Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1174: Open the door

The black shadow behind the elongated ghost was whipped like a whip to another Marceau, its chest was penetrated by that beast-like Marceau, and the black veins spread to other parts of the body, it twitched His posture seems to endure great pain. Even so, the shadow's waving is still full of power. It makes people feel that once they are hit, the bones of the whole body will be interrupted. @ 顶 @ 点 @ 小说 A mystery spreads in the air, making people dizzy and about to vomit, but this can't stop me from rushing.

I held Marceau, holding a dagger, and when the shadowy slender shadow bullet reached half-air, I passed through it. When the blade cut through the shadow, I didn't feel a little bit of force, but when I looked back When she went, the shadow had already broken down in the air, leaving only an illusory afterimage rushing onto the beast's eyes, Marceau, as if a wind had blown through it, causing her clothes and her long hair to flip violently.

At the next moment, the veins spreading from the slit in the chest of the elongated ghost shadow completely wrapped its body.

The ghosts began to twist. The humanoid body was thrown into the mud in the blender, and it lost its appearance for a moment. Only the black veins wrapped it like a giant net and pulled it into the body of Marshall. I heard chewing sounds, people couldn't help but think of it, the long and thin ghosts were chewed by an inexplicable thing in the body of Marceau. Even in the frequent and loud ticking in the watch shop, this chewing sound cannot be masked.

I think that the Marso of the beast's eyes is the ghost of Marceau, or the ghost is hidden in the body of the Marsol of the beast's eyes. I used my own experience as the standard, and felt that Marceau ’s situation was very strange. Marceau, Marceau's electronic demon, Marceau's ghost, Marceau's nightmare. The way of existence between the four weeks seems to be very different from the general electronic demon users.

When the chewing sound stopped, the clock sound also stopped, and the light in the store returned to the gloom when it first entered. Looking out from the door, the nightmare scene in Las Vegas has also returned to normal, instead of The original painting-like appearance. Such changes. On the contrary, it gives people a feeling of "returning to normal". Of course, there is no such thing as normal here. I looked at the back door, there was a false cover there, and I didn't know if it was the labyrinth of the labyrinth when I met Marceau for the first time.

I do n’t quite understand how Marceau entered my ghost nightmare, and how my ghost nightmare became this watch shop. Can only roughly imagine this kind of transformation. It is like the conscious walker entering into the consciousness of others, distorting the consciousness of others. Even in the form of a nightmare, Marceau's actions made her look like a conscious walker—or, the mystery of the electronic demon she created was ideological mystery.

"Gao Chuan, you said you would help me." Marceau pulled on my sleeve. I turned my gaze from the other Marceau on the opposite side and touched the Marceau's head beside me.

"Yes. But I can only appear in your nightmare now." I said, "This is a nightmare, Marceau."

"I know, but I'm not afraid anymore, because Gao Chuan is here, so I'm not afraid of her." Marceau said, but her eyes never turned away from the other Marceau opposite. It seems that the so-called "she" refers to Marceau, who looked at this beast.

"Who is she?" I tried to guide Marceau. Marceau ’s spirit is not normal, and her eyes are the same as some mental patients I have seen in Dr. Ruan Li ’s clinic. Under normal circumstances, to ask some normal questions of such a mental patient, the answer is absolutely puzzled.

"She is her." Marceau said; "She is not Marceau."

"Are you afraid of her? Will she hurt you?" I asked, staring at Marceau with the beast's eyes. result. The seemingly unbelieving beast-like girl, with a smile that was as weird as Marsol next to me, replied: "I'm not afraid of her at all because she is not Marcel."

Sure enough, the topic began to turn to a stage that was incomprehensible. If I continue to ask Marceau these questions, both the Marceau by my side and the Marceau on the opposite side will become unbelievable. The words of mental patients are always full of meaning, but this is only because they only give answers based on their own thinking different from ordinary people. These natural answers will become ridiculous in normal thinking.

So, I changed the subject and said: "Masuo, you called the demon."

