Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1111

None of the body life and the doomsday shamans survived. I do n’t think that after capturing them, you can let them lead the way. I used to have the ability to invade the consciousness of others, but it is more difficult to capture them than kill them. Eventually I I still chose to discuss with the aborigines. Even if they proposed to keep my critical weapons, it would be too much, but I still agreed without hesitation. Because in front of the rapid sweep, no matter who is in the hands of the knife-shaped critical weapon, in the end It's still in my hands. Since they feel that separating me from the knife-shaped critical weapon can give them a sense of security and help to get information from them, it is good to temporarily satisfy their illusion.

Aboriginal people also seemed surprised at my simple attitude. After a while, they gestured and called for a companion to come up and take the knife-shaped critical weapon.

\ "Now let ’s talk about your situation. \" I said.

The Indigenous people relaxed a little bit and started to tell their experiences. As I thought, it was not an interesting story. When I met with the special combat forces in Las Vegas, the doomsday Truth united the body life to the tree. To carry out a large-scale attack, from the strength point of view, it is necessary to destroy the gathering place in one fell swoop. Although the gathering place has restored many **** techniques, however, in the face of the powerful body life and the strange magic of the doomsday shamans, it is still rapid Falling downwind, collapse is inevitable.

\ "They released a virus that we have never seen before. When we discovered it, two-thirds of the people were infected. I do n’t know much about the technical aspects, but it is said that this virus is not the beginning of the battle. It was only released from time to time, but it had diffused from the vent of the tree tube belt into the gathering place earlier ... Some people even said that the dust that filled the waste area was already full of these viruses, but only in special It will be activated only under these conditions. Before these viruses are activated, our technology cannot be checked out in advance. \ "Aboriginal people also do n’t seem to understand the fact that the gathering place was attacked, and the truth of the collapse situation will appear in a short time. What is it, there are many statements that are full of subjective attitudes, but the collapse of the gathering place is already a fait accompli, their team actually escaped from the battlefield. The eye-shaped floating fortress has been destroyed, this is the whole game The dividing line of the changing situation.

The virus thrown by the enemy has turned the number of people in the gathering place into a joke, because the infected person is not dead, but crazy, and two-thirds of the living area of ​​the gathering place is destroyed by these infected people. The infected person also has the infection Sexually, this kind of infectivity is almost unavoidable when wearing protective clothing. As long as they are close to them for a period of time, there is a chance that they will be infected. When the Indigenous people talk about the infected person, they are a little chilly, and In the end-stage changes of infected people, I am familiar with the situation.

\ "These infected people were anxious at first, but when the condition deteriorated to attack others madly, they would become unable to communicate. \" How exactly \ "unable to communicate \". These aborigines can only be described as such: \ "They don't seem to understand what we're talking about, and they always think they look at us like they are looking at monsters." For indigenous people who are familiar with the transformation technology of the gathering place, this makes them hard to imagine. Because, even the indigenous people who are known as \ "native body \" have used brain surgery since their birth. Some devices to assist communication are installed, similar to \ "brain hardware \" in the advanced technology of the ruling bureau. Terminals. In many cases, the communication between indigenous peoples is directly connected to the mind through this auxiliary device, which is more able to express their ideas than normal conversations. In theory, language barriers have been completely eliminated.

These aborigines also do n’t know the auxiliary devices implanted in their brains. They are not technicians, just armed people who use the products. However, since for them, \ "they suddenly become unable to communicate \" The situation is the most incredible, it should be the case. Their description is more and more similar to a virus I know, and, if it is really that kind of virus, then, theoretically impossible \ "Unable to communicate \" status actually appears, this phenomenon can be explained. Because, the factor that caused this result is simply a highly mysterious.

