Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 902: Unspoken rules of election committee cha

Wu Tao talked about it in such a way that Xiao Rui became interested in the steel plant.

Presumably the Xiao family had some accumulation in this area, of course, Wu Tao didn't ask much about it.

"Brother Wu, you also know that our country's current steelmaking technology is relatively backward. If you are a steel plant, if there is no technological innovation, it will definitely be a dead end..."

Speaking of this, Wu Tao immediately interrupted: "I will figure out a solution for this matter."

Then he picked up the phone on the desk and dialed an international long distance call.

Xiao Ruiguang couldn't help feeling a little agitated, and he really came to Wu Tao to find the right person. Otherwise, I really wander around like the other two generations in the circle, and I don't know how much capital will be lost.

Soon the long-distance connection was made, and Wu Tao said solemnly, "Alyssa, I'm calling for President Fujiwara."

He who dares to speak in Chinese like that, and his tone is so strong, is probably only Huaxia Wu. Alyssa did not dare to neglect, and respectfully said: "Mr. Wu, please wait..."

"Oh-san, are you looking for me?" Rena Fujiwara's voice came. "Rena is really happy."

Hearing the other party's voice tending to waver, Wu Tao couldn't help but cough, "That's it, do you have steel technology output and cooperation projects under your consortium?"

"Nani?" Rena Fujiwara was surprised. "Usang, I'm planning to promote commercial cooperation projects in this area recently. It's just that the roots in China are still weak and there is no way to worry about it. In this way, I will fly directly to Jinling tomorrow. Anything that requires us to talk in person, okay?"

"Okay, it's a deal." Wu Tao agreed, "I will bring a partner here."

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Ruiguang knew there was a way without Wu Tao.

After all, people didn't evade themselves when they called. This is a sign of extra trust in themselves. Xiao Ruiguang was born as a soldier, adhering to reciprocity and courtesy, and immediately got up and said: "Brother Wu still has the idea. I won't bother you much. I will be the boss for tomorrow's game, and Brother Wu will only be responsible for bringing people together. !"

Sure enough, they are quick to speak quickly and vigorously.

Sending Xiao Ruiguang away, Wu Tao called Pei Ying in and said, "In this way, you go and prepare some gifts for me. Tomorrow President Fujiwara will come over to talk about things. It's a matter of walking around."

When Pei Ying heard it, her beautiful eyes couldn't help but turn, "Boss, what kind of gift, I'm not sure about this scale, you should say it clearly!"

Wu Tao was taken aback, and then he understood, and said with a smile: "From your current performance, you know how you can arrange my boss on weekdays."

"Nothing." Pei Ying put her hands together to show her innocence.

"Okay, just prepare some gifts for international friends. You can grasp this yardstick. If the other party has a misunderstanding, I will count you as negligent!"


Then the phone on the desk rang, Wu Tao waved his hand to let Pei Ying go down, and then Qian Yingyi's familiar voice came through the phone, "I am Qian Yingyi."

"Oh, Director Qian." Wu Tao looked at the calendar, and three days passed in a blink of an eye. Director Qian kept his eyes on the advisory committee.

Qian Ying asked impatiently: "How are you thinking about the advisory committee?"

"Director Qian, I have no problem." Wu Tao also thought about it. "But I dare not pack the votes if I can win the election in the end."

Qian Ying was energetic for a while, and he could feel his excitement through the phone line, "As long as you are willing to campaign, this position is guaranteed to be yours. I suggest that you use your own interpersonal circle as much as possible. Click a friend to join the meeting. At that time, won't the chairman naturally fall on you?"

This is a feasible way.

Wu Tao nodded thoughtfully, and then regained his senses: "Oh, Director Qian, so you are waiting for me here."

Qian Ying smiled heartily, "Okay, get ready, this advisory committee will officially go through the procedures at the beginning of school. Nothing, I'll hang up."

The next day, in August, it was still a sunny day.

Autumn tigers ravaged Jinling City, and the pouring rain seemed particularly difficult.

At eleven o'clock, an Audi with a military license drove into Yuanqi Technology. Not long after, Wu Tao saw Xiao Ruiguang in a tunic suit and almost laughed out immediately: "Big Brother Xiao, don't you feel hot like this?"

Xiao Ruiguang's performance was obviously much worse than Xiao Zixia's for business dealings and entertainment. But it is precisely this kind of frankness and unpretentiousness that makes it easier to win reliable partners.

Xiao Ruiguang smiled and touched the neckline and said, "Is this a bit staid?"

"I'm afraid you are hot!" Wu Tao smiled, "and this is too serious. For example, take off your jacket and put on a shirt."

"Alright, listen to you." Xiao Ruiguang immediately unbuttoned his coat, revealing a white shirt inside.

Although it is still a bit solemn, the faint muscle lines in the white shirt have added a bit of masculinity. In the eyes of female friends, it should be a bonus item.

Pei Ying opened the door and came in, holding a box of Yunjin in her hand. This is a specialty of Jinling, suitable for all ages as a gift.

When Xiao Ruiguang saw this, he patted his head straight, "Look at my brain, I forgot even the meeting ceremony."

"Don't worry, Brother Xiao, it's enough if I think about it. You just have to make your cooperation ideas clear, and just say one to five to, thanks."

Wu Tao followed Xiao Ruiguang into the Audi car, and Song Zhuang drove behind. Along the way, I left Ningjiang Development Zone and went straight to the southwest. Seeing that he was almost at the airport, Wu Tao became more and more puzzled as he watched, there are places here too?

But when he thinks of the tea house in the southern suburbs, Wu Tao is not surprised at such remote places as the unknown military production is now.

Sure enough, within half an hour, Audi turned a fork in the road and stopped in front of a clubhouse—the Genting Clubhouse.

Here is not so much a clubhouse, as it is a holiday resort. Only in terms of grade, it is obviously not comparable to civilian resorts.

Not only that, there are no neon lights in the impression of feasting and green, and there is a low-key everywhere. From the road, you can't see that there is a special cave here.

Wu Tao got out of the car and ordered Song Zhuang to pass the address to Song Guanghui who was picking up the plane, and he followed Xiao Ruiguang into the gate of the clubhouse.

Entering the door, it immediately makes people feel like they have come to another world.

Compared with the blandness outside, the inside is extremely luxurious. Although it is not up to the level of magnificence, but at least the layout is unique, the materials used are exquisite, and the beauty of the cheongsam and the courteous waiters shuttle between them, and at first glance, it is not a place waiting for idlers to come.

Although there were not many people at noon, Wu Tao looked around and saw some clues, "Brother Xiao, the people here belong to your circle, right?"

Xiao Rui said tacitly: "If you like it, come often."

Wu Tao smiled and shook his head, "Not that much."

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