Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1086: Send

The personality preservation device turned out to be the strange taste of the mysterious chip that I met on the battlefield of the Mar Jones family. The oil rose from my heart. I once got it, I lost it, and now it turns back into my hands again. When Night Crow Quark tears open his chest, the placement of the base at the heart is so "coincidental". There is no coincidence, no accident in this world, only necessity. Under this kind of thought, it seems that we can see the hint of non-existent clues in front of our eyes. Yes, I once again deeply feel that my destiny seems to be early. Weaving is finished. However, no matter who the weaver of this destiny is, and where the weaving destiny is heading, all I can do is to go on according to my own thoughts, assuming what really exists, weave such thoughts in destiny as well In China, how can you talk about resistance? Even so, the idea of ​​not "rebelling" is unreal, or when you can feel "true", it is in this kind of rebellious thoughts and actions.

Even if I live in a woven destiny, I still feel that I live truly, no matter what my thoughts, my expectations, my own resistance and determination, at the end of fate, it is so futile and meaningless, It seems that no matter what you do or do n’t do, what you do or do n’t do, you will only reach the same end point, even if you assume that your “thoughts” and “behaviors” at this moment are due to fate, then, you are in the process All the actions in China that find the reasons for these "ideas" and "behaviors" will be meaningless.

Even so……

It is not meaningless.

One can only see a very narrow range centered on oneself, one can only think of a very narrow concept centered on oneself, just seeing the trajectory of fate from the clues is enough to make one's mood fluctuate. You can't think by yourself. However, in this narrow and volatile, what is reflected is still the "truth" at that moment.

Yes, even if it is doomed, that is true.

All thoughts and actions. And it wo n’t become meaningless because it is “probably already doomed”. Because it really exists, and truly affects other things, and contributes to the "fate" of those things.

I realize this and cherish the idea that if I do n’t exist, then the world will really be “different”. There is no such thing as "it won't matter even if it's lost", if something should have existed. Someone, a certain action and idea no longer exist, even if it is a very small thing, it will affect the entire "operational system" involving it. However, because of the narrow scope of their observation, people cannot perceive this change So I felt that "even if it is lost. There are many alternatives."

Yes, in this world. As long as it is real, what has been interacting with other things has been irreplaceable.

With such a mood, I continue to do ridiculous things like "doubt, resistance, self-ask, trouble". Every day, every night, every minute and every second.

As now. I realized that the "fate trajectory" that is constantly emerging is like someone preparing everything for themselves, waiting for me at this time and this place. I took over the "personality preserving device" from the wing knight in front of my eyes and placed it in the heart of the electronic demon "night crow quark" which had already been prepared. I think many people will hesitate and feel very angry? Or, hesitating and unbelievable? But I do n’t have such an idea. I ’m just thinking about the ridiculous question of “shadow behind”, while wondering about “what will happen if I do it”, then, without hesitation, insert the chip into the heart of the night crow quark In the interface of the base.

After that, the night crow quark seemed to have a "heart", and I, who carried my senses on it, felt vaguely that it "lived".

There is an active force that fills the soul that is dried up by turning on the "ignition device", penetrates every inch of every gap, and gradually fills its own inner. Even if my original body is still far away, even if the chip is the night crow quark, even at this time, I am only carrying the senses, and this sweet-like vitality has penetrated through time and space, tangible and intangible, there is Qualitative and non-qualitative, communicated to me from incredible channels.

At this moment, I felt that I was one with Night Crow Quark. Although there was only one thought, that was my thought, but I was not Night Crow Quark. In mystical terms, only the concept of "two in one" can describe this wonderful feeling.

The night crow quark is stronger. This kind of power touches the power at the most basic level. It's like, the difference between having a "heart" and having no "heart."

As a result, I have become stronger myself, which touches the feeling on the spiritual level.