\ "The condition of the infected person will deteriorate rapidly. After death, there is a chance to become an aggressive substance. \" The indigenous people continue to describe: \ "This substance looks like flesh and blood, but it can be combined with inorganic substances. , And even the material of the structure is integrated. Not only does it look disgusting, but it will continue to multiply and release a large number of spores. \ "Although it is said that this evil uses electronic sounds, his fear is strong enough. The protective clothing ca n’t be isolated either, \ "Once it is stuck to those flesh and blood, the protective clothing will be eroded within one minute, and people without protective clothing ca n’t resist spores. When the spores are released, they are not purified With well-measured isolation areas, people whose skin is exposed to the air will become new infections. \ "

All in all, the collapse of the gathering place is already an unchangeable ending at this time. As the condition of the infected person enters the final stage of change, the intensity and scope of the infectivity will rise to the point where the gathering place cannot bear it. Perhaps there are some people I stayed in the isolation area and escaped, but these people who escaped did not have much hope. Most of the people who can escape from the gathering place are search teams that have not returned, and in the early stage of the spore spread, if You can reach the hangar to find the offline machine that has not been destroyed, and you can leave the tree tube belt before being infected. However, the people who escaped will also be attacked by the body life and the doomsday shaman, just like the indigenous people in front of me, In fact, they had a total of five offline machines.However, in the chase battle, they were either destroyed or had to be separated.Up to now, how many people can survive is still unknown.

The characteristics of this virus are not much different from the viruses I know.

\ "Saya ... \" I whispered, the aborigines seemed to hear, [[! ] But did not hear clearly.

\ "This is the Saya virus produced by the Doomsday Truth. \" I explained briefly. I do n’t know the specific situation of this virus. It first appeared in the town where the Marl Jones family is located. I, Fu Jiang and several other members of the network ball went to investigate the mysterious event in the town, but this virus is not the root of the entire mysterious event, but only one of the factors. I ca n’t forget the virus ’s personality From the perspective of its effect, it is completely a mysterious thing created against the spirit and personality of human beings.In contrast, infectivity and aggressiveness are just a means, not an end.

That battle caused unprecedented death and injury to our team. It can be said that although there is a stronghold of apocalyptic wizards in that town, there are many elite wizards and wizard knights, but these enemies actually caused us. The damage is far from the monster \ "Saya \" that the mysterious virus was born at the end of the period, which caused us great damage. If it were not for the Black Nest people, the ordinary people in the town might not be able to survive.

Until the end. The strength of the network ball and the black nest still failed to crack the mystery of the Saya virus in time, and even, it could not find its true source. We defeated Saya, it seems that we have solved the harm of the virus, but the truth is This is not the case, no one has evidence and no guarantee. Such a thing will not resurrect.

As a Level 3 Mageweave messenger, I hold a critical weapon. I am very powerful. However, this kind of power does not help today ’s gathering place. Just as the fear of these indigenous peoples, I also feel that the gathering place is finished unless they It is possible to fight for the time to crack the Saya virus, but it is obvious. The doomsday truth and the body life have not given them this time. They have been laid out from an earlier time, and now they are only planned harvests. The fall of the tree tube belt, It means that the doomsday truth and the life of the body have obtained the technology and equipment of the gathering place, and after the equipment for purifying the fog is destroyed, the concentration of fog in the Victoria heavy industry physical and chemical area will further increase. If I first encountered on campus \ "Node \". It is the result of the spontaneous formation of fog after reaching a certain level. Then, from now on, such \ "nodes \" may be more and appear more frequently, thus opening the world to the relay trap. \ "门 \" is easier.

Judging from this result, \ "Jiang \" took away the \ "gate \" of the Las Vegas special combat troops and transformed it, which is very timely. After all, my goal is not to eliminate \ "nodes \", Destroy the "gate" of all parties leading to the world of repeater traps, but only prevent the landing coordinates of all parties from being located in my city or even the Asian region.

In terms of this ultimate goal alone, I have actually achieved it. Although I do n’t know the effect, \ "江 \" has temporarily disappeared, and I ca n’t get more information from the real Jiangkou, but my intuition tells me, As long as the huge equipment transformed by "Jiang" remains, the nodes of the Victoria heavy industry physical and chemical zone will be transferred from my city. This effect is not relocation, but interference in positioning.

Just as direct light does not illuminate a certain place, it is not necessary to move the light source, only one lens is needed, and it is enough to refract it.

However, doing so also meant that I could not return to the campus through the node. I had to find a new \ "gate \", go to other parts of the world of the repeater trap, and then return to my city. In addition, because The plan was aborted by me, so I also have a responsibility to get a new "gate" for the Las Vegas special combat forces.

