Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 914: A rookie in finance

After Christmas, the New Year's Day of the millennium is approaching.

But at this time, Wu Tao embarked on a plane to Los Angeles.

Since Tianqi Investment became a 100 billion dollar club, various charity dinners and big coffee gatherings have been overwhelming.

For an ordinary invitation letter, it is enough for Wu Tao to arrange for Wu Yingying to go directly.

Only this time the upper financial circle annual meeting, he had to attend in person. Because according to Molly's statement, such an annual meeting will not only have spokespersons for major consortia, but also representatives of important institutions and organizations, as well as representatives of political circles.

Wu Tao pondered that Tianqi Investment's next development plan inevitably has to deal with these world-class consortia and institutions. With this opportunity, it’s okay to get a familiar face first.

It's just such a short-term trip, because of the tight schedule, it has always been relatively hurry, and it is really not interesting.

As soon as Wu Tao arrived at Irvine Villa with her front feet, Molly's hind feet came from next door, looking at Wu Tao's eyes, hot, but said nothing.

"Hi, Molly!" Wu Tao greeted him actively, breaking the deadlock.

After all, the communication between two people has always been easy and pleasant, just say whatever you have. The other party suddenly looked at him so affectionately, but he was not used to it.

"Hi~" Molly opened her arms and slowly pressed it up. Just when Wu Tao felt a little troublesome, she gave a face-to-face ceremony, and then separated again.

Wu Tao felt relieved, "You and Panis didn't make less money shorting the Nasdaq this time, right?"

When asked by these words, Molly's pretty face showed a trace of unnaturalness. In the past, it was mostly Wu Tao that earned her fraction. Now that Feng Shui turns around, the situation is completely reversed.

"You must be kidding?" Molly hugged her chest, her squeezed **** were particularly eye-catching: "This time, I and the Panis family together don't make as much money as your Apocalypse investment family."

Wu Tao stretched out his hands and sat down on the sofa relaxedly and said: "That's really a pity, but I took a big risk and made it back, didn't it?"

After a few hours of repairs in the Irvine Villa, it was time for the annual meeting in the evening.

This annual meeting is of great significance to him and Yuanqi Technology, so Wu Tao originally planned to play it well.

But when he thought of Molly's scorching gaze, he decisively stopped the idea. Now that expression in his eyes can melt the ice with enthusiasm, and it would be bad if something happened in the process of keeping it upside down for a while.

Faced with the mountain of cloakrooms, Wu Tao simply put together a set, and put it on his body so casually, then Shi Shiran went downstairs.

Molly had already put on a **** white evening dress, a pretty mermaid alive, and stood on the stairs.

"So, how?" Wu Tao stood on the half-floor stairs, facing Molly, and asked generously.

Molly slapped her hand, "Great!"

Wu Tao was a little surprised, and when he moved his heart, he understood. It seems that the identity is different, and the feeling of one's own image is also different.

Walking downstairs in two steps, Molly asked earnestly: "So, can I be your female companion?"

Wu Tao stopped and refused, "It's a pity that I need to leave Yingying for my female partner. What's more, as the spokesperson of the Quantum Fund, it is not appropriate for you to be my female partner, right?"

Molly was obviously prepared, "My invitation letter is left to Yingying. As for the Quantum Fund, my grandfather will go personally. Of course, I don't need me to support it."

In that case, there seems to be nothing wrong.

The convoy left the Irvine Villa and went down the mountain, unexpectedly light snow fell from the sky.

The snowflakes were not big, and filled the space between the heaven and the earth with a lot of freehand brushwork. The speed of the car also dropped, and the car steadily moved forward while ensuring safety.

At the same time, Wu Yingying called and told her that she had arrived at the annual meeting first.

After receiving the phone, turning around, she saw Molly lying by the car window, looking at the snowy scenery outside, with a look of longing.

It seems that Dayang Mar also has a poetic and picturesque mind, but there is no suitable opportunity to express it.

The venue of the annual meeting is still at the Hilton Hotel, but this time at the San Pedro store close to the west coast.

As soon as the car was stable at the door of the hotel, the handsome doorman politely came to open the door. Wu Tao got out of the car, turned around and stretched out his right hand to Molly. This was a basic understanding.

Unfortunately, Molly didn't wear much, and she couldn't help shivering when she first touched the cold air outside.

It seemed that the good thing could only be done to the end. He took off the jacket of the suit and draped it over Molly's tender and white shoulders.

"Thank you." Molly moved her slender eyelashes, and her arm was wrapped around Wu Tao's.

When the two walked into the lobby of the hotel, the coldness dissipated a lot. Even so, Molly didn't mean to return her coat to Wu Tao, but kept wearing it until she passed the VIP elevator and arrived at the venue of the annual meeting.

There were already a lot of guests in the venue, men and gentlemen, **** women, in groups holding champagne together to talk happily.

Not long after the two appeared, Panis came to him alone, "Molly, you lie to me, you clearly said that Yingying is Wu's female companion!"

Panis is wearing a slim mermaid skirt today, which outlines her figure especially like a beautiful snake.

Molly looked smug.

Wu Tao noticed that Wu Yingying was talking with others and couldn't get away for a while. It can be seen that she is quite comfortable with this occasion. On the contrary, it's me, because I don't know many people, I can't perform at all.

Just when Wu Tao was bored, Howard, who was in a suit and leather shoes, came over with Figo, whose eyes were narrowed.

"Wu, it's the first time to come to this kind of first-class occasion?" Figo opened his mouth, with a condescending Wu Tao nodded and admitted: "That's right!"

When Molly and Panis heard Wu Tao's answer, they suddenly felt a sense of being suppressed.

Unexpectedly, the next moment Wu Tao's tone changed: "I didn't expect that not only the financial rookies like me, but also the younger brothers who rely solely on family background like two, can come at such an annual meeting."

"...Seriously, I'm very disappointed." Wu Tao said, with a shrug of his shoulders, looking really helpless.

When Molly and Panis heard this, they were immediately relieved. With a calm remark, Figo, who feels good about himself, slapped him, and he slapped him with no problems.

Howard suddenly got angry, "Wu, you..."

However, before he could say anything, an excited voice beside him suddenly interrupted: "Hi, Wu, it's nice to meet you!"

"Jason?" Wu Tao made no secret of surprise when he saw Jason, who was always cynical, on such a formal occasion.

Jason walked over, turned a deaf ear to Figo and Howard, and took a selfie with an old man with a Mediterranean haircut beside him, saying: "Hi, Wu, let me introduce you to you!"

As a result, Wu Tao and the old man said in unison: "No, Jason, we know each other."

"It's nice to meet you, Wu Tao."

"Me too, Henry." Wu Tao and Henry Paulson just met at the first meeting of the Tsinghua Economic Management Advisory Committee, and they did not expect to meet again here...


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