Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1039: Agitate

I explained the origin of this magic circle to Bajing, because it is a very conscious thing, so it is not easy for a high school student to understand, but Bajing is worthy of being an excellent student and caught up with my thinking.

"So, you don't actually know what you made?" Bajing learned this, and the expression on her face was very weird. She seemed to want to scold "This is really ridiculous", but after looking around, she still tolerated After all, after all, the current situation is ridiculous enough.

In fact, after my long exposure to the mystery, the only thing I know about the mystery is that this thing is extremely absurd. If you really want to pursue its truth, it will inevitably involve extremely complex and deep knowledge, and that level of knowledge Even if human science has not really been involved, any attempt to explain it cannot be declared "correct", but can only be used as a model for reference. Therefore, there is no absolutely perfect and correct explanation, or even unexplainable, that is, the essence of "mystery", which fully complies with the definition of the word "mystery".

I once thought that the power I gained, the magic circle I outlined, and everything I have encountered so far are probably such a process that starts from consciousness, acts on the flesh, and finally returns to consciousness itself. .

However, it all comes down to-

"The deep changes in consciousness that humans cannot touch, and the interaction between human deep consciousness, collective subconsciousness, personal consciousness and the human body, and all the unification, including superstring theory, that cannot be confirmed or disproved for the time being. Plus phenomena related to dimension theory and super-dimensional perspective. "

Such an explanation always has a feeling of self-aggrandizement. after all. That is beyond all my knowledge, and can only be pieced together through imagination. This kind of "explaining your ignorance with unconscious concepts" is completely inconsistent with your own science and engineering aesthetics, and it is also very cunning.

So, I gave up.

Although, I personally feel that this is the closest answer to the truth. Moreover, the role of the "virus" in these complex changes and interactions, and the effect it can even occupy in this position and the reason for this effect, can also try to explain.

However, it must involve such things as-

"Dimensional limitations of the human body" and "unconsciously high dimensionality of the human consciousness" are probably not science fiction, but scientific delusions.

In any case, there is no theoretical core of a relatively credible service as a standard. Even if you can get an explanation, you still can't calm down your heart to observe yourself and the world in a down-to-earth manner.

So, gave up.

It's just that even if you don't deliberately follow these factors, it will always jump out of your mind all the time.

I really can't think about it. As now, the presentation of these words in their own minds is unconscious. Fortunately, when these things jump out, it will not interrupt my perception and reaction to the outside world.

"Although other people's lights are on at home. I can't feel the presence of someone from the outside. I can knock on the door. No matter how I ring the doorbell, no one responds. I wonder if they are really here." The results of the actions are summarized: "We seem to have entered a different space that looks similar to reality, but is actually different. However, if it is so, why is it only us?"

Bajing is right, there are a lot of people living in this community, but there are only three of us who can contact each other, and I have to think that in this space, there are only three of us and others. "Existence" is just an illusion of the scene. There is no sound, only lights, it is doubtful. However, other people are not here, does that mean that they have not been interfered by this anomaly at all? How are the three of us different from them? Caused us to be here while they were not?

I can roughly give an example of the difference between the three of us and the others, but that is based on the real premise of doomsday illusions and hospital realities. At present, it is probably difficult to accept whether it is eight scenes or Sakuya. . In their eyes, the observation of things is still the core of the world, but limited to the common sense of the world.

My "unconscious" theories are a good condiment for "normal delusions" for all normal people with common sense, but they really need to be used as a guide for the Three Views, as long as they are normal people Will not try, even, just thinking about it is enough to generate resistance and disgust. I know, so, I never explained to others that these things have been circling in my mind. In this way, at least on the surface, it is normal.

However, in this way, many questions that could have given a seemingly correct answer have truly become unanswerable questions.

"Why are we encountering such a ridiculous thing now?" This question of Bajing is unanswerable, and she can only fool it with "This is destiny". Even if she is really dissatisfied with this answer, I hope I can give more Convincing, more logical and positive answers.