The actions of the Doomsday Truth and the life of the body to destroy the gathering place are not only beneficial to them, but also to me. If their actions are so large, they will inevitably leave more clues, although such actions mean Their plan will be accelerated, but I feel that their speed is enough to insert them before they complete the plan.It must be taken into account that when the doomsday sect completed the plan and left the Victoria Heavy Industry Materialization Zone, it was destroyed together with the entire channel. As soon as I lost the "door", the Las Vegas special combat forces and I would be trapped here.

Assuming that it is too late to capture the equipment of the Doomsday Religion, Las Vegas special combat forces must also leave through the \ "door \" opened by Doomsday Religion. Of course, that means that their landing point will be the same as Doomsday Religion. In the same way, it is in danger of being peeped by powerful enemies. Even if I speculate that there is some kind of tacit agreement and deal with the Doomsday Truth, even if the two collide together, there may be no death battle, but if it can be less risky, Naturally it is better not to do that.

The fact is that if the Las Vegas special combat forces are in the world of repeater traps, they will fight the Doomsday Truth from the beginning, and the chance of completing the plan will drop to a frightening chance. The Doomsday Truth is not so Good to pass.

\ "Do you know where the Doomsday Truth and the nest of body life are? \" I asked.

\ "Unclear. \" The aborigines paused, the electronic tone continued to say: \ "But I think someone must know. \"

\ "I ’m going to the tree tube belt to find someone with intelligence. What are you going to do? \" My question silenced the Aborigines for a while. Then, I told them the food storage area I found before: \ "There is food, you Can be supplied, if you plan to leave, I hope to get your map. \ "

The Indigenous people still seem to be discussing with other companions, and after a while, everyone else came up, including the man who took the knife-shaped critical weapon. Once he came, he threw the knife-shaped critical weapon back into my hands. Some of them The posture was a little hesitant, but soon, it unified into a decisive breath. I realized what their decision was.

\ "Although I do n’t trust any outsiders, you have caused us too much trouble. [,!]. \" The electronic sound of the translator finally sounded, \ "But. If you are going to destroy our home with those Enemy fights, then bring us. Although we can't defeat the combination of wizards and body life, as long as it is not the body life, we can all solve it. And, I think our companions will also fight back. Our technology is enough to find the source of the disaster in a disaster of this scale. Some people who escaped must have some relevant information, and. I believe they must have taken away the strongest weapons in the gathering place. \ "

\ "The strongest weapon? \" I asked.

\ "A critical weapon. \" Aboriginal said: \ "I do n’t know the detailed situation, but it should be left over by Victoria Heavy Industries. It took us a long time to complete the technical repair. \"

The Indigenous people possessed a critical weapon, which was completely expected.The appearance of their knife-shaped weapon and my radioactive gray particle resonance device have many similarities, which were shown in the previous body life attack. Trait. It also obviously smells of preventing critical weapons. Maybe the critical weapons in their hands may be the same model as mine.

Today, no one knows how many critical weapons the ruling bureau has. Although in my information, the name of critical weapon appears very few times, but it is definitely more than that. The decisive power of critical weapon, let it be in any In the hands of the mysterious organization, it will become a closely guarded research object. Under normal circumstances, the value of critical weapons as research objects also exceeds its value as weapons. Like me, it has been very rare to fight with critical weapons. Even so, I have never seen the maximum power of the critical weapon, because the three-level Mageweave messenger has no authority to exert its maximum power.

Among the mysterious organizations in Doomsday Realm, the person who can exert the power of the critical weapon to the greatest extent should be the fire. His magical super power is a little special, and he may be able to activate the use of critical weapons by leapfrog. This also means that Although under normal circumstances, the combat effectiveness of fire escape is slightly insufficient, but he who holds critical weapons and he who does not possess critical weapons cannot be generalized.The increase in combat power is far greater than that of ordinary three-level Mageweave messengers. There are critical weapons that are bigger.

