Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 2138: thief

Unbelievers have encountered all kinds of incredible things in the hospital, and even cults and aliens have appeared, but among these many quirky and bizarre, unacceptable, it seems that there is a certain logic, but it is in the minute. Among the unreasonable things, the shock of this weird and inhuman monster that appeared in front of him at this time was also not inferior. He thought he could find Dr. Ande, and tried to imagine what Dr. Ande, who has become a patient with Doomsday Syndrome, would look like. The Doomsday Syndrome he had been in contact with in the past was an example, and the "illusion dream" learned from Dorothy's mouth "The term also made him have many ideas about Dr. Ander ’s move into the tower-even so, he still felt that the current situation was entirely his own imagination, and originally thought he had learned a lot of incredible things. After knowing a lot of unheard of secrets, how many borders of the current situation can be touched, but if this inhuman monster is Dr. Ander ...

Without being a husband, I really can't understand why Dr. Ander became like this. He had suspected that this monster may not be Dr. Ander, but his feelings, his observations, and the detailed information he got were all saying to him: Yes, this is Dr. Ander.

A nearly two-story monster with an octopus head, wearing Dr. Ander's clothes and white coat in an enlarged scale. But now he looks more like an alien researcher than a human researcher. A large part of his appearance is human-like, but this human-like part does not give people a slight sense of intimacy. Instead, it is this human-like part that makes him feel that the big guy in front of him is absolutely Not human.

"Ann, Dr. Ander ... how could it be like this?" Moan groaned, the great shock almost destroyed the fear. But the greater fear came back in the next moment, striking his heart more violently, strangling his throat.

The human-like giant monster seemed to hear the voice of non-husband. It turned the octopus' head in a cumbersome and slow manner, as if it was because the non-husband was too short for it, so he could not show him for the first time. At this time, you can feel the difference between this monster and humans, its observation, its listening, its thinking and searching, all these actions and behaviors seem to conform to the human body ’s physiological structure, but that is the same Sense, let this similarity be extinguished in an instant. He is very sure that the details of human body movements are definitely not like this. He feels terrified because he cannot guess what the monster wants to do from the movement of the monster.

Is it looking for itself? Why does it look for itself? Is it looking for itself with some kind of malice? I couldn't help but hold my breath and didn't dare to move at all. I just felt that I couldn't be found by it. As long as I didn't move like a wooden man, I wouldn't be found by it. Feifu felt strongly that although there was no evidence, it was an extremely clear and suddenly emerging idea: the distance between the two parties seemed to be only a few steps closer, but in fact, it was not only It's the distance in the sense of common sense. The moans and exclaims before me didn't really convey to it, but it could feel that it was close to it.

This monster suspected of Dr. Ande showed a puzzled expression. Although its head is more like an octopus in appearance, it is still a facial feature similar to people on the front. At this time, this pair of facial features is squeezing out the puzzled expression. Fu Zuofu feels that it is extremely appropriate to describe himself as "squeeze", because this expression does not seem to be a natural expression. He can't even be sure whether the monster has emotions.

The sight of the two-story octopus-headed monster was swept around, and during the period, he also swept the place where the husband did not work, leaving the blood of the husband not cold, and his head dizzy. The venom of people crazy. Without being a husband, he almost couldn't help but have to move, but he still held back, the monster's eyes quickly swept over him, and invested in other directions. In the end, it seemed to see nothing.

It was during this period that Bu Zuofu seemed to see a normal table and open books behind the monster. These tables are not as big as monsters, they are just for human use. Can this monster really use these things? There is a rough idea in my mind that I don't have a husband.

If, just if, the monster suspected of Dr. Ander is really reading these books, it means that these books contain some secrets related to the current situation. Just thinking about it, there is some kind of stupidity in the mind of a husband, and he desperately wants to take these books and uncover the secrets. He also warned himself that he should be more cautious, however, at this time, the monster turned around, neither facing him nor the table, and unconsciously set aside everything and ran to the table desperately.

The tall and dull monster seemed to be aware of the movement, and immediately turned around, but this period of time was enough to let the unscrupulous rush to the table.

Without being a husband, he immediately saw what was on the table: a book, some cards. The book has never been seen before. It looks like a diary or some other story book. The cover is weird, and it is not clear whether it is leather or paper. It has a subtle texture. Looking closely at the texture will only make you feel dizzy, but It is also full of strange attraction, as if there are some big secrets hidden inside, and the content of the book seems to be more precious because of this quirky cover; the cards seem to have met each other, and soon I think of myself without being a husband. It is myself These surviving teams of researchers have been working on the cards made by the two weird girls. So far, the researchers have determined that there are big secrets, and these cards do not seem to have been seen by others such as themselves. Is a new card.

The two weird girls have disappeared. The origin of these cards on the table is intriguing, but this is not the time to delve into it. And, if these cards are new, they are among the cards that have been studied. It is clearly determined that a part has been lost, then these cards are naturally also extremely precious.

If this monster is Dr. Ande, it is a good way to connect the cause and effect. Dr. Ande has discovered these things, or he has hidden them for a long time. The hiding place is this tower. Even the two missing girls are now in the tower. Doctor Ande concealed more things and deceived all the survivors. He still wanted to use his own power to find out the hidden secrets. It is well known that Dr. Ande ’s tough style and means of eliminating dissidents are likely to do so. Everything in front of him seems to prove that he did just that.

