Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1435: Peninsula Data Hedging II

The peninsula of the world of repeaters is overlapping with the peninsula of the deepest night. I do n’t know the specific principle, but those mysterious organizations did. They pulled Luna from one nightmare to another and were about to bring it out of the nightmare. Nowadays, the data hedging on the peninsula is so strong, the fourth-level magic pattern is like a sponge. Security.

Think about it, the guy who can stand on this battlefield and make a difference, no matter which one has the power to contend and even defeat the fourth-level Mageweave messenger, and the power of the relay is supported behind it. The reason why I can execute my plan under their eyes is entirely due to the conflict and contradiction between them, which is more intense than the conflict and contradiction between me and them. I am by no means their first goal, so it gives me a chance.

However, when it comes to mysterious battles, there is no absolute standard for anyone who dies or lives. Although I guess that Dr. Ruan Li is a special and critical presence in this world of repeaters, I cannot put her life and death on this guess.

In the quick sweep, the temporary data hedging phenomenon that is being formed becomes clearer, and the movement of many things becomes slower. However, the things that mean mystery are still born in my observations, and they are born quickly. Grow, twist, and eventually become something different from the impression. They might have been trees, flowers, dust and rocks, or even ashes falling from the sky and winds blowing across the earth. Now, even if their appearance is still the same, it has a very different feeling.

Despair, madness, and liberation that broke through in the deep night. The peninsula that is sweeping this world of repeaters. Chain judgment shows the changes of the peninsula in my mind in a relatively macro way. A picture composed of details is like dripping ink on rice paper, and it quickly becomes a pattern that can be imagined but cannot be described in detail. Every step. I think it's stepping on new land, this change seems to go deep into every grain of sand, and even into the finer particles that make up the grain of sand.

Perhaps this is a phenomenon that modern science can explain, but it is not a force that modern science can do.

No one was intercepting in front, but I had no reason to feel like "I can't get out of either of them", I know very well. My feeling is definitely not unreasonable. The worst possibility is that my quick sweep still can't keep up with the temporary data hedge space closed. However, if there is no fast enough reference, I can only rely on the speed of my own speed to accelerate, and the acceleration in this state is much lower than that of the observation method. I want to use the temporary data hedging phenomenon as an observation. In order to achieve the "faster than data hedging" state.

Which is faster, data hedging and speed of light? Common sense, of course, the latter is faster, however, that is just common sense under scientific theory, what is happening here is a terrible mystery. When I wanted to choose an object to observe, I realized that I could not observe anything. Or that is. Neither the naked eye nor the motion observed by the chain judgment can be used as a reference for rapid swept. This made me understand the mystery that is happening on the peninsula. It is very different from the mysterious time I have experienced in the past.

This is a restrictive mystery-when this idea came to my mind, I suddenly understood why those mysterious organizations must use this as a battlefield. It is precisely because they are expecting that such restrictions can further weaken Luna. Even Novsky, the son of fate. The repeater Marceau, Father Edward and the red-clothed Si Tian Yuan Jia coconut and so on. They never underestimated the power controlled by the Nazis in this world of repeaters. They are precisely in this world of repeaters originally controlled by the Nazis. It is hard to isolate an independent temporary data hedge space.

How much work did they do? How much resources are used? No, perhaps it should be asked more, what exactly do they use as resources to build this independent battlefield? I can imagine, but I do n’t want to be the result of what I think-a sacrifice made with people as sacrifices.

When I started to think and started to guess, the inhuman result caused my heart to contract continuously, just like soaking in ice water. I can't judge what kind of emotion I should be when this result is true. I have also thought about it, maybe one day I will do the same, but when such a result really appears in front of me, what kind of thought should I have?

Before the Peninsula incident, the mystery began to permeate in this world of repeaters, and it was extremely fast, forming many electronic demon messengers. This mysterious spread looks like it just started when we outsiders entered the world. Although there are many signs that this mystery may be a means for us by the Nazis, there is no conclusive evidence. Before that, the Nazis should have condensed the mystery of the world of repeaters in an isolated place such as the nightmare Las Vegas, and nourished Luna. After we came to this world of repeaters, the original ordinary world became a world of mysterious events, and many electronic demon messengers even arrived in the nightmare Las Vegas, just like the starting point of the chain reaction, which contributed to the subsequent All kinds of situations.

The mysterious organizations of all parties are using people as sacrifices to sacrifice Luna out of the nightmare Las Vegas in the form of sacrifices, and are preparing to pull it into the reality of this world of repeaters. Among them, pulling Luna out of the nightmare Las Vegas and using almost all the patients on the peninsula who can enter the deep night, then, can it be considered that pulling Luna into reality will use all the inaccessible The "disqualified" of the nightmare of the deepest night?

Can you think that the work of the seminar, for them, is just to create a "paradise", but for all mysterious organizations, it has opened up from the nightmare of Las Vegas to the deepest night, from the deepest From the night to the actual entrance and exit, at the same time it also provides resources for the sacrifice ceremony.

Since people on the peninsula can be used as material for sacrifice.

So, in the wider world, those people who already have mystery, why can't they be used as materials for sacrifice? Why is mystery spreading in the world of this repeater world. Can't it be regarded as the preparations made by the mysterious organizations of all parties to obtain more sacrifice materials? Perhaps, for the Nazis, the mysterious proliferation was really their domination, just as the seminar believed that their work. Only under his own leadership, in order to counter the research carried out by Claudia White.

