Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1298: Super observation

Writes like this:

"Gao Chuan walked close to the shadow. He continued to accelerate, the air was stirred, and made a different sound. On the retina screen, the red arrow began to pause and turned, obviously the other party realized the abnormal fluctuation from the air. The next second, they entered The observation range of the chain judgment is presented in Gao Chuan's mind in a more specific way. "

It was only when I stopped writing that I realized what I had written, the changes in London, and another Gaochuan's changes all jumped on the paper. I clearly remember when I started to write a diary and what happened before, but the second half of the memory was a bit vague. I seem to be in a state of half a dream and half awake to complete the compilation of these stories. I know what this story is about. In my pen, it is like having a pair of omniscient eyes, watching the story from the perspective of the third person God. Dr. Ruan Li believes that all this is a representation of my mental illness-everything in the story is the result of artistic processing based on reality and a response to meet my own spiritual needs, and its real roots are undoubtedly , Is what is happening in this repeater world.

The world is being eroded by white Claudia, the footsteps of the end are approaching, and I am not the first mental patient affected by it, nor the last one. Before I was eroded by white Claudia, I already had serious mental illnesses, delusions and split personality, but these are just two of the more prominent ones.

Although, I cannot fully accept Dr. Ruan Li's statement emotionally, and I can reasonably find many strange reasons to refute this statement. But there is no doubt that the evidence held by Dr. Ruan Li is far more authentic than the mysterious evidence.

I chase my dream. Chasing your own salvation is undoubtedly the most unrealistic in the eyes of others.

Even so, Dr. Ruan Li has never disputed my very knowledgeable performance.

She will look at the diary completed today with the same mood as before. I couldn't help thinking that, and inserted the pen sleeve. suddenly. I don't feel like writing anymore. Yes, not the mood, but just a feeling. When this feeling occurs, it seems that when writing these stories in the past, it is completely guided by another will in the middle of the world.

Put yourself into the story, and even write it as the protagonist, from the perspective of story creation. It is not uncommon. However, in the eyes of others, I am the kind of person who really believes in the stories I have fabricated. For those who have only one world in their eyes, I am speechless.

Although I work hard to think about it, I want to write these stories and promote myself in an unconscious state. It's the feeling of being guided by the completion of these stories. what exactly is it. I have thought about "Jiang", but, in the case of Dr. Ruan Li, this is just an excuse for self-defense.

I can't prove to Dr. Ruan Li that they are in the story and those mysterious things. All really exist. And I, the "Gaochuan" in the story, wrote not my own delusions, but my own personal experience.

The feeling that pushed me to write a diary has been interrupted, although there is no evidence. But I knew at this moment that if I started to write again, what I wrote would no longer be a "true situation", but it was really my delusion. Because, what I wrote earlier is not at all the situation I encountered, but everything that has been experienced by the Gaochuan in London. This feeling is like inspiration, and this inspiration, I am more willing to believe, is derived from the connection between the same "Gaochuan" soul.

"Jiang" watched all this with an aloof will, and used my hand to record what I did not know about Gao Chuan. It is not only the viewer of this story, but also the summary writer of this story, as well as the live recorder of this story.

Isn't there such a saying? When the author writes a story, there is often a favorite character in the story, an image willing to substitute, and this character and image are often not the protagonists.

With the compilation of the story, according to the changes in mood and ideas, the author himself will also show his own emotional tendencies in the plot, the cognitive situation and even the likes and dislikes, or even just one kind of whim and malicious. The first draft of such a story is full of all things the author can think of, experience, and think in the writing project, so that there will be many differences between this story and the story after it has been finalized. Even the details, the content of the expression and the ending will be very different.

In fact, under the assumption that "Jiang" and "Virus" are two in one, and then suppose that they are just editors that cannot be watched by a certain human being, when writing the destiny of human beings and the world, the sensibility and rationality swing, goodwill Can the manifestation of malice, as well as the differences caused by preferences and cognition, also be explained?

In this way, human beings ca n’t observe and ca n’t look directly, they can only feel the existence through their own destiny, and that crazy destiny, bloated and tangled events, and even every thought of human beings, whether it ’s about destiny and The philosophical thinking of the gods and the cognition of things are all determined by such an existence.

So, if it is not a god, what is it?

This idea may be pessimistic, but at this time, it is inevitable that people think about it.

I know that such thinking is meaningless to myself. Even, after thinking about it, I had to throw it in the trash can-I did it without hesitation, and I was surprised.

I think that people living in this world always have to try to believe. Only, the object I believe in is "Jiang".

What it is is actually not important to me.

Those fantasies, even if it sounds quite different, are actually useless. Only make yourself hesitate. All distrust starts with hesitation.

What it is is not important at all. Importantly, I believe that when it is with me, I can end all tragedies with a happy ending and save everything I want to save.

every time. When my thinking began to diverge, and there were various guesses around the ignorance of "Jiang" and "Virus". I will pull myself back with such determination.

