Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 896: The chip industry that always lies in th

Compared with the Irvine Villas and the courtyard houses in the capital, the foothold here in Jinling is indeed the most lacking in the heritage of luxury houses.

But Wu Tao prefers the atmosphere here, not only because this is where he started, but also because of the fireworks here, and it's more down-to-earth.

The second part of Huan Zhugege is being broadcast on TV. Ding Tiantian still plays the leading role, and her popularity is almost the same as that of the soul character Little Swallow. It really performed the character of Ziwei as her own.

Until the end of the two episodes, everyone on the sofa was still unsatisfied.

On the coffee table and the small table next to the sofa, the fruit is finished and the drink in the cup is empty, looking messy.

However, no one moved, still lying there in a comfortable position.

The TV started to show commercials. It didn't matter if I watched it for a few minutes, but after waiting for more than ten minutes, it was still commercials, and everyone couldn't help but feel boring.

"Who turned off the TV!" Shi Qianxue murmured.

Fang Yuan said excitedly: "I'll come, I'll come!" Then she raised her foot, only to realize that her jade legs were not as long as she had imagined, and they were still a few centimeters away from the remote control. So after working hard for a long time, I gave up after all, "Forget it~"

"Woo~, no, no, too noisy..." Shi Qianxue exclaimed, "Who gets up and shuts it down~"

As the oldest, Shi Qianmei has always been a model of industriousness. Hearing this, she stood up and said, "Hoo~ I'll do it."

Before she got up, Shi Qianxue stopped her and said, "Don't, sister, isn't there anyone?"

So the four pairs of eyes looked at Wu Tao's face, who was lying with Ge You, and even An Rong, who was leaning against him, pulled away decisively.

"Yes, let my cousin go!" Fang Yuan was the first to defect.

Regarding this, Shi Qianmei is the most virtuous and naturally can't bear it; but An Rong smiles and doesn't speak. She is least able to protect a calf in this kind of situation.

In this way, to clean up the mess by oneself, it is also regarded as the hope of everyone.

Wu Tao, who had figured out the situation, jumped up from the sofa decisively, touched the remote control to turn off the advertisement, and then turned around and looked at the women in various poses.

The implementation of Qianxue did not really want Wu Tao to clean up, her original intention was just to wrestle for a while, so that everyone can maintain this idle and comfortable state.

I didn't know that Wu Tao took out a gentleman's style uncharacteristically, and made this small scene of "the years are quiet and good" in the living room can no longer be maintained.

"Wow, I'm so sleepy. I need jet lag. I'll go to bed first." Fang Yuan stood up first.

Shi Qianxue grabbed Fang Yuan who was sitting up, "Take me a hand, I still have work tomorrow, and I have to go to bed early..."

As a result, the originally comfortable and harmonious four-beauty horizontal picture fell apart in an instant. When Wu Tao came out of the kitchen, only Shi Qianmei and An Rong were left helping to throw the melon peels and husks into the trash can.

The next day.

Yuanqi Technology Headquarters.

When Rolls-Royce drove to the entrance of the Ecological Lake factory, Wu Tao keenly noticed that there was already a line of company English name under the nameplate at the entrance.

Since its acquisition of Ericsson's mobile phone division, Yuanqi Technology has become a veritable multinational company.

There are also a lot of western faces in the ecological lake plant area, some of which belong to the company's customers, and the other part are foreign employees incorporated by Yuanqi Technology.

Wu Tao came to the president's office by himself, and Pei Ying, who had already arrived in class, was humming the episode of Little Swallow, doing her daily secretarial work.

"Morning!" Passing by the secretary's office, Wu Tao greeted very sunny when facing the back of Pei Ying, who was bowing and sorting out the files.

As a result, the slender figure suddenly stagnated, then suddenly turned around and said with surprise on his face: "Boss, you are back!"

Wu Tao nodded, and said casually: "Secretary Pei, it's even clearer!"

"Really?" The surprise on Pei Ying's face was joy and joy.

Wu Tao smiled and pushed open the heavy wooden door of the office. A refreshing fragrance rushed out, which was really unexpected.

When I took a closer look, I realized that this office was useless for a long time. Not only was the windows bright and clean, but also the green plants and decorations were full of vitality.

"The company's cleaning work is pretty good!" Wu Tao walked in as he looked at it, "I must like it."

Pei Ying opened her mouth, what she wanted to say, but she changed her words when she reached her lips: "Boss, tea or coffee?"

"Come on with a cup of green tea." Wu Tao walked to the executive chair, sat down and untied his neckline and breathed a sigh of relief: "Bring all the most recent important documents from the company."

"Yes, boss."

During this period, the company's business has clearly grown, but this does not mean that there are no problems in it.

It is also the easiest time to breed problems when the production management business is divested and the huge changes in the Ericsson mobile phone division are merged.

A large stack of documents came, and Wu Tao was planning to check it properly, but the door of the room was knocked.

Ni Guangnan walked in aggressively with a newspaper.

Wu Tao immediately stood up and gave Academician Ni to the sofa area and said, "Director Ni, come sit down."

The two sat down in the sofa area. After Pei Ying brought tea, she blinked at Wu Tao imperceptibly, meaning that this time Ni Guangnan came over, there must be something in trouble.

Because Ni Guangnan has called the president for many consecutive days, which means he has been waiting for Wu Tao's return.

"Boss, Lenovo's people are deceiving too much!" Ni Guangnan couldn't hold back his anger as soon as he sat down.

Wu Tao raised his brows, " Lao Liu is bombarding our chip industry again?"

"This time it's not Liu," Ni Guangnan handed the newspaper in front of Wu Tao. "It's He Zhiqiang."

Wu Tao glanced at the report and suddenly smiled: "Academician Ni, I have read this report. This is He Zhiqiang's unknown junior, we don't have general knowledge with him. Besides, he wrote this article mainly for me."

Ni Guangnan was unhappy, "Boss, do you know who He Zhiqiang is? He is the head of Lenovo's technical department. It is possible that this article was inspired by Liu!"

"That's it~" Wu Tao was lost in thought.

Seeing Wu Tao hesitate, Ni Guangnan said: "Boss, I know that the chip industry has not achieved any success in the current direction of the chip industry and cannot respond positively to Lenovo's doubts. But this does not mean that the work we are doing now is meaningless. ..."

Seeing Ni Guangnan's excitement, Wu Tao quickly persuaded: "Academician Ni, I understand. The first market-oriented single-chip microcomputer was launched in one year. I am very appreciative of this achievement. You can let me ponder this matter... "

Ni Guangnan explained, "This is really not a trivial matter for me. In fact, the chip industry will inevitably need social recognition and government policy support after the development of the chip industry. In this regard..."

As he was talking, Pei Ying knocked on the door and came in and said, "Boss, a reporter named Yan Fei visited you and said that you know."

Wu Tao's eyes lit up, "Quick, quick, please come in!"


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