Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1440: Alone on the floor

Dr. Ruan Li proposed that "paradise" can defeat "black water". Although she said many theoretical reasons, I know very well that there are still many key points that need to be resolved to truly accomplish this. … Whether it is from the perspective of “the collective subconscious illusion caused by white Claudia” or “the mystery of more than four billion people”, Blackwater means an incredible power. Even if Dr. Ruan Li described the "paradise" as a virus-like medicine, it is definitely not a problem that can be injected with an ordinary syringe.

I have been maintaining the observation of chain judgment. Although the observation of the surrounding things has been reduced to a very low value under the interference of data hedging, the observation of Dr. Ruan Li ’s physical reaction activities still makes me feel abnormal. . Dr. Ruan Li was a very healthy normal person before the trip to the underground river, but after experiencing the incident of the underground river, her observations began to fluctuate, which cannot be transformed into more detailed here. Data, but it directly expresses an unknown hunch in my feelings.

I think Dr. Ruan Li's body seems to be sick, and it is not a condition that can heal itself in common sense. Although Dr. Ruan Li seemed to be quiet, she did not evade the statement that she had been eroded by white Claudia. What's more, she injected herself with drugs in front of me. However, regardless of whether her situation was "the erosion of white Claudia" or some other reason from other perspectives, her body gave me a feeling of worsening in the observation of the chain judgment.

It's like the condition is getting worse and worse, and it seems that even the death period can be predicted.

Yes, I think Dr. Ruan Li is going to die if I let it go. This hunch of death is so strong. When she made the decision to return to the psychiatric hospital, the hunch of death made my heart heavy and breathless. Dr. Ruan Li's words and deeds are like those with beliefs about mortalities, who decided to carry out a certain mission before their own death, or under the consciousness of their own death.

but. How can I stop her? What reasons and positions do I have to stop her? I can't alleviate her pain, I can't change her status quo, and I can't cure her injuries. The meaning of this repeater world to her is completely different from what it means to me. This is not a matter of observation angle, but the weight in mind is quite different. Everything in this world is unique to her, just as the weight of doomsday illusion is to me when I have not yet gone to the hospital for reality. And even knowing the reality of the hospital. This weight seems weakened, but it still surpasses any observable world at a ghostly moment.

To this day, I still think of people and things in the illusion of the past doomsday, and feel pain and hesitation for it. Everything that has disappeared completely will whisper quietly in the corner of my thoughts and in my dreams. The thought of being the only one who can prove the existence of that world today, I can't help feeling a suffocating sorrow. And the only one who can alleviate this sadness and pain. There is only battle and "Jiang". The seemingly acquaintances in the new doomsday illusion, with the same name and surname, are full of everything that is both sight and sight.

The meaning of the past doomsday illusion to me. Just as this repeater world means to Dr. Ruan Li in front of him. We are similar, so I understand her, and because I understand her, I cannot stop her. I have smelled an unknown smell and heard the footsteps of death. Dr. Ruan Li's pain, grief, loss, struggle, determination and resistance, all activities, let me see myself in the past.

However, Dr. Ruan Li is not Gao Chuan. She is dead and cannot be reborn. She doesn't have many personalities either. She who died in this world of relays also necessarily implied that Dr. Ruan Li in the hospital's reality had a misfortune. I do n’t have much evidence, but I believe in my instincts and the relevance of this repeatedly reconstructed doomsday illusion to the reality of the hospital.

And I can only watch what happened. In the face of this unknown fate that I have felt, even if I gained the power of Level 4 Mageweave, I still felt that I was so small.

I asked myself, what can I do for Dr. Ruan Li? Is there really no way to save her? In the past, there was always an ambiguous answer to these questions, and there was always a retreat, a possibility of success, even if this retreat was tortuous and dangerous, even if the possibility was low. However, facing the same problem now, my thinking and intuition do not give any way out, and there is no possibility of ambiguity.

From now on, any decision made by Dr. Ruan Li is based on an unchangeable destiny-she is going to die.

No one knows the pain in my heart. I do n’t want Dr. Ruan Li to see my pain, my weakness, all my human vulnerability, because, I think, it will only increase Dr. Ruan Li ’s burden and pain. I pretended to be calm, buried all my feelings deeply in my thinking about the plan, and turned myself into a cold person, insisting on using her last strength and struggle as a bargaining chip. If I think I am ugly, inferior, inhuman, and taken for granted, if others think that I am such a person, it can make me feel forgiving.

However, just like myself in the past doomsday illusion. When I see those moving and tearful storylines, I pretend to be a cold gesture, close my heart, and contain all the fragile actions that seem to expose me. I watched the crying of others coldly, and used various reasons to describe the dog blood of the storyline, ignoring the warm and human nature of the story itself. Just because, I don't want to cry.

The same is true now. I still do n’t want to cry. Rather, I do n’t want to be a child who is unreliable, thin, and fragile in the final life of Dr. Ruan Li.

I took Dr. Ruan Li to the psychiatric hospital, and I felt as if I had a piece of hot iron in my heart, which blocked my heartbeat, my throat, my face and tear glands. Evaporate all the soft water and blood in an instant, leaving only the withered nerves.

I am so painful, so sad. However, when facing this pain and sorrow, there is a force supporting this dry body and spirit.