"Yeah, I'm the demon." Marceau around me replied in a subtle tone. When I looked at her, her body had become the shape of muddy water, and it was still melting. Ordinary people might be so frightened to let go of their hands, but I suddenly grabbed her hand, and the body temperature and touch from the palm was a cold muddy water.

While my thoughts were still turning, this seemingly normal, but equally weird Marceau completely collapsed into a pool of muddy water, which quickly penetrated into the ground in front of my eyes.

"So, are you the real Marceau?" I looked at the Marceau on the opposite side with a look like a beast. Although the change was sudden and weird, it was still not a change that could surprise the mysterious expert.

"Guess? Gao Chuan, what do you think I am?" The opposite Marceau's expression began to soften, and the beast-like eyes also disappeared. The whole person became exactly the same as the previous disappearance of Marceau. As delicate as a girl, but with the strangeness of an abnormal girl. She lifted the hem of the patient's uniform and made a round of dancing, which suddenly made her feel lively.

"Do you know why I am here?" I was not disturbed by these weird changes, and my heart was as calm as ever. When I walked to her and squatted in front of her, I asked.

"This is the price of summoning the demon." Marceau's expression changed again, and there was still a trace of strangeness in the serious expression, which made people think that she was carrying some kind of malice even if she was not lying I never planned to speculate on her in the bad direction. Because she is Marceau, no matter when and under what circumstances, they are my loved ones. I believe in her. Just as I believe in Misaki and Bajing, in other words, if I do n’t trust them, who else can I trust? I think this idea is incorrect for ordinary people, dangerous and weird situation. You should not trust someone completely, not to mention, the girl in front of you has an indescribable strangeness. However, I never felt that there was anything wrong with my unconditional trust. Perhaps this is precisely because I am a mental patient.

"Sure enough, is there a nightmare when you call the demon?" I said, "I also had nightmares."

"I know, so. I ate your nightmare." Marceau reached out and touched my face. "You said that you would protect me, wouldn't you?"

"Yes, but maybe you are protecting me." I replied, holding her in my arms, "Thank you. Marceau. It's great to see you again."

"Don't be afraid. Gao Chuan." Marceau, like an adult, hugged my head and patted my back. Her body temperature is as warm as normal people, in this nightmare world, it seems to be a real existence.

"Do you want to leave here?" After a while, I separated from her. Holding her shoulder and asking, "Go outside?"

"I can't get out." Marceau shook his head and said, "My nightmare is here, only here."

"Did you forget? I came in from the outside, and a lot of people have just gone out." I talked about when she was confronting the slender ghost. There were indeed many people who ran out of the building in the nightmare outside of the store at that time. There weren't any figures in those buildings, but at that time, it was like a certain switch was turned on. Now it looks like those people have broken into the broader nightmare Las Vegas from their own nightmares.

"I don't want to go out, but you can let them come in Gaochuan." Marceau stared at me with a longing look, so that I could directly feel her expectation. She wanted more people to walk into this watch shop to cooperate with her That weird look made some bad associations. This watch shop is like a hunting trap. Marceau will hurt everyone who enters here.

Even so, I still agreed.

"Can you tell me why you should do this?" I asked.

"Because, Marceau will die if they don't eat it." Marceau's tone became dark and emotionally unstable. She said: "Marceau doesn't want to die. Isn't it terrible to die? Is it painful? Gao Chuan , What you said, will protect me. "

"Yes, I will protect you, Marceau." I comforted her. "Why did Marceau die if they didn't eat them?"

"Why?" Marceau stared at me with inconceivable eyes, as if shocked by the fact that I would ask such a stupid question, "Because this is the price of summoning demons. I used the power of demons, so I have to give Is n’t it for granted that there is something else about demons? "

"I can enter your nightmare because you are guiding me, are you?" I asked.

"Well, yeah, I originally wanted to eat Achuan." I noticed that Marceau was here, changing my name from "Gaochuan" to "Achuan", as if naturally she didn't realize it, which made I feel that her subconscious mind has changed because of contact with me, and has been affected by the past. Even though, this "past" is not in the same doomsday illusion, or even, not in the doomsday illusion.

"But why didn't you eat it?" I guided again.