"Aren't you an expert? Achuan." Bajing said.

"I am an expert in solving problems, but not an expert in answering questions, nor an expert in finding out the truth." I coped with it, and there was a loud laughter from the night behind the door, but I didn't understand, what was so funny Yes, her laughter is here, which makes me feel cold. However, in any case, Miyake can laugh, and how much can relieve the tension at this time, it is also a good thing.

"Life is really strange. There is always a glimmer of hope in despair, but if hope is not satisfied, it will become greater despair." Miyaki said across the door: "We will gather here The reason is that it is not bad to look at it as destiny. Eight scenes, life is so changeable and sharp, so do n’t be too demanding. "

"It's not demanding, it's just not in line with my aesthetics." Ba Jingli said sternly, "I think that everything has a beginning, only to understand the beginning. In order to really find the root of the problem, and then solve it. A Chuan is doing now. Maybe Opening this door allows you to come out, but it cannot prevent this from happening again. A Chuan seems to solve the problem, but in fact, it just delays the problem. "

"I am satisfied, I can meet you at this time, it is already my luck, I just want to pray. The hope brought by Gao Chuan can continue." Compared with the anxiety, tension and helplessness in the previous voice The emotion, Sakuya's speech at this time, was more calm.

"It's really easy to satisfy the girl." Bajing sighed with emotion.

I added the final elements of the Magic Circle, put the chalk back in my pocket, and said to the two: "Are you ready? Going to start."

"What should we do?" Ba Jing asked.

"Nothing to do." I replied this way.

"No danger?" Bajing asked again.

"I don't know, just because I don't know. So I can't do anything." I said: "Preparation is just psychological preparation."

"This is also an expert?" Bajing smiled bitterly, and she seemed to be hit. She might have thought that I could do better, but the fact disappointed her. This is also something that cannot be done. I am not omnipotent and can only do what I can do.

Before the weird and mysterious appearance, I was a mental patient who could not distinguish between delusion and reality. Other than that, there is no difference from ordinary people. The knowledge and experience in my mind are only useful in the chaos of the weird and mysterious appearance. As now, I pressed my hands against the blanks of the magic circle, and nothing happened. However, that weird feeling. But it seemed like a high tide, obviously coming from the end of the corridor, over my feet, and it seemed to rise to completely submerge us. What I can feel, neither Bajing nor Saki Ye seem to feel it. They did not say anything. Bajing looked around, looking for clues of even a slight change. However, things that cannot be perceived by feeling cannot be left on the retina.

"How ..." When Bajing couldn't help making a sound, Sakuya screamed behind the door: "Well, what's going on?"

"What's wrong? Sakuya!" Bajing shouted quickly.

"Did you not see?" Sakuya said: "I don't know what to say, as if the whole room is decaying."

"Rotten?" Bajing stared at me hesitantly.

"It shouldn't be a bad thing." I said to Sakuya: "Calm down, don't take the initiative to touch the rotten place."

"But classmate Gao Chuan, it, it has spread over!" Sakuya's voice was a little timid.

"What about the door? Is the door rotten?" Bajing thought of the key.

"Ah, yes, the door is also rotting." Sakuya paused, her tone a little joyful, and the door was rotten to escape, she thought so, but this joy soon turned into hesitation again, "The wall, there is a big hole in the wall ... I think it seems that something has to be drilled out of it ..."

However, just when there was a change in Sakuya's house, no changes could be observed in the corridor. I hit the door hard with Bajing. The other side of the door should have rotted away, but the feeling here is still immobile. Eight scenes also began to anxious, strange things are becoming dense, Saki Ye in the room is already a little scared, from her description, we can only imagine that the wall is corroded into a big hole, and then there is something weird to be washed out Scene. No matter how you think about it, you do n’t think that such a sinister picture is actually harmful.

"Think about it again, Achuan, think about it again!" Bajing cried.

