Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 214: Ambush

214 Ambush

This foggy mountain is like a huge labyrinth. The last time I entered the temporary data hedging space in the tomb area, there were no envoys and weapons, and the power of the magic pattern was also suppressed. Fujiang and I retreated in the pouring rain Going back and forth until Irene's photos changed strangely, they didn't find the way to the highway. Read novels on the phone and update them \\! {\ '} (Read novels) Although I have n’t been in this world for a long time, I still feel the martial arts, the Holy King, the Holy King, the Holy King, the Night Killer, the God Seal, and the Throne The strongest abandoning the Shaozhou Zhou royal family will kill the gods and seals the throne at night God will kill the God of the Immortal Throne in the night and beg for the Ao Ninth Heaven to forsake the Royal Family of Shao Da Zhou to some kind of will to implement in this world. According to the titles of the four conditions that create this temporary data hedge space, it is probably the power of the "foundation". Although this will exists, it cannot directly control the life and death of outsiders, perhaps because of the separation of powers. After all, the "foundation" is only one of the four conditions that constitute the nightmare world.

Now there is no additional power to guide the Ranwen Fiction Net, we can only find the way through our own power. Quark was driven to the sky by my will. As I saw on the ground, the whole sky was gray, and the fog seemed to fill the space between the clouds and the earth. After crossing the canopy, the ground disappeared, and the entire space could not be separated. Only the rain, lightning and thunder continued to fall on the head.

After becoming an ambassador, the quark can fly into the clouds, but the dark cloud is extremely frightening with its extremely tyrannical thunder and lightning, so it only stayed a little high in the sky for a moment, and fluttered down and swept down immediately between the treetops. shuttle. Everything it sees, like a radar, feeds the hazy scene of the ground back into my mind through the magic sensor.

In the whole mountain area, only the sound of rain hitting rocks, forest trees and grass blades, and there is no sign of any animal activity in the novel. Although these trees also have a taste and a touch that is very real to touch, it seems to be false in this deadly silence Generally, it's creepy and I can't help thinking, is this a world of death? I felt that everyone except Jung was a little restless.

However, after a while, the information returned by Quark made people feel a little energized. Something moved a little in the dark and misty vision. It seemed to be a small animal, and he ran out of the bush after being frightened. Quark immediately circled the area, capturing the whereabouts of the creature intermittently. Its movements are not sensitive, and its outline is bloated. Under the drive of instinct, the course of action is always as far as possible to cover the body, overlooking the sky, and it is impossible to see what animal it is.

Although we didn't see people in, it was still the first animal we saw after we entered this temporary data hedge space. When I solicited the opinions of everyone, everyone decided to catch up and look at it. Anyway, staying here also has nothing to do.

I used the magic sensor to lead the people to move in the direction of the quark flying. Soon, good news came that the strange animal had stopped moving. Several similar figures appeared in the area, and it seemed to return to the ethnic group. Quark fell silently on the treetop and continued to monitor these strange animals. And we also encountered some small and big troubles.

It is not a pleasant thing to travel in the mountains and forests, especially in such bad weather, we have to take turns to open the road. We do n’t have the right tool for We have to make a large circle when we encounter some complicated terrain. We even witnessed a small debris flow, and we also have cracks from a rock wall with a palm width. The experience of crossing mountains. The muddy ground is very slippery, and if you accidentally fall, you will hit a rock. Fortunately, if you turn into a bush with sharp thorns, you will almost be blinded by your eyes like Engels. The wooden thorns took a lot of work, and then he walked up and down ten times, as if the thorns were still hidden in his clothes.

When we saw the quark again, we didn't know how long it took. Even if we looked back, we couldn't find the way to come. Along the way, there were no other creatures seen by Ranwen Fiction Net, nor any roads artificially opened by Ranwen Fiction Net. We were all wet and wet, and the close-fitting clothes were heavy and uncomfortable. From time to time, we touched our faces, which were the water stains on our hands, as if we were soaking in the bathtub, and our fingers were wrinkled.

Quark landed on my arm, turned his head deep into the jungle, and looked down at his gaze, and he could see a bundle of shrubs, and from time to time a few shadows shook through the gaps in the branches. These are the animals that Quark found. When we hunted away from the side lightly and hid behind the big tree to see the appearance of those animals, we could not help but take a breath.

How to describe this animal talent? It's like the limbs of many animals are cut off and put together stiffly, and the stench is burning and burning. It can only be said that it is the weird creation of the devil with a joke-like maliciousness, or that such incompleteness and ugliness is the cruelest punishment from God. It looks like a poultry such as chickens and ducks, but its feet and wings are incomplete. It is like a bite after a whole barbecue is made, and the limbs of other animals grow from other asymmetric body parts. . Can't tell where is the head, moving and shaking, like rolling and running, jumping nervously from time to time.

