Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 906: 1 Everything must rely on strength to sp

Although the conditions proposed by Wu Tao are extraneous, they should not be too excessive.

At least it will not affect the progress and implementation of the entire plan.

In addition, Rena Fujiwara would not have thought that China would be the largest consumer market for iron ore in the future, so he agreed without hesitation.

Fujiwara Rena also breathed a sigh of relief, and her slender legs took a stab at it. Only then did she discover that she had some intimacy with Wu Tao. She couldn't help but flushed, and her eyes flinched and said, "Wu Sang, are these only these?"

Seeing Rena Fujiwara stand still, Wu Tao retracted his hands and said generously, "These are enough. Actually, I guessed that your plan did not originally mean to blame you. So Rena, in fact, you don't have to be like this, after all. We are friends, close strategic partners."

While talking, Wu Tao walked to the side to help Alyssa up again, looked at the faint fingerprints on the other's cheeks, and said apologetically: "It's all because I didn't make it clear at the time, so Alyssa was wronged in vain."

Settling the two on the sofa, Wu Tao began to round up his words, "Although I can think of the control plans of those traditional industries, you should know that I am not interested."

"...My real interest is still in the high-tech industry. Whether it is Internet technology or chip technology."

Fujiwara Rena resumed her usual thinking as a strong woman: "But Wu Sang, these industries do not need huge investment and long-term return cycles. In addition, the Huaxia market is facing the constraints of Batumi, and it may be difficult to truly develop. Heavy."

"Rena is right." Wu Tao nodded, showing an open and honest trust: "But to me, this is not a problem. Let me tell you, the fastest half a year, the slowest year, Apocalypse Investment will be promoted. Hundred Billion Dollars Club."

"...As for the constraints of the Paris Export Control Coordinating Committee, I can do a three-pronged approach. First, develop the domestic Internet industry, expand the market and increase its attractiveness; second, spend a lot of money to overcome strength and demonstrate The determination and strength of independent research and development; thirdly, it is Rena's method that you inspire me, capital penetration, and the right to speak..."

On the way back to the hotel, Rena Fujiwara had been tasting Wu Tao's words, and besides being surprised, she was extremely lucky.

What was amazed was Wu Tao's unreliable nature and amazing talent; but fortunately, he was willing to put down his figure and finally exchanged the trust of the other party.

"Alyssa, do you think Wu-Sang can succeed?" After returning to his senses, Fujiwara Rena asked Alyssa next to her.

Alyssa was also a little undecided, and shook her head blankly, "President, Alyssa doesn't know. But since Wu Sang dared to speak out, he must be confident. What's more, he has always wanted Everything I do seems to be successful."

Rena Fujiwara nodded thoughtfully, "Then Alyssa, do you still think it's too worthwhile for me to kneel and confess my mistakes to Wu Sang?"

Alyssa looked at the rejuvenated president and smiled understandingly: "As long as the president can regain his confidence, everything is worth it!"

President's Office.

Using the other party's global iron mining penetration plan to make a big fuss, knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger, itself is a shot to prevent Fujiwara Rena from getting out of his control.

Subsequently, Apocalypse Investment's capital strength was revealed to Rena Fujiwara in a timely manner. Of course, Wu Tao did it deliberately.

After all, everything depends on strength.

Now it seems that the effect is pretty good.

Wu Tao did not participate in the subsequent negotiations between the Mitsui Consortium and Xiao Ruiguang.

After all, it was the business of the Xiao family, and he had already fulfilled his responsibilities by leading the way. And his withdrawal in time will also allow the two parties to have the greatest room for negotiation.

In addition, Happy Farm, which is led by Tianxing game company Cage, is officially launched on the school intranet and Facebook simultaneously. Wu Tao has always wanted to see what surprises this little game can bring to himself.

So since the first day that Kaixin Farm went online, Wu Tao started playing decisively.

Anyway, I can't spend much time every day, and I can relive the classics of the past life and feel the fun of the mini games by the way.

It's just that in the beginning, no one in Wu Tao's blogosphere was playing, so that his farm was upgraded very quickly.

Within a few days, he upgraded his house and bought a dog to look after the nursing home.

After buying the dogs, Wu Tao realized that no one had stolen the crops on the farm anyway, and if he bought the dogs, he had to feed the dog food. This was a waste of money.

In a blink of an eye, in mid-August, the cooperation negotiations between the Mitsui Consortium and Xiao Ruiguang quickly landed.

As for the specific details, Wu Tao didn't ask much. It was only when Xiao Ruiguang finally came to visit him on a routine basis that he reminded him to pay attention to cost control, especially the price of iron ore raw materials.

Xiao Ruiguang heard this, although his face was puzzled, but he remembered it in his heart.

After all, my sister told me to pay attention to every sentence the young man said before him, even to the word accuracy.

Fortunately, the other party didn't say much, and Xiao Ruiguang didn't have much difficulty in remembering it.

Fang Yuan belongs to the most leisurely person in the residence of Fairview Court.

However, she brought back the habit she had cultivated in Irvine Villa. During this period of time in Jinling, she found a gym, and still insisted on exercising and shaping every day.

Over time, it has achieved remarkable results.

Fang Yuan came back early from the gym on this day, only to find that there were already people at home.

Who will come back so early? Out of curiosity, Fang Yuan gently walked the door to her left and right, and then walked into the study with a tiptoe.

"Oh my God, you came back so early to play this kind of game?" Fang Yuan's voice rang behind her, and Wu Tao who was caught off guard was startled. "What's so fun about this game, childish!"

After Wu Tao finished upgrading the farm, he said unhurriedly: "I just happened to be back early today, and I had nothing to do before I played for a while."

While Wu Tao suddenly discovered that the freshly mature grapes on the farm had been stolen!

Has anyone in the circle of friends finally finished it? Looking along the record, it turned out to be the superstar who sees the dragon without seeing the end-Silly Baitian.

At the same time Wu Tao thought about it, Fang Yuan suddenly became interested, "You can steal food, it's interesting! I want to play too!" Then she used her little pretty buttocks that she had just practiced to challenge Wu Tao. .

Wu Tao couldn't stand her pretty **** offensive, so she had to give her the computer.

After Fang Yuan opened up her new farm, she seemed to have opened a new door. In addition to being happy, she found that many of her classmates in her blog circle were playing this little game.

Pidianpidian stole a puddle, and the whole person was so happy that he laughed haha.

Fang Yuan did not leave the computer until Shi Qianxue came back from get off work.

Shi Qianxue, who put on a large T-shirt, pulled her hair up and tied it up, then walked into the study and leaned behind Fang Yuan to have a look, "You are also playing this kind of little game?"

Wu Tao looked at the file in his hand without looking up and said, "She has been playing for two hours."

Fang Yuan immediately backhanded and betrayed her cousin, "He is also playing, and he has reached level 30!"

"Naive!" Shi Qianxue uttered two words lightly.

Wu Tao shook the file in his hand and asked, "So, the current 2 million Happy Farm players are all naive?"

Fang Yuan was stunned: "Oh my God, so many people are already playing? They are a step late again, hate it!"

"What? Impossible..." Shi Qianxue stood blankly on the spot.

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