Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 970: You don't know the background of Xiao fa

Xiao Ruiguang still looked cold and harsh.

Even if it is packaged under the appearance of a luxury suit, the temperament exuding from the bones will be hard to obliterate for a while.

Xiao Ruiguang greeted him, and proactively stretched out his hand, "It's been a long time, Mr. Wu."

Wu Tao glanced at Xiao Ruiguang up and down, and said jokingly: "Big Brother Xiao, don't be unharmed."

"Compared to you, it's far behind." Xiao Rui didn't say much, but everyone could feel his familiarity and enthusiasm for Wu Tao.

This surprised Cheng Jian. It turned out that this gangster also had a peaceful and amiable side.

When he had contact with representatives of China Light Steel Group before, Cheng Jian thought that this big man was just such an unsmiling and rigid face.

After exchanging greetings with Xiao Ruiguang, Wu Tao turned around and introduced Liu Quanyoudao: "This is Secretary Liu from Beijiang City."

"Secretary Liu, this is President Xiao of Zhongguang Iron and Steel Group."

Liu Quanyou proactively stretched out his hand, but Xiao Ruiguang just gave a perfunctory grip.

This caused Liu Quan to feel a little unhappy, but he didn't show it.

However, Cheng Jian was secretly surprised when he saw it.

This President Xiao is more enthusiastic about the boss than Secretary Liu, and there is nothing wrong with that. After all, the current influence of his own boss is several steps higher than that of Secretary Liu.

But it would not be so indifferent to a high-ranking city official, right?

Could it be that Mr. Xiao has an extraordinary background...

Just as Cheng Jian's heart was turning around, after everyone greeted him, he had already begun to walk into the factory.

As soon as they entered the gate, a row of female workers holding flowers stood nearby, rushed up and stuffed the flowers into Wu Tao's hand, and ran away shyly. Only a bold female worker gave Wu Tao a big hug after beheading.

Still saying, "Boss, can I hug you?"

Wu Tao smiled bitterly, you hugged it, so what else to ask, isn't it superfluous? Nian nodded generously, "Yes."

In a burst of laughter, the female employee finally let go of Wu Tao.

It’s just that the flowers in your arms have been squeezed and it’s not what they look like, and a bold worker yells at the back: "Poppy, what you held just now is really tight, look at that flower..."

Ding Haifeng stopped drinking, and the pungent female workers suddenly stopped laughing.

Looking back, Ding Haifeng put on a smiley face again and said: "Boss, our entire factory has been looking forward to your coming. Now you feel it?"

For this, Cheng Jian also felt the same way, "Yes, boss, now we are finally lucky!"

"All right," Wu Tao waved his hand, "Let the big guys go away."

With that, a group of people walked to the main building. Wu Tao walked along with Xiao Ruiguang on the left and Liu Quanyou on the right.

"Brother Xiao, our factory is doing a good job, right? Look at this environment, this look..."

Xiao Ruiguang nodded, "Yes, I have been to so many large industrial factories. The Beijiang Glass Factory is the cleanest and refreshing factory I have seen. There is no one. What's the secret?"

Wu Tao pointed at Cheng Jian next to Xiao Ruiguang: "Vice President Cheng, come on."

Cheng Jian proudly said: "Okay, boss." Then he pointed to the factory in the distance and said: "After the Beijiang Glass Factory was reformed, it introduced Dongying's production line. Although the craftsmanship may not be the most advanced in the world, but The process of environmental protection is definitely the most advanced."

"...At the time of the restructuring, the case of the factory was referenced by the provincial government. This is well known. But what everyone does not understand is that the additional investment in this environmentally friendly purification process is the most worthy of a book."

Xiao Ruiguang thought about it, "I'm afraid that such a process will cost a lot of money, and the daily operation cost is also a lot?"

Cheng Jian nodded, "The whole set of processes is about 30 million yuan, and the annual new operating cost is nearly 10 million yuan."

