Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1679: Still witch

The sound from the distant sky was as thick as a dull thunder, with a sharp edge that seemed to tear the metal between them, but just hearing the sound would make one goose goose bumps, this sound drilled into the heart from the ear canal, let Gao Chuan The three couldn't help but frown. What will happen after not mentioning the voice first, this voice itself has obvious aggression, if ordinary people with a slightly weaker physique hear it, they may immediately feel sick and fainted. Gao Chuan, the file and the shepherd dog were not shaken by the seemingly sudden sound. After all, just a few seconds ago, all three agreed that the area had been temporarily placed as a trap.

The emergence of the enemy is unexpected, and the attacking method is strange, and no longer has much impact in the eyes of the mysterious expert.

The three looked up and saw a large number of objects rising from the top of the rolling hills and forests. Even if they were facing away from the sun, they could not see their shapes with the naked eye. They could only judge from the reflection that they were made of metal. Pose. They rise like a flock of birds, rise to mid-air and then fall in a parabolic way. The destination is of course the location of the three people.

I was locked. The three have the same judgment. After being locked up, if you are facing an unwitting enemy, you may also try again and again, and increase the strength according to the results of each attack. However, considering that the enemy may have a thorough knowledge of himself, the strength may be very high from the beginning.

You will flatten all the places where you are. Gao Chuan thought so, in his retina screen, these metal objects that looked like missiles and hung tail smoke were much clearer than those seen with the naked eye. Although they are indeed metallic in appearance, they are not missiles used in normal warfare. They are just a mass of liquid metal with a diameter of about two meters. They maintain extremely strong activity at normal temperatures. The indefinite liquid metal flips quickly, and people will see "this force will shatter when they fall into it" and "there must be a high temperature inside, which can burn * to ashes". feel.

Their violent movements give people the feeling of walking a tightrope. If they are not careful, they will break the balance and then burst.

Explosions, tears, shocks, high temperatures, and mass gravity are the killing methods that can be experienced from the outside. But not only Gao Chuan, but also files and shepherd dogs can be sure that its power is definitely not limited to this.

Before Gao Chuan began to skim, the soil under his feet had been turned down from below. The remains of the corpses that had not been completely resolved were either with hands and feet, or with teeth, and even the bone crushed body as a worm snake, entangled the limbs of three people. If you want to avoid it, you can certainly avoid it, but if you ca n’t fly, you will be captured by this dead land sooner or later.

Taking the position of the three people as the core, it spreads out two or three kilometers, all of which are these ghouls that seem to crawl out of hell. Their movement disturbs the soil and releases a more intense odor. Even if the file and the shepherd dog have closed their breaths for the first time, they still can't help but turn blue, not afraid, but these odors seem to pass directly through the skin. The pores are converted into a "smelly" signal as they enter the cerebral cortex.

The two could no longer breathe and couldn't even speak. Before they suffocated, Gao Chuan grabbed their shoulders, completely ignored the corpse that was climbing up, and directly entered a state of rapid swept. But as he thought, a hundred meters away, an invisible wall of force intercepted the three of them. Even if the direction is changed, this wall of force will appear within the range of movement of 100 meters, even if it can The reaction force of the impact is converted into a driving force to enhance the speed of the sweep, but no matter how fast you run, the final range is only the feeling of "displacement 100 meters", even if you jump upwards, it is the same result.

The three Gaochuan felt as if they were put into a cage and said a little bit unpleasantly, just like using the recommended dustpan, wooden sticks and rice grains to capture the sparrow, it seemed to be an open area. When the sparrow entered the trap range, the entire dustpan It fell down and enveloped it in a small space that could not move freely at all.

The liquid metal mass falling from the air took less than three seconds to reach above the invisible cage. When they were under the hood, they did not hit the Gaochuan three, but were blocked by the invisible wall of force. . The metal liquid flows along the invisible wall and piles up to form a thick, square hollow body, which traps Gaochuan three people, just like pouring cement along the invisible mold.

Gao Chuan puts a drowsy file and a shepherd dog on his shoulders. Although he has stopped rushing, the strength of the prosthetic body still regards the moving corpses on the ground as nothing. These seemingly huge, evil and strange things, Even if dozens are pressed together, it is impossible for the prosthetic body to move. Conversely, the prostitutes are not afraid of their attacks, just move around, and all the corpses entangled with the prostheses will be shattered directly, they are so weak.

But on the other hand, how is the liquid metal being poured into the invisible wall not so good? Without breaking through the wall of force immediately, one can only watch as the liquid metal covers the invisible cage into real objects. When the metal liquid has flowed to a position more than three feet above the ground, Gao Chuan has stopped all movements, as if giving up struggling, just standing still, watching these metal liquids quickly encircle.

The sky disappeared, the distance disappeared, and even the ghouls on the ground died down. The only constant was the smell in the air, but then, it seemed that the inside of the metal cage that had been completely sealed produced a huge airflow, just like there was. Something draws air from outside the metal wall,

With the thinness of the air, the odor has also dropped significantly. The file and the shepherd dog woke up warily, but their faces were not very good. For both, whether it is to maintain the air pressure inside and outside the body or to maintain breathing, air is still necessary, but now it seems to be evacuated in the cage. No more than three minutes from the start of the battle, the eyes of the two were already full of bloodshot eyes. However, even though the appearance was somewhat embarrassed, the expression did not vibrate.

"No one showed up?" The file asked quietly, and the leaking air lifted her short hair, making her posture more or less cool.

