Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1121: In the mirror

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; What do the scenes in the sky and the scenes under the feet mean? I do n’t fully understand, but when I observe the abyss of the deep sea mirroring under my feet, I can realize that let The abnormality of fear in people's hearts is the most direct manifestation of "virus" to date. & bp; & bp; Its form of existence is similar to that of "Jiang". It is almost the same strong and irresistible evil. This is not a fixed evil, but only the concept of "evil"-I have more than once I have guessed that this is actually a constantly changing thing based on the knowledge of the receptor. If the recipient is a normal person, then this "evil" will be manifested in a way that violates a person's common sense, emotions and views, but Even if it is different things, different people, and audiences with different common sense, emotions and concepts, it will still be changed, and it has always maintained the state of the audience feeling "evil" and "fear".

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Just from this embodiment, the "Saya virus" is also a similar thing, or a short version of this "evil".

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; "Saya virus" will not make people zombies. Before the lesion reaches the final stage, the infected organism-usually based on "human"-will continue to remain "human" Biological structure. It only changes the sensibility of human contact and cognitive foreign objects. Based on the five senses of hearing, smell, taste, touch, feeling, etc., the overall sensibility is twisted to make the beautiful become ugly, the ugly is still ugly, and the good smell becomes bad, the bad smell is still difficult Smell, make the delicious become nauseous, nauseous or nauseous, in a person's inherent conception and feeling system, any beauty that represents "acceptable" and "wish to get" will become "completely unacceptable" in this distortion In the form of ", perhaps a person's inherent cognition and concept will be different. But this has no meaning to "twist" itself, because the result of this kind of twist is completely the opposite of concept.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; People infected with the SAY virus will not feel any good because of this distortion. All the original goodness is reorganized with the most "ugly and nauseous" concept in one's own feelings. In the second stage, you will lose the ability to communicate with others. Because of the distortion of sensibility, it is not possible to express your feelings normally Just like being deaf, even if the vocal cords are intact, it is difficult to talk. Patients will gradually fail to understand other people's words, and their own words will not be understood, so that any conditions that contribute to communication will become "unbearable."

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; When the beauty of listening and dialogue is completely distorted, people are isolated and human beings as social creatures. At this time, it will completely lose its sociality and become "alien".

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; unable to communicate. Unable to tell, what we saw and heard, only evil, gagging and ugly. As a result, the patient became anxious and full of aggression, before they finally died. It has been infinitely close to death from the soul. It is a terrible thing to live in a world that does not make you feel good at all. If the perceptual distortion can be adjusted with reason, then, the final stage of the Saya virus. It will make all rationality cease to exist, because its effect is adjusted by "concept", if rationally, there is a difference between "acceptable" and "unacceptable"-this is all intellectual intelligent creatures , The rational characteristics that must be possessed-then, in the final stage of Saya virus infection, all rational "acceptable" will also change to "unacceptable" form.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; a stone, it exists in our cognition as the definition of "stone" because human beings have a comprehensive and meticulous depiction of such a thing with inherent cognition, And this depiction is based on human perception and rational observation of it. This observation standard has always been limited by the biological and physiological characteristics of human beings. However, if there is such a "mystery" that modifies this standard, then after all existence passes this modified observation standard, it will become a manifestation that is opposed to individual cognition and continues to follow the individual cognition. Development and change are also changing simultaneously.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; the result is naturally catastrophic, even if the nature of the observed existence does not change, only the way it manifests—but how can humans think arrogantly, Can one observe the essence of these things without being constrained by one's own biological physiological characteristics? Just as when the body smells an unpleasant smell, tastes the nausea, and sees ugly things, then how to ignore these unpleasant, nausea and ugliness, and accept such things in essence? All the time, we can only see such things that violate the physiology and lose social communication. How can we resolve the negative emotions in our hearts?

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Only in the mystery, those saints who have a great understanding, have this kind of disregard of the surface manifestation, and focus on the essence of things, from the form of the final essence, to understand the whole world, and then to it Have any "disgust" and "like" again, because the saint is no longer limited to his own biological and physiological characteristics, as well as the opposition between sensibility and reason. For him, conceptually, there is no "acceptable" and "Unacceptable" distinction, so as to treat everything as equal.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; From the corner of modern science, "sage" is all the time, no matter whether you observe yourself or foreign objects, you can only see the "original", only the "energy string" , And even more essential expression than "energy string", and it will not produce any kind of likes and dislikes in its operation mode.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; comes in a narrow way, "original" and "energy", for human beings, is a form of manifestation based on no longer has the concept of likes and dislikes. If a person can observe and treat everything in a "primary and energy operation" way at all times, then the Saya virus should be ineffective against it.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; However, almost no one can do such a thing. The narrowness of human beings is limited by their biophysiological characteristics, and they cannot always get rid of the "acceptable" and "unacceptable" separation. Therefore, for humans, the SAY virus is terrible.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; The "virus" manifestations I have observed at this time, and the "jiang" manifestations I have experienced in the past, are more high-end than the "Saya virus", contrary to common sense, concepts, and cognition. The existence of way, sensibility and reason, when I just touch this existence, is limited by my own narrowness. It ultimately comes down to the concept of "evil" that you can understand.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Yes, evil is the most extreme and opposite concept in my cognition, it is constantly changing. According to changes in my own common sense, concepts, cognitive style, sensibility and rationality, I will always be on the opposite side and full of oppression. Because, even if there is any place that is "acceptable" and there is any place that "feels conquerable", it no longer belongs to this kind of "evil" concept. From this angle, I actually accepted "Jiang", which undoubtedly made me unable to understand, but irresistible, for contradictions.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; I watched the existence in the abyss. The body and soul are trembling, not just me, the doomsday witches and the body life are like frogs stared at by snakes, and all movements are dead. Their performance has made me think more than once, is this thing they really want to summon? Isn't it beyond their expectations, or. They didn't know from the beginning. When you complete this magic circle, will there be such a presence?