I feel a little nausea and can't help looking at others. In addition to Jung's still expression, Dorothy's face also turned a bit blue. Engels also closed his mouth tightly, and there was no blood on his face. The moaning sound seemed to leak through the throat, and he seemed to repeatedly say "Oh, God, God ..." Unable to hold his head, he suppressed his fear and vomited in a low voice.

I gently walked over to touch her back, her body trembling slightly, I really hope she can be better, but what I saw this night, I believe she can not forget in her life.

"What is this? Why is there such a thing?" Sakuya grabbed my hand in pain, and the nails seemed to be embedded in the meat. And I can only endure the pain and answer with silence.

"I'll kill these monsters." Dorothy's tone was as cold as her face. Although quarks can become long swords or daggers, I do n’t want to get close to those monsters. Myofa ’s bullets are also limited, so she ca n’t help but use critical weapons.

There was a slight buzzing sound from the blade, as if a bee was vibrating its wings in the ear. The sound became more and more tapered, and the monsters crawled on the ground so loosely as if they didn't notice anything. It doesn't seem to have the wisdom of Ranwen Fiction Net. It's a harmless creature, but it's just too weird and ugly. This may be the reason why Dorothy still hesitated.

When she made up her mind to swing the knife, a rustling voice came from the other end of the bush. The abnormalities generated by the knife-shaped critical weapon disappeared immediately, and we glanced at each other in silence, focusing our eyes on the direction from which the sound came. It was the sound of footsteps, stepping deeper and shallower in the mud, staggering, splashing water, falling and climbing again, it was really embarrassing, but it was like being chased by something terrible, and indistinguishable North and South, just ran forward.

The figure broke through the mist, and panicly rushed out of the gap between the trees, looking like a woman, constantly looking back behind him, and was stirred by the solid roots on the ground, the body tried to maintain balance, but still slipped. It has been rolling into those weird and ugly creatures. She seemed quite young, of ordinary height, with a floral dress wetted by rain stained on her body, outlined a healthy curve, with black hair and dirty facial features, but the deep outline was obviously not Asian, or Asians who are not pure blood.

She still wanted to get up, but the fall seemed to fall too hard, and she tried unsuccessfully a few times. She wiped off the rain and stains on her face with her hands, and her anxious and terrified eyes fell on the monster creatures, but there was no slight change in the literary novel network. Any danger. When she sat up, more footsteps and the sound of friction as she passed through the jungle caught up, and the woman panicked more, her hands and feet rubbed, and she tried to move her body backwards.

But the nine figures that appeared one after another in the mist were like a shrunken net covering her. A thick gray-black mist sprayed in front of one of the figures, like an upright vortex, even in the mist. As soon as he passed through the gray fog vortex, a new vortex appeared at five meters in front of the woman, and the man directly crossed a distance of more than ten meters, facing the woman.

The chasers wore black robes, and pointed hoods hid two-thirds of their faces in the shadows. The rain continued to fall from the brim, revealing only one chin, which was also hidden under some skin-tight material. There is only one outline. Although the outline is a human figure, under the deep cover of the clothing, it is impossible to determine whether he is really a human before seeing his true face.

The strange gray fog tricks, black robe, and the mask under the hood are the black robe masters I have ever dealt with. My eyes turned away, and I collided with other people's eyes again, and saw each other's vigilance and excitement. Jung gestured. In addition to Engels, Dorothy and I would intentionally go around the group of people in front from different directions.

I carefully bypassed the branches and leaves of the shrub and the stumps at the bottom of the beach, and the quark fell into a black dagger and fell in the palm of my hand.

The woman couldn't escape anymore. Nine black robe mage surrounded her and she immediately screamed in horror.

"Let me go, please, let me ..." she shouted hoarsely and tonelessly. There was no rain or tears on her face. The whole scene was so sad and cruel that she couldn't bear to look at it.

The black robe seems not to have heard of it, just like a rock without the life and emotion of There is no scene at all. The mage, who shuttled through the gray fog vortex, took a step forward, and the fog flowed out like gray mercury from the shadow of the hood. The woman was like a frog stared at by a snake, trembling and unable to move. She watched as the black robe extended her index finger, and the gray mist sprayed around her fingertips like life.

Before he shot, there was a thunderous sound from the direction of Jung and Engels, and the figure seemed to be pushed by a huge force, out of the shadow of hiding. Before the black robe man responded, the black robe mage who was about to start working on the woman had a body. With the hood, the head burst like a watermelon, and the red and white spilled on the ground, and a sound of water sounded.

Almost at the same time as the first gunshot, the second bullet hit two black-robed men, but the effect was not very good. The two black-robed men reacted very keenly, and the black robe seemed to have bulletproof capabilities, bullets Just wiped from the side, the black robe was pulled down to the ground, but soon climbed up, rushed towards the side of the bushes. However, the third attack less than a second later caused one of them to suffer a big bite. It should be a burst warhead. It simply wiped the black robe's body neatly and immediately a violent explosion occurred on the side.

