Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1685: Sick village three

The extension of the shadow indicates the setting of the sunset. When the last yellow light was blocked by the distant mountains, the fire in front of Gaochuan seemed to inject a lot of fuel at a stretch, and a large number of Mars popped out of the wood that was about to be slightly ash . The night wind infiltrated through the cracks in the doors and windows, and the drowsy flame began to awaken. It jumped, radiating endless heat, and the flames at the top seemed to grow up licking the roof.

The night of the village ruins is darker and deeper than the nights of the normal towns that Gao Chuan has seen. It makes people have the illusion that it does not need to change after the sun sets, and it instantly becomes the darkest moment before dawn. In Gao Chuan's retina screen, the number of the timer was beating as usual, but in this house covered with stone and wood, the clock that was motionless during the day quietly sounded the first pendulum. The pendulums, the ancient and rotten sound, ticked back and forth throughout the room. No, if it ’s just a feeling, it ’s like the entire village, waking up in this ancient bell. Although no other creatures can be observed, the feeling of this recovery is so strong, it ’s like a moist sound. The sprout sprouts after the spring rain fell.

Gao Chuan originally sat cross-legged next to the fire, but soon, the fire suddenly grew stronger, making him feel that he could only avoid being burned by avoiding the corner. Lights, smells, the sound of night breezes and ancient clocks, and temperature ... these five senses can feel the information and are turning the village into a grisly and weird environment. During the day it is just a confusing ruin, and at night, it reveals the corner behind the veil, allowing people to experience its unknown.

Yes, here is not only mysterious, but also full of malicious. Gao Chuan subconsciously felt that this kind of maliciousness was not just aimed at outsiders. Perhaps the reason why the village became a no-man's land was that the maliciousness drove people away. No matter in the era of world peace or in the era of Nazi rampage, there seems to be no other mystery here, so that this malicious is so pure, so long, so deep into this land.

From the perspective of occultism, this village is undoubtedly the "land of the gods" and "the place of the last world", which is incompatible with reality. Judging from the mystery experts, of course, here is another "temporary data hedging space", but how long does this "temporary" last? Decades? Hundreds of years? The decaying smell that emanated over a long time was full of unbelievable vitality.

With this feeling alone, Gao Chuan can think of monsters. Of course, the brain hardware will not infer various data based on this feeling, but in the immediate vision produced by the native brain, Gao Chuan seems to see some hazy illusions: the old-faced hunter puts on the skin and metal The armor is made, wearing a large and broken windbreaker, holding up a giant weapon like a chainsaw, walking in the streets and alleys, chopping off living corpses, strange wolves, strange big birds, transparent ghosts and even the whole body They are all sticky, monsters with no fixed shape, and flowers and trees also seem to be sick, with dark markings, and a vague and huge soul entrenched in the Gothic high-rise building, sucking on some in the air Kind of free material. Time flies. The old hunters are followed by young hunters. The young hunters die one by one, and the city collapses in the never ending night where monsters run. The scattered people build villages on the ruins, but it is still difficult to resist the nightmare. In order to resist the nightmare monsters, the hunters died one by one, and their tombstones were everywhere on the wind-eroded cliffs, by the dark green lake, under the sand, buried in the entanglement of huge tree roots.

In the end, the hunters will all die. Everything that has indeed happened to people will become the existence of only a nightmare, and no one can wake up from the nightmare. Therefore, death has become an eternal theme, and those who know this nightmare, and those who are in this nightmare, are called "the deepest night".

This nightmare of never awakening and dying is condensed on a peninsula protruding from 6 places. When people stay on the peninsula at the right time, they will arrive in such a world full of collapse and maliciousness, and when people begin to perceive its existence, people start to fear. People sacrificed because of fear, praised because of fear, and many legends passed down because of fear.

A long time later, a group of people stepped into the peninsula and began to build a variety of buildings. In the illusion of Gao Chuan, those buildings show a greasy outline in the dark night, and a fearful corner emerges in the lightning, as if everywhere are full of unspeakable mystery, and the functional appearance of those buildings is so. The place makes Gao Chuan feel familiar.

That is a hospital.

A large amount of land on the peninsula was surrounded by barbed wire, and a vast mental hospital was built. People are desperately experimenting in the hospital, as if they are escaping something, and as if they are struggling to find something. They will be crazy, they will be depressed, they will have a great fear in their hearts when the night falls, and Panic is not endless. Until one day, another group of people like tourists also arrived in this peninsula.

What Gaochuan saw faintly, he opened his eyes wide, but no matter how hard he tried, all this was just an illusion in his mind, an impression, a sense of sight, even unable to call it "memory" ".

The last thing he saw was Gao Chuan, who was 16 or 7 years old, jumped from the deck and stepped on the beach of the peninsula. Although there are more people around this Gaochuan, and even though this Gaochuan is wearing ordinary clothes, no one can have deeper eyes than him, as if he is not looking at the natural scenery of the peninsula, but Darkness hidden deep in unknown depths.

The nightmare waved to him again.

More existences, including the sign of the doomsday truth religion, have emerged one after another in this misty illusion.

Then there was a vague voice hitting Gao Chuan, a prosthetic body trapped in illusion, telling him: the young Gao Chuan is the last hunter, and the bell that sounded in the nightmare of the peninsula is the end of the world.

Gao Chuan didn't want to look at it anymore. He vaguely knew what this illusion was, and the appearance of this illusion also meant that if he went deeper, he would encounter what he would encounter. That monster. Even if he hadn't seen it, he felt this trend, and the heavy fear made him hard to breathe.