In the observation of the chain judgment, the heart base with the chip inserted, a complex light-like circuit appears, just like a blood vessel and a nerve, spreading downward. A huge force came along, closing the chest that Night Crow Quark ripped open. I felt something behind the night crow quark "swell up", suddenly made a "beep" jet sound, just like excessive pressure, had to vent through the exhaust.

"Personality preservation device" will bring such a huge change to the night crow quark? As the name implies, I originally thought that it was only "preservation of personality", and if it went further, it was the effect of "promoting personality". However, the power generated by the feeling of "live" is not just an illusion.

However, how should such gadgets be used for Bajing, Misaki and Marceau? I couldn't help thinking. In the mind, there is the end of the first battle with the Marl Jones family, Marceau finally became the non-human form. If so, it looks like a "terminal", but it is very similar to the night crow quark. Is it feasible to carry a chip?

"Gao Chuan, can you leave?" The wing knight who became very well consulted interrupted my thoughts. Regardless of her or him, no matter what makes it easy to speak, the knight in front of him is still the enemy, and this opposing position still exists. With such vigilance, I asked: "How do you know that I am Gao Chuan? My present appearance is not a human form."

"We also have our own channels, not to mention that Carmen also mentioned that there is something called the electronic demon. It is very similar to what we are working on ..." The Pirate Knight replied smoothly: "Now seeing it with my own eyes, I felt that someone had stolen our experimental results. "Although she said so, her tone seemed to be indifferent.

"Maybe you still have a lot of questions. But, I hope I can leave here and talk again." She said again.

I looked around. The wizards were quiet because of the decision of the wing knight, and they maintained the shield with all their strength, but some elite wizards showed signs of temptation. The attacks of the "eyeball" and the guardians are continuing, and there are signs of becoming stronger. If the wizards continue to maintain an equal degree of defense, then the protective cover will be broken in about five minutes.

It is tempting to delay the time and wait until the wizards are swept away by the net. However, on the contrary, I, who did not gather more information, would also be in trouble because of the encirclement. In addition, I have taken away the "personality preservation device" that should be equally important for the gathering place. The confrontation between the two parties probably will not have the opportunity to ease.

The neutral gathering place became the enemy, and the doomsday truth religion was originally the enemy. In the face of new enemies, we must join forces with old enemies. This situation is really ironic. However, the reason why the Kage Wing has so surrendered the "personality preservation device" is probably also considered at this level. I never felt that the other party was so obedient because they were "feared" by my strength. The doomsday truth believers will never be afraid of "death".

My strength. For them, there is no psychological threat.

Therefore, they exchanged my "personality preservation device" for my temporary ceasefire just because, in their eyes. This is more valuable than "bringing the personality preservation device on you."

I thought so and said to them: "I want to get something."

Once these doomsday shamans have got rid of the current passive defense situation, will they do it to me? After leaving the gathering place, the outside world covered with fog has a natural advantage for them. Even if it falls downwind, there is also a retreat for guerrillas, not to mention that they should have people outside to meet. Moreover, because of carrying the seriously injured original body and "Ping", it is bound to be careful.

Even so, it is better for me to fight against the stronger Doomsday Truth in a wider area than in this narrow place, against the people in the gathering place.

The wing knight ’s face was covered by the helmet, and she could n’t see what she was thinking. All her behavior, without any hesitation, whether it was fighting or compromise, made people feel that she knew that this would happen. , So be prepared. All the dialogues and actions are just "step by step".

What is her face hiding under a peep? I can't peep.

"... fifteen seconds." The wing knight said a time. "After fifteen seconds, the portal will start." After a pause, he added: "If you are worried about our escape, that's not necessary, I think that after dealing with us a lot, you should also know that the larger the spell, the more time it takes to prepare. If you are worried about our use of joint defense spells and block the platform after you leave, then I have not Solution ... We have shown sincerity, and you have already handed over what you want. Instead, you are Gao Chuan, who has been asking us, but has not shown any attitude of cooperation. "Her helmet eyes flashed red dots , "Know that we are not forced to negotiate because of the disadvantage."

