Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 2143: Inhuman science

Although the companion said that every researcher here wears this suit, but now he has to put on this suit, which makes him a little psychologically stressed. Even if the companion said that this was due to some psychological adjustment factors, it was difficult to understand without being a husband. He had never seen anyone who would do this, and it was hard to imagine that it was really useful. Of course, he is not an expert in psychology himself, and this approach was proposed by a professional psychologist and recognized by others. There seems to be no problem, but he just feels something is wrong.

"You will know. Only by accepting the objective fact that you are a researcher and a patient at the same time, you will not be constrained by the idea that you are a normal person. Stress is always there, if you can't adapt to the present You ca n’t adapt to the greater pressure afterwards. Now that you feel stressed, when you get used to it, you can effectively relieve the later pressure. ”The companion replied.

"Is the greater pressure specifically ...?" Fu Zuo asked tentatively.

"Unknown fear." The companion shrugged and said, "The inexplicable situation, the sudden danger, the incomprehensible change, all the circumstances beyond your knowledge ... You have experienced no less than any of us, or even more, should Understand what I am talking about. We simply cannot predict where, from what angle, and in what way pressure will appear. So, we need to be prepared for all unknown possibilities. "

"Unbelievable, can it really be done? That psychologist is really okay?" Bu Zuofu thought this answer was a bit ridiculous.

"I can't understand his theory, but after being verified by the color center, it should not be too bad." The companion said: "At least we are practicing it in person, and it is still good. I said before, We are researchers, patients, experimenters, and subjects. We ourselves are the most precious resource. When you put on the clothes that this sick person wears, you should have such consciousness. "

"Okay ... I just don't get used to it." Without a husband, he smiled bitterly, he didn't even think about it, he left for a while, and the temporary research team had such a big change. Before he left, not many people had this idea. The change came too abruptly, and he felt some mental gaps between him and the other companions in the team.

What he felt, saw and experienced all made him a little restless. He originally thought he was right here, but now he is not so sure. He glanced at everyone around him, although everyone seemed to be doing their job, but everyone's actions revealed such a weird taste. He did n’t know whether he thought too much, or whether these companions really had problems on the spiritual level-and, even if everyone had a mental problem, it was by no means a fantasy, as the companion said, Everyone here is a potential doomsday syndrome patient.

The Doomsday Syndrome shows complex mental symptoms, but it is not immediately obvious. Like most mental patients, the condition will deepen a little bit, but before it is seen, it has actually affected their thinking and behavior.

I can't help but imagine that I am actually involved in the research of a large group of lunatics, and I feel a bit creepy. He doesn't want to reason with a group of psychotic lunatics. If these companions are really having problems, then it is likely that in their eyes, it is not that they are having problems themselves, but that they are not being husbands.

Under heavy pressure, people who are considered problematic will definitely be targeted. I do n’t think it ’s okay if I really have a problem, but now my logical thinking and mental state are no problem. If a group of lunatics are treated as a problematic patient and targeted, I ca n’t beat so many in any case. Human. Even this new base is so weird that it is not even half as likely to escape. Bu Zuofu tried to find the entrance where he came in, but the entrance clearly displayed a door that was not normal at all, and was no longer visible at this time.

——So, has this place become a secret room isolated from the outside world?

Without being a husband, he was awed by his companionship, and while he was thinking, his companions had taken him around several areas. Each area here is divided according to the research project. Some projects have many researchers working, while some projects have so far failed to find a suitable candidate. Some research projects make it impossible for glances at a glance to know exactly what they are used for, while others are confusing for them. Even some research projects are not used in modern science either in terms of calculations or results. Needless to say, it is like putting aside the existing scientific formula and building a scientific system, but as long as anyone who knows a little about science knows, this is like nonsense. Science does not fall from the sky, and there is nothing out of nothing. It must be based on long-term observation, thinking and understanding of things. No one can put aside the existing scientific system built from the history of human civilization in such a short period of time and make another One set can really succeed.

If someone really does it, if he is not a monster that has survived from ancient times to the present, or a monster whose facial features and head are completely different from "human"-human science is to a large extent a characteristic shared by humans What is determined is what humans can observe and only then can we study what we can think of and what we can develop. And modern science is like this, but not the other way, it is based on the observation ability and thinking ability shared by these human beings.

Human beings cannot transcend their own physiological structure and mode of operation to carry out any research work that has nothing to do with their own material basis. Even if a non-carbon-based structure such as a computer is used to replace the human body to store and calculate big data, the calculation formula is still the result of human thinking, and the final result of its calculation also requires human thinking to reach a conclusion. In the process of "there must be human participation, and human participation is the most important link", the structure and operation of humans still have the final decision.

Human beings have decided that their own science is like this, and science beyond this is, in a great sense, no longer human science.

