Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 2230: There is hope

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Witch vv is finally free from the siege of Sanxian Island. Temporary hedges within the range of Val Pugetz night returned to normal and collected the “garbage” generated when the massive mass of Sanxian Island collapsed. However, her speed is still not as fast as the deviation ritual distorts and erodes everything within the scope of the ruling bureau, and Sanxian Island, which has also recovered from the state of riot, is unable to compete with the distortion force of the deviation ritual.

Every time you breathe, thousands of **** fragments are re-distorted into the huge asymmetrical biological tissue-like mechanism. The **** was originally the area of ​​the ruling burial swallowed by Sanxian Island, not one or two, or more than two or three. Each area is so large that after being distorted by the deviation ritual again, it gives people a feeling that "the area of ​​the ruling bureau has finally reappeared."

But in fact, it is not so. These areas of the ruling bureau are long gone. What is left now is just a pile of "dung".

The "feces" that can't be seen at a glance still have great value, and the witch vv can be used, but once they are distorted by the force of deviation, the cost performance will decrease. However, even within a few tens of seconds, the witch vv re-expanded the range of the Valpus night that he had been cut to resist the violent erosion of Sanxian Island to a dozen times its original state. It is almost equivalent to the area of ​​a ruling bureau, but this growth rate is still inferior to the twisting speed of deviation rituals.

The light of the coverage area of ​​the deviation ritual, the great distortion of the power, is simply doubtful. What is the final deviation completed by the light of the torch? It should have a specific source of power, but use logic. To think about it, if the speed and degree of distortion caused by deviation rituals are now proportional to the source of power, how terrible is that source of power.

Even the night of Valpuss, which covers an area of ​​the ruling bureau, in front of this hypothetical source is no different from the contrast between a galaxy and one of the stars. The once-running Sanxian Island, which was able to counteract this twisting phenomenon, devour it, and be part of its own structure, undoubtedly reflects the strength of its ultimate strength and the height of its mystery. These phenomena all mean that Sanxian Island can indeed overcome the source of the deviation ritual in a certain state and in a special environment.

So, was Sanxian Island, originally estimated to be "combatable with repeaters", strong or weak? Compared with the repeater, is the origin of the deviation ritual that acts on the ruins of the ruling bureau strong or weak?

Thinking about this problem in the witch vv's heart, she has a more terrible guess: this kind of contrast blurring may not be due to the ambiguity of the comparison objects, but these comparison objects should not be the objects of comparison at all. Maybe they are the same thing. It is the performance of the same thing on different aspects, and it is part of something. This idea undoubtedly allowed her to quickly connect with the "virus" mentioned by Dorothy, the "monster in the collective subconscious of humanity" that Doomsday Truth was about to call, and the "Jiang" who had killed her.

The Witch vv is pretty sure that everything that is happening today, and the factors that imply existence from these happenings, are all closely related. And this terrible idea I have now is just a step forward in this close connection-no one would want to do it, because that heralds an immutable result-that is, this close The connection is actually not a connection between multiple factors, but a connection between different manifestations of the same factor.

There is no such thing as complex and changeable in nature. There is only one thing.

An inconceivable and incomprehensible behemoth is entrenched in a place that can be seen in the field of vision, and creeps in a place that cannot be seen or conceived. All people and non-humans cannot see its full picture, but only touch a part of it, but regard the part it touches as a common-sense thing-this is the most basic error, But it is also the most basic hope.

This idea was deeply rooted in her mind when the witch vv thought about it, and she couldn't get rid of it anyway. She can only pray that she is wrong, otherwise, she will not see any hope, everything will decay step by step. The witch vv did not tell anyone about her thoughts. She has realized the source of her despair and fear. She does not want her pessimistic thoughts to affect those who may save people and themselves.

Especially the Takagawa, a prosthetic body now living inside Sanxian Island. Even according to her idea, the prosthetic body Gaochuan seems promising, but in fact it has already been trapped. This trap is "Sanxian Island" itself. Moreover, no matter which side of the repeater, even the so-called "deviation" of the torch light is just a trap.

Human and non-human things seem to be manipulating these things, but they are actually controlled by traps to complete a certain task. They, they, stay in the repeater, chase after the repeater, perform various rituals, they seem to be struggling, but they are actually in a ignorance and become part of a huge mechanism.

They, they, in the end of the process of operation, their behavior itself is a terrible ritual.

"Are you ...?" Sanxian Island finally connected to the constant communication from the witch vv. The voice of the prostitute Gaochuan was full of doubts, because what he saw through Sanxian Island was not a specific friend, but A chaotic data stream, the image it forms does not have a specific outline, but only a rough range: he recognized it almost instantly, this is the night of Valpus.

However, he is not familiar with this Valpuss night. There is no such character in the data characteristics stored in Sanxian Island. But on the other hand, it was indeed the other party who saved himself.

"It's me, the witch of the new century gospel vv."

The prostitute Gaochuan is certainly not strange to the witch vv. Although the other party and the organization of the New Century Gospel were once part of the doomsday truth religion, in practical work, nog and the United Nations have had in-depth exchanges and cooperation with them. Those things done in private have been secrets that could not be disclosed in the past, but now, there is no need to keep them secret.

Because, the witch vv and the new century gospel have been annihilated-originally this is the case, but the witch vv has appeared again. The prostitute Gao Chuan is inevitably a bit suspicious. Personally, although he hates Doomsday Truth, more emotions are directed at the part of the Doomsday Truth under the leadership of the Mar Jones family, and the ambitious and extremely cruel Nazis They, on the contrary, did not have much disgust towards the witch vv and the new century gospel under her leadership.