"Because Achuan is the one who will protect me." Masuo said of course, regardless of whether the logic of the words reversed the course of affairs, "Achuan was the first person who did not fear me, and was the first to say The person who protects me. Really shy, they are like a princess. "She seemed very happy.

I began to feel that she must have been affected by the "past".

"You didn't eat me, are you afraid?" I asked, "Afraid of the demon hurting you? Is the demon the one you just pulled me?"

"No, Marceau is not here, only demons here." Marceau opened his hand and motioned to the entire watch shop, "All are demons. But, I'm not afraid of it."

I can't understand it anymore. The relationship between Marsol in front of him, Marsol who disappeared into mud, and this watch shop and the devil in her mouth. The simple relationship between the original electronic demon and the user, and the user's ghost nightmare, became a mess in her. However, Marceau said that not being afraid of demons made me think it was not a lie.

"Although I am not afraid of demons, I use the power of demons. I should give it something else, right?" I asked. In this remark, there is a simple exchange principle of occultism.

"Yes, because, the devil will protect me after waking up." Marceau said: "Because. Achuan can only appear in nightmares, isn't it? If I don't have nightmares, Achuan will disappear. I know Although Achuan knows everything, in fact, Achuan doesn't even know what she really is. "Her words seemed to go beyond the nightmare and beyond the doomsday illusion. She didn't show it on purpose, but I couldn't help feeling it.

"I will also wake up from a nightmare." I said, "I am a mystery expert, and there are electronic demons."

"No, there is no demon in Achuan, because this demon is not Achuan." Marceau stared at the shadow under my feet. "Achuan was only stared at by the demon. It doesn't matter, if it hurts you. I will eat it, It's like eating the thing just now. "

Marceau ’s words were full of aggression, making people feel that the electronic demon in the shadows would be dragged out in the next moment.

"It won't hurt me." I quickly said: "It's not my electronic demon, but it will protect me."

"So, look." Marceau spread his hands. Said to me: "Achuan doesn't even have his own demons, but just thought he was a mysterious expert." It was a bit annoying to say that, as if to blame himself for being too straightforward, he quickly added: "So. I have to protect Achuan. If I do n’t have nightmares, Achuan will disappear. So, I have to have a nightmare. "She nodded vigorously, as if she was affirming her thoughts, although the idea was unusual.

She is not the kind of mental patient who is unable to express her thoughts and cannot express her thoughts. However, she is absolutely mentally problematic.

I finally sorted out the logic in her words: "The devil or the person you want to eat?"

"Of course it's a demon, what's so delicious about people?" Marceau said: "Sometimes the dreamer will wake up sooner or later, won't he? He can't eat it at all."

It turned out that it was Marso who understood the nightmare so much. In her view, when you or someone else is hurt, you will only wake up from a nightmare, and the only thing that will be hurt and will disappear is the electronic demon. However, in my experience, once people are really killed in this nightmare, they will definitely be more seriously injured than "waking up". Recalling the nightmares that were born in Las Vegas, I ca n’t help but think that the people who are killed, even if they can wake up, may have a big personality change, or even a change in personality, thus reflecting erosion Malignant.

So, if you die in a nightmare, is it not a person but a personality?

"Demons will not hurt you, but can continue to protect you after you wake up. However, in order to always have demons, you must eat other people's demons, and as long as you always have demons, you will always have nightmares." I reason After clearing the logical relationship, he asked Marceau to verify: "Is this the case?"

"Uh huh." Marceau nodded vigorously. I think she must have acquired the electronic demon for a short period of time. Otherwise, she couldn't come up with this logic. Because, my own experience may prove that I will not enter the nightmare the first time I have the electronic demon. Judging from this experience, even if electronic demon users enter a nightmare, they should be their own ghost nightmare, not Las Vegas. My situation is a special case due to certain factors.

Marceau said that people will not die in their own nightmares, but, I think, no one will completely resist the attack of ghosts in nightmares in order to verify whether they will die. The question is what happens if the user kills the ghost with an electronic demon in his ghost nightmare. Is Marceau ’s anomaly because she killed her ghost with her electronic demon. Moreover, whether it is the disappeared Marceau or the current Marceau, it is said that the other party is not Marceau. Is there some deep meaning in this?