Sure enough, is the limit of temptation here? I judged in my heart, nodded, and said, "Fifteen seconds is enough. After I leave, you can do whatever you want ... I hope that after fifteen seconds, we can continue this friendly conversation." I say this, in fact, there is no meaning of "friendship" in it. Emphasis on "fifteen seconds" is to deepen their psychological impression.

A time that is repeatedly confirmed can easily become the standard length of mental activity. That is to say, if they really take "fifteen seconds" as a unit to think about problems and arrange actions, they have fallen into my trap.

I do n’t know if such a small child can have an ideal impact, but at this time, I have not many choices.

The wizards looked at the wing knight, and their expressions were all hidden, and they could not judge at all. Whether they have been affected or not, and the wing knight is still the same, completely without hesitation and thought. She gestured, the back of the platform facing away from the direction of the gathering attack, the view seemed clearer. When the translucent protective cover is presented, a "hole" appears in that position.

No need to explain, the invisible high-speed passage passes through the "hole", around the midair, and turns in the direction of the original body and "flat", interspersed through the army of the gathering place. The night raven quark's quick swept away from the "gaze" of the people around us in an instant, and before they grabbed the figure with their eyes again, we had spread our wings and flew into the air. After accelerating again, only a near-static scene remained.

This battlefield seems to be smeared on the canvas, and I am like a tourist, passing by slowly.

There is no gravity change, no beam main gun, even if it is huge. The "eyeballs" full of deterrence are just vain. Not to mention the mysteriousness, even the shamans are not as good as the gathering aborigines. Although some aborigines have transformed their bodies, the response and speed are not as good as the night crow quark. It becomes the biggest gap between each other, and they can't rely on anything else to fill this gap like pixel life and wizards.

The missile was detonated all the way through the night crow quark, and the fragments of the splash. And the artillery fire that came together sparsely and sparsely, it will be referenced at the moment of "discharging", and then become extremely slow. The Night Crow Quark freely shuttled among them, and it took only three seconds to leave the "eyeball" and the guardians behind.

Under the flying wings of the night crow quark, it seems like a pair of new jet engines are installed. The feeling of surging power makes people just want to keep flying like this.

Accelerate, accelerate again, then, the sound disappears, the picture is still, this body, there is no beating heart, nor running blood, however, it is also full of active explosive force, as if people can hear the heartbeat and feel some warmth , Quickly circulating in the body.

In five seconds, the night crow quark reached the place where the original body and "ping" were, and the speed instantly changed from the highest speed to zero. Without any reluctant feeling, it is like being born to get rid of inertia. Even if you do n’t feel the reaction force, it is a natural thing. This is also a mysterious embodiment of rapid swept. of.

In my mind, the night crow quark had already grabbed the original body and "ping". Although both bodies have undergone preliminary treatment, because the equipment and techniques are very simple, it is already a thankful thing not to deteriorate too fast. If you do not cooperate with Doomsday Truth, it is difficult to find a suitable treatment in the gathering place. You may be able to use threats. However, based on my impressions and judgments about the gathering place, I am afraid that I would rather accept the loss of war, but also delay The possibility of staying with me is greater.

There is no way, although they do not want to be an enemy to the locals, but since they have a "personality preservation device", they can only accept this reality of becoming an enemy.

The night crow quark once again entered the state of rapid sweep, once again interspersed in the quiet and almost still battlefield, when returning, it took only four seconds. The protective cover of the platform was still strong. I was ready to cut a big hole from where it came out. However, the wing knight was very trustworthy and did not do much to make the night crow quark easily get into the platform.

One second after we arrived, the wizards reacted and observed the details of their movements, which seemed a bit surprised. However, the wing knight is only on the helmet, and the eyes covered with sunglasses, like a flash of red light again, shows that she is not without any ideas, there is no more fluctuations.

