Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1061: Fighting stance

When I finished the defense line in the woods, it was almost eleven o'clock in the evening. After walking out of the dark woods, I only felt that the whole field of vision became wider. During the period, I also instructed the eight sceneries and Sakuya to be familiar with the monitoring in the bedroom. The system terminal, because there are too many busy things, so I feel that time is not enough. Fortunately, the anomaly did not break out at this time, and no one walked into this area. Because of the communication with the student council in advance, the duty security of the left school will not be close to this area. From all perspectives, things in the school It is quite the right choice to discuss with the Student Union.

"However, the fact that you can put so many things in your schoolbag is really surprising." Bajing said in the headphones.

"Don't underestimate the schoolbags of elementary and middle school students." My body is a little tired after a busy day of work, but my spirit is at its best. "After all, in this country, the carrying capacity of schoolbags reaches 20 kg, but it is common sense. It ’s not an exaggeration to leave the textbooks and exercises on the desk and use all the schoolbag space for debris. ”

"This sounds really sad," Bajing said. "Forget it, even if it is prepared, but it is also a great thing to use the daily necessities for combat readiness modification. The average person can't do these things?"

"Because it is not a mysterious force, all the knowledge learned in the classroom can be applied, and the most effective is of course physics and chemistry." I naturally answered: "Simple equipment and organization structure, high school physics knowledge is already Enough is enough, the same is true of chemistry. As long as you understand the reaction equations and reaction effects, you can use the materials that you can touch every day to create some dangerous things. Of course, when you personally operate, the usual experimental operation courses can not be passed, after all. Chemistry. The experiment is a very delicate process, and if it is improperly operated, it may harm itself. Both physics and chemistry, both require a considerable level of mathematics in order to better play. Did n’t the teacher say it? Learn well Mathematics, physics and chemistry, I am not afraid to go all over the world. "

"You are still grateful for the excellent experimental equipment in the school." Bajing said. "Otherwise, even if you have the knowledge and there is no place to operate, it will be very difficult. To buy a simple microscope, it will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars."

"Yes, good equipment is also necessary." I said. While walking to the other end of the old toilet, confirm the environment again, such as the condition of the road surface, the easy-to-hide position, etc., these details are usually ignored as usual things, but as long as you check carefully, You will find something that originally seemed "probably like this". It will become something that was "not the case". Of course, when fighting, these details may not work, especially when the enemy launches powerful weapons at the beginning, it will wipe out the ground in one breath, but since there is time to prepare, then. It is better to cherish. Any details are "may be useful" and "may be useless". However, with the idea of ​​"may be useful", doing what you think you should do, confidence will also increase in action.

"Is it really okay? Achuan, I always feel rushed, although I have done some work. But is it really useful?" Saya said with some worry: "It's like the mood before the exam, if you care Regardless of the grade, no matter how many exercises you have done. I think it would be nice if I could do more ... "

"It's normal to have such a mood." I said: "Because, that is a doubt about whether the preparations made for yourself can be effective in the test. Normally, of course, there is no need to doubt, because, all The preparations for this will truly become a part of their own strength. It is not directly reflected in the test. It is not that the test ignores it, but that you did not realize that it is already functioning as your instinct. Even if you are prepared, you will still doubt yourself. It is not that you are not prepared enough, but because you have realized that no matter when, preparation will not be 'fully adequate', because people cannot predict the future, naturally It is impossible to cover everything in the future. "

"A Chuan makes sense in saying this, but even if he knows the truth, he can't actually do it, and he won't be able to calm down because he understands the truth." Sakuya sighed and said, I think, she thought It ’s not about tonight, it ’s about a few days ’exam. These questions are very student-like. I do n’t feel bored. Instead, I think this is what a girl of eight ages and Misaki should think about.

