Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 2171: Creepy giant

The negative perception of subjective consciousness and individual existence is rampant in the thinking of the prosthetic body Gaochuan. The scene observed by the extraordinary perspective is as deep-rooted as a nightmare, and the straw that sustains self-knowledge is only lingering. In this way, the prosthetic body Gao Chuan still squeezes out the intellect from the extremely chaotic thinking. He just felt like a high fever patient who would fall into a coma at any time. Obviously there was a huge amount of heat accumulated in the inside, but he still felt weak. Although he felt weak, he observed that his thoughts turned around and brought to the surroundings. The sharpness of the image of the image definitely exceeds the limit of manpower.

Time, space, phenomena ... All things that are happening and seemingly exist for a long time have become fragmented. Although it is impossible to describe in detail how fragmented it is, it is by no means what it is in human cognition. At first, I felt that I was imprisoned in the small outline of “prostitute,” but the more obscure the consciousness, the more I could feel the magnification of my own existence. Like porcelain that is full of cracks, it overflows from the gap itself, the speed is getting faster and faster, and the number is getting larger and larger. The solid substance that used to be the self that humans can feel has acquired a terrible fluidity.

The self-existence is flowing like a liquid. Occasionally, I suddenly wake up from the muddy nightmare. When I think back to the reality of the hospital, I can't help but think: does this self existing in the illusion of doomsday become LCL? Then, when there is no confirmed answer, he has once again fallen into a hazy consciousness.

The prosthesis Gaochuan's experience of himself and the outside world alternates in this short sobriety and great turmoil. He couldn't tell what position he was in. What he realized during his short wakefulness lost most of it after a while. Even when he is occasionally sober, he can't completely dominate his thinking. He just wants to dry himself out. From the constantly divergent thinking, he desperately said to himself: I am Gao Chuan.

I am Gao Chuan, if I am not Gao Chuan, then I will no longer be anything else-the prosthetic Gao Chuan can feel the fear that is not part of human cognition no matter when he is sober or muddled. He resisted the change of "I am no longer myself", even if he understood that it was only subjectively narrow.

How he should become, what he will become, all kinds of problems like this appear to be unreal in a struggle that makes him feel foolish and narrow. The prosthetic body Gao Chuan couldn't stop himself from feeling the swollen flowing feeling, he soon further felt that the self had been filled in this spherical core, filling the abyss that existed in the surroundings that could not be seen at a glance, drowning twelve The Tenjinsha system swallows all the coffin containers on the inner wall of the core into the body of this liquid flowing self.

He turned into a lake, into an ocean, and even Sanxian Island could not accommodate it. The huge pressure burst from it pushed out the cracks, and then the sense of self-existence flowed out of these cracks.

The prosthesis, the globular core, and the body of Sanxiandao are all like sieves full of holes everywhere.

However, it is this overflow and expansion of the sense of self-existence that gives the prostitute Gao Chuan a sense of liberation that makes him feel fear and longing. When it flows out of Sanxian Island, this sense of liberation becomes stronger. It's like everything that exists in the surrounding environment has become its own carrier and a part of its composition. The ego is huge, and any externally limited things are small compared to this huge ego. His own weakness is also stronger than these small things.

Prostitute Gao Chuan doesn't know how he moves, but he does move. And this "self" is not just the righteous body, not just Sanxian Island itself, but all the places that are saturated with the self's sense of existence. He couldn't judge, or, at all, he didn't have too strong a consciousness to know "it is where he is." However, he felt that he was moving as a huge existence and he was very close to him.

Weak and powerful, narrow and huge, and contradictory feelings are being unified in a new way.

Sanxiandao has not been able to tell whether it is a factual physical or non-physical phenomenon, but it does seem to be driven by a sometimes sober and sometimes muddled consciousness. The impact of Sanxian Island itself is still expanding. It makes people feel that the volume of Sanxian Island is constantly expanding. The unusual ancient scenery is like a living life, creeping along a certain direction, growing while creeping. All places passed by it will become part of it.

This giant monster quickly turned into a super giant monster. The area of ​​the ruling bureau that originally belonged to the Nazi soldiers and security guards battlefield was alienated because it was too huge. If it was in it, it would not be clear What is the overall shape. Everything that once existed in this area is becoming a part of the internal structure of this huge monster-it is extremely high temperature, it is a violent storm and rays, it is also a flowing magma and erupting volcano, it is lethal Toxic substances, but at the same time, even fever will appear in various abnormal life that cannot be described in human language, and no reference object can be found at all.

These environments that can be dead at any time, and monsters that are different from ordinary people's cognition, constitute a chaotic ecosystem. From this seemingly closed, actually eroding the normal environment, anything and phenomena generated in the growing and expanding ecosphere have a terrible destructive power and erosiveness to all living and non-living substances that survive in the normal environment. No living body known to mankind can survive in this extremely abnormal environment.

The Sanxian Island monster, which cannot be measured with normal cognition, just wriggled like this, swallowing nothing material along the way. This Sanxian Island monster follows a chaotic behavior mechanism most of the time, just like instinctive activities, but occasionally, the prosthetic body Gaochuan will also wake up. At this time, his subjective cognition of self , Has become the subjective perception of this monster.

Therefore, although from time to time, they will fall into chaos, but in general, Sanxian Island monsters are still heading towards the place where the prostitute Takakawa wants to go.