The black-robed man who was hit was lifted up like a rag bag, hit the tree trunk and never got up again. The exploding flame shrouded the bushes, and it took a while for the rain to wipe it out, and the other man in black robe stumbled out.

Although the deterrent effect is surprising, Miao Falianhua uses this rhythm to fire bullets, which can easily cause the S2 to explode. I did n’t tell Ranger that I could use this gun like this? Fortunately, after this, the shooting stopped temporarily.

The black robe fell two in a blink of an eye, and the remaining seven hurriedly searched for a hideout. At this time, Jung's bullet shot another one again. Before the enemy fought back, there was a buzzing sound in the air. In the direction of Dorothy, the scene rippled and became twisted.

Immediately afterwards, fan-shaped shock waves spread into storms, mist, rain, shrubs, trees, human bodies, and everything that blocked the path was torn, and then shattered by the chaotic force of shock. Dorothy's attack was unrelenting. A large ditch was dug out of the muddy and soft ground, and the fragments scattered in the air could not tell which part of what was.

A tree with its main trunk cut off from the bottom drifted heavily in the storm, and there was continuous peeling of wood chips. When the wind weakened, the torso of more than ten meters hit the other trees like a mountain top, and it constantly gave teeth acidic fractures. sound. In the flashing thunder, the collapsed shadow enveloped a 100-meter square, and the whole world seemed to have only one sound of collapse.

The last two men in black robe seemed to be stunned by this scene, and it took a while to think of running away. They don't seem to have the trick of the black robe mage, the deadliest master of Ranwen Fiction Net, to shuttle the space, and have lost the courage to fight back. When they stumbled towards me, I didn't even notice that I turned out from behind the tree and stood behind them. In a blink of an eye, the hunter and the prey adjusted their positions. I think this is really a drama of dog blood.

"Hey look here." I shouted behind them.

When they turned around, the quark-shaped dagger suddenly became longer, like a flint of electricity, penetrating the throat of the first person, and then cut off the right hand of the second person shoulder-to-shoulder, and then pierced the tree trunk. The companion's body was suspended on a long black blade, and the living black robe just knelt on the ground, holding a broken shoulder and wailing with pain.

"Hanged heresy." Dorothy came with a knife-shaped critical weapon, glanced at the corpse suspended by a black blade across the throat, and said in a satisfied tone: "I didn't expect you to be a crow. There are artistic cells, but unfortunately there is no firewood at the foot of the novel. "

The Black Blade contracted back to the state of the dagger, changed back to the Crow Quark, and turned his head around on my shoulder. That look was like doing something no big deal.

"This guy is also angry." Engels' voice came from there. I looked over there and saw Engels and Sakuya crouched in front of the black robe who was hit by Sakuya's burst bomb. Engels checked it and found that the unlucky guy was fine on the surface, and the bullet did not penetrate the black robe, but the powerful impact almost shattered his internal organs.

"Is there anything else to save?" Jung asked, as he was supporting the overwhelmed lady of prey. It took less than five minutes from the beginning to the end of the fight. Her eyes were blank, and she had not yet figured out what had happened. When Jung touched her body, she shrank her body in obvious panic, and Jung quickly whispered comfort.

"It's impossible to save it, but it can make him walk a little easier." Engels looked at me.

I have walked to the man in black robe. His hood was lifted to reveal his head wearing a hood. The pattern outlined on the outline of the five senses produced a strange feeling. He kept coughing, and pieces of blood and internal organs kept pouring out of his mouth. As Engels said, he is still alive now, but only suffering.

Quark once again turned into a dagger and fell in my palm. Sakuya couldn't bear to look at it again, and ran to Jung to help comfort the lady. I didn't hesitate any more, and inserted the dagger into the black robe's forehead, staring at his tarnished eyes, his pupils spread apart.

After I drew my dagger, Engels hesitated, trying to uncover this man's mask.

"After wearing this mask, it sticks to his facial skin. It's no different if you pull it off and peel off his face." I talked about my experience.

When Engels heard it ~ ~ he quickly shrunk his hand back, maybe he was imagining the scene where he almost peeled off a person's face, and after the victory, the ruddy complexion began to pale again.

At this moment, the sound of collision came from the side and back, and we turned our eyes to see Dorothy was stepping on his head in the black robe and unkindly stepped his face into the muddy water. The moan of the black robe only exchanged gurgling blisters, leaving a lot of blood from the broken arm, and soon dyed the piece of land and the black robe's face bright red.

"What's going on?" Jung asked calmly.

"This guy wants to bite me." Dorothy said flatly. "I still want to help him bind, but this guy wants to play hard."

"Look at it, don't let him commit suicide." Jung said coldly: "We still have many questions to ask him."


"If he is not obedient."

The body lying under Dorothy's feet struggled violently like a fish out of the water.