Misaki ’s academic performance is not bad or bad, so my suggestion to her is: “Let Bajing tutor you, there are three days left, enough time to grind the gun. The contents of the exam are all exams, and I usually take notes, If you review the lectures carefully, you will basically have no problems. "

"Notes ... It's a hassle." Sakuya replied, and it really confirmed my thoughts. Although slightly close to the "mystery", but her essence is still an ordinary female student.

"The notes of Bajing are very beautiful, and they are very pleasing to me when I see them." I smiled here and continued this topic. After all, these are very daily things for them. For me, It is also very precious. Such things as "mystery" can be encountered even if you don't want to, but the daily life is one less day.

"Hello! Achuan, did you peek at my notes?" Bajing cried out, "Isn't it rude to the girl?"

"You are my deskmate, and it's normal to see it inadvertently." I said, "It's not a diary. Ah, I remembered. Both of you and Bajing said before that you want to exchange with me. Is it a diary? I have shown you my delusional diary, and do n’t pretend to forget it. "

"... You don't say it, but I forgot." Ba Jing replied in this way, and knew it was intentional when he heard it. However, in fact, I am not too curious about their diaries, so I really forgot before, when I talked about the notes, I suddenly remembered it.

"Anyway, let's talk about things in the diary later." Miyaki stiffly digressed, making me feel like she wanted to repent, and said, "Achuan, have you brought your clothes? The weather forecast says that it will cool down tonight . "

"Bring it, combat uniform." When I said that, I had found a big rock and sat down. The surface of this stone is very smooth, I always feel that it was moved out of a pond, and it was thrown here casually. It would be nice if it could be used. Because it feels very hard to touch, at least it can block large-caliber sniper rifle attacks. However, the enemy has not yet appeared, and what kind of attack will occur, it is not known. Too special attacks are impossible to prevent from the physical level.

I took out the combat trench coat from my schoolbag. But for a time, there was no mood to put on. Although after wearing it, the spirit will be more high, but in this special time, I feel that "wearing" and "not wearing" is a kind of boundary. This shows how much. I still miss the life on this side. Although, it is not that I cannot return to my daily life after crossing the "limit", but with the passage of time, the feeling of "cannot return". It is also gradually increasing. I have experienced many times in the doomsday illusion, but at the time, I did n’t know what it would become when "adventure" became life. He crossed the "limit" alone and grew from a naive warrior to a mysterious expert-reviewing this process. I do n’t feel regret, and the facts ca n’t be regretted. However, now that I need to go through this process again, my mood cannot be as hasty as in the past, which does not mean hesitation. It's just that there is a feeling that I want to cherish my current life as much as possible.

I was quiet, and the headphones became silent, as I chewed my thoughts. Bajing and Sakuya are also sorting out their moods. We all understand that no matter how we talk about gags at this time, the fact that we need to face danger remains unchanged. The ease at this time will not last forever. This test is not a daily, unrelated test, but a battle that has a significant impact on your life. At this point, probably only the third graders preparing for the college entrance examination can experience one or two. However, as far as the decisiveness is concerned, the college entrance examination and the situation to be dealt with are still incomparable.

In this world, Bajing and Saki Ye are just a high school student. They do n’t even have the experience of “looks like they will change their lives” in college entrance examinations, so they have to face a more serious crisis. I think that before they talked Tension and relaxation are amazing things. The silence at this time is also the same. Even if they are not standing in front of them, they have not been in direct contact with them for a long time. However, I think they are people who have seriously thought about what they should do and continue to worry about it. I do n’t think they can find an answer that they can fully agree with in this short time. Even in the strong eight scenes, the words in their mouths are very straight, and they seem to be conscious, but they ca n’t be completely sure in their hearts. .

Hesitation, fear, reluctant determination, uplifting, hard work, frustration, success, cycle again ... This is a process that everyone who takes themselves seriously will go through. I have also experienced it, and I have been experiencing it now, so, They can better understand their mood when they first face this kind of "significant change". I can't use the identity of the person who came here to preach to them, because, my own affairs can't be solved yet, so just guard them so silently. It doesn't matter how nervous, scared, they feel, and they want to back down. Compared with me, they should have such a choice. And let them have the room for regret and rejuvenation, and the space to experience various failures, and then grow better, is it not just my responsibility?