"So many?" Xiao Ruiguang couldn't help but start her tongue.

Wu Tao instructed: "Cheng Jian, Lao Ding, this set of environmental protection technology must be used continuously. The increased cost can be recovered from other aspects. Once the environment is destroyed, the price to be paid is unimaginable."

Ding Haifeng said: "Boss, your foresight, we have long understood. The glass factory has been in operation for two years, but the number of patients with occupational diseases has decreased a lot. Compared with the old factory, it has been a radical change. Otherwise, there would be so many changes. A beautiful female worker, willing to come to work in our factory."

Xiao Ruiguang frowned and said, "Brother Wu, you have spent so much time on environmental protection, and the cost is not a little bit. In the future, the company will be listed. Can shareholders agree?"

Ding Haifeng and Cheng Jian were obviously also very concerned about this issue, so they all stared at Wu Tao with concern.

"This point must be viewed from a long-term perspective." Wu Tao said to everyone: "The cost of environmental protection can be compensated by technological progress and efficiency improvement. This in turn promotes technological progress and development, and can Let the company have longer-term vitality and stronger competitiveness."

Xiao Ruiguang suddenly realized, "This is your core competitiveness?"

"Not bad." Wu Tao confidently said, "A good environment attracts good employees, and good employees have good craftsmanship, which in turn makes up for the cost of a good environment. The entire process is spontaneously moving forward and improving spontaneously."

Xiao Ruiguang thought secretly that compared with the glass factory, the pollution volume of his steel group was much larger. Perhaps we should consider it and take the initiative to meet the challenge.

The signing meeting for the strategic cooperation was postponed for more than ten minutes due to Wu Tao's late arrival.

Fortunately, neither the host nor the guest were outsiders, and they still signed happily.

Zhongguang Iron and Steel Group will use the newly introduced automotive sheet production line to cooperate with the automotive glass production line of Beijiang Glass Factory, and jointly seek cooperation between the joint venture automobile factory and the localized automobile factory to open up the market.

This is undoubtedly the rhythm of a strong alliance.

It is a great benefit for the Beijiang Glass Factory to be listed in Xiangjiang a month later.

After the meeting, Xiao Ruiguang and Wu Tao had a face-to-face meeting in the conference room for ten minutes, and then hurriedly left.

Liu Quanyou, accompanied by Ding Haifeng and Cheng Jian, had long felt impatient. After all, he is also a secretary anyhow, putting down the shelf to block Wu Tao's motorcade, has already put down his figure very much.

But now he still has to line up behind an entrepreneur, waiting for Wu Tao to be interviewed, which is too unreasonable.

Wu Tao sent Xiao Ruiguang away, and when he met Liu Quan, he turned around and walked outside: "Secretary Liu, if you have anything to say, let's talk in the car."

"This..." Liu Quanyou's face blushed, and his temper came, "I only have time in the car?"

Ding Haifeng also followed to stay, "Boss, the banquet is ready, you can eat a meal before leaving."

Wu Tao waved his hand, " You did a great job, keep it going. I don't have to stay more."

At this moment, the mobile phone in Ding Haifeng's pocket rang, and it rang several times in a row.

Forced to pick it up, Ding Haifeng suddenly said in amazement: "Boss, Rui Xian, AAC's Boss Lin and Zheng, are at the gate, saying that they are going to visit you."

Wu Tao spread their hands together, "Look, if you don't leave, I will be unable to get out." Immediately looking at Liu Quanyou, he said, "Secretary Liu, I will give you a perfect explanation for all your questions in the car. "

"okay then."

When the Rolls-Royce motorcade left the factory's back door and just left the development zone, Liu Quanyou couldn't help asking, "Mr. Wu, who is the surname Xiao just now?"

"He is from the Xiao family." Wu Tao said concisely.

"What Xiao Family?"

Wu Tao couldn't help but laughed and said, "Which Xiao family could it be? Secretary Liu, you really don't know anything about the background of the Xiao family..."

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