Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1657: Witch and Western House

The driver was ready to look out the window, and immediately heard Gao Chuan say, "What is it?"

"VV." The driver struck him. He was torn by Gao Chuan, and he had changed his position before he even recovered. He was a little faint and murmured, "That's VV ..." His condition Something was wrong, it was like being hypnotized, saying VV all the time, but in Gaochuan's view, this was the most normal thing. Not only is that weird thing affecting him, Gao Chuan is also using his ability to guide his thoughts. Gao Chuan does not think this is hypnosis, he just let the driver think about the "should think" things, he designed the driver's thinking at this moment into a maze, using the ability to walk consciously, let him wander in a hazy to the outside In a hazy state.

The driver has been thinking about VV and W, thinking about the impressive witch legend from his childhood, and I do n’t know where it came from. Gao Chuan believes that it is precisely because the strange thing is not what he thought, so instead he convinced him that he was free from the influence of the strange thing to a certain extent. Even, perhaps in some cases, his thoughts of falling into self would affect that weird thing.

Gao Chuan is not very sure, but in the past mysterious events, the parties ’particularly stubborn thoughts, subconscious thoughts, and the impact on the mysterious phenomenon are indeed not rare-even from the reality of the hospital to observe such a situation can be explained .

For the time being, Gao Chuan thought so. The driver who changed seats hugged his head, he was in a state of hysteria, but the more he thought about VV and W, the more he could not get rid of the current situation.

"That's W." Gao Chuan said, turning on the car engine while speaking.

The engine made a dull sound, as if it was about to be scrapped, and did not start immediately. But after the flame was turned off, the car took a step forward vigorously, and stopped suddenly, as if suddenly braking. The driver, who was not wearing a seat belt, was swayed upside down and nearly hit the glove box in front. Even so, the driver still struggled with VV and W, as if he had no time to distract from the anomaly before him.

"No! That's VV!" He said forcefully. "That's a witch. It lets us see different things."

"Okay, let's make a compromise. It may be VV or W, or both." Gao Chuan said.

"But no matter which one refers to the witch." As soon as the driver's voice fell, Gao Chuan felt that the outline between the headlight and the darkness of the wilderness was clearer. The chain decision also began to respond a little. Gao Chuan felt that the intangible and intangible things are becoming tangible and qualitative because of the driver's words. This time, the change of the mysterious phenomenon seems to have been guessed by him. Of course, the situation where he guessed the beginning but did not guess the ending is also very common in the mysterious event. Gao Chuan didn't feel that he was guessed by the change. What's the point of being happy? The most important question is, after this strange thing has changed, has it become monotonous? Or has it become complicated? Has it become weaker than your own ability at this time? Or have you strengthened your abilities at this time?

Just saying "change" does not mean that there is a benefit. The changes in the mysterious phenomenon always bring more harm than harm.

"Okay, let's go and see what that is." Gao Chuan said, turning the key again to ignite.

This time, the engine made a dull roar, and it finally started. Everything in the car, including temperature and various instruments, instantly returned to normal. However, Gao Chuan saw that the glass on the outer layer of the window was covered with a layer of hoarfrost, and this phenomenon is absolutely impossible in this season. The mysterious power shrouds Shino more strongly than before, but the car is normal and the only safe haven.

Gao Chuan slammed on the accelerator and accelerated towards the front. The weird thing is on the boundary between the headlights and the darkness. It is not standing or sitting, it is just a hazy outline, and it does not matter the specific body. Gao Chuan remembered that the direction was not the direction of its original movement. It was only there after it was noticed. Before that, its movement can be perceived as if it were an electronic cloud, and it suddenly appeared in the In one direction, before it is time to confirm, it already exists in another direction.

However, now it stays there, it doesn't seem to move, and Gao Chuan doesn't plan to slow down.

Although the distance between the car and it is shortening, the dim feeling of being at the junction of light and dark has not changed, as if shortening is just the light. It does not shirk, but it is still hit by the car. Even when it is interleaved with it, the hazy feeling has not changed, but it makes Gao Chuan feel that he has driven through the light-dark junction-the light and dark The junction is created by the lights.

That thing was like a curtain, hit by the car, and slid back to the rear along the car shell. The feeling of covering and sliding is extremely strong, just like breaking into the light and dark junction, and then entering its belly. After that, the car was drilled out of it again. The whole process was very short, but there was another feeling of being squeezed by sticky things.

The night in front of me became clear, and the faint light seemed to say that the darkest time before dawn had passed, and dawn was coming. This light that made the night clear was the first ray of sunlight rising from a distant place. It's only because the world is so vast that it separates the brightness and heat.

Gao Chuan looked up from behind his rear-view mirror and saw that the weird thing was still standing in a straight line with the body, with a feeling of facing away from the car. Did the car really pass through its body before? Gao Chuan thought so. Although it didn't seem to hurt the other party, Gao Chuan would not be disappointed by this kind of thing-he glanced at the clear night scene in front of him, it was already different from the wilderness where the two of them were before hitting that strange thing In the wilderness areas, the air, the geology, the plants, the humidity and the temperature are all clearly different, and people will never feel that the same place before and after.

Then, on this new wilderness, a kilometer ahead of the car stood a building full of ancient charm. Whatever you see, it proves that this mysterious event is not over. Gao Chuan reversed the car for the first time, and hit the weird thing again along the route when he came. He wanted to try "back out".