Dr. Ruan Li's calm expression seemed like nothing had happened. I don't know what she thinks, what emotions are ups and downs in her heart. But I just wanted her to complete the battle she chose according to her will.

I crossed the fence and crossed the barbed wire. Along the way, weirdness changed from trees, something like a beast but not a beast, rushed to us, in the rain and ashes, it seemed that the illusion and the thing did indeed exist, and things that could not explain their situation came. They are scary. It is frightening that when they think they are hallucinations, they will be torn apart. When they feel the danger and rush to avoid them, they will be like a smoke, a mirage, and they will all disappear before they are touched.

The data of the peninsula and the peninsula overlap, and the reshaped peninsula is unfamiliar. It is unstable and looks like a cliff. Even if you step into the air, you can feel the unseen flat ground, the seemingly flat ground, and maybe you will step into the empty space as soon as you drop your foot, and fall straight to the bottom of the vast abyss. It looks like an empty hole in the ground, but no one knows what exactly exists in that dark depth. It's a karst cave, magma, or nothing, just a darkness that devours everything.

I covered Dr. Ruan Li's eyes, and I didn't want her to see these mysteries full of malice. Since she thinks. All mysteries are the result of the erosion of white Claudia. Then, the more mysteries she sees, the more she will think she is ill. For me, mystery is already a commonplace, but for Dr. Ruan Li, it is just a mistake, a poison. Perhaps for others, letting Dr. Ruan Li witness the mystery is a kind of "treatment", which is a process for her to understand the nature of the world, but I know that this is not what she really wants to see.

The reason I know it is precisely because mystery is no longer what I want. I used to imagine mysterious existence in the past, but now when it becomes a natural existence, I no longer have the joy of the first contact. Because, I saw too many tragedies caused by mystery. Mystery can cause miracles, and now I must seek mysterious miracles, but this does not mean that I am still complacent about the existence of mystery, and feel that it must be something unique and good.

Mystery is not good or bad. In my second half of my life, all joy and sorrow, luck and misfortune are brought by mystery. I have said to others countless, this is not what I want, on the contrary, I Indeed, I have gained a lot and lost a lot in this process. For me, this is my life as Gao Chuan. However, I have also thought, if there is no mystery, if I have not been involved in the toilet whistle at the beginning, and everything has not happened since then, would such a world, such a me, be happier than it is now?

I know it's silly to think so, and I can't get an answer, but I still can't help thinking.

I thought about it, while using Level 4 Mageweave to condense the data hedging aftermath into a zigzag sword, waving under the blood moon, cutting off all the weird monsters that struck madly, whether they were real or not Unreal, and then swept through the slit. Weirdly handed me minions, and I cut off their heads. If they had no heads, they cut off their bodies and pierce their seemingly vital parts. If they have n’t disappeared, I will disappear from between them, throwing them far behind with a high speed.

I climbed the cliff, stepped on the puddle, and jumped from the empty ground. When the blood moon was completely clear, he stepped into a group of buildings scattered in the mental hospital. I don't know the purpose of this group of buildings, but the walls are so dirty and decadent, painted with graffiti and filthy language. There is also a neurotic voice occasionally appearing in the ear, which can be looked around without seeing the existence of anyone, and not feeling the movement of anyone. There is also silence here, but under this silence, there are vaguely invisible things that are about to move, and the gloom is enough to make people retreat.

"Are you here?" Dr. Ruan Li asked when I was about to put her off her back.

"Here." I took off her cover cloth. Dr. Ruan Li's calm expression didn't see her attitude towards my behavior, but maybe she no longer paid attention to these requests. She didn't even look at the sawtooth sword in my hand, but it only fluctuated from her eyes. I knew very well that she could see this weapon made with temporary data to hedge the aftermath.

Dr. Ruan Li observed the shape of these buildings and said to me: "Not here. When we may be able to find the map here. The seminar data backup will not be placed in the headquarters, but there is no better understanding of the style of the seminar . I have a feeling that as long as there is a floor plan of a mental hospital, I know where the information is hidden. "

"A clue?" I couldn't help asking.

"No, it's intuition." Dr. Ruan Li said so.

However, there was a strong feeling at this time, prompting me and Dr. Ruan Li to raise their heads together and look up to the place where the blood moon appeared. A hazy figure is like a moon shadow, and it is like a thin cloud layer, and the ground is blocked before the blood moon, and it seems to jump out of the blood moon and slowly fall towards the ground. It's so fast, but it's not slow, just a few breaths, you can already see a clearer outline-it is like an upright beast, long and slender, but not fragile, but There is an indescribable sense of oppression.

When it appeared, seemed to have a magical power, which caused people's attention to turn to it, and like a black hole, through these eyes, it absorbed people's inner emotions.

"What is that?" Dr. Ruan Li asked.

"Luna." I said.

"It turned out to be so." Dr. Ruan Li suddenly smiled, "I didn't actually know in the past, what kind of thoughts and feelings did you write, A Chuan, that illusory adventure story like the whisper of a mental patient, but I think I finally understood a little bit. This is really, extremely unusual, very painful, but also full of charm, making it difficult to withdraw from the scenery. Na, Achuan, do you like your story? "

"... I don't know." I was silent for a moment and replied, "Maybe I liked it very much."

"now what?"

"I hope there is an ending and a good ending."

Dr. Ruan Li smiled again, stroking my head. Without talking, he turned and walked into the building. (To be continued ...) u