The participation of the indigenous people in the war is also a good thing for me.After deciding to travel together, they entered the food storage area for supply.They struggled all the way, tired and hungry.Everyone came with varying degrees of injury, and even one Finally, I could n’t survive it, and died in front of everyone. The atmosphere became mournful and silent, and I was obviously afraid of the virus, but these aborigines still took off the fully enclosed helmets and held a simple funeral for the dead companions. I watched. Throughout the process, I saw an Aboriginal strip off the equipment of the deceased and passed it to me.

\ "We have to look for traces of companions along the tree tube belt. That place is full of viruses, you better wear protective clothing, and, it is best not to bring your female companions. \" She said so, look A glance at Zhen Jiang who stayed beside me silently, indeed, Zhen Jiang did not have any deterrent effect at this time, which would make people who do not know the inside feel a burden. But for me, let Zhen Jiang stay around to maintain the observation state. , But it is the most important thing in a sense.

Even if Zhen Jiang does not show her own mystery, her existence itself is a kind of \ "signal \". I have not completely cracked this \ "signal \", but through intuition, how much can realize some signs, and then in the psychological Ready to go.

I shook my head and said to these aborigines: \ "I and she are special and will not be infected with that virus. \"

\ "You really know what kind of virus? \" Aboriginal asked again.

\ "I have encountered a situation similar to your gathering place. \" I said quietly: \ "The place was completely destroyed, and only a few people survived. I am one of them. \" Then, when I thought that everything came to an end, the final weapons appeared and proved their strength with action. The series of final weapons with \ "ultimate weapon 999 \" as a template is not a third-level Mageweave messenger at all. If there is only one to cope with, there is still the power to fight back. However, if you encounter a siege, even if you take \ "paradise \" and hold a critical weapon, there is no possibility of victory.

I will never forget the scene where I was penetrated. On that day, I saw a total of eleven final weapons exactly like Zhenjiang.

Eleven \ "真 江 \" is a nightmare.

Compared with such scenes, the terrible nature of the Sayya virus is simply not worth mentioning. I prefer to go to fight the final Sayah alone, and I do n’t want to fall into the eleven \ "真 江 \" without preparation. In the siege of the final weapon, I am very clear that although my current ability, experience and will are more mature than at that time, I still dare not say that I can hold my life under the same circumstances.

Falling in the same level is not funny at all.

Zhenjiang, Fujiang and Zuojiang ... No matter which \ "Jiang \" is by my side, their fighting power is naturally not negligible, but more importantly, the observation of them allows me to make good decisions \ Beware of all kinds of malignant signs caused by "virus". When they \ "disappear \", the situation will become very sinister, no matter whether I can sense this kind of sinister, the degree of sinister will not decrease .

and so

\ "She is my wife, I ca n’t leave her behind. \" I said so.

Indigenous people are surprised at this answer. They seem to be unable to associate me and Zhenjiang as a couple.I think this should be caused by their inherent concept.

\ "Since it is your wife, let your wife wear protective clothes. \" Said the aborigine.

\ "No, she does n’t need it either. \" I said: \ "She is like me. [,!], I have also encountered that kind of virus. According to my experience, as long as I survive, basically no more vicious reaction.\"

Indigenous people do not believe it, but for them, I am not an acquaintance, so I no longer persuade, give me the terminal of the dead companion, and then take back the protective clothing and put it in a spare box. Some of them have a cave The other equipment in the squabble for a while, and even found some weapon supplies, as for the virtual food, it was all unloaded, and then the food manufacturing machine was removed, and other equipment was also removed after determining the function. After supplementing the food After that, a group of people were searched for things that could be used in the four weeks. They felt that their offline machine could still be saved. After all, if there is no offline machine, the action force of the entire team will be greatly reduced. I have already It's done, and when necessary, leave them the decision to take a step first.

I do n’t have any help for their work. In terms of relevant technical knowledge, I ’m not even as good as their children. During this time, I was familiar with the use of the terminal, although the above are all languages ​​I do n’t understand, but the more The smarter terminal, the less difficult it is to use, and the visualized icons can be understood, and it is easier to just turn on the map and translator.

These aborigines were really lucky, and the offline machine that fell heavily to the ground was not damaged to the point that it was completely inoperable.Although the outer shell has been ragged, there may be irreparable defects in the power structure, but with the help of personal technology, It can still be controlled. When the offline machine flies, the aborigines can't help but cheer.