Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 930: A fierce counterattack

Xuefu community, Gu's family.

The grandfather and grandson's decision to establish the ic academy can be said to hit it off.

In Gu Xueli's idea, after becoming an academician, he can preside over one or two major national projects, and then take the lead in creating one or two new disciplines. His life as an academician is even perfect.

In terms of major national projects, he already has the national torch plan for mobile communications, which is considered satisfactory.

Nowadays, in the direction of new disciplines, Gu Xueli originally only planned to use his own influence to set up a pilot of the ic college at Jinling University, and then submit it to the Ministry of Education, and then promote it to major universities.

But I didn’t expect Wu Tao to directly suggest: “Grandpa, I think that at least the first step is to cooperate with seven or eight colleges and universities in order to form a scale effect, have a significant social impact, and then affect the decision-making above..."

Gu Xueli was stunned, "Will this step be a bit big?"

Wu Tao did not directly answer this question, but instead started talking: "If Grandpa is worried about the funding for running the school, I can provide part of it through donations."

Upon hearing this, Gu Xueli lost the last trace of worry.

Instead, Yin Wenfang asked, "Xiaotao, I heard that your chip has not yet achieved profitability. If you keep spreading money like this, will you not be able to get back the money?"

This is a very simple mentality for the sake of younger generations.

Wu Tao accepted this sentiment, so he said softly and low-key: "Grandma, it's okay. It doesn't matter if our country can start early and catch up in this regard, even if my own chip industry does not make money in the future."

Gu Xueli immediately gave a thumbs up, "Look at this child's sense of social responsibility, this responsibility!"

Yin Wenfang nodded in agreement, "There are not many young people who have such a mindset and pattern."

When Wu Tao left the Xuefu community and returned to Villa No. 2 of Yuhuayuan, he unexpectedly found that Chen Fang was there.

As soon as Wu Tao appeared, Chen Fang, the head of a growing media company, said with a sigh: "Boss, for the investment in a documentary like "China Core", why didn't you think of our media company in the first place? What? Investing in the name of Yuanqi Technology is a bad name and not so professional."

Wu Tao smiled. Chen Fang clearly sees the potential of this documentary, that's why he said this. Really put it at the beginning, I directly find her to invest, it may not be as refreshing as it is now.

But he still asked: "Hua Xia Xin only aired the first episode. Are you so sure that the ratings will continue to be maintained?"

Chen Fang immediately showed her professionalism in this area, "Boss, if the subsequent episodes of "China Core" can maintain the level of the first episode, I dare to say that the ratings will never be as simple as maintaining, but will Going all the way, setting a new record for documentary ratings!"

Listening to Chen Fang's praise of "Hua Xia Xin" as a flower, Wu Tao had to agree, "Good, good, next time there is a good theme, I will definitely think about it for you."

With the release of the documentary "China Core", in newspapers, radio and other media, discussions about the high-tech industry of chips are increasing day by day.

In the past, the media that blindly emphasized the infeasibility of localized chips have completely disappeared.

Instead, there is a growing demand for localization of chips.

Of course, there are many of them led by Wu Tao, but this time it did not attract some cold water, which in itself is enough to prove the far-reaching influence of the documentary "China Core".

On the school's intranet, the topic of domestic chips has surpassed the millennium topic in one fell swoop, becoming the top ten hot topics.

There are even many students who are determined to take the chip industry as their goal and plan to make contributions to localized chips.


He Zhiqiang, who had criticized Wu Tao in the newspaper before, saw the current situation, his face could not help but twitch.

Although after the last criticism, neither Yuanqi Technology nor Wu Tao has done anything against him.

But He Zhiqiang still felt a wave of shameless self-confidence.

At the very least, judging from the overwhelming posture, Wu Tao didn't target him at the beginning, and he did it with disdain.

He Zhiqiang couldn't help being hot when he thought of this, it was embarrassing.

At this moment, the boss Liu Chuanzhi opened the door and walked in, "Why, I feel I can't make it through in my heart?"

He Zhiqiang was very clear about his boss's philosophy, and quickly concealed: "No, no, no, I'm just thinking about the intention of Yuanqi Technology's move."

Liu Chuanzhi said disdainfully: "It's nothing more than trying to drag more cannon fodder into the water. Anyway, we can't be fooled, and honestly do the pc industry and earn our money."

He Zhiqiang took the opportunity to say: "Mr. Liu, I heard that there was news from Zhongguancun recently that it is said that some people want to enter the domestic PC industry on the grounds of cheap computers. Will we have one more powerful competitor for this?"

"Every day there are more PC companies, big and small," Liu Chuanzhi said, "How many are qualified to become our Lenovo's competitors?"

"Yes, yes!" He Zhiqiang agreed on the surface, but in his heart he was still a little wary and a little frustrated.

After all, the technical content and core competitiveness of Lenovo nowadays, the more he achieves a high position, the more he feels that he is not at ease.

But the company's overall ethos is so reluctant that it emphasizes sales rather than research and development. After so many years of development, it has not formed its own competitive advantage and company barriers.

It's just that due to the expansion of China's PC market, the problem of insufficient research and development will not be exposed for the time being.

If this continues, He Zhiqiang is very clear that any rising star may become a strong competitor of Lenovo.

But he didn't dare to say this in front of Liu Otherwise, a misconception would be enough to block his future in Lenovo.

Yuanqi Technology President Office.

When Yan Fei came back, it was already the third day of the "China Core" program.

"Mr. Wu, according to the latest statistics, the ratings of Huaxiaxin's documentary have exceeded 15%, far exceeding our expectations." Yan Fei thought Wu Tao as the main reporter this time, "This proves your The vision is right!"

Wu Tao smiled slightly, "Reporter Yan, you are even boasting what you said."

Yan Fei understood, and repeatedly waved her hand to explain, "I don't mean that, I mean your vision for the positioning and layout of the documentary..."

Wu Tao stretched out her hand to stop her explanation, and immediately stretched it out and said: "Congratulations on our happy cooperation this time!"

Yan Fei respectfully shook Wu Tao's hand in both hands and said, "Yes, and I would also like to thank Mr. Wu especially for giving me such an opportunity to give me a new understanding and understanding of TV shows."