In his view, the rationality and common sense of the witch vv, but the strongest among the three giants of doomsday truth, is also the most human faction. Unfortunately, the doomsday truth is not dominated by witch vv, otherwise, Marne believes, This is never the case. Even the fundamental principle that Father Sisen insisted on could not win them over "human expression".

Even so, it was the witch vv that came to the rescue, not the London repeater, which still gave the prostitute Gao Chuan an unknown hunch.

"It was Dorothy who asked me to come." The witch vv knew very well what the prostitute Takakawa would think, because, in exchange, she would also think so. However, as the conscious life of the data hedging space, the exchange of data is not convenient.

Sanxian Island detected that the characteristics of the Valpus Night were extending to itself, but it was not an all-round coverage, but like an invisible tentacle. The prostitute Gao Chuan immediately understood what the witch vv wanted to do. After confirming that the information firewall of Sanxian Island had returned to normal operation, he confirmed this more direct data exchange.

After inserting the open interface of Sanxian Island, the "tentacles" of Valpus Night immediately formed an easy-to-understand image in the mind of the prosthetic body Gaochuan-a huge data pipeline that penetrates the information The estrangement from matter is connected to the many pipelines that are currently plugged into him in a way just like "imagination". Of course, this is not physical or even physical. Although this connection is actually effective, the specific situation is more complicated. What the prosthetic body Gaochuan "sees" at this time is more like a simplified imagination that only exists in his mind.

In less than one tenth of a second, about the status of the London Repeater, Dorothy and London Repeater, the Universe Joint Experimental Fleet, "Sha" and today's Valpus Night, and everyone The situation is passed to Sanxian Island in a ruthless and inorganic way. After layers of filtering and assembly, and then input into the prosthetic body, a three-dimensional and complex model is constructed in Gaochuan's cognition.

This made the prostitute Gao Chuan quickly understand the current situation. I have to say that these changes surprised him. For example, he never thought that Dorothy would part ways with the London repeater, nor did he think that Jin Jiang had done so many things, nor had he ever thought that the war situation had already gone. At this point of corruption-but there is still hope, whether Dorothy or Omi, obviously have their own ideas, and their ideas are also driving the situation. This state of war is not the same. Unexpectedly for everyone.

It's just that it came too fast. It's much faster than expected, it's like it's constantly accelerating towards a certain result, unless someone can use their long-hidden killer skills to destroy this in one fell swoop when they reach the end, or when they reach the core of the decisive event. The core, otherwise, only the ending that was completely engulfed by this vortex.

This is a danger, but also an opportunity. The prosthetic body Gao Chuan believes that he must believe in Dorothy and Omi – because their plans have been gradually revealed if they fail. Well, he still has a hole card. No, it should be said that he is going to prepare this hole card now.

The prosthetic body Gaochuan has been following the plan of Dorothy and the system of color, and perhaps also in the plan of Omi, but he is not a tool without thinking, but just chooses to follow the mission he was given when he was born. However, trusting each other and following the mission does not mean that you are not thinking about anything.

Once you start thinking, there must be some backup plans. Even if these backup plans are more risky in the eyes of others.

Prostitute Gao Chuan did not hesitate for a long time, probably not even half a second, and he understood what he should do. Everyone's plan has gradually surfaced, leaving only his own plan, lacking the necessary conditions-young Gaochuan.

Because his plan is based on the "Super Takagawa Plan" that has been executed and the "Junior Takakawa Plan" that he has guessed. Bining said that whether his plan will be implemented, and the results of the implementation, will ultimately determine how "super Gaochuan" exists.

The alienated boy Gao Chuan has broken away from everyone's observation, and his direction of action has become unpredictable. However, according to the idea of ​​the prostitute Gao Chuan, he is most likely to go to places where only the most intertwined factors come together. -Now it is the center of this vast battlefield.

On the contrary, the alienated teenager Gao Chuan will sneak into the collective subconscious world of human beings, and has a low chance of fighting head-to-head with the doomsday truth relay.

Wu Ning said that the righteous body Gaochuan felt that the alienated young Gaochuan would probably become like a "final weapon" and thus merge with other final weapons of the Doctrine of Truth-its essence is Gaochuan and "Jiang". Fusion is a manifestation of homogeneity.

Are those "final weapons" just "jiang" one by one?

"If it really becomes like that, it will be a headache." Witch vv was embarrassed after learning that the prostitute Gao Chuan's inference about the alienated boy Gao Chuan, she was very clear about the strength of the "final weapon", although They may not be as strong as the "Zhenjiang" that killed her one by one ~ ~ but the quantity makes up for the intensity. The "final weapon" of the Doomsday Religion is not one or two, the number has been ranked to 999, even if there is an empty number, the number must be at least two digits.

"We have to get the young Gaochuan out of alienation." Gao Chuan, the prostitute, said, before him, the newly constructed pipeline was holding up a small chip. This is an important prop to awaken the witch vv and awaken himself. It is said that it was designed by Omi, and it integrates the experiment of the spiritual integration device and the personality preservation device. Although it is still intact in appearance after two actions, the prosthetic body Gaochuan can feel that this chip is in a state of inertia-its internal storage information has been completely emptied.

Even so, it is still a hope to wake up the young Gaochuan. What the prosperity body Gaochuan has to do is to refine and instill his own spiritual personality information. Prostitute Gaochuan is not to let this information erode to suppress the young Gaochuan. He does not feel that his own information can achieve this level. He just hopes that the essence of himself as "Gaochuan" can be the same as the young Gaochuan. The essence of Gaochuan resonates.

He does n’t think that the essence of Gaochuan ’s constant despair and madness will be so easily and completely eroded in such a short time-if it is really so fragile, then, whether it is Tao Le Silk's plan, or his own plan, or the more dangerous plan of young Gaochuan, is absolutely a joke.