"Marceau, what is this you now?" I couldn't help asking. Marso, who had disappeared before, admitted that he was a demon, but he also claimed that the current Marso was not Marso.

"Guess what?" Marceau was still the original answer. It seemed to tease people like this, making her happy and giggling. However, even this cheerful laughter was a bit eerie. Not to mention the mentally ill, she doesn't even feel like a person, but something like a human skin.

"You are the ghost of Marceau." I guessed. The so-called "ghost image" is just my statement. In fact, if all electronic demon users are caught in their own nightmares, they will encounter things like slender and long ghost images. However, Marceau clearly understood what "ghost" meant.

She once again showed a weird smile, her body suddenly no longer has a three-dimensional sense and a substantial sense, just like a three-dimensional existence turned into a two-dimensional image, shaking a few times suddenly, like a sudden signal instability, thus Let the image not become abnormal, and the final result is that instant time disappears in front of my eyes. And this change also seems to be using action, which proves my guess.

Neither of the two Marceaus I encountered was Marceaus, but it cannot be said that they had nothing to do with Marceaus. Because, whether it is an electronic demon or a ghost, in my inference, it should be a concentrated expression of Marceau ’s own mystery and characteristics. They should represent a very essential part of Marshall's personality.

Her disappearance made me feel a little regret, because, I still have many questions to know, for example, how she let me into her ghost nightmare, how to enter my ghost nightmare, and, how My long and thin ghosts and I pulled into her ghost nightmare. And why are the electronic demons and ghosts like Marceau.

Of course, I have my own guesses about these issues. In occultism, when the environment of the nature of supernatural events and nightmares involves the problem of "in and out", there is often a saying that in the case of a small gap between the two sides, to enter and exit the other's territory requires the other's consent, But this kind of consent does not necessarily need to be the other party's real idea. In Asian mystics, there is an example: someone has been having nightmares, saying that a ghost knocked on the door in the middle of the night and turned to the ghost catcher. Therefore, the ghost catcher warned this person that if he heard someone approaching at night, no matter what the other party did or said, there should be no predictions or actions that responded, because such a response, even if it was a refusal, would become Substantive "invitation". Originally the ghost could not enter the room, and once he responded to it, he was invited to enter. Ghosts are best at using this method to enter other people's houses for evil.

Perhaps, I responded to Marceau in terms of behavior and language, so in disguise became an invitation to open the door. I recalled my own experience. I was the one who took the initiative to enter the watch store, and said that I was also the one who wanted to protect Marceau. Then, I was pierced in the chest by Marceau. Then, in the ghost nightmare of Marceau, jump Her own ghost nightmare, and in her own ghost nightmare, opened the door for Marceau-no matter what time she was in contact with Marceau, she was not her.

None of these situations ~ ~ can be considered a coincidence. I looked around and there were no ghosts left, only the usual clock shop, the stopped hands jumped again, and those ticking sounds returned to normal regardless of frequency or volume. I touched the edge of the counter casually, the material was old and dusty everywhere, obviously in Las Vegas, but it seems to have been out of business for many years. I thought for a while and walked to the back door and pushed the half-covered door open. I saw that the back is no longer an endless corridor, but a street.

This watch store has once again been restored to the state of "Nightmare Watch Store in Las Vegas".

I waited for a while by the door, thinking that Marceau would not appear again, and then went out. The signboard of the watch shop has peeled off most of the letters. In the corner not far away, a shadow is creeping, and it seems that what will be bred in the next moment. However, in fact, from the time these shadow clusters were first discovered to now, no greater changes have been seen in these shadow clusters. These shadows are very fragile, and there is no aggression for the time being. I stepped forward and eliminated it directly with a dagger. However, I know that these shadows have multiplied to a very scary number. A single person wipes out a few, dozens, hundreds of shadow groups, but it is nothing more than a piece of cake.

I think these shadow groups will produce some changes when the electronic demon and the user die, but to prove, we have to find a few examples of death. (To be continued ...)