Gao Chuan struggled hard, waking up from the illusion, as if drowning, the trachea seemed to be still blocked, and the back was wet. In the retina screen, the data of the prosthetic state monitoring plummeted, and it was falling into a weak position. Even the brain hardware that would not be theoretically interfered with by mental power could not be resisted and adjusted in the first place.

When Gao Chuan realized, he was already facing the fire, half kneeling on the ground. At this time, when the fire was obviously insufficient to support such violent burning, it had really reached the ceiling. The exposed beams on the roof had been ignited. It seemed to spread to the entire beam at any time. It makes people feel that the next second, maybe a gust of wind, will make the whole building seem to be caught in flames.

Not only the house where Gao Chuan temporarily resided occupied the highlands, but also the other houses in the ruins of the village, all lit up from the inside one by one. However, the light scattered from inside to outside failed to illuminate the darkness outside. Instead, when the room is brighter, the outside will fall into deeper darkness. It makes people feel that if they walk out of the house at this moment, they will not even see their bodies.

Gao Chuan stood up on the window sill and looked out, only to see that the darkness was like a sea of ​​oceans, occupying all the streets of the ruins of the village, and the houses that lit up the fire were the isolated islands in this dark sea of ​​oceans. .

Gao Chuan subconsciously understood that the scene in front of him must have something to do with his hallucinations, or that the nightmare of the deepest night was not a complete hallucination, but the inexplicable bond between Gao Chuan and Gao Chuan, which allowed him to see the teenager Some things that Gao Chuan has experienced.

Las Vegas repeater, the deepest night, hunters, young Gaochuan, Dr. Ruan Li, peninsula mental hospital, doomsday doctrine ... and the new century gospel, these key terms are connected one after another, Forming a huge network, people feel that the so-called truth is hidden in this giant network.

Is the weirdness in the village now related to the deepest night? Did the New Century Gospel play a role here in the deepest night? If you think about it, think about it, among the mysterious experts of the new century gospel, Mary the Red Girl and Father Edward are the same. Did n’t they go to the Las Vegas Repeater?

Gao Chuan's native brain is a bit chaotic. This is not because his concentration is not focused enough and his will is not strong enough. He can feel that this dark night is spreading a strange power. Even so, the brain hardware still works as usual, adjusts the prosthesis, interferes with the nerves, and then displays the final processing results on Gaochuan's retina screen in time.

Longer bells rang, not in the house, but somewhere in the ruins of the village. Gao Chuan was wary, but this could not change the fact that this place was full of weird things. At this time, even the clock hand, which only exists in the projection of the retina screen, began to rotate faster. After a few blinks, its number and the indoor clock seemed to be moved by invisible fingers. The fast rotating hand corresponds to ten in the morning. Two o'clock.

From the feeling, it is like the sun sets until midnight, and it takes less than half an hour.

There are individual figures standing up from the windows of other houses, their backs are imprinted on the panes, and they are perfectly cleared by the fire in the house. Gao Chuan had already investigated during the day, and there was not even a bone in those houses. Another sound from the roof attracted Gao Chuan's attention, as if someone was hovering above, his steps were dull, and every step he took seemed to drag the bottom of the foot to the ground.

Gao Chuan's right hand cuff popped with a sharp blade. Just as he was about to open a big hole in the roof to see what the **** was, there were multiple figures in other rooms in the house. In the observation of the chain judgment, they appeared. He ran towards Takagawa in a very tacit and secret manner.

Gao Chuan will meet these people sooner or later unless he jumps out of the window, but before that

Gao Chuan raised his head again, flicked the zipline with his left hand, and hooked the roof that had not been stable for a long time. When he pulled hard, he tore off a large piece of wood and brick. The slow-moving figure suddenly fell into the fire in front of Gao Chuan. At this time, Gao Chuan clearly saw that it was not a real person. Although it did have human-like limbs and body, it seemed to be rickety. The back of the tumor grows, the face that has dried up and even the wrinkles is necrotic, and the godless but full of malicious eyes, when people see it, they will inevitably produce fear and repulsion.

Behind Gaochuan, the people who are quietly gathering towards the fire in this room are gathering one by one. As soon as they opened the door, they saw Gao Chuan confronting the skinny humanoid thing. While some of them were screaming, the humanoid figure was already blazing at Gaochuan with a burning flame.

The weirdness of the human form is terrifying in appearance and more agile than ordinary people, but it is a target in front of Gao Chuan. Gao Chuan turned his footsteps to avoid its hug, and cut the body with the blade of his right arm. The two exchanged positions in front of the fire. It was time for the flames to burn Shao Gaochuan's clothes, but UU read, but he shook his body and put it out, and walked away from the flames for a few steps. At the same time, the humanoid weirdness from the waist It was broken into two pieces, then the body was turned into ashes, and when it was blown by some force, it was all caught in the fire, and the fierce fire was slightly eased, and the flames that were spreading along the house beams were quiet Retreat, it seems that there is no need to worry about the possibility of the whole house being burned.

Focusing on the doorway that has been damaged into a hole, it seems to be a family of four ordinary people, staring at this scene is dull. Gao Chuan glanced at them, the brain hardware has recorded as much detailed appearance information as possible, and inferred more potential information from it.

Four people: a strong old man with white temples, a young couple and two children, a girl about ten years old who is afraid of strangers.

Although the dress is a modern style, it is not as fashionable as in the city, and it makes people feel that they are residents of this village. If you look closely, you can see that there is a wonderful mark on some of the clothes on their body. Unlike a trademark, it makes Gao Chuan feel that it is a symbol with a strong religious and mysterious meaning, a bit like the truth of the end. Religious symbols, but there are still some differences in structure.

Is it a sign of the new century gospel? Gao Chuan couldn't help thinking. (To be continued.) 8 mobile phone users please visit the mobile phone website