"You can't fail, you can't go wrong." This is a request to me, not to them. And if I can do this, I will feel extremely happy, no, it should be said that at that time, I must laugh.

Now, it is what you should do to calm your emotions, calm your mind, and wait for the battle with a serious attitude.

I took a deep breath, stood up, waved my combat trench coat on my body—put the arm into the sleeve, pulled up the back, adjusted the portable equipment in the suit, tied the buttons, tightened the belt, and tied the bow tie , Wear gloves and move joints. Then, say to yourself: "Be prepared."

"Achuan?" Bajing heard my voice and asked: "Is there something happening?"

"I haven't found it for the time being, but my preparations here are OK." I said quietly: "I also have blind spots that I can't see here. If there are changes in your data, please promptly remind and try to be more careful. You Is it good to discuss the rotation? Although it only needs to continue until three o'clock, it is also very tiring and there is nothing to do. It is better to go to bed early. "

"Oh ... I don't have to." Sakuya interjected: "When I fell asleep, no matter how early I slept, I couldn't wake up until a fixed time in the morning. Even if I woke up, I would feel more tired than not sleeping."

"I know, then, you should stay at midnight. At three o'clock, call me up and stay at midnight." Bajing said.

"Hey? It's not three o'clock ..." Miyaki was surprised.

"It only takes three o'clock." I interjected: "You don't need to be busy until morning. Trust my experience. Whether the mysterious event can be resolved or cannot be resolved, it doesn't take too long to decide."

"What do you mean?" Ba Jing's tone was incomprehensible.

"If it can't be solved, it will die in a blink of an eye, and if it can be solved, it will be solved in a blink of an eye. That's what it means." I said calmly: "The so-called protracted war. It never took more than an hour. And In many cases, the time flow rate of the mysterious event is different from the usual time flow rate. In your opinion, maybe I did n’t go back one night, but in fact, I was on the scene for only half an hour. Such The situation also exists. "

There seemed to be a little surprise there, so that he couldn't speak for a while. That ’s right, I never mentioned the details of the battle with them, because the battle scene is really weird and unpredictable. Even if you list all the possibilities you can think of, you ca n’t match the scene. Very common. Although it is said little, it will make them worry because they do not understand. However, if you say too much, they will make them more worried because they know too much but cannot experience it for themselves.

"In short, don't worry if you can't contact me. This is a normal thing. The equipment we use is normal and can't work in an abnormal environment. It's a very common situation." I said.

"So ... how to determine your situation?" Bajing's voice was particularly serious.

"It's simple." I slowed my tone, patrolling the surrounding environment. That unusual smell started to get stronger again, "If I live, I will naturally find a way to contact you, but you must firmly believe that even if I can't reach me, I'm still alive, just in a non-contact. It ’s just a state. That ’s enough. I ’m a mystery expert, and the layman ’s worries are not necessary for experts. ”

"... Understood." Bajing just paused and replied: "You are strong, are you? Achuan."

"Yes, whether it is physical, quality, will, skill, ability or luck, it is one of the strongest among mysterious experts." I said: "For me, that is not delusion, but fact. Eight scenes, You have observed me, and of course you can know why I can become the highest cadre at the school level, but no one else can? "

"Yes." Bajing said: "So, your strength, let us wait and see."

"It's an honour." I finished and silenced the microphone. The wind became stronger, and the white clouds suddenly became thick, like flowing cream, gradually covering the moon and starlight above the head. The covering range has spread to the end of the field of vision, and it seems that there is no need to expect tonight. There is a bright night. The unusual smell is hidden in the wind. In this scenery, from the air, from the mud, from the dark corners, it penetrates little by little, smeared layer by layer, like a shaped oil painting, it has become three-dimensional and thick. Although there is no abnormality that can be actually touched, the increase in the concentration of this abnormal feeling makes me feel more intuitively that unusual things will inevitably happen tonight, and some sprites will come out.