The purposes of the two sides are different, but the process may overlap, and even get the same fruit, but only in the final way how to use the fruit to make a difference.

This is a terrible idea. Let me feel the end of the world more truly:

Just pulling Luna into reality has consumed so many people. Then, to create a temporary data hedging space that can shield Nazi control to a certain extent and weaken the influence of the Las Vegas repeater. How many people will be consumed?

When I think so, the information of the ruling bureau can't help but come to mind.

The reason for the destruction of the ruling bureau is to use "people" as expendable materials on a large scale. So, what is the difference between what the mysterious organizations of all parties are doing now and the ruling bureau? Turn "human" into a mysterious "gray mist", and use "human" as a "sacrificial offering" in the sacrifice ceremony. How many are essentially different?

If you think of it this way, the weirdness that now appears in this world of repeaters and what remains from the ruins of the ruling bureau. There are many similarities. For example, in the nightmare Las Vegas, is the process of making the smoky face in District 51 similar to the "nightmare" that was born at the same time as the ruling bureau made the fog?

Indeed, this is just similar, there are many details that seem to prove that the two are two different things. But in terms of feeling, it doesn't make me feel irrelevant.

we. They, everything in this repeater world. It seems to be walking on the road that the ruling bureau has already traveled. The end of the ruling bureau is like a prophecy in this world of repeaters and even the illusion of the end. If the ruling bureau is also a history, then, what I have seen, thought, and feel is just like a certain sentence: everything we have experienced is just repeating history again and again.

The end, just in this repetition, comes repeatedly.

Thinking makes me unable to breathe, and makes me feel that in mysterious time and space and changing human nature, there is indeed an unknown virus that is torturing everyone. It is lurking in everyone ’s genetics, lurking in everyone ’s thoughts, lurking in a society ’s civilization, people ca n’t see it because it ’s too large, and people ca n’t feel it because it is already As part of "people", people accidentally get shocked because people record history, and history records laws. It is passed on from generation to generation with the birth of life and the development of civilization. However, it does not always fall asleep, or it is originally a cyclically active thing.

Once it is active, people will usher in the end, which is another cycle of repeating history.

It seems that this is a congenital genetic disease, and I can only use the term "doom syndrome" to describe one or two.

I started to feel that if I took Dr. Ruan Li to gallop so eagerly towards the border of the peninsula, I was wondering if there was a kind of escape psychology. Is it that you are in fear, subconsciously repelling to execute your plan. Perhaps this is the case. The plan that I subjectively thinks has itself violated the ideological standpoint, moral concept, and survival instinct that I must possess.

I am afraid of this so-called "virus", afraid of being close to it, and being in contact with it.

I don't think this fear is shameful, but it exists objectively, and it is not because of my personal subjective will that this fear can be ruled out.

As I get closer to it, the more I fear. Because of my fear, I only think, then I describe each other, describe myself, and find reasons. Fear is also the source of contradictions in my thoughts and behaviors, as well as mental abnormalities.

My foot kicked something suddenly, my body staggered, but it still stood firm. Dr. Ruan Li behind him gave a trace and seemed to wake up. I ignored it, just looking down for something that almost tripped me, however, there was nothing on the ground. Of course, it may also be caused by temporary data hedging. But I still couldn't help wondering whether something really tripped me, or because I was frightened by my thinking and my legs softened.

I do n’t know if my own idea has captured the truth, but it ’s clear that whether it ’s the truth or not, it ’s already in my mind as an idea.

But in any case, the most important thing now is to bring Dr. Ruan Li to the border as soon as possible.

Just now, Dr. Ruan Li's state has changed a bit. I placed her on the ground and checked it. I didn't find any injuries on my body. Looking at her sleepy expression, it was probably a nightmare. I don't know when she will wake up, but now that she feels that she has been infected with white Claudia, she can already observe the mystery and not make a fuss about those weird phenomena.

From a certain point of view, Dr. Ruan Li said he was "eroded", and indeed it is.

Will Dr. Ruan Li's changes bring more accidents? I do n’t know because I do n’t care anymore. As long as Dr. Ruan Li leaves the peninsula before the end of the battle of the peninsula ~ ~ no one will look at her, and when the battle on the peninsula ends, if I do n’t win, then I will Must be dead.

I picked up Dr. Ruan Li again and strode forward in the established direction. The invisible high-speed channel began to become distorted during the fierce temporary data hedge, as if it had been bent by an external force, and did not completely spread in the direction I thought. Soon after, the passage suddenly broke in my sense, making it difficult for me to maintain a continuous rapid sweep.

The tower of the deep night is outlined on the right, and the mosaics that are blocking the sky are gradually disappearing.

A round of blood moon gradually showed up, hanging above the space, suggesting some kind of unclear deepening.

Then I heard the bell again, and there was an inexplicable feeling in my heart. I looked at it and saw that on another high ground, the chapel where the gathering place of the late night was suddenly located. As if stimulated by my gaze, at this moment, the highlands began to crack, and countless sandstones slid down the rock wall.

Some of these changes are slow and some are rapid, but even if the observation is carried out in a fast-sweep state, it will not become slower. I continued to run forward, not knowing how far I ran, I saw a group of people appear in the field of vision. (To be continued)