I closed the notebook, and the thoughts in my heart seemed to close with the leather. Was erased.

Then, I opened the notebook again and reviewed the contents recorded in the past and present. I have no doubt at all about the authenticity of what is described in the third-person God's perspective. Because this is my record of the "past", no, put it on "Gaochuan", it should be said that it is a "strange adventure novel" written by "Gaochuan" using his own experience. From my original intention of starting the record. Dr. Ruan Li ’s statement is not wrong, although I try to preserve the authenticity of the record as much as possible, and the experience itself is already weird enough, but because it was written into a story, there were once the idea of ​​publishing. And the possibility of adding some color. It should also exist, only when I was writing. It is in a state of eruption of inspiration, waking up like a dream, and it is difficult to separate it.

Even so, the original intention and tone of writing the story have been decided, even if there is a story modification. The context and results of its content must also be true.

Gao Chuan, who stayed in London, has grown into a big figure that has received much attention and praise. He just didn't know that his position and weight in the minds of others were more central. Also heavier.

Dorothy and the color scheme are carefully planned, and various traps are arranged.

Behind the network ball, there are various mysteries that make people puzzled.

Although it is a story, its clues are obscure before the turning point, and from time to time there will be some situations that even the reader will feel abrupt.

For example, what happened to the London repeater? Chang Huaian's reappearance and their communication with Dorothy made people feel that there must be some shady behind it.

Chang Huaien, a character who should have completely lost his existence and retired, why did he appear again? This development is too jumpy, and people have to wonder whether the past stories have been missed, or there are some deviations in the settings.

If there is really a **** like the author who is writing our story, must it be wrong?

However, I do not intend to think from this angle at all, because, for me, this is reality-no matter what the reason is, but since Chang Wyan appeared again, it means that there must be something I do n’t know , It was not written in the story. But what's so strange about this? In this world, there are too many things I don't know.

Looking back at the diaries written in the past, there are not all kinds of plots. They seem to be contradictory, but they have already happened. Must they be treated as "accomplished facts"?

Even if it seems inexplicable, it is too sudden, it must be accepted, and must be carried, and it is something that makes you feel ridiculous.

Compared with the vastness of the world, human cognition is full of limitations. Even if there are changes that are difficult for you to understand, it is impossible that they will not happen just because you think "should not happen". Its occurrence may seem absurd, but it must be rigorous and rigorous, only that one cannot see such rigor and rigor.

I thought so, and accepted it, the "accomplished facts" indicated in the contents of the diary.

I re-read through the past two volumes, reminiscent of the original five volumes and the inter-story story. A large part of the "Gaochuan" in it is describing my own experience. However, when I see it now, there is always a kind of "Gaochuan" that is described is another Gaochuan, not my own feelings.


Did I really write these stories with myself as the main character? Was it "Jiang" in the interior, while the human form was influenced by the outside, and allowed me to modify the characters in the story to a certain extent? For example, it should have been actually recorded, referring to my own "Gaochuan", because with some modification techniques, it became another person. The me in the story, and the real me, are only similar, not identical?

Although the story was written by myself, I am not completely sure how much difference there is between the self in the pen and the real self. And all the "Gaochuan" described in the pen, and their corresponding, once existed and still exist today, how much difference is there. The events and "truths" that felt shocking at the time were not so strong at this time.

The story structure of the entire diary content is very bloated, after all, it is just "a manuscript written when inspiration comes". Therefore, it does not pay attention to refinement and skills at all. Moreover, it is also filled with too much repeated thinking, and it is not too smooth to read. I even feel that if what is written here is my own story. Well, in fact, I had many thoughts and behaviors, and there was always hesitation and mistakes.

But, looking back at yourself now, don't you repeat the same in terms of thinking? In the same situation, there is clearly a result and the action has been completed. Afterwards, I felt that it might not have been like this. Maybe there were more possibilities. I couldn't guarantee that the idea at that time was completely correct, but I couldn't completely reject it.

Ambiguous, swaying, puzzled, has been bothering me. It makes me think that this is my pathology.

of course. The explanation given by Dr. Ruan Li has always been "Because I am a mental patient. This is the case."

From the story, I feel more and more of my weight in the whole story. Although, to describe my own experience in the first person of "I", it seems that I think of myself as the protagonist. However, when the story gradually unfolds, this sense of protagonist is constantly weakening.

As I wrote in it. The one that spends the least amount of time is often used to describe the "Jiang" from the side by using "Gao Chuan" thinking. Instead, it gives a strong, all-time presence, and it is the real protagonist-the "flying insect" that is chanted by angels and devours everything at the end of the play.

Every time I look at these people and stories, I will have some new understanding of my past. But it is undeniable that sometimes I do n’t understand why the story develops in this way, and why I thought and acted like that at the time-even if I do n’t understand it for myself now, it is already a “facility”.

I read through what I wrote today, about another Gao Chuan's story. The scene he greeted the Nazis was when I suddenly woke up completely from the recorded state. The plot is interrupted here, but Gaochuan will win, there is no doubt about it.