"No, they should have investigated it carefully, so they adopted this tactic." Gao Chuan also answered calmly. Anyone who has done their homework and understood the combat style of Gao Chuan will find ways to limit his speed advantage: directly reduce his speed, or increase his speed, the effect is not obvious, and the final result also proves that it can not really offset the speed The advantage of skimming is that, as of the continuous acceleration so far, it seems that only skimming seems to be "endless."

So, making him unable to swipe quickly and restricting his moving distance is a more circuitous way. Whether it is walking through consciousness or something else that is enough to put aside the mystery of the concept of speed, or to introduce Gao Chuan into a closed space, some people have tried it. However, even if the mystery of the concept of speed is set aside, the effect of quick sweep on Gaochuan itself cannot be completely prevented. Even if it enters the level of consciousness, quick sweep will be reflected in the power of consciousness under certain conditions, as if it were originally Gaochuan. Part of it, deep into its material and consciousness. If Gaochuan is introduced into a confined space, it will not change the fact that Gaochuan is "the fastest" in this confined space. In a narrow environment, fighting the extremely fast Gaochuan will be extremely miserable. Siege, without trying to kill in a short time, then Gao Chuan ’s speed will be faster and faster, and the reaction force of each contact with the wall will be accumulated, used for non-stop acceleration, and will soon reach a The critical point allows the combination of the quality and speed of the prosthesis to produce a great destructive force, which in turn directly destroys the cage.

Some people have considered modifying the type of the cage, or adding some auxiliary attack methods under the premise of imprisonment to limit Gaochuan's mobile environment to an extremely harsh condition. However, the more complicated the method, the longer the preparation time, and the longer the completion process. In this time and process that is tedious and long for speed sweeping, there are often unexpected situations, or Gaochuan. It is caused by itself or externally. In short, these kinds of situations will make the theoretically feasible limit deviation and fail.

In order to clarify the truth of this deviation, the mysterious expert of the Torchlight has also secretly investigated. However, because there is no direct relationship conflict between the two parties, the relevant information rarely flows into the hands of the enemy, even Gaochuan himself Know exactly what they have researched.

Fighting Gao Chuan head-on is an extremely tricky thing, and this has been recognized by many mysterious experts.

The prosperous Gao Chuan was in a difficult and dangerous situation on the battle history, but from the end result, it can be said that there is no defeat.

Now, there are such a group of enemies who want to deal with such Gaochuan. It ’s not strange that they will think about ways better than their enemies in the past.

In Gao Chuan's observation, their approach was rather simple: first, they used force fields and other ghosts, including psychological factors, to temporarily make themselves unable to carry out large-scale movements, and then, in this invisible **** On the ground, a stronger cage was built. After that, starting from the air in the cage, a special environment was created as much as possible.

Of course, the prosthetic body will not be afraid of the environment without air, but shallowly speaking, Gao Chuan is not alone in this cage. Deeply speaking, drawing air is only the first step, and naturally there are more steps. When Gao Chuan was temporarily locked up, it was as good as possible to transform the entire environment in which he was in a bad, harmful, weakened, and lethal state.

Large-scale environmental transformation is difficult to achieve, and it is not worthwhile to deal with Gao Chuan alone. In the small-scale environmental transformation, the temporary data hedging space is worthy of reference. However, under normal circumstances, the temporary data hedging is a process that is difficult to control and a relatively balanced process to achieve extreme environmental changes. It is difficult to create extreme , For someone's status.

"I always feel that this attack has a familiar feeling." The file said so, she looked up at the metal wall up to a hundred meters, the liquid that continued to perform her own movement, and the appearance had solidified a thin layer, giving the impression Just like jelly. There is no way to know how thick this metal wall is from the inside, and perhaps at this time, the liquid metal has not been stopped on the outside.

However, when the shepherd pulled up a body with teeth and claws and threw it on the metal wall, there was a force to tear it to pieces immediately.

"It's really intense exercise, it looks like it's frozen and frozen." The shepherd sighed. "Come on, file, I'm going to suffocate. Even if it's smelly, it's better than not being able to breathe."

The fast evacuation of air reduced the air pressure in this cage to a level that was enough for ordinary people to cause internal injuries and eventually lethality. However, although the file and the shepherd dog were not prosthetic, their physical strength was still under the mysterious expert ’s Average online.

The file did not make a sound, like a tentative, the palm slowly pressed against the metal wall. The metal wall that once shattered the corpse failed to crush her palm in the first time, but under some pressure, it gradually began to twist. . The twisted part began to spread outward from the area covered by the file palm. In less than three seconds, it was like a stone falling into the lake and causing ripples. The twist had covered the entire metal wall.

"Static" files describe their superpowers like this ~ ~ However, everyone knows that this phenomenon of superweave of magic lines does not completely represent its essence, there are many ways to keep things still, in human observation In many cases, there are many cases where it is still but not really still. There is no evidence to categorize the file's superpower stillness, because this is from the power of mystery, something that cannot be understood by existing human intelligence.

On the wrist of the file, the three diamond-shaped magic patterns representing the three-level magic pattern messenger give a full and energetic feeling. Staring at it, there will be an illusion of movement. It starts to rotate, just like a windmill, but it is fast To a certain extent, the outline of the rhombus seems to start to retreat, just as when staring closely at a high-speed rotating wheel, sometimes it feels that the wheel is actually rolling backwards.

The liquid metal walls that are performing their own movements at a terrible speed are suppressed by more powerful and mysterious forces. There is a fierce conflict between the stationary part and the moving part. The resulting distortion is within the visible range. , Will inevitably let them collapse.

The file cracked its mouth, revealing a sharp smile.

"If it's just this exercise intensity, don't take it out from the beginning and it's disgraceful!" (To be continued.) Mobile phone users, please visit the mobile phone website