In the mind of a husband, all kinds of complex emotions and thoughts are rolling, he does not know what is the truth, but if there are really secrets hidden in this book and these cards, then there are other things that have been studied deeply Survivors, these things should be needed more—Dr. Ander is already a patient with Doomsday Syndrome, and has become a monster. He is no longer able to study these things, and he is still alone. Even the normal and genius Dr. Ande in the past also needed helpers to achieve results in the research. Today, with only one person, he is definitely not as good as a well-researched research team.

Many people have great strength, and only by gathering the wisdom of everyone can they make decisive progress in this harsher and more pressing environment. The determination to not be a husband has been determined, he must take these precious things back to the research team, and can no longer be left to a patient who is full of selfishness and madness-Dr. Ande has become an obstacle, let him stay In this tower, if you and others can study some achievements, maybe these achievements can save him.

A sudden sense of mission swept through every nerve of non-husband like an electric current. All these thoughts and determinations, only in less than one breathing time, immediately grasped the book without the husband and took all the visible cards The cards are swept into their pockets. He was very nervous, no matter whether the monster was Dr. Ander, as long as he took these things, he would never make it happy. It was so tall and terrible that he could not deal with such a big guy without weapons. Who knows what this monster will do to a "thief" or "robber"? I can't imagine, it makes people tremble when I think about it.

Not being a husband has made the determination to die hard. However, he still does not want to die. If he dies here, he will not be able to bring these precious things and what he sees and hears to other researchers. He has never been as full of a sense of mission as he is now. This sense of mission as strong as electric current seems to make all his senses more sensitive.

If you are not a husband, you can feel your hair rising, and a strong sense of crisis is forming a clear picture in your mind. The monster has turned around. It is very dull and right, but it may not be so dull forever. Go on.

is coming! is coming!

It's too late to turn around and run away. The natural air is becoming stronger, and there is a pressure that is compressing the air, hindering his every move. He was agitated, and he rolled towards the ground. His huge arm wiped his body and hit the table. The table for human use couldn't even express the final sorrow, it was torn apart. Do not want to be a husband, do not want to have such an ending.

There is no sound, but the air is changing all the time, these changes are clear and delicate, the instinct of being a killer is calling the police, and rolling to the side as fast as he can. When he rolled, he had already seen where he was originally, and even further back was a door-that must be the door that left the tower. I came in through that door.

What kind of change has happened to the tower, I can't understand it without a husband, and I don't want to pursue it, but now this door that is independent in the vast white space is his last hope.

Without being a husband, he rolled and crawled forward, and then rushed forward several times. There was a violent vibration on the ground. It was the monster who took the pace and rushed towards himself. There is no sound, but any phenomenon other than sound exists, and it exists more strongly. Without being a husband, I just felt that I was involved in a turbulent wave and could not control my body at all. The ground was shaking, the air was shaking, and the undulating power was beating on him layer by layer, making him feel that if he continued this way, he would definitely crush his bones.

Even so, Fu Zuo still gritted his teeth and rushed to the door desperately. Now all he can do is this, he prays for luck to be on his side.

The huge soles came down from the sky and almost stepped on him. Even if he moved his body at the last moment, it was just rubbed, which made him seem to hear the sound of bones cracking in his body. His body was aching, and his body was stronger than ordinary people, just like a raft with a loose rope, he would fall apart at any time.

With a strong sense of will and mission, Fu Zuo propped up the body that was about to reach its limit, and finally ran to the door before the next blow. He immediately grabbed the doorknob and wanted to pull it open, however, no matter how he twisted and pulled, the door remained motionless, as if stitched in space. He turned his head in horror, only to see that the two-storey octopus-headed monster was close together, it had no shadow, but the huge body made people feel that they had been covered, and that face The facial features express a kind of inhuman anger and paranoia, or, there are more chilling emotions, which have been twisted to make people doubt that it still has reason.

It doesn't seem to intend to trample on this "thief". When Fu Zuo sees it bent down and opens his palm, he can wrap people up. Fu Zuo felt that it wanted to seize himself. This kind of cognition made him full of fear. He didn't dare to imagine what would happen if he was caught. If it has become a reckless man, it would be the best end to pinch himself to death, but if it is a crazy researcher, he will definitely exert terrible torture and experiment on himself.

Do n’t be a husband and keep struggling to move the door handle, but the door handle is still intact, as if it is stuck, there is another kind of strength that holds with you on the other side of the door-this time ~ ~ the distance of the monster ’s palm He was less than a meter away-at this moment, the husband suddenly wanted to understand what he had, suddenly released his hand, and the door handle suddenly turned in the opposite direction.

The door was loosened, and the body squeezed tightly on the door fell out of the door. The distance between him and the monster's palm was pulled away in this advance and retreat. He did n’t dare to fall back, but the whole person threw out the door, the sky turned, and the scenery changed. He did n’t dare to close his eyes. He only saw a piece of white open space and brushed up, and then returned to the tower. The narrow, more morbid scenery of the isolated island hospital outside.

Without being a husband, it was too late to look around, crawling on all fours, hitting the door, and closing the door of the tower again. At the same time, he seemed to hear a shock coming from behind the door. He didn't hear the sound, and the feeling of shock quickly disappeared, as if the door closed, nothing inside could come out .

At this time, he was paralyzed without a husband, and slid by the door, panting. Even him, he was exhausted in this short escape, and even the joy of victory could not be born.

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