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; But when I think of my own situation, I unconsciously shake again. Perhaps, the doomsday truth religion is just like me, and my coexistence with Jiang is so contradictory. And the relationship between the doomsday truth and the evil and horrifying existence in the abyss may also be such a contradiction. They were also afraid and disgusted, and rejected that thing rationally and physically, but irresistibly. Accept it, any it, and move in its direction.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; If there must be some kind of consciousness, which plays a key role in it, I think, maybe it is "belief". Only true "faith" can make people tolerate everything until death. This "belief" may not be correct, but it must be selfish, and it is a very strong motivation only for yourself.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; I will never look at the Doomsday Truth. Every mysterious expert thinks that the Doomsday Truth is the most difficult and terrible opponent, precisely because, although they are cults, they have Such a "belief"-the end is bound to come, so is the truth, and in this process, it is reflected synchronously. Because they are believers, not jokes, so they can endure everything, can be driven by this "belief" to do anything contrary to human common sense and ideas, and even make themselves no longer human.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Only "belief" overrides everything. If there is anything that can make a presumed "belief" perish and perish, it can only prove that this is not a true "belief". Only when a person believes in the same things and do not repent until death, and is willing to give everything and accept anything that would otherwise be unacceptable, can one be considered to have the concept of "belief" and "evil" The same end, full of distortion, perhaps because of this, it can be unwavering in the face of "evil".

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Perhaps, the doomsday doctrine of doomsday truth, and my love for "Jiang", are no longer their original form, but become a kind of "belief" in order to let us In front of the existence of evil that doesn't know how far away, even if the body and soul are frozen in fear, there is still an unconstrained consciousness, you can try to observe, think and recognize.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; What does the Doomsday Truth Do? It was only during this ceremony that such a closest manifestation of "virus" appeared? It is even more representative of "virus" than any final weapon except "final weapon 999". What is the purpose of letting this thing manifest at this moment? No, it ’s really a stupid question. From the beginning to the end, the actions of the Doomsday Truth are all for the “dooms truth”. The existence in the abyss is not the embodiment of the “dooms truth” closest to the “doom illusion” ? Just from this corner, in fact, I should have understood long ago that everything the Doomsday Truth Church does will eventually become such a result-they will open a "door" and let the "virus" be in the most direct way , Reflected in this world, and thus reached the most essential "end of the world" in this world.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; I even thought of it, perhaps, this is the ultimate truth of the "Tianmen Project" that started with the Mar Jones family. This "Tianmen Project", in multiple camouflage, after numerous reincarnations, was finally presented to me in a way that is closer to the essence of this world than any era, any time and place.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; This ritual is nothing more than a warm-up to the final "Tianmen Project" by the Truth of Doomsday. Previously, all the "Tianmen Project" that appeared in "Doom Fantasy" was just a pavement.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Yes, I am pretty sure. Because the evil and terrible existence in the abyss is such a heavy weight, it will never be easily summoned by this ritual. There is no complete reason for this idea, but the past situation is verifying the authenticity of this idea-it is the "protagonist" and the highlight of the final act. It is absolutely impossible to make an appearance in advance-so described, it may be too dramatic, but the reality is often more "dramatic" than people think of it as "cruel". People think that it is "dramatic" only because they cannot accept this reality.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; For me, accepting this "drama" is very easy. It is even taken for granted. Because, "Jiang" is in my body. Nothing is more dramatic than this. Any illusions produced by "Jiang" also manifest themselves in "drama". The singing, singing, and poem-like content seemed to correspond vaguely to all my encounters. Let me involuntarily associate, through the evidence from association, to observe the realm on which I walk-whether it is an illusion of doomsday, or the reality of the hospital.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; My own existence, what I see. What I have imagined and understood is already so dramatic that it can no longer be dramatized. So, what is wrong with "drama" as "truth"?