I think, should I look forward to the dead soldiers, or the security guards of the ruling bureau, or do we look forward to the data from the Student Union that do exist in the Doomsday Truth? I am very interested in a hypothesis: Is the doomsday doctrine appearing in the student union materials, whether this world's native doomsday doctrine evolved naturally due to the weird and mysterious appearance, or using the power of repeaters The doomsday invader of this world?

To say that the doomsday doctrine of the outside world has no trace of movement in the rapidly changing environment, and no interest in the repeaters in the hands of other organizations. I would not believe it anyway. Their inaction on the surface must be preparing for larger and direct action. From the first time I met them, I knew that these guys were pervasive, possessed an ultimate ideal, and a specific program of action that was slightly obscure to outsiders in terms of specific steps due to strict intelligence.

However, what is certain is that everything they do is interlocked and is ultimately ideal.

There is a goal, a plan that is clear to others but ambiguous, strong execution, and a twisted spirit of sacrifice. Such a guy cannot be because of the reason "Las Vegas Repeater is a Nazi goal". Let's kick in? The security defense mechanism of the world built by this repeater has just been disturbed, and there has been mystery and weirdness. It has not yet reached the point of complete collapse. If at this time, there is a "strong legacy of doomsday truth," How can it feel unnatural? Unless, when weirdness and mystery appear, the "history of this world" has been adjusted from the foundation of the world.

Compared with the huge scale of the latter, of course, the "Invasion of Doomsday Truth" makes people feel more real. However, if it is really the latter, when I think of it here, I can't help sweating a little in my hand, because that means that the impact of the "mystery" of this world is more intense than I imagined. This also means that the security defense mechanism of this world may not be broken, but changed from a pure defense strategy to a counterattack strategy, from "suppressing mystery" to "suddenly increasing mystery" to achieve a mysterious concentration of excess, so that intruders suffocate effect. Even if it is a day, from the level of the graystone enhancer, it is suddenly not impossible to upgrade to the three levels of Mageweave.

Can't keep up with this changing speed guy-will die!

"Which one is it? Come out, let me see." I whispered into the shadow of the swing: "Even if it is enhanced to the level of the Mageweave Level 4 within an hour, I will not lose!"

Reading the sound of Suo Suo seemed to have many things moving sneakily, but the intuition told me that it was still an illusion. Within ten meters of the center of the old toilet, the shadow suddenly became deeper and deeper, creating a very obvious border that can be seen with the naked eye, but the intuition still told me that it was not a substantial anomaly and there was no danger. Something flew overhead, and I didn't raise my eyes, because, intuition told me, it was just an illusion.

Compared to these unreal, but it makes people feel that "what exists, what is active", the gradual misty vision is the more real change. I don't know when it started, a thin mist rose in this area. On the night when the time is approaching zero, there is no starlight and moonlight. The street lamp next to the old toilet ~ ~ also seems to be the aging of the line, squeaky flashing, these factors, this thin layer of mist It ’s so eerie, but—

"It has not turned gray." I said to myself.

However, all these perceivable circumstances can prove that the student union and relevant social groups thought that the abnormality that disappeared really started.

"Achuan, there is a situation!" Sakuya's voice suddenly came from the headphones, his tone tense, and he seemed very nervous. "Someone came from the direction of the woods and the opposite direction."

"What about the student union headquarters?" I followed the direction she instructed, choosing the direction opposite the woods. The line of defense in the woods is the most dense, but it is not only aimed at "monsters", but is actually more effective for humans. My goal is not to kill them, but to evict them. However, when I walked into the woods, I was not injured or even seriously injured, as expected. In contrast, another group of people approaching from the open normal road is the one who needs the most hands-on. There are no traps there, but they cannot be brought close.

Because, the anomaly has already begun. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Please read it for mobile users.)