexplicable emotion, so he chose to be silent.

This immediately filled the air with tension, and the three investment swordsmen who had just joined together were facing the risk of breeding cracks.

Immediately, Wu Tao Shi Shiran smiled and said: "Isn't the cooperative relationship we have experienced so much, isn't the cooperative relationship more reliable than having slept with each other?"

Panis smiled knowingly, and Molly also relaxed, "Well, you are right!"

At this point, the tripartite investment strategic alliance was formally established, and Tianqi Investment also took this opportunity to formally enter the financial circle of international consortia and institutions...

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