However, this time, the thing really wrapped the car body like a curtain. It was so huge that it was dragged from the roof of the car to the ground, and the windows were all covered. Gao Chuan turned the car body again, trying to use inertia to throw this layer of curtain away, but it sticked so firmly. The temperature in the car started to rise again. In the observation of the prosthesis, everything in the car was in a state of restlessness. Although they had not failed, something happened at any time. What ’s worse, the engine began to Out of Mars.

Gao Chuan smashed the car door with a punch, and cut the thing covering the car body, which was very fragile, and the feel and sound were like a real piece of fabric. After that, he grabbed the ignorant driver and swept outside. When standing at a few tens of meters away, the car turned into a ball of fire in a huge explosion and rolled a few meters in the air at a height of half a meter. If Gao Chuan's eyes were clear and fast, several pieces of the spatter would directly penetrate the driver's body.

The thing that was originally weird, but covered the car body after the second collision, also became a burner-the blazing fire is more intense because of its existence, whether it is touch or vision, it is like a real piece of cloth -And Gao Chuan can't prove whether it is a piece of cloth or not. The fly ash it turned into was accompanied by the night breeze and rolled up in all directions, and Gao Chuan caught it a little. The feel of this ash is very real, and it is not like the ash that has changed after weird deaths in the past.

No matter how normal it looks at this time or how much it looks like a piece of fabric, it is an indisputable fact that when it first hit it, it seemed to have crossed the light and dark border and came to a new wilderness. Gao Chuan and the driver stepped on this different land. The moonlight and the starlight were so clear, but the distant and independent western pavilion was even more mysterious.

There is a grotesque atmosphere that blends into the air that the two breathe, is inhaled by them, and rolls in the blood vessels.

The driver's expression suddenly became sober: "Here, where is this place?"

"I don't know. You are a local." Gao Chuan said.

The driver straightened and squatted down, grabbed a handful of soil and sniffed, said: "No, I have never been to such a place, the smell of the land here is strange, the scenery is also ..." Of course he noticed After all, the Western Pavilion is so eye-catching. At this moment in this scene, it brings more uneasiness and makes people feel that there is something waiting for them. This is a destiny, destined to be destined to be Walk into that building-yes, there is no reason, it is a sense of destiny.

However, the driver is not a mystery expert, he does not have to believe his feelings. For ordinary people, the feeling is often an illusion. Gao Chuan feels that drivers are falling into an illusion, which is what ordinary people often do when facing mysterious events. The "fate" they feel does not actually exist. They can't feel the "destiny" that really exists.

"We should probably go over and see." The driver muttered to himself as Gao Chuan expected.

"Our car was destroyed." Gao Chuan tried to divert his attention, so he mentioned the car.

However, even if the car was blown up was a very exciting thing, the driver was indifferent to the strange attraction of that western pavilion. He just "oh" screamed, staring staringly at the building, and walked forward without a word. He only took a few steps, and Gao Chuan grabbed his wrist. When he turned his head, his eyes were dull.

"You can't go." Gao Chuan said calmly.

"No, it's different. I didn't have to go anywhere before, but only this time—" The driver's eyes gradually recovered, but his will in the voice became firmer: "I must go there, I want to see ... … "It seemed as if there was something inexplicable that made him eager to go to that western pavilion.

"Why do you have to go? Do you know what that is?" Gao Chuan asked back.

"Yes, I know ... I know!" The driver was a little excited. "That's the witch's house. Legend has it that she will sleep in the garden of the Western Pavilion all year round because of her soul or will. , Always wandering outside. For her, everything we do outside is like a dream. It is said that no matter who it is, as long as she can wake her up, she can achieve a request within her ability. "

"That's a rumor." Gao Chuan said.

"However, the rumors are right in front of us. What we see cannot be an illusion?" The driver was still very excited and said, "Don't you see it too? We all saw it, it's here!"

"What you see is not necessarily true." Gao Chuan still clutched his wrist tightly.

The driver earned several times without earning any more, so he said to him in a begging tone: "Let me go, just take a look, I want to see her."

"Do you have what she wants to achieve?" Gao Chuan asked.

This time the driver was hesitant, but still said: "I want to make my sister's eyes better. Earlier, her eyes had radiated dust, and now she is about to lose her eyesight. Current medical technology simply cannot Eradicate her eyes, but the witch's words will do. "

His will is firm, Gao Chuan knows that even if the hands of the two are locked with handcuffs, he will drag himself to the side-this strong desire to see the witch, and pray for his will ~ www ~ Just like a believer. Perhaps it is precisely because of insisting on the legends of his childhood that he became so fanatical in this special environment.

"... I see." Looking at the driver who did not give in, Gao Chuan eased his breath and said, "I'm going with you, anyway, this place is not where we originally were. We must figure out the problem here. Only then can we go out. Our car is gone, I hope that after going out, it will not be thrown in the wilderness. "

"Relax, if there is a witch, it won't be like that." The driver's confidence in the witch is so strong that he seems to regard the witch in his mouth as a messenger of justice. However, in the mysterious events experienced by Gao Chuan, such mysterious characters often act as villains or villains.

The term witch reminded him of the doomsday wizards, although the two may not be the same thing in nature. If something has been recorded in legends and occultism, it is often manifested as a phenomenon rather than a real entity. However, this western pavilion does make people feel that they are experiencing a legendary discovery.

Gao Chuan let go of the driver and said, "Come on, let's go to the Western Pavilion."

The driver laughed, and headed for the Yangguan first. (To be continued.)