Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 948: This boss is unusual

Seeing that the business development of each of its subsidiaries is very stable, Wu Tao's psychology is slightly calmer.

If everything develops in accordance with the current good situation, then his future status and worth are completely optimistic and expected.

On the contrary, he stepped into the hard technology-intensive business of semiconductors, which gave him a deep sense of oppression.

After all, in his view, this business is a completely new industry and a path that has not been traveled at all.

Once it fails, it will not only make him bear the label of failure, but it will also bring negative growth to his worth.

But people, always look at the high mountain from this mountain.

If he knew all this, but didn't do anything, if he didn't talk about it, Wu Tao would not be able to pass the test himself.

On the path of a walker, he is destined to walk alone.

Maybe it's not bad to go for a swim.

Throwing away all the complicated thoughts in his mind, Wu Tao easily walked out of the suite and, accompanied by Song Zhuang, went straight to the hotel's VIP pool.

As the country with the highest average height in the world, the Dutch waitress of the hotel, stepping on high heels, reaches an altitude of 1.8 meters.

It looks absolutely oppressive.

Fortunately, his professional attitude was not bad. He politely took him to the VIP swimming pool complex and introduced in English everything inside and outside the entire swimming pool complex.

Putting on his swimming trunks, standing in front of the mirror and looking at it, the young man is in good shape. Although he didn't exercise very systematically, he could still see a few faint abdominal muscles.

It's just that the skin tone is a little too pale after all, and it doesn't give people a good intuitive impression.

Looking back, Wu Tao finally understood. No wonder Westerners always like to sunbathe.

White skin doesn’t always look so reliable, especially for men, it’s easy to associate the word ‘little white face’ at a glance.

Regardless, it must be late at night, there should be no people in the VIP pool hall.

As a result, when he stepped into the swimming pool complex, Wu Tao realized how outrageous he was.

In the huge swimming pool, there are several agile figures swimming. Although it is not real, the rushing water sounds one after another.

Sweeping past, according to the situation of the occupancy of the beach chairs, there are at least a dozen people.

For a moment, Wu Tao was a little daunted. But after another thought, he still stepped in.

After all, it's all here, if you don't get the bubble water, it will be a waste of trouble.

Moreover, the pool hall of this hotel is indeed ingeniously built, with a wide and curved glass dome above the head, and you can see the stars every day when you look up.

It is indeed a wonderful enjoyment to wander in the swimming pool and look at the boundless sky.

After Wu Tao got into the water, he swam back and forth several times, and then floated back and forth on the water. Looking at the deep starry sky beyond the dome, I felt refreshed and suddenly felt that this swimming pool was not in vain.

Congratulatingly, there was a clatter next to him, and a figure suddenly emerged from the bottom of the water.

Wu Tao was taken aback, almost messed up the slight movements of his hands and feet, and sank into the water.

"Usang~" Fujiwara Rena wiped her face and smiled unexpectedly, "I didn't expect you to come too!"

Hearing this voice, Wu Tao barely managed to stabilize his figure, and when he looked sideways, Rena Fujiwara wore a three-point bikini, and it was an extremely fabric-saving one, which could barely hold the gushing chest.

No wonder that the older a woman is, the more relaxed she is.

Of course, Wu Tao would not say this in front of Rena Fujiwara.

"Why can't I come?" While admiring the beautiful figure of this woman seriously, Wu Tao asked indifferently.

Rena Fujiwara leaned back, learned to wander on the water like Wu Tao, and said next to him: "That's not the case, Wu Sang. Rena only comes to swim in the middle of the night when the pressure is extremely high. Is Wu Sang also under pressure?"

Wu Tao felt the rumpled touch of the other's skin, but said lightly, "I just can't sleep."

"But Wu Sang," Rena Fujiwara's slender arms floated slightly on her side, trying to float her upper body out of the water: "I always feel that your emphasis on the semiconductor industry exceeds the expansion of the general helm in new industries. And attention."

Wu Tao didn't say anything, but quietly looked at the deep night sky.

Rena Fujiwara thought he was reluctant to listen, and immediately apologized and said: "U-Sang, this is just a little bit of Rena’s opinion. If it is wrong, I ask U-Sang to forgive Rena. After all, this is what Rena said as a friend. ."

"Go ahead, I like to listen. Besides, we are not talking about work now, we don't pay much attention to it."

Fujiwara Rena took a deep breath, and even floated in the water with her upper body and said, "So thank you Wu Sang. In fact, this is what Rena realized when she became the president of the Mitsui Foundation. As a company of the Mitsui Foundation Long, most of the time, Rena only needs to balance the relationship between the various industries and grasp the overall situation. As for the gains and losses of one city and one place, Rena will not pay special attention."

"...For example, the investment in the semiconductor industry, Rena is very supportive. But in my heart, it does not treat it as an important business that overrides other industries and companies, so even if it fails, it will not affect too much. Big."

"Um..." Wu Tao pondered: "You are right, but this may be because my industry has not yet been finalized."

Rena Fujiwara suddenly understood, and Qiqiao Linglong, silently thinking about the industry under Wu Tao's name, looked at Wu Tao in amazement.

"So, Wu Sang, in your plan, to what extent is the scale of the industry finalized?"

"At least it's trillions, and it's U.S. dollars."

"Oh my God~" Hearing the words trillions and dollars, Rena Fujiwara suddenly felt that her mature body was hot involuntarily. Even in this constant temperature pool, she still couldn't stop a certain hormone in her body. secretion.

Sure enough, money is the most effective stimulant for women.

Just when Fujiwara Rena was a little bit emotional, a cheerful voice accompanied by the sound of splashing water approached from a distance: "Boss, so you are here too!"

The visitor is not someone else, it is Pei Ying who feels fresh when she goes abroad for the first This young girl wears a conservative black one-piece swimsuit, so that her figure does not look like Fujiwara. Rena is so exaggerated, but it gives people a very clean and refreshing feeling.

"Secretary Pei, your swimming skills are pretty good."

An appropriate compliment made it less embarrassing to suddenly meet directly and frankly between the superiors and superiors of the opposite **** who have always been facing at work.

Pei Ying was very happy and said: "Director Tan also swims very well, and the physical strength is so good, I can't swim her."

"President Fujiwara's assistant Alyssa is also very good, the technique is better than me."

At this time, Alyssa and Tan Xiaofei also swam over, the appearance of a young and graceful female body slender treading on the water, suddenly a certain part of Wu Tao was very swollen...

Dare to love this huge VIP swimming pool, except for a man, all the others are women.

It seems that if a man is outside, he really needs to learn to protect himself.

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