"I'm thinking." I suppressed the tension and thought calmly. In a doomsday illusion, such a critical situation will appear from time to time. It is a very test of luck to want to maintain an overwhelming advantage in a mysterious event. I know that at this time, it is useless to be anxious. The so-called "mystery" is like this, just like an unexpected synonym. I actually ca n’t think of any way. What I can do is to rely on instinct and instinct to accomplish what I can do. It is often not achieved by yourself, so luck is very important. The only thing I can do is keep thinking and calm, at least use language to calm down the two girls.

"Did you think of it?" Bajing asked for the second time.

"Sakuya, to what extent is the decay inside?" I asked in a voice without a trace of fluctuation.

"The wall has been completely peeled off, and some of the cement bricks have been corroded. You can see the steel bars inside." Sakuya's answer was a little calmer. "It's incredible. It's obviously inorganic, but those rotten places, but Reminiscent of rotten organic tissue. "

"You didn't touch the rotten place?" I continued to ask.

"No, but it's corroded the ground more than where I stood." Sakuya gave a wry smile, "Is this considered contact? Although it is not active. However, it seems that there is no danger. Now part of the floor has become hollow. Now, I seem to be able to see the room below, and the ceiling is the same ... "Speaking of which. She was silent for a moment, because she felt that the silence was a bit unnatural, and Bajing and I could not help shouting, "Sakuya !?"

"I ... I'm still there." Miyaki's voice was full of incredible feelings, "Guess what I saw? Above the ceiling, under the floor, those rooms ... all are different."

"Different? What is the situation?" Ba Jing asked.

"I'm sure, that's definitely not what the room in this building looks like ... no! It's not even a room in the general sense!" Sakuya's gasp became heavy. "It's sultry, like a huge cage. My house becomes a part of this huge cage! Below is a huge furnace, above ... What is the above?"

"What's wrong? Saya, don't stop talking!" Bajing shouted and asked me anxiously: "Is there no way to open the door? Is there any way?"

"No. It's not that serious." I heard Miyaki's description and felt a little weird. While comforting the eight scenes, I confirmed to Miyaki: "Miyaki, how far can you see? How big is that cage?"

"The decay is more serious. The room is now a reinforced cage. I, I don't know. It's too bright and too hot underneath. It's like a large piece of molten iron glowing. I can hear the sound of stirring, you can hear it. Am I talking? I can hardly hear myself speaking, too loud! I seem to be in a huge machine. "Sakuya's voice amplified.

"No problem! No problem! Saya, we can hear it." I shouted: "Continue to tell me what you see."

"Ah, yes ... yes, I don't know how big it is. No matter from top to bottom or left and right, I can't see the end. There are many tubes entangled, blocking the line of sight, but it feels like it extends to infinity Place. There seems to be starlight, but I think it ’s light. ”Sakuya continued:“ I really ca n’t describe this kind of scenery, it ’s ... magnificent, but it ’s decayed, but it feels very advanced, because It became this look after years of disrepair. The metal everywhere, the cement was completely corroded ... Gaochuan! "Sakuya shouted suddenly:" The gate on my side has also changed. "

"Can you come out?" I asked. The scene described by Misaki is very similar to the style of the mysterious power called the "ruling bureau", which made me feel relieved a lot.

What is the true form of the ruling bureau? I still haven't figured it out yet. However, it exists at the same time as the illusion of the end, and it is closely related to the end. It is presented in the form of a ruin in front of the mystery seeker and then through its own technology Feedback to interfere in the positive world. Their mysterious technology is so powerful, almost every mysterious technology in the illusion of doom can almost find their shadow. However, whether the true master of the ruling bureau still exists is still a puzzling question. What is certain is that the ruling bureau and its legacy as a whole are a huge and dangerous mystery. The concept of the end of the world extended from the normal world is like extending from the birth and disappearance of this mysterious force-if To describe it, it is like the ruling bureau touched the "taboo of the gods", so it was erased by the gods, and all the things that have been transformed by the technological development of the ruling bureau and the existence of these things have been destroyed. in the process of. And the answer brought by this feeling is that the fate of mankind so far is just a fragment of a huge and complete destruction process. The end is not a narrow end of humanity, nor is it just the beginning, but human is not Coincidentally born in this process of destruction, but from the beginning, it is bound to face its own end.