The wizards ’combined teleportation spells have changed a little bit from what I have seen. This time, they used a larger medium, a gray-black, as if they were a naturally textured door. It looks like stone and metal, but it should be a kind of structure, and it is also a material that is very close to the original color of the gray mist, just like directly compressing the gray mist into a solid state.

The body life once blocked the main gun of the "eyeball" with a peculiar "net". This "door" that more directly reflects the concepts of "mystery", "primitive", "walking", "opening", etc., should also be mysterious Quite a prop. I don't think that this gathering place itself has no mystery at all, and it allows formal wizards to walk through ordinary portal spells. Just when they came out from under the platform, they had to crack the blockade from the outside by the life of the body. It is enough to think that although they can "not walk the main entrance", this ability to move is also limited.

When the "gate" was established, some of the wizards who had been slain and killed before were also rescued by their companions. After all, being cut off by the sash does not mean that they will die immediately. In human medicine, the judgment of "death" is actually very loose, and the judgment of "soul" death is more lenient. Within this limit, rapid treatment with strange and mysterious spells is also a matter of course. The cocoon of the life of the body that I dropped casually has been taken away by them.

I don't care about these things. The wizard who was cut off by me was alive again, and could not escape the fate of being cut off when fighting again. As for the life of the body, I was only curious about the state of the "cocoon". I have no special ideas about the life of the body. It is because they do not care too much, so from the beginning, these things have not been treated as the "booty" of previous battles.

In the thirteenth second, the official wizards who provided energy to the "gate" had all withdrawn, leaving only the elite wizards, the wing knights were just holding the sword and supervising. The energy attack of the platform shield has been changed from the wizard to provide with special equipment. Compared with the doomsday doctrines of the past, the doomsday doctrines of the present day appear more "modernized."

On the equipment that maintains the protective cover, the signal showing the energy supply starts to flash frequently, making people think it is about to run out. However, at this time, the "door" was finally opened. There is not much momentum, just like normal teleporting spells, there is a swirling gray mist, which rotates counterclockwise in the door, staring as if the soul must be inhaled.

Where does the rear of the "gate" lead to? I can't see it from here. Only the doomsday shaman can be sure. Think about it seriously, maybe this destination is not even sure of them. Of course, in terms of "preparation", of course, it has done its best as far as possible.

However, it is the situation that they cannot confirm for themselves that is the best for me. If they are more comfortable with teleportation and can be finely controlled, then we must use their "door" to walk through on our side, but only need to consider greater trouble.

In the fifteenth second, the first formal wizard walked into the whirlpool, and his body seemed to be "twisted" into a ball, and then disappeared. Seeing such a scene really made people feel less at ease.

Then came the second official wizard ~ ~ the third official wizard ... It was not until the official wizards who were still alive all entered the vortex, it was the elite wizard's turn. Therefore, the wing knight is naturally the last one. In the whole operation, no one said more nonsense, as if completely ignoring our existence.

The wizards left with a big swing, witnessing the gathering place of such scenes, the attack became more and more fierce. The equipment that maintains the protective cover seems to have been opened to the limit, and a trace of arc jumped out of the gap between the components.

I thought about entering the portal first. However, it was not clear how the wizards were arranged, the teleport itself, and what the situation would be after the teleport, so I did n’t grab the first step. Until the elite wizards left two thirds, I manipulated the night crow quark over all the remaining people, and suddenly plunged into it.

From the beginning, there was no plan to discuss with them. Between "more cautious" and "unexpected", I chose the latter, even if there are not enough clues to prove the correctness of this judgment. It's just that you have to make a choice when you are not sure which one is the correct option.

At the moment of throwing into it, the night crow quark's flying wings covered the whole body, wrapped the original body and "flat", and opened the ability of shadow jumping, as far as possible to feel every detail in the transmission.