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; "This is a tragedy of 'human beings', Conqueror Flying Insect is the starring role in the play." I couldn't help but repeat the illusion that once appeared, as if answering "Jiang" Yu Exclamation in the midst.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; In this tragedy of "The End of the World", "Virus" and "Jiang" are the protagonists, the protagonists who exist all the time, but only in the final scene in the most accurate way. ——Taking this point of view as the core and observing everything I have encountered in reverse, I seem to finally be able to understand things that were once impossible to understand.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Moreover, it is because at this time, everything seems to be clearer than in the past, so I am more certain that my plan has a great chance of success. I am more convinced than ever that my plan is already "probability", not inferior to the plans customized by Gaochuan, Xise and Dorothy in the past.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Because, my plan is tailored based on one of the protagonists of this drama. At the moment when the other protagonist "Virus" has gradually come out of the background, at the first time, he has watched the manifestation of "Virus" that is more essential than the "Final Weapon", confirming that this is the opposite of "Jiang" Waiting for the sense of existence, what else can prevent me and "Jiang" from walking in front of it to complete the final scene?

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; No, the final scene of this drama must be like this: "Jiang" and "Virus" as the protagonists, standing on the final stage that belongs to them, completed in the most dramatic way An unexpected ending.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; I covered my mouth hard to stop the strong feeling of nausea.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; "Ha, haha ​​..." I heard my laughter and heard myself: "I have seen the ending."

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; "Appeared, Appeared-" Zhen Jiang cried in my arms, she danced like a crazy bear child, "Achuan, I saw it, I saw it ! "

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; When Zhen Jiang hugged me hard, my left eye twitched violently, pain and fear, making every cell in the body groan. It is different from the existence in the abyss, the kind of terror oppression it brings from the outside. The pain and fear brought by "Jiang" is from the inside out, it is closer to my soul than any external oppression. So much so that in this incomparably close, almost without barriers of pain and fear, the fear and evil brought about by the existence in the abyss seem to become less oppressive.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Zhen Jiang laughed and yelled in my ear, clapping his palms, as if applauding the highlights of the drama, in this space that became dead due to change, she issued The voice became the only one. She was so abrupt, so conspicuous, so eye-catching, that even the terrible evil in the abyss could not take away her glory.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; There was a trance in front of my eyes, Zhen Jiang's body, wrapped around my back, I couldn't see her face, I only heard her confused but full of charm, but also a very evil voice : "Look, it's so beautiful--" Gently stated.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Is Zhenjiang's existence in the abyss? Is that a beautiful thing for her? However, in my opinion, it is definitely not such a thing.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; The same world, the same things and changes, what Zhenjiang sees and what I see are very different things-so, compared to me, she is really Mental patient.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; The existence in the abyss, the dance of the real river, attracted all the attention. Therefore, when the change occurs, almost no one can react. I am like this, as are the doomsday truths and the mortal beings that led to all this. When I came back to God, the scene in the sky had shattered. Although this scene became so insignificant when the abyss appeared, it was also an abnormal existence because it was a "normal world" scene. I think that should be the scene of the repeater trap world, not the real outside world of Doomsday Illusion, because the "normal" of Doomsday Illusion has long since disappeared due to the invasion of the "Nazis".

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Only the repeater trap world can maintain such a fresh daily landscape-wilderness, forests, cities, streets and bustling people. These things seem to be reflected in a cracked mirror. It was like it was melted, but it was still complete, but when no one noticed, something was smashed **** it. This "cracking" is like telling us: this area of ​​the ruling bureau will be connected to the boundary on that side, and the defensive "mystery" of the boundary on that side-"mysterious restriction" -It will also become fragmented by this blow.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; I watched the landscape over the "Broken Mirror" and couldn't help laughing out loud, because that is definitely not the Asian landscape.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; "I did it, I really did it." It does not matter whether it is my own strength or the strength of "Jiang". My plan has really been achieved. This proves that "Jiang "The main plan must be executable and successful. For my present, this is only a step, but for the future I want, it is a big step.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; I gazed greedily at the scenery that was by no means Asian, and the joy in my heart was beyond words. At this moment, even if the battlefields of the Aboriginals are silent, even if the special combat forces in Las Vegas have not yet arrived, they are nothing. The scene in front of me made me know that my own heartfelt thoughts ~ ~ My extremely ridiculous ideas, based entirely on speculation and association, to construct a plan, is really achievable. It is very dramatic, yes, precisely because it is very dramatic!

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; The scene of the deep abyss at the foot is disappearing, it comes very spectacular, but when it fades, although the process is very clear, the horror that emanates is still floating in the air, but it is not enough to suppress Break down my firmness and joy at this time. Frequent battles, a lot of doubts, and unsettled distress are all swept away at this moment.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; My left eye twitched, it was no less than the fear brought by the existence of the abyss, but it was like adding a fire to my blood. Burning rushed through the blood vessels as if it was not blood, but magma. I heard the drumbeat of my heart, like the drumbeat of a war song. I grasped the knife-shaped critical weapon and waved at the female body life that had been pinned down by each other.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; the second game begins!

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; I no longer think about how to get rid of this limitation when my speed-sweeping super energy is limited. I was just waving my knife, while in Mercedes, my left eye was twitching, and the invisible high-speed channel was intermittent, seeming to guide me towards victory. (To be continued ...)