This kind of thinking fits well with the doomsday doctrine of doctrine of the doomsday truth, and it also has a market among the doomsday doctrines, even considered by some believers as part of the "Genesis".

However, because of the existence of the ruling bureau, it is enough to make people have a terrible association, as if this is its meaning, and this meaning, like its scale, is too mysterious and huge. Therefore, I can be sure that the ruling bureau is "non-existent" now that weirdness and mystery are just beginning to appear. In other words, what Miyake sees today is like a scene in the ruling bureau, probably just an illusion.

Just like, before the weirdness and mystery appeared, my past adventures were like my delusions. Any "abnormality" I felt was just my mistake. The same is true for the ruling bureau, before the weird and mysterious manifestations become more substantive. Before deepening, at least, before my magic pattern is restored, it definitely does not appear in a form that can be truly touched. As a result, I judged that what Sakuya saw would not cause substantial harm to her.

However, since Miyaki said that the gates she saw had changed styles, perhaps it was a symptom: In the present day when weirdness and mystery are becoming more serious, the ruling bureau cannot always be an illusion, but it is also impossible to constitute substance at one time Then, perhaps, a little bit of substantive change will be reflected in details.

On the other hand, since I trust my intuition, and this magic circle is drawn by intuition and instinct, then I can of course trust the effect of this magic circle. The previous changes are too gloomy and a little unexpected, but it is not necessarily an inevitable process for the magic circle to work.

These two premises make me think that Miyake can try to open the door that has been completely changed-now, this kind of door can probably be opened from the inside.

"I try." Sakuya responded. Then, Bajing and I heard a rusty metal rubbing sound, which was quite harsh.

"Okay, it's tight." Miyaki said.

"Can't open?" Bajing asked quickly.

"No-" Saki Ye seemed to be clenching her teeth, extruding her strength and saying, "I can do it, I can do it! I'm twisting it!" The harsh metal friction sounds louder and louder More and more short, as if to prove that Misaki's efforts are accelerating her success.

"Come on! Sakuya!" Bajing couldn't help crying. Although she couldn't see it, she was already very excited. That's right, everything that is happening is her personal experience. Although she can't see too much, she can't stop her from using imagination to outline everything. We are rescuing a girl. This process, although miscellaneous with many absurd and weird elements, is a fact acknowledged by the parties.

We are fighting, we are fighting with the invisible weirdness-I think, the eight scenes can be experienced, the enemy is not a physical monster, but this does not hinder the passion of the battle and the joy of victory.

Her heart was vigorously agitated, and it was completely expressed in her expression. She devoted herself to this battle ~ ~ wanted to save a girl she had just met. Although her appearance makes me accustomed to the ups and downs a bit unnatural, but she is very beautiful like this. Seeing her like this, I couldn't help thinking of myself in the past. I used to do this, did n’t think too much, just because someone was asking for help and felt that someone should be rescued, so I reached out, even if it would make me also involved in danger-in fact, although there were some estimates at the time, but I have never thought about it so deeply. Helping someone, saving someone, trying their best and life to do something for someone, it is a good thing for me, and now the eight scenes are like me.

Eight scenes were yelling and vigorously, that is what we can do, and the rest can only rely on Misaki himself. And Sakuya of this world is more tenacious in personality than the one she just met in Doomsday Illusion. The harsh sound gradually disappeared, but the sound of the rotating friction became more and more rapid. In the end, it was like oil, grunt Spinning up. Even me and the eight scenes on the door can clearly feel that the door is loose.

At the next moment, the door was pulled back, and the hair bun, forehead, and skirt were wet by sweat. Some embarrassment appeared in front of us with great surprise.

Succeeded! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Please read it for mobile users.)