"This is not a human thing." The more he looked at it, the more he was shocked. He was unwilling to think about what these projects would eventually be combined into. Logically speaking, these formulas beyond human thinking and perspective The result will not be a result that humans can bear. Once it acts on the person, I want to know that either the person collapses itself or the person is transformed into something non-human.

"No, this is a human thing. We are trying to understand. When we can understand it, it is our thing." The companion heard the moaning of no one and said to him seriously: "We should not limit our eyes. In the past known things, because it turns out that those things can not solve our problems. We should not be deterred by these unknown things, because sooner or later we will be able to unravel the mystery among them. At least it is the commission of the color center, which also uses many formulas provided by the color center, we must admit that the color center gives something that seems to exceed the height that humans can reach in the past, but this does not mean We ca n’t keep up with her footsteps. She is also a patient with doomsday syndrome. It ’s no different from ours. She just walks faster than us, but we have to catch up. ”

"No, no, don't you understand? These items are not for humans." The more research you do, the paler your face will be. He felt as if some kind of invisible tentacles got into his head and stirred his brain.

"You don't understand, don't be a husband!" The companion's voice was more severe, "If we stubbornly have everything humans have in the past, we can't overcome the" virus ". If we can't understand these strange situations at present, we can't solve these. The big trouble that has spread to the whole world! Science is originally a world view and methodology based on cognition and understanding. If you cannot observe, understand, or understand, the progress of science cannot be mentioned. Therefore, we must go from the basic level. Expand our own observation ability, cognitive ability and understanding ability-do you understand what is the basic level? "He knocked his head hard and said aloud:" It is these basic material frameworks that provide thinking ability and imagination! "

"So, a part of the project here is to get us out of the original basic material structure of human beings?" It's hard to understand it, but it's hard to accept it. No, rather, he feels that this is not what humans should do at all. select. He knows that there are many science fiction works that have designed such plots to make humans surpass their own carbon-based structures and even exceed their own quantum structures. However, the endings of these science fiction works all end in tragedy. In addition to expressing human-oriented human-oriented plots, there are also people's longing and pessimism towards non-humans. However, if you take a closer look at this pessimism, these ideas and emotions are not unreasonable. It is human beings themselves. Arbitrary warning.

Why do people warn themselves? In addition to subjective factors making trouble, there is absolutely no lack of objective factors.

However, now, in front of him, these companions are ignoring the supervisors and objective warnings, and practicing these plots that only appeared in science fiction works with an eager attitude.

It ’s obvious that these companions are crazy, but, obviously, the companions think that it ’s too narrow and limited to confess to themselves-philosophical thinking in science fiction is on the line.

Not being a husband is not sure that what you think is correct, but he feels that what these companions are doing is definitely not correct. Because these formulas that they follow have already cut the science of man, not the development of succession. It is to look at the problem from a completely different angle, not to treat it inclusively. If human science is limited to humans and is full of limitations, aren't the foundations of these projects now limited? If it is sufficiently inclusive, then human science should be included, not the fragmentation that is now present.

Even, without being a skeptic, do you really understand these weird formulas if you are the same person who has not become a monster? Do you really understand what you are doing? Or, are they just following some kind of motivation and tendency that they don't understand, and pushing forward the progress of these projects? If this is the case, it is essentially different from the argument of the companion around me that "expand the world view and methodology".

Do not be a husband staring at these people, trying to find the slightest fanatical, irrational performance from their faces, even a little emotion in the eyes. However, he was disappointed, he couldn't find it at all, these people all seemed so calm, calm, sullen, immersed in the question and meditated, full of a kind of deadly aftermath.

They are all like heroes trying to save the world.

"No husband, I know you have just arrived, and you don't understand our current project, so you have those stubborn ideas. This is a stage that every researcher must go through when our research results are overturned ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ When the theory of our arm is terminated, we will produce the same emotions as you. There are many similar examples in modern times and in the past. We stick to our original ideas and resist new ones , Think that your inherent ideas are correct, but facts will prove that we always want to develop. "The companion's face sincerely comforted:" You don't need to participate in the research immediately, but I hope you can think more about it, more Look, if you are still devoted to science, you will certainly understand our need to promote these projects. "

"... I will." Fu Zuofu no longer wants to persuade his companions anymore, because he feels that each other's thinking is basically on two parallel lines. What he meant was that the other party couldn't grasp it, and the other party's consolation could not even speak of his contradiction. When ideas are transformed into language, and then from language into ideas, how many mistakes will be generated in this process, and it has already been realized by not being a husband.

So far, he didn't know what he could do, and he felt a deep helplessness. After being silent for a moment, he asked: "Can I see the color center?" Since most of these projects are proposed by the color center, then the source of the non-human side is naturally the color center. He wanted to know what the color center now looks like.

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