The prostitute Gao Chuan has no time to think about the result of the battle with the deviant boy Gao Chuan. From an extreme point of view, since I am still alive and since the entire Sanxian Island has not been destroyed, then in the battle that I cannot observe and recognize, I am definitely not a loser. As for whether the blameworthy teenager Gao Chuan has died, or where he has gone, it is no longer a matter of separation of energy and concern.

Prostitute Gao Chuan does not want to think, but the more pain he thinks, the more despair and madness he feels.

Now, he just wants to wriggle in front of his goal all the time, and crush the goal when he has not completely collapsed-at least, although he feels that he is a "weak" state, he is actually aware of the phenomena around him. The influence is so powerful, far more powerful than he once had. Even let him feel that even in the face of the final weapon of the doomsday truth, he can easily kill one hundred. Is the repeater an opponent? It may not be anymore. Originally Sanxian Island was already theoretically able to contend with the existence of repeaters, and now this abnormal Sanxian Island, this abnormal self, is completely beyond the existence of Sanxian Island.

In other words, since now is the time when I am on the verge of collapse and my personality is annihilated, and when I am unprecedentedly powerful, shouldn't I take this opportunity to do things that I felt powerless to do in the past? While the final reason has not been slacked off, we will kill all the goals: either the Nazis or the Doomsday Truth, no matter how many backhands and backgrounds they have prepared, what kind of plans they have, how powerful they were; or, For all the rebels, what kind of huge organization these enemies are and how unmatched they can only fall into their traps, so they can only accept failures again and again, and they have to rack their brains and cannot confirm. You will get the ultimate victory-all these strong and weak, passive and active, at this moment Sanxian Island and yourself, will be destroyed. If we can take a step back 10,000 steps, even if we can't destroy them all, we can definitely weaken these enemies to an unprecedented level.

This is how the prosthetic body Gaochuan felt. He was so painful, but, the more painful, the more he could feel his own strength-and, he continued to become stronger, stronger, stronger ...

Creep, creep from the material level, creep from the conscious level. There is no boundary between physical and non-physical properties in front of Sanxian Island monsters. The magnitude of the information is not decisive. The transcendent perspective is observing all existence as a link in a grand state of movement. They are all integrated in this grand movement-all distinguishing the nature of things, all the subjectively added meanings, are just a form of expression of these kinds of movements. Forcibly distinguishing them makes no sense at all.

When the prosthetic body Gaochuan is sober, he can't help but think: the reason why human beings distinguish things is precisely because of their own limitations. They can't observe and recognize the whole at once, but can only intercept one by one to analyze. After recognizing to a certain degree, we then stitch these fragments together with the recognition of these fragments, and what is ultimately needed is still a holistic recognition. Otherwise, why would humans pursue the so-called "great unification theory"? Why would you want to connect all the theoretical systems including quantum theory?

Now the Sanxian Island monster's perspective is a grand overall perspective, and there is no need to break it down into pieces.

During the wriggling movement, the scenery has been twisted to the point where the prosthetic body Gaochuan cannot fully recognize what it is, but he feels that when he falls into that chaotic and muddy state, he actually knows what it is instinctively. . Although it is inconsistent with the cognition from the human perspective, the cognition of things from the human perspective is one-sidedly wrong. Those instinctively known in that chaotic and muddled state are more complete and comprehensive. It is closer to the truth.

If we say that everything we are facing today is influenced by the deviation ritual of the torch light, then let the result of the deviation be the one that needs you most. At least, what this "deviation" gives me is a twisted but powerful force that is strong enough to defeat any enemy he has seen.

When I was awake, I couldn't figure out the direction at all, because all the reference objects were so distorted, and no one could be related to human common sense. However, in a state of chaos and turmoil, it must be towards my heart. Let's move forward to the goal we most want to see.

It is because there is less time when I am sober ~ ~ There are more times of confusion and muddiness, and the less part is still decreasing, the more part is still increasing, so it is absolutely impossible to get lost in this abnormal scenery.

Creeping, creeping, is not desperate, and there is no stay. It is just the most common kind of movement, just like the radiation will reach the penetration of the universe, just like the light emitted from the stars, just like the trajectory of the stars.

Then, once again sober, the prosthetic body Gaochuan "sees" a clear outline. The prosthetic body Gao Chuan no longer cares what organ he uses to "see" it. He knows that he has no such organ at all. The so-called "look" and "feel", as well as the distinction between other cognitive sensuality, are nothing but manifestations of human limitations. All cognitions of external things are integrated in the same kind of feedback. Even the prosthetic body Gaochuan doesn't know whether he should call it "cognition".

It is very likely that the self existing in the form of such a Sanxian Island monster may not even have such behavior as "cognition". It is precisely because I am awake temporarily that "cognition" occurs, but this is because when I am awake, I am still full of the limitations of "human". Perhaps, only in a narrow box like "human beings" would you need the "cognitive" behavior. Once you break through this box and enlarge yourself to a certain limit, just like you are now, you no longer need it. You can also know by "cognition".

Seizing the self in “humanity” —whether it is a human concept or a body—is like a frog that has always been hidden in a well.

Ah, when did you start to think this way when you were awake?

The prostitute Gao Chuan felt more and more that the self-existence had completely changed, and the collapse of Gao Chuan's personality had become faster and faster.