When I saw what he had achieved, I was not surprised at all, nor did I think it was a threat.

Probably because, he has never denied his relationship. I always feel that my own recovery is actually the most unexpected situation. What's more, at the last moment of reality in the hospital, I already realized that I entrusted everything that I failed to accomplish to Gaochuan. Now Gaochuan in London is one of the "later Gaochuan".

Now, in the way of a third party, seeing his choices and decisions, I also think that that is definitely not wrong.

Being able to be needed, praised, embraced, and let more people survive and smile with hope, even if it is not correct, is definitely not wrong.

Gao Chuan, who can be such a person, is really good.

There is a touch of joy in my heart. I am happy for him and for myself. The only pity is that I do n’t know, will another Gaochuan be happy with my decisions and choices, and what I have done? Or, with strong hostility? I am willing to believe that the other Gao Chuan, even against me, can understand me, and will not be worried or puzzled by all this. Even if it is not blessed, it will never be cursed. I have never doubted that although the approach is different, the mood for a happy ending must be the same.

This is the most gratifying content today.

With this thought, I turned off the lamp. The night is very deep, but I can vaguely see my silhouette from the window glass. There was a darkness spreading behind me, except for myself, as if everything was engulfed by darkness.

I remember very clearly that not long ago, I and other experts who participated in the seminar were trapped in the temporary data hedge space by monsters in the 51st area. It did not know the existence of "Jiang", but it was foretold, ambushing here, trying to obtain the information of "Jiang", but it was swallowed by "Jiang" itself. I am quite sure that until the end, it did not understand What did you encounter.

However, this encounter will make District 51 more vigilant. When it appears before me again, it will definitely be more fully prepared.

Before, I felt that the appearance of "it" had the taste of "tied color". Judging from the contents of the diary that I just flipped through, it seems that it is really a "color tie".

The repeater of the network ball, and the "super system" related to the color system are part of its basic structure. And in the basic structure of the 51th repeater, does the color play a similar role? Should we assume that there is a part of the color information in the basic component of the "it," the master of the shady, and this information greatly affects its actions?

In this way, this attack can simply be seen as another test of the color to me and Jiang. As for other meanings, such as the idea of ​​the 51st district, etc., it can be regarded as a minor matter.

I pushed open the door of the room, and the hallway and door number appeared in front of me, telling me that the room I just walked out was actually the conference room where the thesis was evaluated, not a room. I turned around and confirmed this.

I remembered that at the last moment of fighting with it, I kept falling in my consciousness.

Before that, other people had been rescued.

So, what kind of situation are you now? Is it a reality or a dream? Or maybe it hasn't left the temporary data hedging space?

The experts who were originally on the fourth floor are no longer left. I looked back in the meeting room and walked along the corridor again. I could not find any evidence that they had stayed here. Where there were shadow tumors, there was nothing, as if the inside of the building today is just an ordinary night and quiet.

I can't smell anything unusual.

How did other people leave? What happened when I got the information of "it" and lost consciousness until I realized that I was writing a diary?

I can hear my footsteps, and when I try to open the window, there is no difficulty. The scenery outside is completely normal, so I can be sure that this is the building where the meeting is held. It is no surprise that you will return to normal. But why only stay here overnight? It is a puzzling situation. I don't think other people will just leave me and leave.

When I walked down the third floor, the originally infinitely expanded space had also returned to normal, and there was no trace of fighting.

It seems that the previous anomaly that occurred due to the monsters in the 51st area is nothing but my own fantasy.

However, it is not incomprehensible that after the temporary data hedging space is lifted, everything is restored.

I have a feeling of uneasiness.

However, the pounding heartbeat was like "Jiang" comforting himself.

After a while, I saw a light sweeping through the window, and it seemed that someone was walking towards this side. I stood in front of the window and stared at each other, it was a group of people, they looked at me as if startled. When I retreated from the window, the noise below became louder. But in the end they decided to come in. This situation made me not think that they would be the enemy.

Probably the one who sent me to find it.

I thought calmly ~ ~ Although the current situation is a bit subtle, it is not an unprecedented experience.

Everything is telling me that the scene in front of me is normal. The only doubt is that "why only I am left in the building".

Soon, the footsteps of the group of people came from below. They seemed to be nervous. The beam of the flashlight was turned on to the brightest position. Several paths were swaying together on the stairs and walls, and the speed of movement was quite slow. I think, do they regard me as a monster in a ghost story. Such a move also makes them not want to be the security guard in this area.

Maybe it was a spontaneous search and rescue team? Or is it that some visitors from some islands come to try the courage?

In any case, they do not have the slightest "mystery" taste.

There is no "mystery" and no "abnormality". For me, this is the best rest environment after experiencing all kinds of grotesque scenes and getting too much information about mystery.

"Who? Is anyone over there?" A voice came from under the stairs. (To be continued ...)

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